Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia

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Period 1
1. Background about the topic of this module
2. Introduction
I Talking about the topic of this module
The topic of this module is “environmental conservation”(环境保护).This module mainly introduces sth about the sandstorms in Asia, especially in China. At the same time, it brings in some words about sandstorms and environmental conservation.
What is a sandstorm? A sandstorm, a kind of disastrous [di΄zα:strəs](灾难性的)weather system, is a combination of sand and strong wind.
What on earth causes sandstorms? In my opinion, severe sandstorms are usually caused by both natural and contrived[kən΄traivd](人为的)factors, that is, climatic, geographical, social and human factors. Of all the factors, the overuse of natural resources, such as cutting down too many trees and opening up too much untouched land, leads to the frequent occurrence of sandstorms.
Where does a sandstorm usually go? As mentioned above, disastrous as it is, a sandstorm does not go everywhere, coming to only those places with dry weather and little vegetation.(植物的总称).Take China for example, in the northwest of our country, where there is little forest, sandstorms are worsened with(因为---而恶化)people’s activities like digging up grass and mining(采矿).Bare land easily gives away its land when strong winds come, interaction of sand and wind forming a sandstorm..
And what damage will sandstorms usually cause? In a word, a lot of damage. Sandstorms can kill people and animals, put down buildings and cause poor harvests. What’s more, they can pollute the atmosphere and blow away top soil.
As a senior student, what should we do to prevent sandstorms? Here are some valuable suggestions: ①Control air and water pollution;②Build green fences along the desert;③Forecast sandstorm’s real time to prevent disaster;④All countries should join hands to propose a master plan in sandstorm s control and prevention.
Ⅱ Dealing with Introduction
Introduction is the warming up of this module. This part mainly introduces some words related to sandstorms. We’ll learn it by finishing the following 3 activities.
Activity 1 (at P31)
1. Ask the Ss to look at the picture and ask “What happens?” The Ss will give their possible answers like this: There is a terrible sandstorm. Some cars are almost buried. That is, they are almost covered with sand.
2. Then ask the Ss to complete the sentences using the correct form of each of these words in the box..
3. Explain some words:
1) frighten: (vt)“使害怕”、“使(人)感到恐惧”
eg: The storm frightens the baby.(暴风雨使那个婴儿受惊吓)
He looked frightened as he spoke.(他说话时显得非常恐惧)
Nuclear war is very frightening.(核战争是非常恐怖的)
2) last: (vi) “持续”、“持久”、“足够维持”, 后面常接一端的时间状语,且状语前可带或不带for.
eg: The war lasted (for) 5 years.(战争持续了5年)
How long do you think the fine weather will last?(你认为这样的好天气会持续多久呢?)
We have enough food to last a week.(我们的食物足够维持一个星期)
⑴last: (adj)“最后的”、“过去的”
eg: Saturday is the last day of a week.(星期六是一周的最后一天)
Great changes have taken place in China in the last ten years.(在过去10年里中国发生了很大变化)
(2)last: (n)“最后的人或事物”
eg: These are the last of our books.(我们就剩下这些书了)
Activity 2 (at P31)
1. Read out the words and ask the Ss to repeat them after you.
2. Then ask the Ss to work in pairs to decide which of the following states is false.
3. Explain the word “sign”.
eg: Haven’t you seen the sign “No parking”?(你没有看到牌子上写着“不许停车”吗?)
Shaking heads is a sign of disagreement.(摇头是表示不同意的动作)
eg: Very often dark clouds are a sign of rain.(乌云常常是下雨的征兆)
Scientists have found no signs of life on Mars[mα:z](火星) so far.
eg: He signed his name on the book.(他在那本书上签上了他的名字)
Lu Dehua has signed with the television station to act in the new movie.(刘德华已经和那家电视台签约在新剧中出影)
eg: He signed me to be quiet.(他示意要我安静)
The policeman signed for them to stop.(警察作手势要他们停下来)
Activity 3 (at P31)
1. Ask the Ss to choose one discussion question which interests them most, then ask them to discuss it in groups.
2. Give the Ss some requirements on how to discuss as follows:
①Each member in the group is supposed to speak.
②Support your idea with proper reasons
③Write down key words and sentences.
Discuss the rest of the questions of Activity 3 at Page 31 after class.
Periods 2~3
1. Reading and Vocabulary
2. Cultural Corner
The fist period of the reading teaching
Ⅰ. Lead-into
The teacher can lead the Ss into the topic of the text by talking about the weather as follows:
T: What’s the weather like today?
S: It’s sunny(or: rainy/windy---)
T: Is the weather nice or bad?
S: (Suppose today’s weather is sunny. The Ss will answer like this.) Very nice.
T: En, nice, very nice. But the weather is not always nice, sometimes there is a lot of bad or even terrible weather. We can call the bad or even terrible weather “natural disaster”. Do you know “disaster”?
S: Yes, we do. It means “灾害”in Chinese.
T: Good. Can you speak out the names of some disastrous [di΄zα:strəs](灾难性的)weather in the last module—Module 3 The Violence of Nature?
S: Yes. Such as flood, hurricane, lightning and tornado.
T: Oh, it’s wonderful! And in this module—Module 4, we’ll continue to learn about another disastrous weather named sandstorms. Let’s go!
Ⅱ. Open discussion before reading
The teacher can design a discussion question like this:
Have you ever been in a sandstorm? / Have you ever experienced a sandstorm? If yes, describe it to us. If not, please imagine what it will be like.
Ⅲ. Show the Ss some pictures below to ask them to recognize which one refers to sandstorms. And say why.
Ⅳ. Fast reading
This teaching step can be designed as follows:
1.T: If we want to learn more about sandstorms. Let’s get close to them. Now please read the text quickly with the tape of it and try to find out the answers to the following 3 questions:
1) What’s a sandstorm?
(A possible key: Sandstorms are strong, dry winds that carry sand)
2) Where in the world are the main four sandstorm places/areas? And how about in China?
(A possible key: Central Asia, North America, Central Asia & Australia. Northwest China)
3) What’s the weather experts’ advice when a sandstorm comes?
(A possible key: They advise us not to go out. If we have to , we’d better wear a mask.)
2.In order to help the Ss (to) read the text better, the teacher can ask the Ss to finish Activity 2 at Page 33.
Ⅴ. Careful reading
T: This time you should read the text very carefully. Then finish the following 3 activities designed by myself
Activity 1
Directions: Decide if the following statements are true( T ) or false( F ).
⑴Scientists have tried many ways to deal with sandstorms. ( T )
⑵Land becomes desert only because people cut down trees and dig up grass. ( F )
⑶The Chinese Central West Station can not forecast sandstorm before it comes. ( F )
⑷Our government has planed more than 30 billion trees and plants to continue planting for the next 5 years. ( T )
Activity 2
Directions: Ask the Ss to choose the correct answer by the context(上下文)of this text.
⑴Sand dunes mean ________
(a) plants growing in sand (b) sand hills
⑵strength is the noun of _________
(a) strong (b) strange
⑶If you want to wear a mask, you should wear it over your _________
(a) face (b) body
Activity 3
Directions: Fill in the blanks according to what you read. The first letter is provided for you.
Sandstorms have been a major disaster for many Asian countries for centuries. Northwest China is part of the sandstorm center in Central Asia. Sandstorms begin in desert areas. This is a process that happens when land becomes desert because of climate changes and because people cut down trees and dig up grass. It was frightening to be outside in a sandstorm. I was in a very big sandstorm some years ago. Luckily, everyone survived.
Ⅺ. Further discussion.
Sandstorms brings us not only “sand” but also-----?
(traffic environment health travel )
How to make our earth more beautiful?
The second period of the reading teaching
I Focus on the main language problems in the text of this module
1.辨析solve / settle : (v.)
⑴ solve作v,主要有以下两个用法:
eg: With the help of my friends, I finally solved the problem.(在朋友的帮助下,我最终把那道题解答出来了)
He tried to solve a crossword puzzle.(他试图去把那个纵横字谜猜出来)
eg: Helped me to solve my financial troubles. (他帮我解决经济困难)
⑵ settle作v,主要有以下几个用法:
eg: It’s time for you to settle your dispute(争论)with him.
We have settled that we will leave next week.(我们已经安排好下星期走)
eg: I’m going to settle in Hangzhou in the future.
eg: The bird settled on a branch (那只鸟落在树枝上了)
eg: The pill will help to settle your nerves. (这药丸有助于让你的神经放松)
2.辨析so----that----- / such-----that------
⑴so + adj + a/an + 单数可数名词+that + --------
⑵such + a/an + adj +单数可数名词+that + --------
eg: It is so fine a day that we all want to go out for a walk.
It is such a fine day that we all want to go out for a walk.
⑴so + adj / adv + that + --------
⑵such + adj + n +that + --------
eg: This book is so interesting that we all enjoy it (adj)
He ran so fast that we couldn’t catch up with him. (adv)
You are such good students that all the teachers like you. (可数名词复数)
He gave me such bad advice that I refused him. (不可数名词)
当情况㈡中⑵such + adj + n +that + --------结构中的n前的adj为表示数量的adj时,此结构中的such应改用so. 如:so many / few students that---; so much / little money/time that-----
但要注意当little作“小的”含义讲时,仍用such. 如:They are such little boys that we all like them.(他们是如此小的孩子,以致于我们大家很喜欢) caught in-----“遭遇------”、“被围困于-------”
eg: I was caught in a heavy rain yesterday.(我昨天遭大鱼淋了)
They were caught in a hole on the hill.(他们被围困在一个小山洞里)
4.辨析cut down / cut up / cut off
⑴cut down主要用法如下:
①“砍倒” eg: cut down a tree
②“缩短或删减(某物)” eg: This coat is too large on Mary, so her mother had to cut it down..
⑵cut up“切碎”、“煎碎” eg: cut up vegetables.(把蔬菜切碎)
⑶cut off (常用于被动语态) 主要用法如下:
①“切断电话线路”、“使某人通话中断” eg: We were cut off in the middle of our conversation
②“停止向某人供应某物” eg: If you don’t pay your gas bill soon you may be cut off
③“切断某人/某物的去路”、“使某人/某物与外界隔绝” eg: an army cut off from its base.(一支与基地失去联系的军队)
5.cover: (v)主要用法如下:
eg: The mother covered the baby with a blanket (那位母亲用毛毯子盖着她的孩子)
Snow covered the ground.(积雪覆盖了大地)
eg: We’ll send a reporter to cover the event.
eg: The Red Army covered 25,000 li on the Long March.(红军在长征中走了两万五千里)
Ningjin City covers an area of 9 square kilometers.(宁津城区覆盖了9平方公里的面积)
eg: His report covered all aspects of the problem.(他的报告涉及到问题的方方面面)
6.“为了防止 / 阻止--------干----------”可以用以下几种结构表达:
⑴prevent------(from) doing-------;
⑵stop------(from) doing-------;
⑶keep------from doing-------; 但结构⑶中的介词from不可以省略,因为省略后是另外的意思。
eg: “大雨阻止了我们按时抵达那儿”可作如下翻译均正确:
The heavy rain prevented / stopped them (from) getting there on time. 或 The heavy rain kept them from getting there on time.
但:Sorry to have kept you waiting so long.(对不起,让您久等了)
Ⅱ Deal with Cultural Corner
If time permits, deal with Cultural Corner in class. Otherwise, leave it after class as homework.

Period 4
1. Grammar 1 Infinitive
2. Grammer 2 but + infinitive
My teaching suggestion:Had better have the Ss discover some rules by themselves before explaining to them as follows.
I 动词不定式的时态和语态形式
时 态 主 动 被 动
一般式 to do to be done
进行式 to be doing
完成式 to have done to have been done
1. 动词不定式的一般式:表示与主动词处于同一时间层面或动作发生于主动词之后。
eg: He seems to understand what I said
I hope to visit Paris again.
2. 动词不定式的进行式:表示与主动词同时发生且动作正在进行。
eg: The two cheats pretented to be working hard.
3. 动词不定式的完成式:表示不定式动作发生于主动词之前。
eg: She seems to have seen this film.
He happened to have gone out when I went to see him
4. 动词不定式的被动式:表示与逻辑主语之间的被动关系。
eg: The meeting to be held tomorrow is about how to stop the pollution.
I want to have been told the news earlier.
Ⅱ 复习并拓展动词不定式的句法功能
1. 动词不定式作主语, eg:
To teach you English is my job.(可用it作形式主语替换它,为:It’s my job to teach you English).
2. 动词不定式作表语, eg:
My job is to teach you English.
[Notes]: 当作表语的不定式用来解释主语中do的意义时,to可以省略,如:All I did was (to) give you some advice.
3. 动词不定式作宾语, eg:
I hope to go home as quickly as possible.
She promised to give him a chance.
[Notes]:英语中有些介词,如but、except之后可以接动词不定式作宾语,但要注意句子中的主动词是do时,动词不定式要省去to,否则就必须带to. 如下列句子所示:He does nothing but play all day. // There was nothing left to do but drop herself onto the bed and weep. 而 I have no choice but to lie down and sleep.// At the news she didn’t say anything but to cry.
4. 动词不定式作宾语补足语
I ask you to pay attention to your handwriting.
⑴根据表达需要可在不定式前加上how ,when, where ,what 等疑问词。
Please tell me how to do the experiment .
No one tell him when to go back home .
⑵在感观动词see, hear, watch, notice, feel等和使役动词let, make, have等后要省略不定式符号to;在help后可加可不加;而在使役动词get后必须带to。
I never saw him wear black glasses.
Don’t make your child stay in the house all day.
Can you help me (to) carry this heavy box?
I couldn’t get the car to start.
He was never seen to wear black glasses.
Her child was made to stay in the house all day.
She was heard practicing singing a song / playing the piano yesterday .
5. 动词不定式作定语
She was the first girl to work out the problem . (主谓关系)
I’ve an important meeting to attend . (动宾关系)
He keeps his promise to marry her in the future . (同位关系)
[Notes]当作定语的不定式与前面的名词在逻辑上为动宾关系时,若动词是不及物动词,后面应加上相应的介词。He hired a room to live in when he was in the USA.
但如果被不定式修饰的名词为place, time, way时,不定式后面的介词习惯上可以省去。
The old man is looking for a quiet place to live.
6. 动词不定式作目的状语
I got up very early this morning to / in order to / so as to catch the early bus.
⑴ 不定式作目的状语时,可以用in order to / so as to来代替to,强语气,但so as to能置于句首。
⑵ 表示目的时,否定式为in order not to和so as not to,而不能说not to.
I got up very early this morning in order not to / so as not to miss the early bus (但不能说not to miss the early bus)
7. 动词不定式作结果状语
He was too excited to say anything.
My brother is old enough to go to school / to join the army.
I hurried to the station, only to see that the train had left.
Ⅲ 不定式的复合结构
辨析:⑴ It is + adj.+ of sb + to do sth.;// ⑵It is + adj.+ for sb + to do sth.
差别:以上(1)结构中的adj是用来说明主语的特征的,并作其表语; 而结构(2)中的adj是用来说明句中动词的特征的。
Eg: It’s foolish of you to do such things 可转化为:You’re foolish to do such things.
但:It’s easy for you to learn English well不可以象上边那样转化。
Period 5
1. Listening and Vocabulary
2. Pronunciation and Function
3. Everyday English
All the parts can be taught as a whole Different teachers, different methods.




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