Unit 12 Fact and Fantasy

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science fiction科幻故事 What’s the distance from….to….从…到…的距离是多少?
make a sketch of…画草图 expect to do sth 期待做某事
develop one’s love for sth.对某事产生了爱好或兴趣 make/earn a living 谋生
take sth one step further把….推进一步. lay foundation of ….奠定了….的基础
long before 很久以前 before long 不久以后
set out to do sth. = set about doing sth.出发做某事 in one’s efforts to survive 在某人努力求生时
make an/ every effort to do sth.尽全力做某事 spare no efforts to do sth. 不遗余力做某事
without efforts 毫不费力 turn out (to be)结果是//prove
take sb on board 带某人上船/机 from that day on 从那天开始
take sb on a voyage across the ocean带某人去越洋旅行 give a view of …给人提供一个…的景观
dress sb in….给某人穿…衣服 sb be dressed in某人穿着…衣服
diving suit 潜水服 by the lamps of 在灯光下
ever since自从…起 keep sb as a prisoner// keep sb prisoner囚禁某人
cry about 为…而哭泣 go on an adventure 去冒险
contrary to ….与….正好相反 // on the contrary 相反 sink to the bottom of the sea沉入海底
become a permanent pain in one’s heart成为某人心中永久的痛
be driven by a desire to learn被学习的渴望所推动 look for/ search for/ hunt for 搜寻,寻找
look for a road without having a map自己摸索 dream of doing sth 梦想做某事
throw/ cast light on/ upon 阐明, 给….以说明 pioneer a new way 开创一条新路
unfold sth to sb把某事揭示给某人 the principle of life 生命的原理
the cause of life生命起源 nothing but= only 只有,仅仅
slow down 减速,减慢 eight feet in height/length/width 8尺高/长/宽
result in结果:导致 light the flame of life燃起生命的火花 a lighted candle
burn sth out 燃尽 come into one’s mind想到
make a choice of选择 turn sth upside down起大变化,颠倒, 混乱
have a strong belief in sth对…有坚定的信仰 wash sth up on the shore冲上岸
look down on// upon看不起… be about to do … when
cut off切断 be free from the pull of gravity摆脱地心引力
be proud of sth// to do sth为。。。感到骄傲



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