Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?

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Name Hobby How long (for) Time (past) How long (for)

1). What’s your name?
2). What is your hobby?
3). How long have you been playing basketball?
4). I have been playing basketball for about ten years.
5). How long did you play it yesterday?
6). I played it for about two hours.
Name Hobby How long (for) Time (past) How long (for)
Wang Gang play football for five years yesterday one hour
Li Hong dancing for seven years last Sunday two hours
Zhao Ming swimming for four years last week ten hours
I have been studying dancing for about five years. I danced for about two hours last Saturday. 等。
3.通过打电话对本班的同学作一个采访,询问他 / 她正在做什么?做了多久了?是否打算继续做下去?并请同学们汇报调查结果
1. What are you doing?
2. When did you do it?
3. How long have you been doing it?
4. How long did you do it?
A: What are you doing?
B: We are watching a new movie.
A: How long have you been watching it?
B: We have been watching it for about ten minutes.
4. 同学们,为了丰富你们的课余生活,学校准备组织课外活动小组。在组织活动小组之前,学校要对你们的爱好进行调查,你们有些什么爱好呢?这些爱好从什么时候开始的?到现在持续了多久?
1.The skating marathon has been going for eight hours.
2.I have been collecting kites for seven years.
3.He has been watching English movies since 1998.
4.I have been listening to music videos since I was seven years old.
通过以上例句我们可以看出for后面接的是一个时间段:eight hours和 seven years,而since后面接的是具体的时间点:1998 (1998年)、I was seven years old(我7岁)。
Name Hobby How long
1. I have been doing it since I was ten years old.
2. I have been doing it for six years.
Name Hobby How long
Wu Qing running since I have been running since I was a child.
for I have been running for five years.
Li Qiang collect kites since I have been collecting kites since I was eight.
for I have been collecting kites for about six yeas.
Section B 2a, 2b
2.预习 Section B 3a
附: 听力原文
P47 2a, 2b
Conversation 1
Girl: How long have you been collecting these kites, Bob?
Bob: Since I was ten years old.
Girl: How many do you have?
Bob: Oh, I have about 22 so far.
Girl: Where do you fly them?
Bob: I usually fly them in the park when it’s windy.
Conversation 2
Boy: Wow, Marcia. Are these stuffed animals all yours?
Marcia: Yes, I’ve been collecting them for five years.
Boy: How many do you have?
Marcia: Well, I have about 35.
Boy: Which ones do you like best?
Marcia: I like the panda best – he’s so cute! And I also like the tiger. My mother gave me that one.
Conversation 3
Girl: What do you collect, Liam?
Liam: I collect theater and movie tickets.
Girl: So how long have you been collecting them?
Liam: Since last year.
Girl: How many do you have?
Liam: I have 20. I put them in this book and write if I liked the show or movie.
Girl: Looks like an interesting collection.
2a: Bob: kites
Marcia: stuffed animals
Liam: theater and movie tickets
2b: Bob: since he was ten years old, 22
Marcia: for five years, 35
Liam: since last year, 20



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