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1. wish v. 但愿、希望、期盼
[举例] (1)Wish me luck! 祝我走运吧!(wish + sb.+ n.)
(2)They wished us a pleasant journey. 他们祝我们旅途愉快。
(3)I wish you a happy birthday (New Year). 祝你生日愉快(新年愉快)。
(4)It's no use wishing for things you can't have. (wish for sth./sb.)
(5)I wish to leave my property to my children. (wish to do sth.)
(6)Do you wish me to serve dinner now? (wish sb. to do sth. )
(7)I wish you could fly back to me! 但愿你能回到我的身边。
(8)I wish I know what was going to happen. 但愿我能知道要发生什么事。
(9)I wish you had told me earlier. 你早些告诉我就好了。
[注意]不能说hope sb.to do sth.,且hope的宾语从句用现在时态。
I hope everything goes well with your work.祝你工作如意,事事顺心。
[举例](1) a wish for peace 祈求和平
(2) It's always been my wish to live alone.我一直盼望单独生活。
(3)Please send my best wishes to your family. 请代我问候你的家人。

[举例] (1)Can you make people laugh without words? 你不讲话能使人发笑吗?
(2)He was made to come. 他被迫来的。
(3)I can't make myself understood. 我表达不清楚我的意思。
(4)She tried to make her voice heard. 她尽量让别人听到他说话的声音。
(5)What he said made me happy. 他的话使我听了很高兴。
(6)We made him monitor. 我们选他为班长。
3.fun n. 玩笑、乐趣、乐事
[举例] (1) He is full of fun.她很爱开玩笑。
(2)We had a lot of fun at the party.我们在聚会中玩得很痛快。
(3)It's great fun playing golf.打高尔夫球很有趣。
[搭配] for fun ……开玩笑
make fun of 取笑…, 拿…开玩笑
[举例](1) I did it just for fun.我做那件事只是为了好玩而已。
(2)They made fun of her because she wore such strange clothes.
4.reach v.伸、到达;扩展,延伸,蔓延
[举例] (1)My hand can't reach so high.我的手没法伸到那么高的地方。
(2) Audiences for his shows reach well into the millions.
(3) His farmland reaches to the river. 他的农田延伸到河边。
(4) The vine reaches toward the light.藤蔓朝着向阳的角度蔓延。
5. have...in mind 在想……
[举例] She told her boss what she had in mind.她把心中所想的告诉了老板。
6.tear n. 眼泪(通常用复数形式)
[举例](1) The sad play moved us to tears.那曲悲哀的戏使我们感动得流下了眼泪。
(2) Seeing the fat lady burst into tears, the children couldn't help laughing. 看到那位胖太太放声大哭,孩子们忍不住大笑起来。
(3) The little girl was in tears.那小姑娘泪流满面。
7.think of考虑、认为;想起;认定
[举例](1) What do you think of the play?你认为那出戏怎么样?
(2) I This picture makes me think of my childhood.
(3) I think of him as a happy person with lots of friends.
8.even though / even 即使;尽管
[举例] We have determined to visit the place of interest here even if (though) it rains tomorrow. 我们决定去参观这里的名胜,即使明天下雨也要去。
We like English even though it is rather difficult for us.
9.date back to起源于,追溯到
常构成短语date back to或date from
[举例](1) This building dates back to 1823.这栋建筑是1823年所建。
(2) This custom dates from the 16th century.这风俗起源于16世纪。
10.exist vi.存在,实际上有
[举例](1) Don't be silly. Such a thing doesn't exist.
(2) Fish can't exist out of water.鱼离开水就不能话。
(3) They exist on very little money.他们靠极少的钱来生活。
11.common adj.普通的;共同的;共用的;共有的
[举例] A great interest in music was common to them.
The common people in those days suffered a lot.当时一般民众生活都很苦。
We work for the common good. 我们为了公共利益而工作。
We had a lot in common with each other. 我们有很多共同之处。
12. satisfy v. 使(某人)满意或满足
[举例] (1)She's not satisfied with anything but the best.
Nothing satisfies him, he's always complaining.
[拓展]satisfied adj.满意的;满足的/satisfying adj.令人满意的(满足的)
I felt quite satisfied after my big meal.我这顿饭吃得很多,觉得很饱。
a satisfying meal (result)令人满意的饭菜(结果)
[比较] satisfied/content
[搭配] sb. be satisfied with sb (sth)
sb. be content to do sth with sth
[意思区别] 前者表示欲望或要求的满足,着重于心中十分满意,语气比后者强;后者表示对某一特殊事物的满足,着重“别无它求”的含义。如:
They believe that the basic needs of the world's population should be satisfied first, like food and medical care.
He was content to eat simple food. 他乐意吃一些简单的食物。
[用法区别] 前者是过去分词,常用作形容词,在句中作表语或定语;后者是表语形容词,通常不作定语。如:
The little girl gave a satisfied smile. 小女孩露出了满意的笑容。
All through his life Einstein was content to spend most of his time alone. 在爱因斯坦的一生中,他愿意单独度过他的大部分时间。
She told her parents in the letter that she was very content with her new job in Hainan. 她在信中告诉她父母说她非常满意在海南的新工作。
13. popular adj. 大众的;受欢迎的
[举例] (1)a popular teacher 受欢迎的老师
(2)popular newspapers / music/language 大众报纸/流行音乐/通俗语言
[搭配] be popular with / among 受……欢迎
[举例] (1)That nurse is very popular with little children.
(2)Chinese food is becoming popular among Americans.
14. knock vt. vi. 敲、击、打;相撞,碰撞
[搭配]knock at... 敲……
knock down... 撞倒……
knock/into sb. 撞在某人身上
knock... off.. 撞下来;敲下来
knock... into... 把……打人
[举例] (1)I was cooking when she knocked at the door. 他敲门时,我正在做饭。
(2) He almost knocked me down before he saw me.
(3)I knocked into a little boy. 我撞到一个小孩了。
(4)The car knocked me off my bike. 那辆小车把我从自行车上撞了下来。
(5)Please knock the wood into the ground.请把这木头打进地下去。
[举例](1)He had a strange way of making his class lively and interesting.
(2) She is a lively girl.她是位活泼的姑娘。
(3) What lively colours! 多么鲜艳的颜色!
[拓展]lively作“生动的”“活泼的”解时,可作定语或表语,也可作宾语补足语,该词是live + ly构成;以—ly结尾的形容词还有friendly,orderly,lovely等,注意不要将它们视为副词。例如:
What a lovely weather! 多好的天气啊!
16.Look on...as...把……看做,认为
[用法]look on(upon)...as...与have...as...,regard...as...,consider...as...等短语意思都一样,通常可以互换。
[举例](1) I look on (upon) her as a promising pianist.
(2)Who looks on him as a friend? = Who has him as a friend?
=Who regards him as a friend? = Who considers him as a friend?
17.In surprise吃惊地
[举例] He hid himself in surprise.他在惊慌中躲了起来。
[拓展]in surprise中的surprise为名词“惊讶”,常见的短语还有to one’s surpri=to the surprise of sb.“令(某人)感到惊讶的是”其形容词形式为 surprised.
[搭配]to one’s surprise 令(某)人感到惊讶的是
be surprised at因……而感到惊讶
be surprised to do sth. 因做……而感到惊讶
be surprised +that... 因……而感到惊讶
[举例](1) To my surprise, she was the mother of two children.
(2)a surprised look吃惊的表情
(3)The man looked surprised.那个人显得惊讶。
(4)We were surprised at the news.=We were surprised to hear the news.
(5) They were surprised that he got injured in the traffic accident.




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