NSEFC 高一 同步辅导unit18

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高一英语课外辅导资料 Unit 18 New Zealand
description n. 描述 region n. 地区 surround v. 环绕
climate n. 气候 subtropical n. 亚热带 volcano n. 火山
narrow adj. 狭窄的 sign v. & n. 签字;迹象 celebrate v. 庆祝
temperature n. 温度 symbol n. 象征 desert n. 沙漠
quality n. 质量
lie to 位于…… be made up of 由……组成 be surrounded by 被……环绕
be famous for 因……闻名 such as 例如 take possession of 拥有……
refer to 参考;所指 in relation to 与……有关 be marked with 标有……记号
compare…to…把……比作 stand for 代表 make up 占据空间
plenty of 大量;许多 be native to 原产于…… be careful in (在某方面)仔细
prepare for … 为……作准备
一、 用所给单词提示填空
【用法一】vi. 平躺(不规则动词,其过去式、过去分词为lay,lain)
例如:lie on one's back/side仰/侧卧
【用法二】v. 展现,伸展
例如:A bright future lies ahead. 前途是光明的。
【用法三】v. 位于
例1:London _________ the River Thames. 伦敦位于泰晤士河畔。
例2:____________ a temple at the foot of the mountain. 山脚下有一座庙。
【用法四】v. & n. 说谎(规则动词)
例1:You ____________ him! 你在对他说谎!
例2:They said she ____________ everyone. 他们说她对任何人都说谎。
1)lie down 躺下
例如:__________________________. 去躺一会儿。
2)lie in 在于
例如:The answer __________ two facts. 答案在于两个事实。
3)lie on 依赖,压迫,取决于
例如:It _____________ us to accomplish the task. 完成这项任务是我们的责任。
4)lie up 卧床休息
例如:You'd better ___________ for a few more days. 你最好再多休息几天。
例如:The book____________on the table. 那本书打开着,放在桌子上。
1)lay v. (laid,laid)放、搁;产卵、下蛋
例1:He _________the book on the table and left. 他把书放在桌上就走了。
例2:The hens ________ten eggs every day. 这些母鸡每天下十个蛋。
2)liar n. 撒谎者
例如:A liar is not believed when he tells the truth. 说惯假话的人说真话时也没有人会相信。
【用法一】adj. 一些,若干,几个(可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词)
例1:Please bring _____________ without sugar. 请来点儿不加糖的咖啡。
例2:Ask ___________ to help you. 叫几个男孩帮帮你。
【用法二】adj. (修饰单数名词)某个(人或物)= a certain
例1:There must be ________________. 准是出了什么差错。
例2:I suggested to Red that we should go to ________. 我向瑞得建议我们该去找个旅店。
【用法三】pron. 一些
例如:______________ can be cut each year for firewood. 一些树每年可以被砍作柴火。
【用法四】adv. 大约,与about同义
例如:It happened ____________________. 这件事大约发生在三十年前。
some more 再来一点,更多 Would you like_______________beer?
somebody/someone 某人,有人 something 某事,某物
sometimes 有时 somewhere 在某处
【用法】adj. 令人惊奇的
例1:What you have just told me is very _____________ 你刚才告诉我的事真让人吃惊。
例2:Is there ___________________________? I don't think so.
例如:He didn't notice the surprised look on her face. 他没有注意到她脸上吃惊的表情。
【用法】n. 大多数(常和the连用)
例如:The majority of people in the town want to encourage new industry in the are.
注意:majority 作主语时,谓语动词可以是单数,也可以是复数,其反义词是minority。
【用法一】v. 合用,分享
例1:We _________ a small room between us. 我们俩共用一个小房间。
例2:She never shared any of her husband's worries. 她从不分担丈夫的任何忧愁。
【用法二】v. 分配,均分
例3:Mother is __________ the cakes to make sure that every boy gets some.
【用法二】n. 分得的一份,应承受的一份
例1:You have had _________________ of this apple-pie. 你吃的苹果派比你应得的分量多。
例2:You must ___________________________. 你必须接受批评。
take one's share 尽自己的一份责任
【用法一】n. 大船
例如:They are making a ship. 他们在造一艘大船。
【用法二】v. 用轮船运送
I'm flying to America but my car is being ___________.
【相关链接1】by ship 坐船 They went by ship to New York. 他们乘船去了纽约。
【相关链接2】warship 战船 spaceship宇宙飞船 steamship轮船
shipbuilding造船业 shipyard造船厂
1.make up
make up 创造,编造;和解;弥补;化装;构成
例1:The teacher asked the children to ___________ a poem about Christmas.
Mary and Joan quarreled, but ___________ after a while.
例3:John must ____________ the lessons he missed.
例4:我们到的时候,演员们正在化装。The actors were ___________ when we arrived.
例5:九个运动员组成一个队。Nine players ______________ a team.
例如:这是由三个不同的部分组成的。This __________________three different parts.
1)be made of 由……制成(从成品中可看得出原料)
例如:这座桥是钢材造的。The bridge _____________________.
2)be made from 由……制成(从成品中看不出原料)
例如:钢材是由铁炼成的。Steel _______________ iron.
3)make up one's mind 打定主意,决定
例如:我决定到他那里去。I _________________________ to go to him.
4)make up for 弥补
例如:勤奋能补拙。Hard work can often __________________ a lack of intelligence.
5)be made up of 由……组成/构成
例如:这支流动医疗队由十位医生组成。The mobile medical team _________ of ten doctors.
7)be made into 被制成……
例如:玻璃制成瓶子。Glass _____________bottles.
8)be made in 在……地方制造
2.the same…as 和……一样
例1:他和飞利普年龄差不多一样大。He was about __________________Philip.
例2:她和他的感觉一样。She felt __________________ he did.
1)just the same 同样地,照样
例如:It won't make any difference to you. I'll pay for the lessons just the same.
2)the same to you 祝你也是如此
例如:Happy New Year! 新年快乐!
Thank you. The same to you! 谢谢!也祝你愉快!
3)all the same 尽管如此,仍然
例如:He gave us a lot of trouble, but I like him all the same.
4)at the same time 同时
例如:I know he is untruthful. But, at the same time, I must admit he is a good worker.
3.be famous for 因……而著名
Scotland has many lakes and mountains, and ______________ its beautiful countryside.
be famous as 作为……而著名
例如:She is famous as a writer. 她作为作家而闻名。
4.take possession of 夺取,占有,占领
例如:警察夺过那个小偷的袋子。The policeman took possession of the thief's bag.
1)have possession of 占有,拥有
例如:He _______________________ the house for ten years.他占有这栋房子已经十年了。
2)in possession of 占有,拥有,持有
例如:Who ____________________ the property? 谁拥有这笔财产?
3)in one's possession = in the possession of sb. 在某人手中,由某人掌管,为某人所拥有
例如:The keys are_____________________. 钥匙归他管。
5.refer to
refer to 查阅,参阅;指……而言;适用于;提到,谈到
例1:A person _______ a dictionary to find the meaning of words. 一个人要查字典找字意。
例2:When I said some people were stupid I wasn't ______________ you.
例3:This rule ____________ everyone. 这条规则适用于任何人。
例4:The speaker ___________his past experiences. 发言人提到了自己过去的经历。
6.compare … with
compare…with 把……和……进行比较
例如:I compared the translation with the original. 我把译文和原文对照了一遍。
compare … to … 把……比作
例如:The students compare their teachers to candles. 学生们把老师比作蜡烛。
7.stand for 代表;主张,提倡;(否定结构)容许,容忍
例1:What does NB ________________? NB代表什么?
例2:The teacher wouldn't ____________ such behavior. 老师不会容忍这样的行为。
8.take place 发生
例如:Great changes________________in the last two years. 最近两年发生了巨大的变化。
1)take a/one's seat 坐下,就坐
例如:Come here and take a seat. 过来,坐下。
2)take it easy 别着急,别紧张
例如:We have time lift. _______________. 我们还有时间,别紧张。
3)take up 占用
例如:The box takes up _________________. 这个盒子太占地方。
4)take out 拿出
例如:He took out a photo and looked carefully. 他拿出张照片细看起来。
5)take away 拿走
例如:I'm not using the dictionary now; you may ___________.我现在不用字典,你可以拿走。
6)take off 脱下;(飞机)起飞
例1:You'd better take off your coat. 你最好脱掉外套。
例2:The flight takes off at 9 o'clock. 这班飞机九点钟起飞。
9.turn to 查阅;求助于;变成;转向
例1:They always________ me when they are in trouble. 他们一有困难就来找我。
例2:I have __________ all the well-known reference books for help.
例3:The snow soon turned to rain. 雪很快变成了雨。
例4:He turned to the study and practice of medicine. 他转向医学研究和实践。
1)turn out/off 关掉(电灯、煤气等)
例如:He turned out the light and followed his wife upstairs. 他关掉灯跟着妻子上楼去了。
2)turn over 翻过来
例如:Turn over, or your back will get sunburnt. 翻过来,否则会晒伤你的背。
3)turn on 打开(开关等)
例如:He turned on his bath water. 他打开洗澡水。
4)turn down 把(声音)放低,关小
例如:He turned down the oil lamp. 他把油灯弄暗。
5)turn into 变成
例如:It turned into a fine day. 天变晴了。
10.prepare for 为……做准备(= get ready for )
例如:Will you help me prepare for the party? 你能帮我准备晚会吗?
例1:It is foolish of you to be still worrying about it. 你真傻,还在为这件事着急。
例2:It's no use talking to him about it. 和他谈这事没有作。
例3:It is very likely that their group will get ahead f us. 很有可能他们小组会赶到我们前面。
例1:—Who is knocking at the door? 谁在敲门? —It's me. 是我。
例2:It's rather windy today. 今天风挺大。
例3:It was October. 时间是十月份。
例4:It is about a night's journey to the place by train. 到该地坐火车要一个晚上。
例5:It was very quiet at the moment. 此时很安静。
7、120多年后,詹姆士· 库克船长于1769年占领了这些岛。
Anhui Province _______ ______ _______ _______ ____ Jiangsu, but to the south of Hebei.
My father was born in a small village, which ______ about____ ________ ________ _________ west of this city.
They live in the house __________ ___________ tall trees.
The work _______ ___________ __________ __________. = The work is very important.
They plan to ___________ ________________ Hong Kong.
That country _______ _________ ________ ______ten states.
Our city _____ ______ __________ __________ 2,000,000.
PRC ________ ________ the People’s Republic of China.
You can’t ________ ________ ________ the house until all the papers have been signed.
Children below 5 years old _________ ________ only 20 percent of the total population.
1. Please compare this sentence to that one. _________
2. How much is the population of this city? _________
3. The majority of young people likes pop music. _________
4. China is about the same size that American. _________
5. The island lies on the northwest coast of Alaska. ________
6. The watch lied on the desk yesterday. _________
7. The machine is made of thousands of parts. ________
8. I was about to go out while the telephone rang. ________
9. Madam Curie was famous for the discover of radium. ________
10.That is important to master a foreign language. ________
11. Now is 6 o’clock. ________
12. Taiwan lies to the east of China. ________
1.There______a tree in front of the house.
A.is used to B.is used being C.used to be D.used be
2.What you said is______me.Would you please explain it again?
A.over B.beyond C.on D.with
3.—How long has this bookshop been in business? —______1982.
A.After B.In C.From D.Since
4.All of us,______me,don’t want ourselves to be praised in public.
A.include B.to include C.including D.included
5.Weihai lies about 88 kilometers______.
A.east of Yantai B.to east of Yantai C.the east of Yantai D.Yantai east
6.As she______the newspaper,Granny______asleep.
A.read;was falling B.was reading;fell C.was reading;was falling D.read;fell
7.What do the letters“PRC”______?
A.stand by B.mean for C.refer by D.stand for
8.I hate all this travel;I want to get married and______.
A.turn down B.settle down C.take down D.settle up
9.In some parts of the world,tea______with milk and sugar.
A.is serving B.is served C.serves D.served
10.—Where do they live? —The nearest island______the south of the mainland.
A.from B.off C.on D.away
11.I’ve lost my notebook.That is______to me.
A.of great important B.of great importance C.very importance D.of very useful
12.After I had walked for six hours,______.
A.I had been tired out B.I’ll be tired out
C.I was tired out D.I would have been tired out
13.—Nancy is not coming tonight. —But she______.
A.promises B.promised C.will promise D.had promised
14.They______friends since they met in Shanghai.
A.have made B.have become C.have been D.have turned
15.Though______money,his parents managed to send him to university.
A.lacked B.lacking of C.lacking D.lacked in




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