NSEFC 高一同步辅导unit17 |
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高一英语课外辅导资料 Unit 17 Famous women 本单元重点单词 inspire vt. 激励 explain v. 解释 admire v. 羡慕 smart adj. 机灵的;时髦的 cheerful adj. 高兴的 general adj. 大致的;总的 hard-working adj. 努力的 weak adj. 软弱的;不强壮的 stupid adj. 愚蠢的 dishonest adj. 不诚实的 mean v.&n. 意味着;方式 tense v 紧张 miserable adj. 可怕的 singer n. 歌手 actress n. 女演员 champion n. 冠军 alone adj. 单独的 penguin n. 企鹅 Antarctica n. 南极洲 challenge n. 挑战 increase v. 增长 Howling adj. 极端的;嚎叫的 optimistic adj. 乐观主义的 climate n. 气候 experience n. 经验;经历 individual adj. 一个人的 bother v. 麻烦 literature n. 文学 skip v. 跳跃 discipline n. 纪律 career n. 履历;生涯 本单元重点词组 in high position 地位很高 the South Pole南极 the North Pole北极 polar bear北极熊 at the opposite end of 在……对面 pull one’s sled 拉雪橇 be about to (do ) 正要(做) be just around the corner 就在附近,即将来临 fall into 掉入 in good health 健康状况良好 stand on one’s left leg 用左腿独立站好 solo travel独自旅行 blow away 吹跑;刮走 knock sb. over. 把某人撞倒 refer to 所指;参考 rise to fame 名声大振 the host of a talk show脱口秀主持人 so far 到目前为止 in history 在历史上 fight for chances 设法寻找机会 best of luck to you 祝你好运 without a strong plan 没有详细的计划 always be the very best 总是做到最好 share with与……分享 单词及短语运用 一、 用所给单词提示填空 1、 inspire /inspiring/ inspired./inspiration A、他的行为极大地激励了他的同学。His deeds greatly____________ his schoolmates B、演讲者的话很具有感召力。The speaker’s words were ________________. C、受到鼓舞的士兵将帽子抛向空中,大声喊着:“共和国万岁!” The _________ soldiers threw their caps into the air, shouting,“Long live the Republic!” D、这个“座右铭”对于我们许多人来说是一种激励。The motto is an __________ to many of us. 2、 mean A..你那样说是什么意思?What do you___________by saying that?. B. 我会尽一切努力来帮助你。I will try every_____________to help you. C. 她的丈夫对钱相当吝啬。Her husband is rather __________ over money. 3、 increase/ increasing A. 她的缺席增加了我们做这次试验的难度。 Her absence ____________our difficulty in doing the experiment. B.我班学生人数已经增长到了58位。The number of the students in my class has _________ 58. C. 不断增长的交通问题一直在困扰着市民。 The ____________ traffic problems are troubling the city people. A. 老板威胁露西,如果她不服从,就要开除她。 The boss ________________ dismiss Lucy if she didn’t obey him. B. 秘书收到一封信,信中扬言要谋杀经理。 The secretary received a letter ,_______________ murder the manager. 5. support A. 我们坚决支持他们为人权而进行的斗争。We firmly _______their struggle for human rights. B. 鲸没有结实的骨骼在陆地上支撑其沉重的身体。 Whales have no strong bones ______________ their heavy bodies on land. C. 他要养活一家子人。He has a large family ________________. 6. affect A.父母亲的言行对小孩的影响极大。Parents’ words and deeds _________ their children a lot. B. 同学们被她的事迹深深地感动了。The students were much ____________ her story. C. 他的伤口受到严重的感染。His wound was ____________badly. 7. lie down 躺下 做完所有的家务后,她躺在床上休息了。Having done all the housework, she _________ in bed. 8. make a decision 做出决定 例1:他终于做出决定要放弃计划。Finally he _______________ that he would give up the plan. 例2:应当鼓励孩子自己去做出决定。Children should be encouraged _____________________. 9. go down(太阳)落山; (价格)跌落; (指海洋、风暴)平衡;平息 A. 当太阳落山时,整个农场看起来更美了。 When the sun is _____________, the whole farm looks more beautiful. B. 牛肉的价格终于下降了。The price of beef has _____________ finally. C.波涛汹涌的海面总算平静下来了。The rough sea finally ______________. 10. refer to所指;谈及;提及;参考;咨询;把……归于;将……提交 A.你刚才谈到的那个男生是我的同桌。The boy you ______________ is my seatmate. B. 在写那篇论文时,他参考了其他一些书籍。 While he was writing the essay, he ______________ some other books. C. 他认为自己的成功应归功于自己的教练。He ________________________ his trainer. D. 该项争议已提交联合国处理。The dispute _____________________ the United Nations. 11、be around the corner 在这里是一种习惯用法,表示“即将来临”。 A. 我们的期末测试即将来临。Our final test is __________________. B、邮局就在转角处。The post office is just ___________________. 12. find oneself经常表示一种“(无意间)意识、发现……” 在黑暗中走了约一个小时后,突然间我们发现自己又来到了同一座山的山脚下。 After walking in the dark for about an hour, we _______ right at the foot of the same mountain. 二、语法精讲:语法精讲-----主语和谓语的一致: 1.谓语动词在数上必须与主语保持一致。 例1:The answer to this question is very simple. 这个问题的答案十分简单。 例2:The details of this story are easy for you to remember. 这个故事的细节你很容易记。 例3:Such was Einstein, the great scientist. 伟大的科学家爱因斯坦就是如此。 例4:Such are my parents, kind and strict. 这就是我的父母亲,既慈祥又严格。 例5:Between the two countries lie five big lakes. 两国之间有五个大湖。 例6:Around the corner came a car. 一辆汽车从拐角处开了过来。 2.当主语表达一个抽象概念时,谓语动词用单数表示。 例1:To answer such a question is really difficult. 回答这样一个问题真难。 例2:Playing basketball is good for your health. 打篮球对你的健康有益。 例3:That our teacher is going to leave us makes us disappointed. 3.当两个或多个名词用and并列连接的时候,谓语动词一段要用复数形式。 例1:A pen and a pencil are in my pencil-box.我的文具盒里有一支钢笔和一支铅笔。 例2:To increase the production and to reduce the cost are very important to us. 但如果两个或几个名词指的是同一事物或人时,谓语动词用单数形式。 例1:The teacher and writer is respected by all the people. 那位既是教师又是作家的人受到大家的尊敬。 例2:Ploughing the field and sowing seeds is the first thing we should do right now. 耕地播种是我们现在该做的头一件事。 4.如果主语是单数,后面跟有as well as, with, like, except, but, besides等引起的短语时,谓语动词仍然用单数形式;也就是说,介词短语不能被看作主语的一部分。 例2:Frank as well as Green and Sandy has been to Beijing.弗兰克、格林和桑迪都到过北京。 例3:Ann with her son and her daughter was in New York last Christmas. 例4:French besides English and German is taught in our school. 例5:Charlie, like all his friends, is fond of music.查理和他所有的朋友一样,喜欢音乐。 5.each和由some, any, no, every构成的合成词,都作单数看待。 例1:Each of them has got a PC.他们每人都有一台个人电脑。 例2:Someone is calling for you on the phone.有人打电话找你。 例3:Nothing is to be done.什么也没法做。 6.what,who,which,any,more,most,all等代词可以是单数,也可以是复数,由语义决定。 例1:Which is your book? 哪本是你们的书? 例2:Which are your books? 哪些是你的书? 例3:Here is some more paper.这里还有一些纸。 例4:Here are some more pens.这里还有一些笔。 例5:Are any of you doctors? 你们中有人是医生吗? 例6:Is any of you from Shenzhen?你们中有人来自深圳吗? 例7:Those who are against the plan can leave.反对这项计划的人可以离开。 例8:Anyone who is interested in it can go with us.对这事感兴趣的人可以跟我们去。 7.none可作复数看待,也可作单数看待;但作复数看待时多,主要看说话人的看法。另外,none of后面若接不可数名词,只能视为单数。 例1:She looked for some cake, but there was none left.她找些蛋糕,但蛋糕一点也没剩下。 例2:None of this money is mine.这笔钱没有一点是我的。 例3:None of them have come back yet.他们中谁也没来。 例4:They say they like it, but none of them has gone to the cinema. 8.neither和either作主语时,通常作单数看待。 例1:Neither of them was from Australia.他们俩都不是来自澳大利亚。 例2:Either of the boys likes singing.这两个男孩都喜欢唱歌。 9.people(人们),police(警察),cattle(牛群),crowd(人群)等词是集体名词,一般为复数概念。 例1:The cattle have eaten up all the grass here and have to move to another place. 例2:The police keep the city in good order.警察维护了这座城市的良好秩序。 例3:People in this village are living a rich life.这个村子里的人生活很富裕。 10.class,family,school等词可以被看作复数概念,也可以被看作单数概念,取决于说话人的语义。 例1:Our class is Class 3.我们班是第三班。(单数) 例2:Our class are playing on the playground.我们班全体同学都在操场上玩。(复数) 例3:His family is a very big one.他的家庭是个大家庭。(单数) 例4:The family are at table now.这家人正在吃饭。(复数) 11.表示时间、重量、距离、长度、价值等的名词尽管是复数名词,但如果用于表达一个整体概念,应作为单数看待。 例1:Three thousand kilometers is a long distance.3000公里是段很长的距离。 例2:Two months is long enough.两个月的时间够长了。 例3:Thirty tons of steel has been shipped to their factory.30吨钢材已经运到了他们工厂。 12.以下是几种谓语动词与邻近主语一致的情况。 1)由neither … nor …或either … or …连接两个主语时,谓语动词与跟它最邻近的主语一致。 例如:Neither you nor your brother has been there.你和你弟弟都没去过那里。 Is either Tom or his brothers to answer for this?汤姆或是他的兄弟们要对这事负责吗? 2)句子由there, here和where引起,而主语不止一个时,谓语也通常跟它与最邻近的主语一致。 例如:There is a book and two letters in the bag.包里有一本书和两封信。 Here comes an old lady and two girls.走过来了一位老太太和两位姑娘。 Where is your wife and children when you stay here? There are one or two cases like that.有一两个这类情况。 Here are my passport and papers.这里是我的护照和文件。 13.如果主语由“the+形容词”担任时,根据意义一致的原则确定谓语动词的单复数。 例1:In our country, the old are taken good care of. 例2:After the battle, the wounded were taken to a hospital. 例3:The older of the two is Simon’s uncle. 例4:The dead, who was a stranger, was buried yesterday. 14.如果主语由this(a)kind of, this(a)sort of, this(a)type of后接名词构成时,谓语动词用单数。 例1:A kind of new dictionary is on sale in our book store.我们书店正在出售一种新词典。 例2:This sort of apples tastes sweet.这种苹果很甜。 例3:This type of cars is produced in our factory.这种型号的汽车是我们工厂生产的。 课堂练习 一、翻译句子: 1. 另一场具有挑战和危险的旅程即将开始。 2. 我要把工作时间延长到12小时。 3. 我明白必须把帐篷支起来避风,于是我挣扎着站了起来。 4. 我毫不后悔这样做了。 5. 我已经挺身面对了极限气候下单独旅行的挑战。 6. 这段经历令我终生难忘,珍惜一生。 7. 她的事业激励着许多人,让人们相信成功和幸福人人可得。 8. 艰苦奋斗和严守纪律是改善自我的途径。 9. 我一点也不在乎自己的长相。 10. 她帮助了成千上万个男男女女度过难关,摆脱了难以启齿的烦恼事情。 二、完成句子: 1、他大声地对她说:“我爱你!” He said to her _______ _______ _________ ________ ________ _________, “I love you!” 2、劫机者威胁说若不满足他们的要求,就把乘客全杀死。 The hijackers _______ ______ ______ all the passengers if their demands were not met. 3、双方最后达成了协议。 The two sides finally _________ __________ ____________. 4、我正要离开,鲍勃把我叫住,送给了我一件礼物。 When I ___ _____ ____ leave, Bob stopped me and gave me a gift. 5、他苏醒过来后,发现自己躺在床上。 When he came to himself, he _____ ______ ________ in bed. 6、圣诞节快要到了,所以我这些天一直很忙。 Christmas is _________ ________ ________ _________, so I’ve been busy these days. 7、据说她是班上量优秀的学生。 ____ ___ ____ _______ she is the best student in her class. 8、到目前为止,我还没有去过北极。I haven’t been to the North Pole _________ __________. 9、他们已做出决定为妈妈庆祝八十大寿。 They ______ ______ _______ ________ to celebrate their mother’s 80th birthday. 10、我不知道她失业后会怎样。I don’t know what will _______ ____ her if she is out of work. 11、医生对病人说:“请躺下,别紧张。”The doctor said to the patient, “Please __ __ . Don’t be nervous.” 12、我的祖母虽然已经80多岁了,身体却很健康。My grandmother is ___ ___ ______, though she is over 80. 13、今年的庄稼好像毫无希望了。It seems the crops________ _______ _________ this year. 14、她很快就出名了。She ______ rapidly ______ -___________. 15、抱歉,史密斯先生,我得打扰您回答几个问题。 Excuse me, Mr Black, but I have to ___ you ___ a few questions. 三、单项填空 1.I______had time to thank him before he left. A.almost B.hardly C.mostly D.nearly 2.I can’t believe that in______a rich country there are______many poor people. A.such;so B.so;such C.such;such D.so;so 3.Don’t look______the designer only______she is a woman. A.down on;because of B.upon down;because C.down upon;because D.down upon;because of 4.I saw some trees______leaves were black with disease. A.which B.whose C.that D.of which 5.When he came to himself,he found himself______in bed. A.lie B.lay C.laid D.lying 6.After the game,our team______changing clothes. A.was B.were C.has been D.have been 7.Is this factory______you visited the other day? A.which B.that C.the one D.where 8.—Is this raincoat yours? —No,mine______behind the door. A.has hung B.is hanging C.hangs D.hang 9.I asked him______. A.who does the house belong B.whom did the house belong to C.whose house it was D.whose house was it 10.The plane crashed in the South Pacific,______all the passengers. A.killing B.killed C.to kill D.and killing 11.The boy told me that his life was so______that he decided to leave his village. A.generous B.miserable C.cheerful D.valuable 12.—How many monkeys did you see in the zoo? —______. A.Nothing B.No one C.None D.Not much 13.I was about to go to bed______the telephone rang. A.while B.when C.as D.until 14.This is the reason______he was set free. A.which B.for why C.for which D.for that 15.Do you know the way______he worked out the problem? A.in which B.on which C.with which D.by which |
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