Unit 20 Humour teaching plan(whole unit) and exercise

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—. 教学目的和要求 ( Teaching aims and demands )
I: Topics 1. Talking about humour and comedians.
II: Functions
表达打算和计划(Expressing intentions and plans)
I will… I’m going to …
I intend to … I hope to …
I plan / want to … I wish to …
I’ve decided ( not) to … I hope not…
III: Vocabulary
1.Words: humour humourous bitter chalk couple minister circus intend stage nationality certain amuse laughter accent actually typical tradition rapid appreciate exist phrase suffer operate direction brake cyclist fortunately bicycle silence rude confuse confused
2.Phrases: tongue twister make fun of date back make use of be on good terms with sb drive off look on…as
IV: Grammar
动词-ing 形式作定语和宾语补足语(1)
1. 能够用动词-ing形式描述人或物品的特性、状态或用途;
a sleeping baby writing paper swimming pool
2. 能够用动词-ing 形式描述感官动词后动作或状态;
She heard the birds . The birds are singing.
She heard the birds singing.
二. 能力训练 (Ability training )
1. 通过本单元的有关谈论语言方面事情的学习,使学生掌握一些幽默和喜剧色彩方面的技能;
2. 通过本单元听、说、读、写方面材料的学习,使学生掌握一些有关打算和计划方面的表达方式;
3. 通过本单元大量的语言材料的学习,使学生掌握有-ing 形式在句中充当定语和宾语不足语方面的知识;
4. 学习写作有关笑话,滑稽题材的文章,并掌握一些表示打算、计划方面的句型。
三、德育渗透 (Moral training teaching)
四、美育渗透点(Beauty training)
五. 课时安排 (The arrangement of teaching periods )
The First Period New words and Warming Up
The Second Period Listening and Speaking
The Third Period Reading (1)
The Fourth Period Reading (2) Language points
The Fifth Period Language Study and Grammar
The Sixth Period Integrating Skills
The Seventh Period Workbook and Unit Test ( Dictation on words and expressions)
The Eighth Period Unit Test (课课练讲解)
The Ninth Period Unit Test ( 英文报纸讲解)
六. 教学步骤 (Teaching Procedures)
The first period
Words and warming up
备课时间:May 6th
Teaching goals:
1. To learn the use of the words and expressions of this unit
2. To learn something about humour .
Important points of this period
1.the use of some words:
2.something about humour.
Teaching methods:
1.Reading and speaking
2. Individual , pair work ,group work, class work
Teaching Procedures
Step One Learning
I. Learn the new words and expressions
Ss to pronounce the new words , and then correct the mistakes if any.
II. Explain some uses of the main words
1. humour
1) amusement幽默;诙谐;幽默感
He has no sense of humour.
2) person’s state of mind; temper心情,心境
My daughter is in a good humour today.
out of humour 不高兴;心情不好
humourous adj. 幽默感的,诙谐的
2. comedian n. 喜剧演员;行动滑稽的人
Comedians aften work alone or as a pair.喜剧性人物通常是一个人或两个人一起表演。
He prefers comedy to tragedy.
comedienne n. 喜剧中的女演员;女丑角
3. bitter adj.苦的;痛苦的;严酷的;激烈的
This tea is somewhat bitter.
She had a bitter experience in the old days.
The bitter winter is coming.
I was hurt by her bitter words.
Their friendship ended with a bitter quarrel.
bitterly adv.苦涩地
bitterness n. 苦味
4.. couple n.(一)对,(一)双;夫妇
a married couple夫妇
a loving couple一对情侣
They make a good couple.
a couple of两个,一双,一对;两三个的,几个的,数个的。如:
The festival lasts a couple of days.
They keep a couple of dogs.他们养了两只狗。
5. mostly adv.主要地,大部分,通常
They are mostly fairly young.他们大部分都相当年轻。
I spent my holidays mostly at home.
He uses his car mostly for going to work.
He enjoys a cigarette sometimes, but mostly he smokes a pipe.
6. intend vt.想要,打算,意指
intend to do sth.“打算做某事”。如:
Do you intend to make a long stay in London?
I intended to come to your house last night but it rained.
intend to have done“本想做某事(而没能做)”。如:
I intended to have called on you,but I had an unexpected visitor.
intend sb.to do“打算要某人做某事”。如:
We intend them to take over.
intend that-clause从句中的谓语动词常用“should+v.”形式。如:
We intend that these plans (should) be carried out.
intend…for…或be intended for…“为……而(做、建等),供……用、看等”。如:
We intend this room for you.
I intended these flowers for your mother.
7. make fun of取笑,嘲笑
He made fun of me for this.
We all make fun of him behind his back,of course.
They made fun of my mistakes when I tried to speak English.
Nobody likes to be made fun of.
8. amusing adj.好笑的,好玩的,有趣的
an amusing game好玩的游戏
How amusing!多有趣!多好笑!
amuse v.使……快乐,逗乐;给……提供娱乐
Her story amused the children greatly.
The children were amused by/with/at the pictures.
I was very much amused to see the monkey perform its tricks.
amused adj.觉得好玩的;快乐的
He had an amused look on his face.
9. date back (to)始于,起源于,追溯到;此短语多用于一般现在时态中。
Her interest in stamp collecting dates back to her high school days.
The richness of the family dates back to the Civil War.
These societies dates as far back as a century ago.
注:date back to与date from同义。
Which times does the sort of dress date from?
10. .appreciate vt.欣赏,鉴赏;感激,感谢;意识到
appreciate good food 欣赏美味
appreciate one's friendship 珍视某人的友谊
He appreciates your talent.
His works were not appreciated until after his death.
We appreciate a holiday after a year of hard work.
We greatly appreciate all your help.
I don't think you appreciate the danger of this job.
I would very much appreciate receiving an invitation.
I appreciate your giving me so much help.
I appreciate your help.
Thank you for your help.
11. exist vi.存在,生存
Problems also exist in agriculture.
A life free from all worry just doesn't exist.
Does life exist on Mars?
A man cannot exist without air.
Food will not get cheaper under existing conditions.
12. look on/upon…as…把……看作……,认为……是……
I look on her as a promising pianist.
I don't look on him as a good doctor.
比较:look on“旁观,在旁边看;朝着,俯瞰”
Two men were fighting while people looked on.
It is a room on the second floor, looking on the street.
1.suit vt.合适;使满意;相配;适宜于
Let's fix a day. Would Monday suit you?
This climate doesn't suit her.
It's a small apartment but it suits our needs.
The new dress suits her very well.
They tried to suit the play to the audience.
be suited to/for…“适合于……,对……适宜”
1).He isn't suited to such a hard life.
2).This car is not well suited to rough roads.
He is suited to teaching.他适合教书。
2.direction n.方向;指导
He has a poor sense of direction.
in…direction或in the direction of“朝……方向”
He walked in the opposite direction.
The red car was running in the direction of the airport.
in all directions朝四面八方
The birds flew in all directions/in every direction.
under the direction of在……的指导下
We did the experiment under the direction of our teacher.
follow one's directions遵照某人的指示
Read the directions carefully before taking the medicine.
Step II. Something about humour.
One word or phrase may have two or more meanings; words or phrases that have different meanings may have the same or similar sounds. Words or phrases like these may sometimes cause confusion or ambiguity, but they also make it possible to joke or play on words for a humorous effect.
For some reason English has one of the largest collections of jokes based on plays on words. These jokes are often in the form of a dialogue in which one person uses a word in one sense, which the other person understands it or deliberately interprets it in a different sense. Here are some examples of the humorous dialogues.
1.Policeman:You can’t park hero.
Driver: Why not?
Policeman: Read that sign.
Driver: I did. It says,“ Fine for parking”, so I parked.
2.A:Where do you wash?
B: In the spring.
A:I didn’t ask when, I asked you where.
3.Diana:How long will the next bus be?
Charles: Oh, almost 45 feet.
4.Dick:My aunt has 88 keys.
Tracy: She must have a lot of doors.
Dick: She doesn’t. She plays the piano.
Step III. Warming up
Please open your books and turn to Page 50.Look at Warming up. Let's practise saying the following tongue twisters. First, read it slowly. Then read them faster and faster. You can read them to your partner. And let your partner see if there is any mistake in your reading. At last, I'll ask five students to read them before class to see who can speak faster without making mistakes, OK? let's begin.
Step IV. Homework
Finish Ex.1 in the 课课练。
The second period
Listening and speaking
备课时间:May 6th
Teaching aims:
1. Listening to some listening materials.
2. Do some speaking to improve the Ss’ speaking ability.
Teaching methods:
Listening and speaking
Pair work, class work
Teaching aids:
Tape-recorder, textbook
Teaching Procedures:
Step One Revision
Check the homework and then check the new words and expressions.
Step Two Listening
We'll do listening. In the next period of time you will hear an interesting story.I t is about a couple who got married. A child is asking her grandmother about her marriage. Number the pictures in the proper order. The first one has been done to help you. Ask the Ss to look through the questions first and then play the tape for them.
After listening twice, the Ss can finish the exercises.
Then check the answers together.
Step Three Speaking
Now let's do speaking. First, please read a dialogue between a journalist(j)and a comedian(c).
First read the speaking and then answer the questions.
What's the most important thing in a comedian's job?
The important thing in a comedian's job is not only to make people laugh, but also to get them to think about life.
How many ways to make people laugh are given? What are they? What other examples can you give?
Two ways are given. They are: Jokes about speaking a foreign language and the way someone walks and talks. Other examples are: their make-up, the styles of their clothes, shoes and the way they hear something or see something etc.
Ask the Ss to practise an interview according to the material in their textbook.
Useful expressions:
I will…  I'm going to…
I intend to … I hope to…
I plan/want to… I wish to…
I've decided(not)to… I hope not to…
Step Four Homework
Preview the reading material.
The third period
Reading material (1)
备课时间:May 6th
Teaching Aims: Understanding of the reading material.
Improving the Ss’ ability of reading.
Teaching methods: 阅读、归纳、推理、判断
Teaching procedures:
Step One Revision
Check the homework.
Step Two Pre-reading
Please turn to Page 52 and read the instructions in Pre-reading. Have a discussion with your partner and make preparations for the questions.(Teacher shows the pictures on the screen.)
Look at the photos. Questions: 1. Do you know who the comedians are? What makes them funny?
2.Do you know other comedians who are funny in the same way?
3.Have you seen any of these comedians or programmes? What do you think of them?
Step Three Fast-reading
Read the whole passage quickly and then make correct choices according to the text.
1.Why is Dustin Hoffman so famous?
A. He is famous for his works.
B. He is famous for his foreign accent.
C. He is famous for his role acting as a woman.
D. He is good at playing on words.
Step Four Careful Reading
Listen to the tape and choose the best answer to each question.
1.What does a “sketch” mean in the text?
A .a rough, quickly made drawing
B. general outline
C. short, humorous play
D. a piece of writing
2.Comedians and players in a comedy are similar in _____.
A. their way of playing with words
B. clothes
C. cross-dressing way
D. foreign accent
3.Choose the main idea of each paragraph of Reading Text 1.
a. Description of a clown
b. What's a crosstalk show
c. The traditional crosstalk show
d. Description of comedians
e. The writers of comedies both at home and abroad
4.Why have crosstalk shows been popular with people? Which of the following is not the reason?
A. They have two speakers.
B. They make people not only laugh, but also think about life.
C. The richness of the spoken language is made full use of.
D. Their talk includes rhythm and rhyming words.
Step Five
a. Character: a person in a book, play etc.
b. make fun of: to laugh or cause others to laugh rather unkindly.
e.g. People make fun of her because she wears such a strange hat.
c. play on words: use amusingly a word or phrase that has two meanings, or words having the same sound but different meanings.
d. in common: in shared possession
e.g. The four boys grew up together and have a lot in common.
e. applaud: to praise(a play, actor…)
especially by striking one's hands together
f. appreciate: to understand and enjoy the good qualities of
Please read the text again and see if you have anything you don't understand.(Teacher goes among the students and answers any questions raised by the students.)
Step Six .Listening and Reading Aloud
Step Seven Post reading:
Read the text again and then discuss the questions in their Ss’ books
Step Eight Practice
Read the text again and fill in the blacks in 课课练 Page 85.
Read the text fluently and then try to recite some of the passage.
The fourth period
Language points
备课时间:May 7th
Teaching Aim: Language points of this passage.
Teaching difficulty: The use of the language points.
Teaching Procedures:
Step One Language points.
1.In England,who can marry couples in church?
My brother married a neighbour’s daughter.
Mr Brown wanted to marry his daughter to a rich man.
John married young. 约翰早婚。
She married late in life. 她很晚才结婚。
在非正式文体中,“结婚”常用be/get married(to sb),get married表示动作,be married表示状态,其中to不能换成with.如:
She got married to a man from her hometown. 她同一位同乡结了婚。
Betty’s parents have been married for more than 25 years.
The young couple seems(seem)to be happy.
a couple of有两种含义。一种作“两个”,另一种作“几个、数个”。如:
They keep a couple of dogs. 他们养了两条狗。
They stayed there for a couple of days. 他们在那呆了几天。
2.How close to each other did the man and the woman live?
close to意为“离……很近;在附近;几乎”。如:
The British don’t like to stand close to each other.
It’s close to five o’clock now. Let’s have a rest.
Everyone felt that his words hit close to home.
This problem is closely connected with that one.
3.I would like to reach a wide audience,though I mostly have adults in mind.
①would like(= would love/ should like)常用来表示有礼貌的请求或表示个人意愿,意为“想要、愿意”,其后常接名词、代词、动词不定式或含有动词不定式的复合结构。如;
Would you like a cup of coffee?
Would you like to help me with the washing up?
Would you like me to have a look at your new dictionary?
The audience was/ were fascinated by her beautiful song.
The program is said to have an audience of over two million.
Our weather has been mostly warm. 我们这里的气候多数情况下都很暖和。
4.Still,I do not think everybody will find my kind of humour funny.
He has treated you badly;still,he is your brother and you should help him.
Although she felt ill,she still went to work.
I don’t believe what he said is true,is it?
I don’t think it’s going to rain tomorrow,is it?
You don’t think I have made mistakes,do you?
5.Jokes about speaking a foreign language,German for example,always works.
Did the cleaning fluid work(on that stain)?
My plan worked,and I got them to agree.
Stories always work with children.
6.Cross-dressing men or women often appear on the stage.
A rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain. 雨后天空出现彩虹。
We expected him at seven but he didn’t appear until eight.
You don’t appear to care much for music.
你好像不怎么喜欢音乐。(appear to do sth.)
she appears (to be)an honest girl.
她似乎是个诚实的女孩。(appear [to be] n / adj)
appear,look ,seem的辨析
seem是指暗含有一定根据,往往接近事实的判断,是强调内心的感受,它们之后都可以接名词、形容词,to be不定式等结构。
7.The actors make us laugh by making fun of somebody’s way of dressing or telling an amusing story.
①make sb. do sth.的意思是“使某人做某事”,其中的do sth.为不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,这一结构变为被动结构时,原来的宾语变成了主语,宾语补足语变成了主语补足语,这时的不定式要带to,除make外,see,hear等动词也可接不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。例如:
A funny movie often makes us laugh. 滑稽的影片常逗得我们捧腹大笑。
He caught a cold by playing soccer in the rain.
Don’t judge a person by appearance. 不要以貌取人。
He got what he wanted by talking very cleverly.
He got what he wanted with flowers and chocolates.
③an amusing story意为“一个好笑的故事”,amusing是现在分词作定语。此外,动名词也可作定语,其区别为:现在分词作定语,它与所修饰的名词之间在逻辑上存在着主谓关系,表示这个名词的动作,可改写成一个定语从句;动名词作定语通常表示它所修饰的名词的用途,可改写成一个for短语,二者不存在逻辑上的主谓关系。试比较:
a sleeping boy(= a boy who is sleeping)一个睡着的男孩
a sleeping car(= a car for sleeping)一辆卧车
8.Today students of English,even if English is their mother tongue,cannot understand his jokes.
even if相当于even though,意为“即使;尽管”如:
We will go,even if it rains. 即使下雨,我们也要走。
He will come,even if he is ill. 即使病了,他也会来的。
Even though it is hard work,I enjoy it. 尽管很难,我喜欢这件事。
9.Another type of people whose job is to make people laugh are comedians.
type意为“类型,样式”,type of后的名词通常不加冠词。如:
what type of blood is yours? 你是什么血型?
She isn’t my type of woman. 她不是我喜欢的那种类型的女人。
kind特指性质相同,且有极相似之特征,比较笼统、模糊,而sort指大体相似的东西,它们常被通用;type指“型,类型”等,比较具体和肯定。这三个词之后多接单数名词。如:this kind of car或cars of this kind.
10.What comedians have in common with the players in a comedy is their way of playing with words.
(have)…in common(with)意为“(和……)有共同之处,(和……)一样”例如:
I haven’t a thing in common with my father.
In common with most young people he hates getting up in the morning.
out of the common异乎寻常,不平常。例如:
He had noticed nothing out of the common.
10.A few minutes later everybody is quiet,listening and thinking about the comedian’s words.
listening and thinking…是现在分词作伴随状语,表示同步于句子谓语的动作。例如:
Singing a pop song in a low voice,the girl came into the yard.
The old man sat by the window,reading a newspaper.
11.Typical for China is the crosstalk show,where a pair of comedians entertain the audience with word play.
这是一句倒装句,其主语是the crosstalk show,typical是形容词,作表语。原来句子顺序是The crosstalk show,…,is typical for China.但由于show后面跟了一句较长的非限制性定语从句,整个句子结构不平衡,所以把表语和系动词前置。
12.Dating back to the Qing Dynasty,the traditional crosstalk shows,xiangsheng shows,have made people all over China roar with laughter for centuries.
date back to是固定短语,解释为“可追溯到……;是……时代开始有的”不能用于被动语态,谓语常用一般现在时。
例如:This town dates back to Roman times.这个小镇的历史可以追溯到罗马时期。
date from与date back to意思相似。例如:
The custom dates from the time when men wore swords.这一习惯开始于男子佩剑时代。
13.Skilled artists make use of all the richness of spoken language to create a rapid flow of fun.
a flow of表示“某事物的持续或连续供应”。又如:
cut off the flow of oil 切断石油输送
the constant flow of information源源不断的信息
14.I decided to look on the whole matter as a great joke!
look on sb. / sth. as sb./ sth. 意为“将某人/某事看作…”例如:
She is looked on as the leading authority on the subject.她被认为是该问题的主要权威。
Step Two Practice
I. Translate the following phrases into English.
1.扮演……角色__________ 2.取笑,捉弄__________
3.讲笑话__________ 4.演小品__________
5.追溯到__________ 6.大笑__________
7.有……目的__________ 8.从另一方向过来__________
9.把……看作/当成……__________ 10.因……生某人的气__________
When I was at five, I was driven to learn how to 1._____
read and write Chinese characters that because one 2._____
must write something on the picture one painted. 3._____
Now, drawing and painting again helped me to study 4._____
English. So, in order to learn English, I have to 5._____
draw or paint several picture every evening. I 6._____
explained to me that although I had promised my 7._____
grandfather that I will never paint again. That 8._____
was because he did not want me to become painter. 9._____
Now I am drawing it in order to learn English, so 10._____
it is different.
1.去掉at 2.去掉that
3.painted→paints 4.helped→helps
5.√ 6.picture→pictures
7.me→myself 8.will→would
9.become后加a 10.去掉it
The Fifth Period
Language study and grammar
备课时间:May 8th
Teaching Aims:
1.Learn the“-ing”form used as the Attribute and Object Complement.
2.Learn about word formation.
3.Improve the students' ability to make sentences and write.
Teaching Important Point:
How to get the students to master the“-ing”form.
Teaching Difficult Point:
The difference between the“-ing”form used as the Attribute and Object Complement.
Teaching Methods:
1.Discussion to make every student have a clear understanding.
2.Explanation to make every student have a clear concept.
3.Pair work or group work to make every student active.
Teaching Aids:
1.a projector and some slides
2.a computer for multimedia use
Teaching Procedures:
step Ⅰ. Revision
Teacher checks the students' homework.
step II. Word Study
Read these sentences and find words of the same root from this unit. Then translate the sentences into Chinese. Do you know what“the words of the same root”means? For example, we have learned the words: nation n.; national adj.; nationality n. And we can say that the three words have the same root, because each of them has the word root“nation”
Step III. Grammar
Now please turn to Page 42.Look at Grammar: The -ing form(1) can often be used as the Attribute.
The Attribute: If an“-ing”form is a single word, it is usually put before the word it modifies. If it is a phrase. It is often placed after the word it modifies.
1.interesting crosstalk  amusing story
laughing audience  cross-dressing men
2.Woody Allen is famous for her role acting as a woman.
In the four phrases, each“-ing”form is used as the attributive. Because it is a single word, it is put before the word it modifies, while in the sentence, the“-ing”form is placed after the word it modifies, because it is a phrase
More examples:
a flaming ray灼热的光线; the dancing girl舞女
working people劳动人民 smilig faces微笑的面孔;
a flying kite翱翔的风筝 an interesting crosstalk有趣的相声;
an exciting event激动人心的事件 the rising sun升起的太阳;
the suffering peasants受苦受难的农民 the coming week下周;
The Object Complement:It is used after the verbs: see, hear, feel, watch, notice, keep, find,
get, have etc.
Now, let’s look at the v-ing used as object complement
1.I saw them forcing (force) the door open with a hammer.
2.We heard them laughing (laugh) after the comedy show; they sounded very happy.
3.I heard him dropping (drop) something heavy into the river.
4.You can see them performing (perform) every night this week at the New Theatre.
5.I could hear the newly-married couple quarrelling (quarrel) every day over very small matters.
6.We watched the army marching (march) down the street towards the park.
7.I saw the people entering (enter) the theatre, and there were 286 of them.
8.We watched three old men sharing (share) their food with each other.
9.We watched the children diving (dive) into the water from the top diving board.
10.I noticed you helping (help)the comedians with their performances. That was very kind of you.
Step VI. Practice
Put the correct verb into the -ing form to complete each sentence.
fasten, knock, settle, deliver, enter, lay, bathe, measure, weigh, remove
1.The people__________the palace were dressed in their best clothes.
2.We noticed a lot of children__________in the river in the hot weather.
3.The woman__________fruit in the market was carrying a child on her back.
4.People__________in the north of China need warm clothes for the winter.
5.I noticed the man__________the armchairs from the room.
6.The tailor__________me for my new coat asked me a lot of questions about music.
7.I heard someone__________on the floor.
8.The servant__________the table for dinner was singing quietly.
9.The man__________the letters said that it was difficult to find our house.
10.I watched the officer__________his horse to a tree with a rope.
Suggested answers:
1.entering 2.bathing 3.weighing  4.settling 5.removing 6.measuring 7.knocking 8.laying 9.delivering 10.fastening
ask,beg,cause,expect,force,forbid,oblige,invite,order,permit,require,persuade,want,warn,call on, wait for等。
But he didn't invite her to have dinner with them.
(2)下列动词后面跟不定式作宾语补足语时要省略to have, let, make, hear, see, watch, notice, observe, listen to, look at, feel等(help后带不带to均可)。
He listened to his mother climb the stairs.
Will you help me(to)repair my bike?
(3)另外下列动词后面也可以用不定式作宾补:allow, drive, get, wish,hate,leave,like,set,teach等。
I'd like you to come and meet my relatives.
(1)feed, find, get, have, hear, keep, see, send, watch等。
The night before the procession, the two cheats had their lights burning all night long.
After an hour or two I felt the wind getting stronger.
(2)leave, observe, set, smell, listen to look at等。
They went off together and left me sitting there.
(1)find, get, have, leave, keep, see等。
When the kings had the pyramids built for them, they perhaps never thought this would happen.
(2)hear, make, watch等。
Have you ever heard the song sung in English?
You must take yourself respected.
除上面的非谓语动词之外,还有少数动词可以带to be加形容词作宾补,用来说明宾语的状态或特征。
The Arctic Ocean is considered by some people to be a northern part of the Atlantic Ocean.
另外,find, think, know, believe, suppose等也可以如此用法。其中consider, find, think的宾补也可不用to be,直接用形容词或名词。
We found him(to be)dishonest.
They thought Mary(to be)the best singer in the class.
We know this to be a fact.
Tom heard Mary singing in the next room.
Jack wants to have his hair cut.
Jack asked Tom to go to London with him. (to go含有将要发生)
Don't have horses running at the door?(running表示正在或一直不停地跑)
Do you hear someone knocking at the door?
I heard someone knock(at the door)three times.我听见有人敲过三次门。
He is going to study English with me.他要和我一起学英语。
He is staying with his uncle.他和他叔叔住在一起。
As to this point I cannot agree with you.关于这点我不能同意你。
With these words he went out.他说完这些话就出去了。
His earings increased with his power.他的收入随着他的能力而增加。
Fill the glass with wine.把杯子倒满酒。
We are well provided with food and clothing.
I dry my hand and face with a towel.我用毛巾擦干手和脸。
There was a box with a lid on the desk.桌上有一只附有盖子的盒子。
(7)表示“带在……身上”,多用在bring, carry, have, take等动词之后。
I have no money with me.我身上没有带钱。
It is a custom with the Chinese.那是关于中国人的习惯。
How are things with you?你的近况如何?
He can read French with ease.他能轻易地读法文。
He swam across the river with difficulty.他好不容易才游过河流。
She was trembling with fear.她因恐惧而发抖。
(11)表示“比较”,用在compare with或in comparison with的形式中。
His English cannot compare with mine.他的英语比不上我。
You may contrast this book with another one.你可以把这本书和另外一本对照一下。
Leave the child with its aunt.把小孩留给他的姑妈照顾。
She has parted with her car.她已把她的车子卖了。
I parted from him at noon.我中午和他分手。
He argued with his father.他和父亲争论——意见不一致。
They were at war with Germany.他们与德国交战。
(16)表示让步,作“尽管、虽然”解,相当于“in spite of”。
With all his money, he is unhappy.尽管他有钱,他并不快乐。
I sleep with the windows open.我开着窗睡觉。
He went out with his hat on.他戴着帽子出去。
Off with your hat!=Take off your hat!脱帽!
Down with your money.交出钱来。
(一)kind, sort, type
1.汉语中的“种”“类”意思相近而又有区别。英语中也一样,kind, sort, type等用法相同又有区别。总的来说,kind和sort用法是相同的,只是kind较正式,sort则多用于口语和商业用语,另外,sort有时含有轻蔑的意味。type则指更为具体的东西,译为“类型、型号、样式”。
Do you know what type of blood is yours?
常见的表示种类的词组有:a kind/sort of, this kind of, that kind of, all kinds of, many kinds of, different kinds of, various kinds of,等;of后面的名词多用单数,且不用冠词。如:a kind of flower, all kinds of bamboo.
2.说某一种类的东西常用of a kind的结构。
They are all of a kind, I like roses of this kind.
What kind/sort of book do you like?你喜欢哪类书?
What kind/sort of man is he?他是哪种类型的人?
How did you get this sort of idea into your head?你怎么想出这种主意来呢?
I'll do nothing of this sort.这种事我不干。
5.a kind of car, a sort of car, a new type of car等都可以说,而type更侧重外观“式样”,含“风格”的意思。
Her beauty was of another type.她的美丽是另一种风格的。
(二)make fun of, play a joke on, laugh at,意思是“取笑,嘲弄某人”;
play a joke on sb.意思是“开某人玩笑、戏弄某人”;
laugh at sb.意思是“讥笑、讽刺某人”。
It's wrong to make fun of the blind.取笑盲人是不对的。
We shouldn't play a joke on the cripples.我们不应捉弄残疾人。
Many scientists laughed at it .But Einstein stuck to his theory and went on with his research.
Step V. Homework
Finish the exercises in 课课练Page87.
1.A.Americans sound funny when they speak with a foreign accent.
B Americans sound funny _____ with a foreign accent.
2.A.He walks and talks in a strange way, which makes people laugh.
B. The _____ _____ _____ he walks and talks makes people laugh.
3.A.Right now I can't be sure whether this is going to be a successful film.
B. Right now I can't say _____ _____ whether this is going to be a successful film.
4.A.In the years that followed he had to move from country to country.
B. In the _____ years, he had to move from _____ country to _____.
5.A.As I was very rude to him, he got angry.
B. He got angry _____ me _____ _____ been very rude.
【答案】1.speaking 2. way in which 3. with certainty 4. following; one; another 5. with; for having
1.He has three sons, one of them is a doctor.
2.On the way home, he was caught by a storm. As a result, he developed a cold.
3.A knife and fork are needed when you have supper in this hotel.
4.Five add to three makes eight.
5.So far there have been four buildings putting up here.
6.We have the party in honour for the famous writer.
7.It was on Saturday when he reached this city.
8.The boss told us to finish the job as quickly as possible, which we thought it impossible.
9.I, who is in America, feel proud of being Chinese.
10.Do be careful when do your homework.
【答案】 1.them改为whom 2. by改为in 3. are改为is 4. add改为added 5. putting改为put
6. for改为of 7. when改为that 8. 去掉it 9. is改为am 10. is改为am
The sixth period
Integrating Skills
备课时间:May 9th
Teaching Aims:
1. To help the students learn to read stories.
2. To help the students learn to imagine the development of a story.
3. To develop the students’ writing ability, for instance, how to write a surprising ending, how describe one’s feeling, etc.
4. To cultivate the students’ learning strategies as association, cooperation and prediction.
Teaching Important and Difficult Points:
1. Predicting the development of the story.
2. Writing their own stories.
Teaching Aids:
A blackboard; A tape recorder
Students’ activities:
Pair work; Individual work
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Lead-in
1. Talk about the interview and give some suggestions to the students.
(be ready for the questions, be on time, behave in good manners……)
Step 2 Pre-reading
1. Have the students read the title of the story “We’ve already met, haven’t we?” and discuss:
Who are “we ” in the title?
Who do you think say it? To whom?
2. Let the students read the 1st and the 2nd sentences then guess the answer.
Step 3 Reading & writing
Section 1 Reading
Play the tape for the students and get them to read the passage from the beginning to the 4th sentence of the 2nd paragraph.
Task: Try to know what happened.
Qs: How did the writer go to the interview?
Why did she shout at the driver of the yellow car?
Was the writer on time for the interview?
How many people were going to interview her?
Discussion (Pair work)
1. Deal with the above questions.
2. Anticipate what the writer saw and what her feeling was . (Work in pairs)
Careful Reading
Read the passage again and make the right choices.
1.Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?
A. The writer was on her way to an interview.
B. She braked hard and hit another cyclist.
C. She shouted at the driver of a yellow car.
D. The driver of the yellow car was angry with her for being so rude.
2.The driver of the yellow car turned out to be _____.
A. the boss of the office B. the manager of the company
C. one of her friends D. the man with whom she would have to work together
3.What does she mean by the sentence “the last time we met I did most of the talking”?
A. You listened to me last time we met. B. I'll listen to you this time.
C. I shall say nothing about the accident. D.I think you must be angry with me.
4.Which of the following can be used as another title for this reading material?
A. An Accident B. An Interview
C. Tell Him What You Think of Him! D. A Kind Manager
5.From this passage,we can conclude that the manager was _____.
A. a careless driver B. selfish
C. tolerant(宽容的) D. determined
Writing (Individual work)
Have the students writ down their ideas and ask them to use the adjectives.
Article show
Have two or more students read their passage in class.
Section 2 Reading
Play the tape for the students and get them to read the rest of paragraph 2 and the 3rd paragraph.
Task: Try to know what she saw, how she felt and what she thought.
Qs: Who are going to interview the writer?
What was her feeling? Use some adjectives to describe it.
What does the sentence “I decided to look on the whole matter as a great joke” mean?
How will she look on it as a joke?
What will she say and do?
Discussion (Pair work)
1. Deal with the above questions.
2. Anticipate what the writer would say and do when she swathe boss (Work in pairs).
Writing (Individual work)
Have the students write down their story.
Article show
Have two or more students read their passage in class.
Section 3 Reading
Play the tape for the students and get them to read the rest of passage.
Task: Try to know how she solved the problem and what the ending was.
Qs: What does she mean by the sentence “…the last time we met I did most of the talking?”
What does she mean by the sentence “I say to everyone that dare tell my manager exactly what I think of him”?
Step 4 Post-reading
Have the students discuss together:
1. Deal with the above questions.
2. Is the ending happy? Is the story funny?
3. What is the humor of the story?
4. How could the writer change the difficult situation to a happy one?
5. What can you learn from the writer?
6. How do you think of the boss?
Write a short funny story or a joke in English.
Or: Rewrite the story in the person of the boss.
Carlos was born in Manila in 1950,and at the age of two 1._____
week he was taken by his father,a musician,to the United 2._____
States by the sea.He spent his first ten years in the American 3._____
Southland that he attended school.Between the ages of 10 and 18, 4._____
he travelled in the southern and western Atlantic areas,living in 5._____
Florida and had graduated from his school in 1968.Early in his life 6._____
he had a great interested in music instruments and in 1965,he 7._____
learned to play the piano and as quickly became an expert on it. 8._____
Since he graduation from Florida State University in 1973, 9._____
he has been a famous pianist.He is not marry,saying that 10._____
his music school comes first.
1.√ 2.week→weeks 3.去掉sea前的the 4.that→where 5.living→lived 6.去掉had 7.interested→interest 8.去掉as 9.he→his或graduation→graduated 10.marry→married
1.tongue twister 绕口令 2. make mistakes 犯错误
3. marry sb. 和…结婚; 给…主持婚礼4. couple/ a couple of 一对;一双
5. make sb. Laugh 逗人笑 6. reach a wide audience 拥有很多观众
7. have …in mind 想到;考虑到 8. act the role of 扮演…角色
9. plan to do sth10. intend to do sth 打算做…
intend that… 打算; intend sb to do sth 想让某人做某事
be intended for 是为…设计的 intend to have done sth. 本想做某事(而没做)
11. be famous for 12. make fun of 13. It sounds funny to hear…
14. act out 15. roar with laughter 大笑 16. have …in common with
17. date back to=date from 追溯到 18. a flow of 源源不断的
19. make use of 20. be on good terms with 与某人关系好
21.cut in 插入 22.in the other direction 朝着另外方向 in the direction of 朝着…方向
in different directions 向四面八方
23. brake hard 使劲刹车 24. go up 上前去 25. lay down 放下
26.drive off 开车走掉 27.knock off 撞掉 28.shout at 冲着…大嚷
29. be on time for 按时 30. in great surprise 吃惊的
31. in (total) silence 一言不发地 32. look on…as… = regard…as…把…看作是
33. be angry with sb 对…生气 34. make jokes about 拿…开玩笑
35. with the intention of 有…目的 36. right now = at present 目前;at once; right away 立刻
37. with certainty 肯定地 38. enrich one’s life 丰富某人的生活
39. get confused 感到糊涂
1. have some idea of 对…有所了解 2. be set in 以…为背景拍摄
3. dress sb in… 给…穿上 4. have a sense of humour 有幽默感
5. give a performance 演出 6. by chance 偶然 7. apart from = besides 除了
1.I found a _____ of socks in the bedroom but they don't make a pair.
A.couple B.pair C.dozen D.sum
2.Victor doesn't have _____ sense of _____ humour.If you joke with him,he may get very angry.
A.the;the B.a;the C.a;/ D./;/
3.Those who frequently come to visit the Science Museum are _____ middle school students.
A.most B.mostly C.almost D.most of
4.Most people _____ a television set as an essential piece of furniture.
A.look at B.look on C.look over D.look about
5.Losing all your money is no _____ matter.I think you have to report it to the police at once.
A.serious B.easy C.joking D.laughing
6.This is not a match.We're playing chess just for _____.
A.habit B.hobby C.fun D.game
7.What an interesting _____ she played in the film! No wonder she has won an Oscar.
A.role B.character C.position D.function
8.—You have made another mistake.
—I'm sorry,but I _____.
A.didn't intend to B.didn't intend C.don't intend to D.don't intend
9.Mr.Johnson is mild in _____.He never shouts even when he is very angry.
A.condition B.nature C.quality D.character
10.It's almost _____ that the government will lose the next election.
A.sure B.certain C.no doubt D.for certain
11.Most of men don't like _____ fun of in public places,especially when their female friends stay with them.
A.making B.playing C.being made D.being played
12.—Do you still remember the accident?
—Yes,_____ I have experienced nothing more frightening.
A.however B.basically C.really D.actually
13.Jane likes collecting stamps very much.In fact,her interest in it _____ her school days.
A.dates back to B.dated back to C.dates back from D.dated back from
14.When a pencil is _____ in a glass of water,it looks as if it were broken.
A.part B.partly C.apart D.parted
15.He has a strong Scotch _____.Sometimes we have difficulty understanding him when he speaks English.
A.tone B.style C.voice D.accent
【Keys】1. A 2. C 3. B 4.B 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. B 11.C 12. D 13. A 14. B 15. D
1.Jokes _____ speaking a foreign language,German _____ example,always work.
2.A song _____ laughter _____ tears can make people think _____ life.
3.Allen is famous _____ his role acting _____ a woman.
4.People make us laugh _____ making fun _____ somebody's way _____ doing things.
5.Comedies also play _____ words to create fun.In them people sound funny speaking _____ a foreign accent.
6.Comedians may act _____ a situation _____ their shows.
7.What comedians have _____ common _____ the players in a comedy is their use _____ a word play.
8.The crosstalk show is typical _____ China.It has made people roar _____ laughter _____ centuries.
9.I was so angry that I went _____ to tell him what I thought _____ him.
10.Fortunately,I was just _____ time _____ the job interview.
Keys: 1. about;for 2. with;in;about 3. for;as 4. by;of;of 5. on;with 6. out;during 7. in;with;of
8. for;with;for 9. up;of 10. on/in;for




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