初二英语教案book4 lesson 8 |
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江苏省启东中学 管笛 Structure 情态动词表示能力,义务,必要,猜测等说话人的语气或情态。情态动词只能和动词原形一起构成谓语动词。情态动词有 can, will, have, be, should, do, would, 等。 情态动词的特征: (1)本身有一定词义,但它在句中不能单独作谓语,必须和主要一起构成谓语. (2)像助动词那样,能帮助主要动词构成否定形式和疑问形式, (3) 没有人称和数的变化, 但有时态变化 情态动词can(could)的用法: (1) 表示能力, 译为”能,会” 例如:I can sing and dance well. He can’t speak English. What can you do? 你能干点什么呢? (2) 表示许可,译为”可以”,相当于may, may比 can 正式,礼貌, 例如:Can I use your pen? Yes, you can. Can you pass me the books? 你能给我递一下书吗 ? Could you help me, please? 请问,你能帮助我吗? (3) 表示可能,惊异,怀疑, 译为” 也许.可能” 常用与否定句 例如: This news cannot be true.(不可能) They can’t be playing football now. (4) 注意: ①.can 只有现在式和过去式,其他时态则用 be able to ,be able to可用于各种时态. 例如:Study hard, and you’ll be able to pass the exam. China has been able tosend and receive man-made satellites. ② could 用于请求或建议时,比can 客气 例如:Could you do something for me? Word Study clear adj. 明朗的;清澈的 clear eyes清澈的眼睛 清楚的;易懂的 a clear photograph一张清晰的照片 头脑清楚的;明确的 a clear thinker头脑清楚的思想家 明白的;有信心的 She seems quite clear about her plans.她似乎对自己的计划很有信心。 She seems quite clear about her future curricula.她对自己未来要学的课程看来很有把握。 The secretary seems quite clear about what to do.秘书对她该做什么好像很有把握。 开通的;无障碍的;无危险的; 畅通无阻的 a clear road畅通无阻的道路 The highways are clear of snow now.高速公路上已无积雪。 没有疤痕的;颜色纯而 均匀的;无瑕疵的 a clear complexion无瑕的肤色 清楚的;明显的a clear case of murder 一桩明显的谋杀案 It was clear that he wanted to be alone.很清楚,他想一个人待着。 完全的;无限的 a clear victory彻底的胜利 adv. 清楚地 I want to be quite clear on this problem.在这个问题上我希望搞清楚。 不碍事地;干净利落地 She jumped clear.她跳得干净利落。 The boy was nimble and jumped clear of the truck.”男孩很灵巧,纵身一跳就避开了卡车。” 完全地;一直地 He got clear away.他逃得无影无踪。 vt., vi. 使干净;使清洁;使清澈 Let’s clear all this crap off the kitchen.让我们把厨房里所有的垃圾清理掉。 The school has decided to clear out all the classrooms and laboratories these days.学校决定这几天打算对所有教室和实验室进行大扫除。 (常与of连用)除去;拿走 clear the plates away把盘子拿走 “I’ll just clear the plates away, then the children can use the table to do their homework.””我把盘子收拾走后,孩子们就可以用桌子做作业了。” Please clear the desk of all these books and papers.请把书桌上所有的书和报纸都收拾起来。 (常与of连用)宣告无罪;证明无罪 The prisoner was cleared.该囚犯被宣告无罪。 The court cleared the accused of any crime and set him free.”法庭宣布被告无罪,予以释放。”跳过;越过 The horse cleared the fence.马跳过篱笆。 The horse No 6 easily cleared every fence.那匹6号马轻易地越过了各道栅栏。 By the end of last year quite a few woman high jumpers had cleared 1.90 metres. in the world到去年年底世界上有好几们女子跳高运动员跳过了1.90米的高度。 符合官方规定;使(船)办理出港手续; 为船只结关 clear a ship at the customhouse在海关办理船只的出港手续 正式允许离开或进入一个国家;准许或授权 clear a plane for landing许一架飞机降落 a clear moon一轮皓月 a clear day晴天 (as) clear as a bell很清楚, 很健全, 很正确(as) clear as that two and two make four再明显不过 a clear idea清晰明确的思想 clear voice嘹亮的声音 a clear view一览无余的视野 Is the road clear? 路通畅吗? The police thought the man was a thief, but they learned that he was clear.警方起初认为他是贼, 但他们后来得知他是清白的。 I wish I were clear of debt.我多么希望不欠债 throw vt., vi. threw, thrown, throwing 扔,投,掷,抛 He threw the ball to me, and I caught it.他把球扔给我,我接住了。 Don’t throw away your old shoes, give them to me.不要扔掉你的旧鞋子,给我吧。 throw a satellite into space把卫星射入空间 throw one’s influence on sb.’s side利用自己的影响帮助别人 Throw me the book.把书扔给我。 The horse threw its rider.马把骑者掀落在地上。 She threw a scarf over her shoulders.她匆忙地把围巾披在肩上。 rubbish n. 垃圾; 拙劣的作品, 无聊的想法, 荒唐的事情 big rubbish大型垃圾 combustible rubbish可燃废物; 可燃垃圾 detritus rubbish碎屑垃圾 be thrown on to the rubbish heap of history被扔进历史的垃圾堆 Rubbish may be shot here.此处可倒垃圾。R-!废话! 胡说! must 必须;应当 I must shut the door, or the rain will come in.我必须把门关上,不然雨就进来了。 必定;非常可能 You must be tired after your long journey.你走了这么远的路,一定很累。 Soldiers must obey orders.军人必须服从命令。 We must keep our word.我们必须遵守诺言。 You must not do it.你不可以做那件事。 We must tell him.我们必须告诉他。 stop vt., vi. stopped 停,停止,使停止 We stopped eating.我们停止吃东西。 The police were called to stop a fight outside the theatre.警察被召去制止剧场外的一场殴斗。 阻止 They stopped me going out of the door.他们阻止我出门。 The mother tried to stop her young daughter going out on dates.母亲试图阻止小女儿外出与男孩子约会。 结束 The rain stopped.雨停了。 停顿 停留,逗留 stop at home待在家里 拦阻;妨碍;阻塞 中止 给予;止付,停付 The bank has stopped payment.银行已经止付提款了。 (演奏乐器时)按弦,按孔 stop a bottle with a cork用软木塞塞住瓶子 be stopped by a question被一个问题难倒 stop thinking停止思考 a badly stopped letter标点错乱的信件 What stopped you from coming?你为什么没来? Stop thief! 捉贼! All the expenses have been stopped out of my wages.一切费用已从我的工资中扣除。 We stopped to rest.我们停下来休息。 The greedy boss stopped at nothing to gain profit.贪心不足的老板为获取利润而无所不为。 【说明】①[后接宾语] stop doing sth. 是“停止做某事” ②[后接目的状语] stop to do sth. 是“(把原来在做的事)停下来而做某事” n. 汽车站 We waited at the bus stop.我们在公共汽车站等(车)。 This sentence ends with a full stop.这个句子是用一个句号结束的。 I told him to put a stop to the practice.我已经告诉他不要搞那个了。 sign n. 记号,符号 身势,姿势;信号 He made a sign for me to follow him.他向我示意跟着他(走)。 告示;标语; 牌示,牌子 The sign by the road said ‘No Parking'.路边的牌子上写着“禁止停车”。 迹象;征兆;征候 There are no signs of life about the house.这房子没有有人住的迹象。 vt., vi. 在…签字,签名 The countries concerned all agreed to sign the convention.有关各国都同意签署这项协定。 Both parties have signed the contract!双方已经在合同上签字了。 打招呼;做手势 He signed me to be quiet.他做手势要我安静 ride vi. rode, ridden, riding (常与on, in连用)乘;骑;坐 She was riding a bicycle.她在骑一辆自行车。 They rode in the back seat of the bus.他们坐在公共汽车后面的座位上。 骑马旅行 He rides the borders.他沿着边界骑马。ride in [on] a train[plane, ship] 坐火车[飞机, 船] ride on a bicycle骑着自行车走 The car rides smoothly.这汽车乘起来很平稳。 The road ride swell.这条路行车[骑马]很舒服。 The ship rode on the waves [at anchor in the harbour].船乘浪前进[停泊在港内]。 I'll let the matter ride a few months.这件事我随它去, 过几个月再说。 plant 植物 Trees and vegetables are plants.树和蔬菜是植物。 工厂 a power plant发电厂 a tomato plant一株蕃茄 cabbage plants白菜秧 plant food植物养料 the humble (sensitive) plant含羞草 plant hormone植物激素 plant louse蚜虫 vt. 种;种植 Have you planted any vegetables yet?你种蔬菜了吗? (常与in, on连用)培植;养殖 plant a garden培植庭园 plant guards at the entrance在入口处派警卫员 plant ideas in mind把思想灌输到心中 a planted story谎言 plant one's fists in sb.'s face用拳头打某人的脸 plant stolen goods on sb.栽赃于某人 animal plants and animals part n. 部分;局部 Part of / A part of the meat was spoilt.一部分肉已经坏了。 "The Cambridge Business Exams are part written, part oral.""商务剑桥英语考试一部分是笔试,一部分是口试。" Metaphysics is part and parcel of the idealist world outlook.形而上学是唯心主义世界观的组成部分。 "Their designs, for the most part, correspond to actual needs and regulations on environmental demand.他们的设计绝大部分符合实际需要和有关环境要求的条例。 片断;部分 She lived in New York with her husband for the greater part of her life.她一生的大部分时间都和丈夫住在纽约。 Parts of this town are beautiful.这城镇的部分地区很美。 Which part of the town do you live in?你住在城里的哪一部分? 等分;…分之一 2 parts wine and 3 parts water两份酒配三份水 零件 Do you sell motorcar parts?你们出售摩托车备件吗? 分担责任;参加 We all took part in the race.我们都参加了比赛。 "If one wants knowledge of science, one must take part in scientific experiments oneself.""要有科学知识,就得亲自参加科学实验。" (争论、交易中的)边,一方,…方面 角色;剧中人物 Which part do you play?你演哪一个角色? The part of Hamlet was played by Laurence Olivier.哈姆莱特一角是由劳伦斯•奥立弗扮演的。 (角色的)台词;(戏剧的)情节 Have you learnt your part yet?你的台词背熟了吗? the north part of London伦敦的北区 a part of the story故事的一部分 a third part三分之一 a mixture of 3 parts wine and 2 parts water三份酒二份水的混合料 act one's part well演得好 know one's parts well台词背得熟 a part of modern education现代教育的一个组成部分 a woman of parts有才华的女人 do one's part尽自己本分 have a small part in 在...中只占很小一部分; 在...起很小的作用 part Ⅱof the book这部书的第二部分 that part of the country国家的那一地区 the part in one's hair某人头发的分发线 the machine parts机器零件 parts of speech词类 vt., vi. 分;使分开 part gold from silver 分开金与银 A huge rock parts the stream. 一块巨大的岩石使溪水分流。 It's not easy to part with one's children. 同自己的子女分离是不容易的。 The friends parted: Jane went home and Mary went to the library. 两个朋友分别了,简回家,玛丽去图书馆。 分成许多部分;分散开 The policeman parted the crowd. 警察分散开众人。 The teacher tried to part the two fighting boys. 教师设法把两个正打架男孩分开。 打破;排开;迫使分开 We tried to part the fighters. 我们试图将这两个打架的人分开。 part the crowd 排开众人 part one's hometown 离别故乡 part company with 跟...分手[绝交]; 跟...意见不合 part gold from copper 分辨出金和铜 part one's hair in the middle 从中间把头发分开part from 离开, 同...分手 part with 离开, 放弃, 出让 They parted the best of friends. 他们依依而别离。 The crowd parted to let him pass. 人群让开一条道让他通过。 body n. -ies 身体;肉体 You can imprison my body but not my mind.你可以禁锢我的身体,却束缚不了我的心灵。 Her whole body was covered from head to toe in painful red spots.她浑身上下都发了疼痛的红斑。 The naughty kid was in the classroom in body but not in spirit.那淘气的小家伙身在教室,心在别处。 驱体;驱干 a wound on his leg and another on his body一处伤在他腿上,另一处在驱干上 尸体 Where did you bury his body?你把他的尸体埋在哪里了? 大量 The oceans are large bodies of water.海洋乃是广大的水域。 Along the east coasts of our country are large bodies of water.我国东部沿海是一片浩瀚的水域。 队;群;团体 The House of Commons is an elected body.下议院是经选举而组成的团体。 The demonstrators marched in a body to the minister's office.示威者们一起向部长的办公地点进发。 人 Mrs Jones was a dear old body.琼斯夫人是一位可爱的老人。 物体 The sun, moon, and stars are heavenly bodies.太阳、月亮和星星都是天体。 浓郁的品质 I like a wine with plenty of body.我喜欢浓郁的酒。 主要部份 The audience sat in the body of the hall.观众坐在大厅中间。 have a strong body身体强壮 a heavenly body天体 a large body of people一大群人 The school governing body meets once a term.学校的管理机构一学期开一次会。 A lake is a body of water and an island is a body of land.湖为一片水, 岛为一陆地。 Wool has more body than rayon.羊毛比人造丝厚实。 This wine has good body.这种酒味道浓郁。 ocean the Atlantic Ocean大西洋 the Pacific Ocean dry adj. drier, driest 干的 This coat will keep you dry in the rain.这件外套将使你在雨中不被淋湿。 干燥的;无水的 a dry well枯井 a dry lecture枯燥的演讲 冷静的(讥讽) dry humor冷静的幽默 dry leaves干叶子 a dry climate干燥的气候 dry season干旱期; 旱季 dry eyes无泪的双眼 a dry cough干咳 a dry grinding干磨 a dry bearing不加润滑油的轴承 a dry novel枯燥无味的小说 a dry answer冷淡的回答 dry facts铁的事实; 毫不掩饰的事实 dry firing空弹射击 a dry run演习; 摹拟投弹练习 The boy felt dry.这孩子口渴了。 dry vt., vi. dried, drying 弄干;变干 The clothes dried quickly outside.衣服在外面干得快。 She dried her hair in the sun.她在太阳底下把头发晒干。 脱水保存(食物) dried fruit水果干 seawater fresh adj. 新的;新鲜的 use a fresh page用新的一页 These vegetables are fresh, I picked them this morning.这些蔬菜很新鲜,我是今天早上摘的。 There's been no fresh news of their trial production of the new model since yesterday."自从昨天以来,一直没有关于这种新型号试生产的新消息。" This fish isn't fresh; it smells!"这条鱼不新鲜,已经发臭了。" 新做的;新煮的 fresh bread新鲜面包 Let me make you a fresh pot of tea.我重新再给你沏一壶茶吧。 (与from连用)迟到的 刚到的;刚发生的 fresh goods新到的货 干净的 He put on fresh clothes.他穿上干净衣服。 外加的;重新的 He's making a fresh attempt to pass his examination.他再试一次想通过考试。 年轻的;有活力的;健壮的 The plants look fresh after the rain.雨后植物看起来生气盎然。 She has dark hair and a fresh complexion."她头发乌黑,气色很好。" 纯的,鲜艳的(颜色) 新鲜的,清爽的(空气) The air smelt fresh after the rain.雨后的空气闻起来很清爽。 The morning fresh air makes me feel quite frisky.早晨清新的空气使我感到十分愉快。 无经验的 She's quite fresh to office work.她对办公室工作缺乏经验。 (对异性)厚颜的,无理的 She's trying to get fresh with my brother.她想对我弟弟无礼。 fresh flowers鲜花 fresh fish鲜[鱼, 生鱼 feel fresh觉得清新爽快 fresh breeze【气】清劲风(五级风) fresh gale【气】强风(八级风) fresh colours鲜艳的色彩 as fresh as paint精神饱满的 green and fresh生的; 不熟练的; 幼稚的 a fresh hand新手 waste vt., vi. wasted, wasting 浪费;糟蹋 Don't waste the flour; there isn't much.不要浪费面粉,没有多少了。 (常与away连用)(疾病)消耗,使消瘦 (常与on连用)使荒芜 Long dry periods wasted the land.长期的干旱使土地荒芜。 waste money浪费钱 All his efforts were wasted.他的努力全都白费了。 He was wasted by disease.他因患病而虚弱。 The soldiers wasted the fields.那些士兵糟蹋了田地。 adj. 无用的;废弃的 waste paper废纸 排除废物的 waste pipes排废水(气)管 waste energy无用的精力 waste heat余热 waste products废品 n. 荒地 stony wastes到处是石头的荒地 浪费; 糟蹋 Waste of food is wicked.糟蹋粮食是不道德的。 'It's a waste of time.''这是浪费时间。' It is a waste to throw away good food.把好的食物扔掉是浪费。 废品;废料 poisonous waste from the chemical works化工厂的有毒废弃物 The waste from the factory was taken away in trucks.工厂的废料被装在大卡车里运走。 waste of time浪费时间 waste and repair损耗和修复 the wastes of the Sahara撒哈拉沙漠 kitchen waste厨房的废物 The city was burnt to a desolate waste.这城市被焚毁成废墟。 pollute -luted, -luting 弄脏,污染(水、空气等) 玷污;败坏 pollute water/ air thirsty adj. 口渴的 干燥的, 干旱的 致渴的 a thirsty soul酒徒 thirsty fields干旱的田地 thirsty food使人口渴的食物 They were all thirsty.他们都渴了。 He is thirsty for power.他渴望掌权。 What a shame! put up put up some signs make up cover vt. (常与with连用)盖;覆盖 She covered the table with a cloth.她用一块布把桌子罩起来。 藏;隐匿;掩盖 遮蔽 Dust covered the furniture.家具上满是灰尘。 占(时间或空间) The town covers 5 square miles.小镇占地5平方英里。 行过(路程);通过 I want to cover 100 miles by dark.我想在天黑之前走完100英里。 监视 The police are covering all road out of town.警察已监视住出城的所有道路。 报导;对…进行新闻采访 cover a fire for a newspaper为报纸采访失火的新闻 足数;负担支付 These expenses are covered by the state.这些费用都由国家负担。 投保各种保险 掩护 You run out the back while I cover you from the window.我在窗户上掩护,你从后边跑出去。 瞄准;对准 The police had the criminal covered.警察瞄准了罪犯。 控制;支配 代替;顶替 Will you cover for John today, Jean?琼,你今天能顶替约翰吗? 包括;包含;论及 The review covered everything we learned last term.这次复习包括上学期我们所学的全部课程。 n. 遮盖物 盖子;罩子 (图书、杂志的)封面 The book had a blue cover.这本书有一个蓝色的封面。 To make things even worse grow vt., vi. grew, grown, growing 生长;发育;成长 Rice grows in warm climates.稻子生长在温暖的地区。 长大;增长 How quickly she is growing.她长得多快啊! 栽培;种植;使生长 He grows vegetables.他种植蔬菜。 (数量)增加,发展 The village is growing into a town.这村庄在发展成为一个城镇。 渐渐变成 He is growing old.他渐渐老了。 (与on连用)逐渐喜欢;逐渐养成 The habit grew on me.我逐渐养成了这个习惯。 as a result run 流动 The river has run dry.这条河已经干涸了。 流出液体 Your nose is running.你在流鼻涕。 The well has run dry.水井已干涸了。 be short of be thirsty for tap 轻打, 活栓, 水龙头 vt., vi. -pp- (与at, on连用)轻敲;轻拍 She tapped him on the shoulder.她轻轻拍了拍他的肩膀。 (常与against, on连用)轻叩 He tapped on the door.他轻轻敲门。 glasses drip vt., vi. -pp- 滴;滴落;使滴落 The rain was dripping from the trees.雨水从树上滴落。 洋溢着…;充满… a voice dripping with sweetness充满甜蜜的声音 n. 滴;滴落 Drips of water fell down her neck.水滴落在她脖子上 综合能力训练 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Air and water are very important to ______ things. (live) 2.Even in the _____ places of the world, there is water in the air. (dry) 3.Man can not live _____ air and water. (with) 4.You must buy a ticket _____. (one) 5.“I’ll buy a computer if I have enough money,” he thought to ___. (he) 6.There are some _____ on the floor. (rubbish) 7.To make things even _____, our need for water is growing. (bad) living driest without first himself rubbish worse 词组互译 1. 缺少 ________________ 6. as clear as ____________ 2. 向某处扔进某物 ____________ 7. join us _______________ 3. 竖立,建立 ________________ 8. the greater part ________ 4. 渴望 ____________________ 9. clean and clear enough ___ 5. 组成,占 _______________ 10. what a shame _________ 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.______ you _____ (have) your lunch yet? 2.Tomorrow’s meeting ______ (last) two hours. 3.Will you please give the book to Tom when you ______ (meet) him? 4.Look! A boy ______ (run) after the bus. 5.______ your brother _____ (do) his homework last night? 6.Where is Miss Li? We ______ (not see) her for several days. 7.We all know the earth _____ (go) around the sun. 8.We must do something ______ (stop) people from throwing rubbish in it. 9.______ (not close) the window. It’s too hot in the room. 10.Listen! How strongly the wind _____ (blow)! 11.Mr Black ______ (go) back to London in 1988. 12.You’d better ____ (have) the party this week. 13.Yesterday some Australian teachers and students came to _____ (visit) our school. 14.Mr Green and his wife _____ (travel) thousands of miles in China since last winter. 15.When we came in, he _____ (sleep) 16.My father said to me, “You may listen to the pop songs if you _____ (like).” 17.“How long ______ you _____(know) each other?” “Ten years.” 18.Mr Smith got to China in November last year. Now he _____ (be) in China for more than nine months. Have had will last meet is running Did do haven’t seen goes to stop Don’t close is blowing Went have visit have traveled was sleeping like have known has been 选择填空 ( ) 1. With enough water and sunshine, the vegetables are _____ fine. A. working B. planting C. growing D. growing up ( ) 2. There _____ rain in this time of year. A. is plenty B. is plenty of C. are plenty D. are plenty of ( ) 3. Girls _____ more than half of the number of the students in this school. A. make B. makes C. make up D. makes up ( ) 4. We've ____ our _____ to go to work in Tibet (西藏). A. made up; mind B. made, mind C. made up, minds D. made, minds ( ) 5. My twin brother likes travelling and _____ people. A. to meet B. to meeting C. meet D. meeting ( ) 6. Seawater is salty because _____ salt. A. it's full of B. there is full of C. it's full D. there is full ( ) 7. Why don't they ____ a signpost here at the street comer? A. put down B. put up C. take off D. take up ( ) 8. Large, dark clouds have covered the sky. _____. A. It's planning to rain B. It looks to rain C. It's going to rain D. It seems to rain ( ) 9. Not all the fresh water is _____ drink. A. enough clean and clear to B. enough clean and clear for C. clean and clear enough to D. clean and clear enough for ( ) 10. He made faces and that made the others _____. A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. laughed ( ) 11. Last week, _____ moved into a new house. A. the Wang B. the Wangs C. the Wang's D. Wangs ( ) 12. About 200 metres ______ the left, there's a school. A. in B. at C. from D. on ( ) 13. Early computers were almost as _____ as a house. A. bigger B. big C. biger D. biggest ( ) 14. The school is _____ the north of the city. A. over B. of C. in D. from ( ) 15. Einstein ____ the Nobel Prize _____ physics in 1921. A. win...for B. won...about C. won...for D. win...about C B C C D A B C C A B D B C C 填入适当的词,使句子意思与上句相近 1.What’s on tonight at the cinema? What are _____ ______ tonight at he cinema? 2.The library is at the back of our classroom building. Our classroom building is _____ ______ ______ the library. 3.The machine didn’t work well. There _____ _______ ______ ______ the machine. 4.The man needed money badly, so he sold his house. The man sold his house because he is _____ _____ money. 5.Mr and Mrs Johnson are very interested in climbing hills. Mr and Mrs Johnson have _____ _____ _____ _____ climbing hills. 6.When she was a young girl, Maria didn’t find her school a life happy. As _____ ______ ______, Maria was _____ ______ in school. They showing in front of was sth wrong with short of a great interest in a young girl not happy 根据首字母的提示,填入适当的单词,完成短文 Mrs Brown had two sons (儿子). They were twins. One afternoon in the k______ when she was c_____ supper for the family, the y_____ son came and asked her for some money to buy s______. "Sweets are bad for your t_____,” Mrs Brown said. 'Fake these two oranges and g_____ one to your elder brother." One of the oranges w_____ much bigger than the o____, so the boy k_____ the bigger one for h_____ gave his brother the s_____ one. When the older boy s____ that his brother had a bigger o_____ ,he aid to him, "It was selfish (自私的) of you to take the bigger orange for y______ mother g_____ me two oranges, I will give you the bigger one." "I know you will," a_____ his brother. That s why I t____ a bigger one." Kitchen cooking younger sweets teeth give was other kept himself smaller saw orange yourself gives answered took 根据汉语意思,完成下列各句 1.他们有充裕的海水,但缺淡水。 They have ______ _____ seawater, but they are ____ _____ fresh water. 2.森林覆盖了那个国家的大部分地方。 Forests have covered a _____ ______ of that country. 3.你的位置在前排还是在后排? ______ yours seat in the _____ _____ or the _____ _____? 4.这些年来,人们对新鲜水果的需求增长很快(quickly)。 _____ ______ for fresh _____ is growing _____ these years. 5.– 你弟弟上学时老是对老师(at the teacher) 做鬼脸。 -- 太不像话了。 -- Your brother often _____ ______ at the teacher in class. -- What a shame. Plenty of short of greater part Is front row back row People’s need fruit quickly makes faces 完形填空 Many children 1 stamp-collecting (集邮). Stamp-collecting didn't 2 until (直到) 1854. As (随着) time 3 , there 4 more and more stamp-collectors. Now 5 children and grown-ups collect stamps. In 1921, America began 6 stamps to the collectors. In some countries, there are now even 7 on stamp-collecting in school. People are 8 more and more interested in stamps. Every 9 on a stamp has its meaning (意思). It may be a photo of a famous person (著名人物) or an 10 place. Each stamp tells us a story. ( ) 1. A. like B. interested C. fond of D. want ( ) 2. A. have B. come into use C. start D. be ( ) 3. A. passes B. passed C. past D. pass ( ) 4. A. are B. were C. be D. can be ( ) 5. A. all B. most C. even D. both ( ) 6. A. sold B. bought C. selling D. buying ( ) 7. A. books B. people C. rooms D. lessons ( ) 8. A. learning B. becoming C. looking D. seeming ( ) 9. A. picture B. song C. word D. letter ( ) 10. A. excited B. interested C. important D. unknown A C B B D C D B A C |
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