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1. not …until/ till, 其意为“直到……才”。例如:
1)I didn’t begin to work until/till he had gone.我直到他走了才开始工作。
2)They didn’t begin to fight until 1968.他们直到1968年才开始发生战斗。
2. hardly (scarcely, barely)… when; no sooner… than,其意为“一……就”。例如:
1)He had hardly (scarcely, barely) come to when he found himself tired to an electric pole. 他一醒来就发现自己被绑在一根电线杆上。
2)They had no sooner broken through the enemy’s defence works than they found a river in front of them..他们一突破敌人的防御就发现他们前面拦着一条河。
3.not only/just…but also,其意为“不仅……而且”。例如:
We communicate with people around us not only/just by words, but also by expressions and body movements.我们不仅用言语,而且还用表情和身体的动作来同周围的人进行交流。
4.no matter + what (who, how, when, etc)…,+主句,no matter为连词词组,作“不管”、“无论”解,同what / who/ when…等词连用,引导表示让步的状语从句。no matter what/no matter who/ no matter when等分别表示“无论什么”、“无论何人”、“无论何时”等意思,例如:
1)No matter what (=Whatever) he says, I won’t believe him.不管他说什么,我都不会相信他。
2)No matter who (= Whoever) knocks, don’t open the door.不管谁敲门,都不要开门。
3)Give me a call first no matter when (= Whenever )you come.不管你什么时候来,都请你先给我打个电话。
1. can’t help doing sth....其意为“情不自禁地做某事”,其中help之意为“避免”,它相当于avoid, resist。例如:
We can’t help laughing when listening to the cross-talk. 我们听相声时,都会情不自禁地笑。
2. can not but +inf. = can only + inf ,其意为“不得不;只好”。例如:
I can’t but admire (= can only admire; cannot help admiring) your decision. 我不得不钦佩你的决定。
3.in no time, 其意为“立刻(= very soon; very quickly)”。例如:
We will finish it in no time. 我们将立刻完成那件事。
4.not a little; not a few 其意分别为“很多(=much)”;“相当多;颇有几个(=a considerable number, a fair number)”。例如:
1)It has caused me not a little anxiety. 此事曾使我相当焦虑。
2)There is not a little rice in the bowl.碗里有很多米饭。
3)There are not a few students in the classroom.那教室里有很多学生。
5.not to say,其意为“更不用说”。例如:
He doesn’t know English, not to say French.他不懂英语,更谈不上懂法语。
6.nothing but,其意为“仅仅、只不过(= merely);只有(= only)”。例如:
1)Nothing but (=Merely)doubts can prevent you from succeeding.仅仅是疑虑就会阻碍你成功。
2)Nothing but (=Only) a miracle can save him.只有奇迹能挽救他。
1.用“not + v. +否定词/具有否定意义的词”表示。例如:
1)You can’t make something out of nothing.巧妇难为无米之炊。
2)She was never disappointed.她从不灰心丧气。
3)The sort of medicine is not useless.这种药并非无用。
1)Fish can’t live without water.(=Fish can’t live if there is no water.)若鱼没有水,则不能活。
2)There is no fire without some smoke.(= There is no fire if there is no smoke.)无烟不起火。(或:有火就有烟。)
I have never done one thing that I was not willing to do. 我从来没有做过一件我不曾愿意做的事情。
四、在含有宾语从句的主从复合句中,当主句的谓语动词是think, believe, expect, suppose, imagine, guess, fancy 等表示“认为”、“猜想”的意思时,宾语从句的否定习惯上要前移到主句谓语上,但主句仍表肯定意义。例如:
1)I didn’t think I know you .我想我不认识你。
2)She doesn’t believe you are wrong.她相信你没错。
3)I don’t suppose she’s at home, but I’ll go and see. 我认为她不在家,但应去看个究竟。
五、needn’t have done; shouldn’t have done,其意分别为“本不必做某事而实际上做了某事”;“本不该做某事而实际上做了某事”。例如:
1)She needn’t have stood in a queue. = It was not necessary to stand in a queue (but she did it ).她本来就不必排队的。=这样做是不必要的(但她却排了队)。
2)She shouldn’t have stood in a queue. =It was wrong or foolish of her to stand in a queue (but she did it ).她本来就不该去排队。=她排队是错的或愚蠢的(但她却排了)。
1)If we are not back by midnight we’ll be locked out. 如果我们不在午夜前返回,我们就会被锁在门外。
2)If her father didn’t pay her fees she wouldn’t be here.要是她的父亲不负担她的费用,她就不会在这里。
3)If I hadn’t used my computer I’d have taken much longer.要是我没有用电脑,我花的时间就要多得多。




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