SE1B Unit22 language points

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Key points in Unit 22
1. the reason for doing sth. the cause of doing sth.
eg: What reason does Mr Andersen give for choosing his park?
2. go along/ down/ up the path/ street/ road…
3. collection: n. the act or process of collecting“收集,聚集,取走某物”
group of objects that have been collected“收藏品;集合物”
eg: a stamp/ coin/ record collection 邮票、硬币、唱片等的收藏品
a collection of snow 一堆雪 a collection of poems诗集
a fine collection of paintings精美的绘画收藏品
He made arrangements for the collection of his baggage from the airport.
The council is responsible for the collection of waste.
There are two collections a day from this letter-box.(=The postman empties it twice a day.)
4. combine A and / with B:
l join or mix together to form a whole “合并,组合,联合,化合”
l have or do …at the same time “同时做;兼有…特性”
eg: Combine the eggs with a little flour and heat the mixture gently.
Combine business with pleasure. “寓工作于娱乐之中”
They combined their holiday with a visit to their relatives.
Let’s combine my scientific knowledge and your business skills and start a company.
5. attraction n. 吸引, 吸引力[U];吸引人的事物[C]
eg: Do you feel any attraction to this place?
I felt an immediate attraction to Alice.
Hard work has little attraction for me.
The Palace Museum is one of Beijing’s greatest tourist attractions.
One of the main attraction of the coastal city is its delicious seafood.
attract vt. 吸引,引诱
eg: The concert attracted a great number of people.
I tried to attract his attention, but failed.
What do you think attracts people to big cities?
Flowers attract many bees.
attractive adj. 有魅力的;吸引人的
eg: Her dark eyes are very attractive.
6. entertain v.款待,招待,使…快乐,使感兴趣
eg: He entertained his friends to dinner yesterday.
She entertained us with apples.
A good theme park can entertain and educate.
The man entertained the children with all kinds of tricks.
His jokes entertained us throughout the party.
entertainment un.招待,款待,娱乐cn. 表演,文娱节目
eg: a place of entertainment for entertainment: for fun
She was busy preparing for the entertainment of the guests.
7. thrill n. 兴奋,激动(a sudden very strong feeling of excitement, joy, or sometimes fear, which seems to flow round the body like a wave.)
v. (使)激动,(使)胆战心惊
eg: Meeting the famous footballer was a great thrill for the children.
It gave her quite a thrill to shake hands with President.
The film thrilled all the audience.
Little Tom was thrilled to go to the movie.
8. educate teach or train at a school/ college.
Eg: educate the public on the dangers of smoking.
She was born in England but was educated in America.
educated adj. having had an education; skilled
eg: a Harvard-educated lawyer a self- educated scientist
an educated ear for music
education n.[S;U]
eg: receive education complete education
9. risk vt. “冒…之险” n.“风险;冒险”
eg: I don’t want to risk failure.
I am willing to risk losing my job.
He risked his life in trying to save the child.
We mustn’t risk getting caught in a storm.
There is no risk of your catching cold if you wear warm clothes.
Buying land that you’ve never seen is a risk.
run/ take a risk “冒险” at all risks “无论冒什么危险”
do sth at the risk of …“冒险做…”
10. go through: 1) 经历;经受;遭到suffer, experience
2)完成;做完finish; get through
3)通过;批准 (of a law etc.)pass or be accepted (by)
4)举行(仪式)practise (a ceremony or performance)
5)全面检查;搜查look at or examine carefully
eg: The country has gone/been through too many wars.
Have you gone through all your money already?
The bill has gone through (parliament) without a vote.
Let’s go through it again, this time with the music.
She went through his jacket pockets and eventually found the keys.
I’m sure it’s there—I’ll go through the book again.
11. ride cn. 乘坐,乘骑,搭乘;(搭乘交通工具的)旅行
eg: Give me a ride on your shoulders, Daddy.
We went for a ride in her new car.
It’s a ten-minute ride on the bus.
It’s only a 5-minute bus-ride to the park.
Let’s go for a donkey-ride on the beach.
The town center is only a short bus ride away.
ride vt. vi. 骑(马等);搭乘(交通工具)
eg: Look at the children riding on donkeys/ her father’s shoulders.
Ride a bicycle/ pony(小马)
Ride in a bus/ on a train. 坐公共汽车、火车。
You ride in the back (of the car) with your brother.
12. …one’s way这种用法很形象
eg: He elbowed his way through the crowd.他用胳膊肘拱出人群。
The baby crawled its way, across the crowd.
We made our way up the path. 我们沿着小路攀登上去。
feel one’s way (黑暗中)摸索着走;小心谨慎
fight one’s way 打出道路,奋斗前进eg: fight one’s way out
find one’s way to..设法到达;到达 lose one’s way迷路
labour one’s way 吃力地前进scream one’s way一路尖叫
make one’s way前进,行进;成功eg: make my way home回家去
13. divide 分;分开;划分;隔开;除
divide …(up) into…把…分成…
divide…between/ among…把…分给…
divide …sth by sth某数除以某数
divide A from B = separate A from B将两者分隔开
eg: He divided the cake into six pieces.
Divide the class (up) into small groups.
He divided an apple in half.=into two halves.
She divided a bag of cookies between/among the children.
A low wall divides our garden from our neighbor’s.
30 divided by 6 is 5.= 5 divides into 30 6 times.
14. achieve v. 完成;成就;达成;赢得
eg: achieve success.
He achieved his goal.
No one can achieve anything without effort.
achievement [CN] 成就;功绩 [UN] 实现;完成
eg: make great achievements
His achievement in art is remarkable.
The achievement of success depends upon hard work.
15. limit n. 界限;限制vt. 限制;限定
limited adj.有限的
eg: The task is too much for me. I know my limit.
His patience reached its limit.
We must set a limit to the expense of the trip.
There is a limit to the amount of money we can spend.
They are ready to supply food without limit.
His knowledge of history is rather limited.
You must limit your speech to half an hour.
Her breakfast was limited to bread and water.
16. Useful expressions:
go straight down this road in the right direction
on both sides of the mountain learn about
It’s south/ north of… It seems that/ as if…
go to the police for help a safe landing
lead to go on exciting rides be based on
explore the past the winged beauties many others
in outer space for the first time a ticket to the film
get sick cut off the electricity become homesick
沿着这条路直走 朝着正确的方向
在这山的两边 了解
位于…的南边/北边 好象….
向警察求助 安全着陆
导致,通往 令人刺激的兜风 根据
探索过去 带翅膀的美丽生物 许多其他的
在外太空 第一次 一张电影票
生病,恶心 切断电源 思乡




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