“合作教学” 在课文导入中的应用

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同升湖国际实验学校 曾芬
摘要:“ 合作教学”以教学中的人际合作和互动为基本特征,“ 合作教学” 活动大致可分为师生互动,生生互动和全员互动三种形式。在教学中,教师的作用不再是知识的“传授器”,而是如何设置语言环境,以诱发学生的背景知识结构,使学生理解掌握新的知识。“合作教学”特别适宜于课文导入中的应用。
关键词:合作教学 互动
一 传统教学的弊端
大家都知道,培养学生实际运用语言的能力在很大程度上取决于教学的组织形式。在传统的课堂教学模式中,师生间信息传递大多是教师的单向灌输,教师包揽了许多本可以由学生主持和负责的活动。表现在课文导入上,教师常常“长驱直入”— 照本宣科地提几个问题,然后让学生阅读课文,回答老师的问题,然后老师讲解语言点,学生记笔记。这样的上课方式往往使学生感到索然无味。道理很简单,因为这种交际方式是单向的,学生是在被动地接受,其效果恐怕与坐在礼堂里连续听几个小时的报告感觉并无二致。
二 “合作教学”的基本含义
“合作教学”( cooperative instruction ) 是20世纪70年代兴起于美国的一种教学理论与策略体系。它以教学中的人际合作和互动为基本特征。“ 合作教学” 活动大致可分为师生互动,生生互动和全员互动三种形式。在教学中,教师的作用不再是知识的“传授器”,而是如何设置语言环境,以诱发学生的背景知识结构,使学生理解掌握新的知识。教学效果的好坏不取决于老师讲授的多少,而在于如何发挥老师的“媒介”作用。教学采用启发式,学生的潜能得以发挥,学习积极主动。
三 “合作教学”在课文导入中的应用
⑴ “师生互动”导对话
对话课的导入往往令老师感到头疼,原因恐怕在于对话可读性不强,难于激发学生的兴趣吧。在教学中,笔者十分重视“师生互动”这一原则,让学生与老师一起进行角色表演,通过这种方式,不仅能把对话中将要出现的生词以较直观的形式呈现给学生,而且能激发学生的兴趣。如:高三英语(上)Lesson 13,该课对话共有生词14个,常用句型6条,我设计了这样一段内容。
T: Did you go to a cafe during those days?(注:学生刚放过假) What did you order/have ?
I went to a cafe too. Here is my experience in a cafe. Look and watch carefully. I'd like one student to play the part of a waitress. (Give her a hat and an apron so that she looks like a waitress.)
One day, I got up very late and went without breakfast. By 12 o'clock, I was so hungry that I could eat a horse. So I had to go to a restaurant for something to eat.
Dialogue between a waitress and a customer.
W(Waitress): Good morning, sir. Can I help you?
C(Customer): Yes. I 'd like something to eat. Would you like to show me your menu?
W: Ok, here you are.
C: Thank you.
(A few minutes later)
W: Can I take your order now?
C: Yes, I'd like a hot dog and some tomato salad.
W: Anything to follow?
C: Yes, beancurd with chilly sauce.
W: You are from Hunan, aren't you.
C: Yes, and we like to eat hot food. Mmm, delicious.
C: How much does it cost?
W: 45 Yuan.
C: Here is 50 Yuan. Good-bye.
W: Good-bye, sir. Thank you very much. Let me show you out. This way please.
该对话中,共呈现生词和短语9条,基本上包含了该课的语言要点,对话中所用的东西如tomato、sauce 等 在市场都能够买到,教师还可以请学生品尝一下以进一步加深学生对单词的记忆。另外,该对话的编写还为下一步作了较好的铺垫。接下去,我说道:Now listen to the tape and find out what food is referred to in the dialogue. Tick the food that is referred to in the dialogue. Play the tape once or twice as necessary and check the answer.
英语中有句谚语说得好,一盎司的练习胜过一磅的理论。为此,笔者在课堂教学中,坚 持“精讲精练”和“少讲多练”,尽量减少老师讲话的时间,而把大量的时间留给学生进行语言实践活动。如高三英语(上)L46 winter sleep,我是这样导入课文的:
T: Hello, everyone. My name is Miss Winter. I usually come in November or December. When I come, I bring about cold and strong wind. So some of the animals don't like me. They go to sleep in all kinds of places. Can you tell me your life in winter? e.g.
Where do you sleep? What do you eat? How do you manage to live without eating for so many months? 然后,我把学生分成若干小组,每个小组表演一种动物,如Miss Snake Miss Squirrel Mr. Bear Mr. pig 等。小组根据需要可以是4人一组、6人一组,不一而定。小组活动形式多样,如一人问,众人抢答、轮答。在学生七嘴八舌讲话过程中,教师可走下讲台,与某几组或某几个同学进行对话,真正做到“全员互动”。我还在黑板上设计了一张表格,这样做,可使学生较快地抓住要点,而不胡说乱道。最后,对话结束,每组派一名代表讲述自己的冬天生活,老师进行适当归纳.
Winter sleep
Animals reason for winter sleep Where How to live through the winter
cat dog pig wolf
birds They have enough to eat
They have fur or thick skin covering themselves
They will fly away to the south pigsty People feed us with leftover food.
bear They can't find enough food
It's very cold outside inside the trees
in a cave
under a tree The squirrel hides large quantities of nuts inside trees.
The bear has a thick covering of fat and fur.
frog its body temperature drops as the air temperature is below freezing, so it can't move. under the mud It stores supplies of fat in its body.
It reduces movement far below the ordinary level, as a result, it hardly needs any food.
M.韦斯特指出:外语是学会的,而不是教会的。又有人说“会说就会写”。对于复习课,高三老师往往十分重视,因为复习课是训练学生听、说、读、写四会能力的重要战场,常规做法无非是讲讲练习或复习一下词汇。高三英语(上)Unit 8 有一篇课文A person of great determination,在对课文进行整体-局部-整体处理之后,我设计了这样一个对话作为导入复习的材料。
T: Now I'd like two students to make up a dialogue between the writer and the captain. The dialogue is set in the port of Liverpool. The writer expressed his thanks to the captain when he hurried off the ship.
T: Who is going to play the part of the captain \ writer?
Dialogue between the two students.
W(Writer) : Thank you very much, Sir. We greatly appreciate your courage and determination. But for your help, all of us on board would sink with the ship. Thank you again.
C(Captain): You're welcome. Sir. Don't you recognize me ?
W: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm now old and forgetful. Who are you ?
C: My name is William Hartley.
W: William Hartley? Are you the son of one of my good friend?
C: Let me remind you of my story. Sir. Some thirty years ago, I was a boy about 12. One day I came into a bookstore to ask whether they had any geography books for sale. At that time you were also in the same bookstore.
W: Oh, yes. Now I remember. Your name is William Hartley. You wanted to get a geography book, didn't you?
C: Yes. At that time my family was very poor… ( 以下略)
该段对话简明扼要地概括了文章的主要意思。在(基础较好)二人表演之后,笔者把学生分为2人一组,进行生生互动式对话,对话时重语言使用的得体性,轻语法规则的正确性。允许学生有一定自由发挥的余地。对话操练完毕后,请若干组同学上台表演,最后我布置作文“Suppose you are William Hartley, try to rewrite the story in less than 150 words. The first sentence is given to help you: "My name is William Hartley…"
四 体会
1 “合作教学”使教师的地位发生了变化,由“主导”变为“从旁指导”,教师的一切活动
2 课文导入贵在导得自然,使学生感到骨鲠在喉,非说不可。因此,导入的“时机”十分重要,如在一个炎热夏天,谈论"Winter sleep",恐怕没有多少同学会感到“有话可说”;如学校刚好举行运动会或电视上正在转播重要赛事,这时,如能谈一下"Gymnastics",学生一定会兴趣大增,导入也就容易下手了。




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