Unit 17 Nature

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四会:at present,nature,common,recently, alive,year by year,greatly,one day,sick.
三会:increase,similar,equipment,disappear,period,research,protect ,paint
Why are you making this joureny?
We are trying to collect money for a wild life project.
We want to … so that
That sounds a great idea.
What's the purpose of your new project?
Good luck with your trip!
1.at present=at the present time=now
This kind of jacket is very popular at present.
①alive 通常作表语,后置定语和宾语补足语,living作表语和前置定语。
The fish is still alive(=The fish is still living)作表语。
Who is the greatest man a live(=Who is the greatest living man.)在世的人中,谁最伟大?作定语。
They kept a sick milu deer alive at the centre.(alive作宾语补足语)
注:以a开头的形容词均属于表语形容词,awake alone, asleep,afraid 一般只能作表语 ,需作宾语时,可用其它词代替。
Thy boy is afraid.
He is a frightened boy.
The fish is alive.
It's a living fish.
The man is awake.
He is a waking man.
而且这些表语形容词有些不能和very连用,不能说very awake 而应说 wide awake;不说 very asleep 而说 fast asleep;不说very alone 而说 very much alone或all alone。另 外不以a开头的表语形容词有: glad、ill。
Isn't that deer lovely?
Those sheep are eating grass in the sun.
4.year by year. 逐年.类似的有day by day,one by one,step by step(逐步) year by year 强调动作的变化,另一类似短语year after year强调动作的重复。
The temple stands there year after year.
The young trees grow taller year by year.
Deer used to be common in China long ago,but now it is a kind of rare animal.
We have much in common. 我们有许多共同之处。
Usual 意为一贯如此的,或习惯性的。
As usual,he arrived early and started to work.
6.some day 和 one day
some day 可用于将来时和过去时,one day只能用于过去时。
One day(some day),I saw him on the street.
People can travel to the moon some day.
7.There be+宾语+doing+句型.
There will be milu deer living in the wild.
There is a car waiting outside.
The dodo was a large bird that you might not think was a bird at all ,for the do do could for fly. It was a member of the chicken family. The bird was discovered by European sailors in 1507,on Mauritius Island(毛里求斯岛).
When the sailors talked about the strange birds that could not fly,you can image (想象)people found it hard to believe their story. The Europeans who settled on Mauritius Island and the pigs they brought with them found birds very good to ea t. So large numbers of dodoes were killed and by 1681,no living dodoes were found on the island. A few dodoes were brought to England in the 17th century,but for 200 years none have been seen alive. This is the reason for the phrase"as dea d as a dodo",Because they died out completely, the dodoes became very well-know n.
1.The writer tells us that the dodo .
A.existed(存在)between 1507 and 1681.
B.has existed since 1507.
C.doesn't exist now.
D.may have existed.
2.What was so unusual about dodoes as a bird?
A.They looked like birds but couldn't fly.
B.They lived longer than other birds.
C.They were very good to eat.
D.They were all killed.
3.Dodoes are no longer seen on Mauritius Island because they .
A.were killed by pigs.
B.were all taken to England.
C.have been driven away by the settlers.
D.have all been killed for food.
4.The phrase"as dead as a dodo"is sometimes used to describe something that .
A.cannot protect itself from being eaten
B.is sure to die 
C.can not fly or move fast
D.no longer exists
5.From the second paragraphs whose story did people find it hard to believe?
A.The European's B.The dodoes'
C.The settlers' D.The sailors'
以中学生的名义写一封信呼吁世界各地的中学生拯救大熊猫(giant panda),信的内容如下 :
2.大熊猫生长在山里,以竹子为食,由于山林遭到破坏,竹子被砍伐,大熊猫觅食越来越困 难,正濒临灭绝。
3.我国已建立数个自然保护区(Conservation zones),以保护大熊猫,但需更多的资金。
key to unit 17
Ⅰ 1-5 C C B C A 
Ⅱ Lend a hand to save the panda.
The giant panda is a rare animal in China ,and also one of the rare animals in t he world.It is loved by both the Chinese and the people of the world.
The home of the giant panda is in the mountains. It lives on the tender leaves a nd bamboos. As more and more forests are being destroyed and bamboo has been cut
It's becoming more and more difficult for giant pandes to find food for t hemselves.To ser ve pandas, China has set up some conservation zones.More money is needed to carr y out this important rescue project.
It is our eager hope that people who care for the preservation (保护) of rare an imals will lend us a hand to help save the giant panda, so that this kind of lov ely rare animals will live with mankind for ever.




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