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  (1)由China Daily主编21st century·School Edition。每周发刊一期。话题覆盖面广,角度多,语言新活,是学习英语的好材料。
enter play ill friend begin
  1. I am ____ to understand what he has said.
  2. Smoking is bad for health and it can result in(导致) different ____.
  3. Can you tell me where is the ____ to this building?
  4. She said that she could lose anything, but she said that she would never lose our ____.
  5. We all want to become football ____ in the future.
  1. I have two brothers. And ____ of them is good at singing.
  A. both B. neither C. all D. every
  2. Mother told me ____ read in bed.
  A. don’t B. to not C. not to D. not
  3. Don’t forget ____ the light before you leave home.
  A. to turn on B. turning on C. to turn off D. turning off
  4. – What do you think of the man? I just talked with him.
    – He looks ____.
  A. nice B. beautiful C. well D. pretty
  5. Don’t ____ angry. It’s only a small thing.
  A. 不填 B. do C. is D. get
  6. Sorry, I didn’t catch you just now. Could you ____ it again?
  A. pardon B. repeat C. excuse D. say
  7. Can you tell the differences ____ those words ____ spelling?
  A. between/among B. between/in
  C. in/among D. among/between
  8. The baby ____ until its mother came back.
  A. stopped to cry B. didn’t stop to cry
  C. stopped crying D. didn’t stop crying
  9. It’s raining outside. ____ there tomorrow.
  A. We have been to B. We’ll have to go
  C. We’ll not to go D. We must have to go
  10. The teacher said to us, “Next time, please ____ your dictionaries to school.”
  A. have B. carry C. bring D. take
  11. Can you speak louder, please? A new museum ____. I cannot hear you clearly.
  A. is being built B. will be built C. has been built D. was built
  12. Joey thought that his sister was a good student, ____?
  A. didn’t he B. wasn’t she C. didn’t Joey D. wasn’t Mary
  13. What do you mean by ____ these to me?
  A. say B. to say C. saying D. said
  14. Don’t be afraid ____ the big dog. He is a very good dog.
  A. at B. of C. with D. by
  15. You have to look up the ____ if you want to understand the book.
  A. dictionary B. book C. sentence D. word
  16. – Would you like some more pork?
    – _____.
  A. No, just a little, thanks B. No, I wouldn't
  C. Yes, thanks. I'm full D. Well, just a little, please
  17. – What is ____ problem, Doctor Louis?
    – It’s hard to say before I give you ____ X-ray(x光) examination of your lung(肺).
  A. the/a B. 不填/an C. the/an D. a/the
  18. – Will you please open the window? It’s hot here.
    – ________.
  A. I’d like to B. No C. You open D. Good
  19. Go to bed, ____ of you!
  A. every one B. everyone C. no one D. nothing
  20. I heard ____ he had gone to New York to see his parents.
  A. of B. that C. from D. about
John lived with his mother in a big house, and when his mother 21 a month ago, the house became 22 for him. So he bought a smaller 23 in the next street. There was a very nice old clock in his 24 house, and when the men came to take his things 25 the new house, John thought, “I’m not going to let them 26 my beautiful old clock in their truck. Perhaps they 27 it, and then repairing it 28 very expensive.” So he 29 himself and began to carry it down the road 30 .
It was heavy, 31 he stopped 2 or 3 times 32 a rest.
Then suddenly a small boy came along the road. He stopped and looked 33 John for 34 seconds. Then he said to John, “You are a foolish man, aren’t you? Why 35 you buy a watch like everybody else?”
  21. A. dead B. died C. was dying D. had dead
  22. A. big too B. too big C. enough big D. more big
  23. A. one B. room C. that D. it
  24. A. new B. second C. first D. this
  25. A. to B. in C. at D. off
  26. A. to carry B. to pull C. pull(拉) D. carry
  27. A. break B. are breaking C. have broken D. will break
  28. A. is B. will be C. takes D. spends
  29. A. picks up it B. picked up it C. picks it up D. picked it up
  30. A. in his arm B. in his arms C. without arms D. under his arms
  31. A. but B. only C. so D. and
  32. A. had B. has C. having D. to have
  33. A. for B. at C. around D. out
  34. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little
  35. A. do B. don’t C. not D. didn’t
  一、1. beginning 2. illnesses 3. entrance 4. friendship 5. players
  二、 1-5 BCCAD 6-10 DBDBC 11-15 AACBD 16-20 DCAAB
  三、21-25 BBACA 26-30 DDBDB 31-35 CDBAD




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