抓住中心词和主题句 挖掘文章主题内涵 |
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主旨,即主要内容,也就是我们通常所说的中心思想。抓住阅读材料的主旨是阅读理解 要求考生掌握的一项阅读技能,这类考题主要考查学生对阅读材料进行归纳、综合和分析 的能力。主旨题一般涉及文章的中心思想、标题及作者的写作意图等。主旨题有直陈式和暗含式两种。直陈式的主旨可以直接从阅读材料中找出,而暗含式的主旨没有明显地展示出来,而是隐晦地体现在文章的字里行间。这时则要求读者具有一定的综合推理的能力,根据文中所提供的信息加以分析、整理以及合乎逻辑的推测,挖掘出文章的主题内涵。 一. 主旨题的提问方式 1. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text? 2. What can be the best title for this text? 3. What’s the best title/headline for the passage? 4. The writer in the text mainly tells us ______________. 5. The main idea/key point/purpose/subject of this passage is that ___________. 6. From the passage we learn/can conclude that ____________. 7. The passage is chiefly concerned with____________. 8. What’s the subject discussed in the text? 9. Which of the following best states the theme of the passage? 10. What is the main purpose of the text? 二.主旨题的解题思路 1.依照中心词确定主题 一般来说,中心词包含在主题句里,依照中心词可以确定主题句,而主题通常又 要通过主题句表达出来。因此,能找到中心词,主题也就可以确定了。 那么,如何找到中心词呢? 一个句子或许包含许多信息,但这些信息总是围绕一个中心词,这个中心词可以是 名词,指某人或某物,可以是动词,描述某人的行为或某物的状态。 (1)Halfway across the room,a small pistol in his hand,stood a man. 分析:该人所处的位置,所持的物品,只是一些附加的细节。有了这些具体的细节, 可以给读者留下更为清晰和深刻的印象,中心词是man,那么中心思想应该是:There stood a man. (2)Dishes have to be washed.There are floors to sweep and clothes to wash,fold and put away. Windows need washing ,and furniture needs to be dusted and polished.Besides these small jobs,houses need constant organization too. 分析:在这个自然段中,作者没有直接给出中心词,需要读者通过综合所有的细节加 以分析和归纳,然后推断出这一中心词housework,中心思想是:A lot of housework needs to be done. 2.抓住主题句来确定主题 (一)识别主题句和细节 主题句是信息量大且高度概括的句子。句子结构简单、精炼,可以立足于这个句子通过举例、解释、说明等或详细论述或深入讨论,而细节是不可能进一步展开的,它为主题提供充分的论据。试比较下面两个句子: (1) Mr Smith raises some farm animals. (2) Mr Smith has 30 cows,about 300 hens and he keeps some pigs as well. 第一个句子是一个概括性很强的句子,内容笼统不具体,是个典型的主题句;第二个句子 请用(for general)标出主题句,用(for specific details)标出细节。 (1) Mr Black grows wheat,potatoes and cabbages. (S) (2) Mr Black grows grain and vegetables. (G) (3) The farmhouse is very old. (G) (4) The farmhouse is built of bricks and stone and it’s painted white. (S) (5) Some people say that boys and girls are equal,but I don’t think so. (G) (二)主题句的定位 1. 开门见山,点出主题(主题句出现在文章的开头) Americans make no distinction in greeting friends,acquaintances,elders,or Superiors.When Americans see someone they know only by sight,they are Likely to say “Hi” in all cases.This does not mean that they have no more regard for friends than for casual acquaintances.It only means that “Hi” serves as greeting for both.. 分析:这个文段的主题句是第一句话:Americans make no distinction in greeting friends,acquaintances,elders,or superiors.就写作方法而言,这是演绎法 (deduction)所采用的模式,也就是说,先点出主题,然后对主题句所揭示 的主题论点的作进一步陈述,也可称为为主题提供论据或论证。说明性或论证 性的文章,主题句常出现在段首位置。这样的段落模式可用倒三角(▽)来表示。 2. 详细论证,总结陈词(主题句出现在文章的结尾) Within seconds,people can know the results of an election in Japan or America.An International football match comes into the home of everyone with a television Set .News of a disater such as an earthquake or a flood can bring help from distant countries.Within hours,help is on the way.Because of modern technology,information travels fast. 分析:本段的主题句是最后一句:Because of modern technology,information travels fast.就写作方法而言,这是归纳法(induction)所采用的模式。遵循从个别到一 般,由特殊到普遍的写作思路。归纳性或推理性文章,主题句一般出现在段尾。这 种段落的模式可用正三角(△)来表示。 3. 引题过度,引出主题(主题句出现在文章的中间) 主题句出现在语篇中间的短文,一般包括三个层次,即:“引题----主题思想----解释”或“提问----回答----解释”。开头的句子(一句或若干句)只起引介主题的 作用,既表述段落要论及的话题,而主题思想则由其引出的句子(即主题句)来 表述。为阐明主题思想,在主题句之后,仍有适量的句子陈述细节,或做合乎逻辑的引申。这种段落的模式可用菱形(◇)来表示。如: Where there is a river,there is a city.Perhaps this is not always true,but it is true that many of the world’s greatest cities have been built on the banks of a river.The Neva River flows through the center of St Petersburg in Russian.Three hundred years ago,the Russian Czar Peter the Great came here and built a new capital---St Petersburg.Peter the Great,like his country,was strong and proud.Many great palaces were built during his lifetime.The palaces were large and beautiful,and they often looked like something out of a fairy tale. 分析:这段文章先以“Where there is a river,there is a city.”来引出段落所要讨论的话题。中间点出了主题句“The Russian Czar Peter the Great came here and built a new capital---St Petersburg”.段落最后阐述彼德大帝的特点及宫殿的美丽,对主题思想做了进一步的解释。 (三)主题句的三种典型错误 例如: It carries germs in its mouth and on its legs and feet.The legs and feet are covered with small hairs.On these hairs there are thousands and thousands of germs.One fly may carry as 6,000,000 germs when a fly stops and eat some food, it leaves thousands of germs on the food. The main idea of the passage is ____________ A. The common fly is very dangerous. B. The common fly carries lots of germs. C. The common fly leaves many germs on the food. D. The common fly sucks lots of blood. 分析:答案A这个主题句太泛。“苍蝇是危害性很大的昆虫”,而整个段落却集中谈苍蝇带菌这一侧面;C是近似于原文中的句子,是表明一个事实,不能充当主题;D文章中没有提到,不能充当主题,否则就是把自己的观点强加给作者;B是本段的主题,即“苍蝇携带大量的细菌”。 (1) 以偏盖全,即只抓住了主题的一个侧面而误认为这就是主题。 (2) 帽子太大,即选择的主题太笼统,文章缺乏充分的论证。 (3) 画蛇添足,即文中根本没有提到,把自己的观点强加给作者以充当主题。 三.实战运用(以2002高考阅读理解为例) A The main purpose of writing this text is ___________. A. to share information about party planning B. to introduce the joys of a birthday party C. to announce a business plan D. to sell a service 分析:利用排除法可先排除A.B两项,因为文中没有涉及让人们分享生日晚会的有关信息以及介绍晚会的欢乐情况,否则,就犯了画蛇添足的错误;C项也可排除,因为文中并非只是宣布一项商业计划,更多的是在推销这一计划有关的产品(十个现成的家庭生日晚会礼包)及订购的电话号码等,选C项,有以偏盖全之嫌。故答案应选D. B What is the subject discussed in the text? A. An exciting historical event. B. A modern treasure hunt. C. The attraction of Masquerade. D. The importance of logical thinking. 分析:先排除A项,因为寻得一件宝藏并非重大历史事件,帽子太大;排除C项,因为文中没有涉及到Masquerade这本书对人们的吸引力,不能把自己的观点强加给作者;排除D项,因为文中并未对逻辑思维的重要性进行理论上的阐述;文中叙述了一个叫Kit Williams的作者于1979写了一本叫Masquerade关于指导人们寻宝的书(编者注:宝物小金兔是作者埋葬的,所以他在自己的著作中给了人们一些真实的和误导性的线索),以及一个Ken Roberts的人通过去伪存真、反复实践与思考的过程,于1982年发现了这一宝物,故选B,意为当代寻宝。 C What is the best title for this news story? A. Organic food—healthy,or just for the wealthy? B. The making of organic food in Britain C. Organic food—to import or not? D. Good qualities of organic food 分析:先排除B、C两项,因为文中未提及英国生产有机食物的情况以及是否要进口有机食物,故应排除;再排除D项,因为文中只提及越来越多的人们认为有机食物没有农药污染,同时还提到许多英国人对有机食物的认识是不完全的,例如小剂量的农药是可以用在有机食物上的;四分之三的有机食物是从国外进口的,而不像他们所想当然的认为是英国家庭农场生产的。故这里不存在有机食物质量的高低问题;A项才是文章的标题:有机食物-----是为了健康,还是为了财富?言外之意,有机食物在英国有被部分人(部分消费者,还有商人)过分炒作之嫌。 D What would be the best title for the text? A. Alice Cities—cities of the future B. Space travel with H.G.Wells C. Enjoy living underground D. Building down,not up 分析:先排除B和C,因为文中未提及H.G.Wells太空旅行,也未提及人们乐意住在地下;A项具有一定的迷惑性,但文中所说的只是支持人类转入地下这一观点的论点,是一家之言,并不一定能代表人类未来的发展趁势,这就犯了以偏盖全的错误;根据本文的主题句(最后一段第一句):“Supporters of underground development say that building down rather than building up is a good way to use the earth’s space.”,可确定中心词“building down rather than building up”,故答案选D. E What is the subject discussed in the text? A. The history of Great Britain. B. The similarity between English and French. C. The rule of England by William the Conqueror. D. The French influences on the English language. 分析:文章第一段可视为“引言”。第二段可视为1066年前英国当时的语言状况;关键的第三、四段介绍法语对英语影响更大,故选D;如选A项,显然帽子太大,文章缺乏充分的论证,因为文章主要涉及的是语言历史;排除B项,因为文章并没有具体论述英语和法语的相似性,只是提到而已,不能充当主题; C项是原因,是引起D项的原因,它为答案D提供论据;本题如能抓住文章的最后一句,即“Few realize that the English language is actually Germanic in its beginning and that the French influences are all the result of one man’s ambition”,那答案就引刃而解了。 总之,主旨型试题旨在测试应试者掌握所读材料的主旨和大意的能力。在实际的解题过程中,各种方法并不是独立存在的,而是相互依存,相互依赖的。只有经过反复训练,才能融会贯通,熟练运用各种技能和技巧。假如本文能给各位同行有所启示的话,那本人的目的也就达到了。 相关链接:教学论文
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