外研新标准book1 module 2 period 3 教案

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Module 2 My New Teachers
Period 3
Teaching Content:
(Reading and vocabulary for revision, Grammar and Writing)
Teaching Aims and Demands:
Language knowledge
1. New words: nervous, patient, serious, amusing, admit, appreciate, avoid, scientific, physics, literature, summaries, respect…
2.Grammar: verbs followed by V–ing
3. Writing: punctuation usage in writing
Reading skill
Understanding how to describe a person
Affection and attitudes
Understanding new teachers and forming positive attitudes towards the studies of all subjects in senior high.
Learning strategies
1.Categorizing adjectives used to describe characters of people
2.Summing up verbs followed by V-ing.
3.Learning how to punctuate a paragraph.
Cultural awareness
Getting prepared for the comparison of education systems, teacher-student relationship and other aspects between China and foreign countries.
Teaching Aids
Teaching Procedures
Ⅰ. Revision
1. Help students to revise words that is learnt in Period Two of this module by doing Activity 2 P13.
2. Help the students to review the adjectives used to describe a person by doing Exercise 5 (Workbook P74).
3. Ask the students to read “My New Teachers” and then check their understanding of the passage by doing Activity 4 P13.
Ⅱ. Grammer learning
Lead in the study of grammar by carrying out the following activities.
1.What verbs have you found that can be followed by V-ing from the passage you’ve just read?
(Ask students to speak out the verbs like “like, avoid, hate, keep, admit ,enjoy”)
2.Look at the passage again. Ask the students to find the sentences with the verbs followed by V-ing.
(Ask students to underline the sentences in the passage and then Teacher shows them on the screen with the verbs underlined. )
3. Encourage the students to find out themselves why the sentences are written in this way by asking “What do you notice about the verbs that follow the underlined verbs?”
(The students may work in pairs.)
4. Collect the answers from the students.
( The verbs are followed by the gerund rather than the infinitive used as the object of the verbs underlined.)
5.Help the students to sum up the words they’ve learned which can be followed by V-ing.
Ⅲ. Language use
Help students to learn to use the verbs followed by V-ing as object.
1. Activity 2 P14.
2. Get the students to work in pairs introducing each other by using the verbs in Activity 2.
And then ask several pairs to act it out in class.
3. Activity 3 P14.
( Ask the students to write down 3 more true sentences about themselves using the words and then show their work on the screen.)
IV. Writing
1. Ask the students to read any paragraph in “Reading and Vocabulary” again first.
2. Give the students each a piece of paper with the paragraph they’ve just read but without any punctuations or any capitalized words. And ask the students to punctuate this paragraph, using full stops, capital letters, question marks and commas where necessary.
( Show the students’ work on the screen and see if the students can do it correctly. There might be some differences from the punctuations used in the passage, but if they are acceptable, they are O.K.)
3. Get the students to discuss why they punctuate the passage like this by asking some questions.
a) Why do you punctuate your passage like this?
b) Why are punctuations important in writing
c) What is also important besides punctuations in writing?
( Help the students to sum up by themselves how to use punctuations in a passage. And remind them of the importance of punctuation marks and capital letters.)
V. Practice
1. Ask the students to punctuate the passage on P18.
(Get the students to work on this individually and then check in pairs and Teacher can show two or three students’ work on the screen, so the students may have a discussion about whose is better and why. In doing this they can practise what they’ve learned just now.)
2. If time is allowed, Teacher may prepare another passage without punctuations or capital letters to give the students more practice.
3. Ask the students to write a short description of their favourite teacher. Remind the students to use capital letters, commas and full stops where necessary.
( If there is still time in class, Teacher can show some students’ work on the screen, or else in the next period.)
VI. Summary
1. Give the students some time to recall what they’ve learned in this class.
( Ask the students to think by themselves first, then discuss in pairs and finally share in class.)
2. Ask the students to call out as many verbs as possible which can be followed by V-ing.
3. Get the students to say the adjectives used to modify a person.
VII. A test
1.To check the verbs followed by V-ing.( Maybe a blank-filling.)
2. To check the adjectives to modify a person.( Maybe orally, for example ask the students to describe their favourite winners of the Olympic gold medals or maybe film stars.)
3. sage without punctuations
1. Prefer to the dictionary and try to get more adjectives used to modify a person.
2.Sum up the verbs which can be followed by V-ing and write them down in notebooks.
3.Write a short passage describing their favourite sports stars or film stars, pay attention to punctuations and capital letters.

(Provided by Ms. Sun Jihua from Qingdao No.1 Middle School.)
点评:从课堂教学安排来看,本课重点突出以复习上节课所学描述人物时用的形容词,后跟动名次结构的动词,以及英文文章中标点的正确使用而展开的。但是,每项活动内容的导入显得有点冗长,占用课时过多;另外,教材中可选用的练习内容(例如,活动用书中P73,Exx4&8 可作为Grammar Leaning 和Language Use中的练习;可将EX 8中的短篇练习先做快速阅读训练,再找出后面跟动名词结构的动词,让学生在语篇中进一步认识这些动词的应用;之后可将本阅读练习中的话题作为学生口头作文的一个范本,从而较自然地过渡到Writing这一教学环节。这时学生就可以写数句有关“What isa good teacher?”的小短篇,两人活动,检查标点正误情况;之后转入学生用书中Writing的练习




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