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当你自己都感到厌烦的事儿,千万别要求学生去做。因此,如果我们使用听写教学法时,就应该不断变换新的方法。听写的方法很多,而趣味情景听写法的确是极好的方法, 如果你感到这种方法可行的话,劝君不妨试一试。特别在复习阶段更是要引起重视。


September wishes to use the first name ,the second name and the third name before the last important idea .The bad matter just had to live in the best traffic when Ms Waste was laughing .The fourth lesson was afraid of the meaning of fun on time .More time is never a waste of time .Wow ,sound didn’t sound nice any more .

在最后的重要的主意之前,九月希望使用第一个名字 第二个名字和第三个名字。当魏思特夫人正在大笑的时候,那种坏的麻烦事儿就不得不住在最好的车辆中。第四课害怕快乐的含义。多数时间决不是浪费时间。哇,声音听起来再也不美妙了。

Fish starts to discuss :are they going fishing ,going hiking or to the salesgirl in the fifth hometown the day after tomorrow ?Cities don’t agree together .The field trip is a quick problem .Maybe picnic trips over the top of the mountain .The Eighth East Lake is too far .It takes them more time to hurry up .Terra Cotta Worries are beautiful and tired ,but they won’t die quickly .



The turkeys get together and celebrate the twelfth Thanksgiving Day ,the ninth Mid-autumn Festival ,the harvest .Pumpkin comes over to eat the mooncakes with sweet nuts inside .October tastes delicious .Autumn outside the store is better than that in the open air .Pies can’t be free any more .


The interesting cow had to wait for the tractor and taxi in the college .The corn heard the most wheat bleating in the exciting country .Summer didn’t agree with winter until /till the town grew slowly .Somebody fed her slow farming but nobody picked the star .
Greenland is ____1_____ island in the world .It is in ____2____of Europe .Near Greenland is ____3___ island .It is small .Its ____4____ is Iceland. Do you think that Greenland is green and warm ?Do you think that Iceland is white with ice ? If you do , you are ___5______. Not many people live on the island of Greenland .There ____6_____ more people in your hometown than in all of Greenland .That is ____7___Greenland is not green .Greenland is ___8___. Most of the island __9_____lots of ice .The ice covering Greenland is ___10_______than the worlds tallest building . What ___11____ Iceland ? Is it cold than Greenland ? No, it is not . Iceland has ice ,but not so much ice ____12_____Greenland Iceland has a lot of hot springs .They ___13____hot and steam .The climate is not as ____14______as Greenland .And there are a lot ___15____people who live in Iceland .
1 larger smaller the largest the smallest
2 east west north south
3 other another others the other
4 village name farm town
5 wrong clever flight bright
6 must are is be
7 why what because how
8 yellow brown blue white
9 is covered with is covered in is covering with is covering in
10 more higher high highest higher
11 of in about on
12 as like than then
13 give up give in give off give out
14 warm cold hot cool
15 many much more most
Once I made a foolish mistake in the class ,a mistake _________later proved very _________in my English study on places ________I should pay particular attention .That day ________we were having a class ,the weather suddenly ________,and the sky was covered with dark clouds and rained soon .It happened __________I was learning to use adverbs and had only remembered that adverbs could be used to modify verbs ,so I said , “it is raining hardly” __________Miss Edgar said , “it is raining hard” _________I did not quite get it so I repeated , “it is raining hardly” , Miss Edgar looked at me and said it once more . I felt that I must make a sentence _________I had a mistake ,but didn’t know _________the mistake was . I didn’t say a word again ,but felt much embarrassed .After the class Miss told me kindly that I should _______the words in the dictionary in order to know the different changes of each word .She didn’t __________my mistake in the class ________all the students ,but she wanted me to find out the mistake and correct it myself .This was the best lesson _________formed my later habit of consulting the dictionary .This was more than half a century old , but Miss Edgar remained deep in my memory ,________kept reminding me to consult a dictionary in my studies ,not only in English but also in other languages .
1 where which in which of that
2 use useless uselessness useful
3 to where to which when to that
4 because that which when
5 was changing was changed had been changed changed
6 when where that which
7 suddenly At once usually slowly
8 At last At once At most At first
9 in which in that which that
10 where which when why
11 look out look for look down look up
12 point to point at point point out
13 in front of front in the front of front of
14 that which for that for which
15 whom who whose that




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