
中学英语教学资源网英语教案语法专题指导 手机版

1. dozen , score
2. in the (early/ late)nineties / in the 1990s/ in the 90’s 在九十年代
in one’s (early/ late)nineties 在某人九十多岁
3. 分数的表达法:
1/2 a half/ one half 1/4 a/ one quarter
3/4 three fourths / three quarters 3 1/4 three and on quarter
4. nine ----ninth / ninety
four---- fourth/ forty (第九四十有变化)
5. 小数的读法
0.4 zero point four / point four 10.23 ten point two three
1.03 one point o three
1.03 meters/ 0.5 meter
6. 百分数的读法
50% fifty percent (percent 无复数形式)
7. 加减乘除法
① 加用 plus, and , add 等于用is , make, equal, 提问用how much,
② 减用minus , take from
③ 乘用 time , multiply
④ 除用 divide 的过去分词表示
注意: 加,乘的谓语单复皆可, 而减,除的谓语用单数.
Two and three is equal to five=Two and three make five.= Two added to three equals five.
Take 6 from ten and the remainder is four. = Six taken from ten is four.
Multiply three by four, we get twelve.= The multiplied by four makes 12.
Sixteen divided by four is / equals/ makes four.
1. 一些固定不变的名词的复数形式
如: crossroads(十字路口), barracks(兵营) , headquarters(总部), means(方法,手段) , species(种类,品种), series(系列), works(工厂)等. 动词的单复数取决于限定词或上下文内容中作者要表达的意思.
2. 以s 结尾的学科名词用单数谓语动词:
economics(经济学), electronics(电子学), mathematics(数学), politics(政治学) 等
3. 有些表示成双成对的词,常用复数形式,且谓语动词用复数.如:eyeglasses, pants(裤子), scissors(剪刀), shoes, shorts(短裤), socks(短袜), stockings(长统袜), trousers,等.
4. 集合名词: 强调整体时用单数,强调集体的成员时用复数:如:army , audience(观众), board(委员会), committee(委员会), crew(全体队员,船员,机组人员), crowd(人群), firm(公司), government(政府), group(组群), majority(多数人), minority(少数人), public(公众), staff(全体工作人员), union(联盟)等.
注意: the public 表示公共场所的人时谓语单数或复数都可以.
man(人类), police(警察)只能做复数名词使用,谓语只能用复数.
5. 表示人名,地名,国家名等专有名词或不可数名词的谓语一律用单数.
6. 注意一些名词的特殊复数形式: phenomenon—phenomena(现象), goose—geese(鹅肉), mouse—mice(老鼠), 等
7. 不定代词或every 加名词做主语: every, each, either, neither, one, no one, somebody, anybody, nobody, everyone, someone, anyone, everyone, something, anything, nothing, everything,等,在句中做主语,或做限定词限定一个名词或加of时, 谓语用单数.
8. 限定词加名词做主语: all, any, many, more, most, some的谓语取决于他们所修饰的名词.
注意: many a / more than one 是固定搭配, 谓语也用单数.
9. 含有of的短语和介词短语做主语时
① half of, all of, any of, a lot of, most of, --- percent of , some of, five sevenths of , the rest of 等短语的谓语取决于of后的名词.
②a number of 与the number of
10. 就前原则
当主语间由介词with, together with, along with, as well as, as much as, no less than, more than, not to mention, including , like, but, except等连接时, 其谓语取决于此介词前一个主语.
11. 就近原则
not only---but also , either,--- or, neither---nor, or 等连接多个主语时, 谓语取决于离谓语最近的那个主语.
12. 比较: The singer and the dancer are going to attend our party.
The singer and dancer is going to attend our party.
13. 固定词组: a knife and fork, a cup and saucer(带茶托的茶杯), ice-cream and cake (冰淇淋蛋糕), iron and steel, 不管作复合名词还是形容词, 谓语都用单数.
14. 凡是计量时间,距离,金钱,体积,尺寸等的度量衡作主语时, 位于都用单数, 常见的有:
years, dollars, dozens, miles, length, width等.
15. 数学上的加减乘除的规律是: 加,乘的谓语单复皆可, 而减,除的谓语用单数.
16. 分类词做主语是: form, kind, part, piece, portion, quantity, section, sort, type 等加of形成的短语作主语时,谓语取决于这些词本身的单复数.
The newest types of computer are on show.
17. 动名词和不定式作主语时, 谓语一律用单数.
18. 从句作主语时, 主句的谓语用单数,担当what, all(that),或such引导的句子作主语时谓语要取决于后面的表语.
What they want are some books.
All that the ask for is money.
19. 定语从句的关系代词在从句中充当主语时, 从句的谓语应与先行词保持一致.
She is the only/very one of the students who has passed the examination.
She is one of--- who have ---



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