外研新标准book1 module 5合作讨论

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  I.Answer the following questions and then have a discussion about the importance and the rules of being safe in the lab.
  Chemistry Safety Quiz
  1.Whom should you call in case of an emergency in the lab?
    A.Instructor.          B.Nobody.
    C.A friend           D.Anybody.
  2.Why is smoking not permitted in the lab?
    A.It is inconvenient.
    B.It is bad for your health.
    C.The lab could be blown up.
    D.There are no ash rays in the lab.
  3.What would immediately be used if your clothing caught fire or if a large chemical spill had occured on your clothing?
    A.Fire extinguisher.       B.Safety shower.
    C.Laboratory sinks.       D.Eye-wash fountain.
  4.What should be worn in a laboratory at all times to decrease the likelihood of eye injury?
    A.Corrective lenses.       B.Safety Glasses.
    C.A mask.            D.Nothing.
  5.What should be done if a chemical gets in the eye?
    A.Notify the Instructor, then use the eye - wash fountain.
    B.Use the eye – wash fountain; then return to the experiment.
    C.Use the eye – wash fountain; then notify the instructor.
    D.Nothing, unless the chemical causes discomfort .
  6.Why is it not advisable to wear contact lenses in the lab?
    A.Lenses could inadvertently fall out of the eye.
    B.Chemical vapor could become trapped between the lenses and the eye.
    C.Chemical vapor could literally react with the lenses.
    D.All of the above .
  7.Describe the procedure used to operate a fire extinguisher.
    A.Remove pin from handle; Squeeze handle.
    B.Aim extinguisher hose (if any) at base of fire; Squeeze handle.
    C.Remove pin from handle; Aim extinguisher hose (if any) at base of fire; Squeeze handle.
    D.Any of the above choices .
  8.How can a small contained fire be extinguished most easily?
    A.Use a fire extinguisher.
    B.Use water.
    C.Call the instructor.
    D.Smother the fire with a small container (i.e.,a beaker).
  9.What precautions are needed with long hair and beards?
    A.Keep long hair tied back/keep hair away from flames.
    B.Must be shampooed.
    C.No long hair and / or beards allowed in the lab.
    D.No precautions are necessary.
  10.What type of footwear is required in the lab'?
    A.Shoes are optional.
    B.Hard-soled, covered shoes .
    D.Something in a low heel .
  11.Eating and drinking is not permitted in the lab because:
    A.There would not be enough time to finish the experiment.
    B.The storeroom serves terrible appetizers.
    C.You could be poisoned.
    D.The lab would become quite messy with this type of activity.
  12.Are there any conditions under which a student may work alone?
    D.Students may work unrestricted, at their own convenience.
  13.Why are no unauthorized experiments permitted in the lab?
    A.The student lacks experience in the lab.
    B.Most professors love to see only their selected experiments performed.
    C.The stockroom may not have the reagents that you need.
    D.It may take more time to perform than expected.
  14.What should be the very last function performed in the lab before you leave?
    A.Bid the instructor farewell.
    B.Make sure that your locker is secure.
    C.Wash your hands.
    D.Arrange a time with your lab partner for lunch.
  15.Describe the procedure for smelling a chemical.
    A.Stick your nose close to the vessel and breath deeply.
    B.Point vessel away from face while gently fanning vapors toward nose.
    C.Never smell a chemical.
    D.Smell chemical as you would anything else.
  16.The most important safety equipment is ________ .
    A.Safety Blankets.
    B.Fire Extinguishers.
    C.Fume Hoods.
    D.First Aid Kits .
  17.The most important safety equipment is ________ .
    A.Safety Blankets.
    B.First Aid Kits .
    C.Fire Alarms.
    D.Eye-wash Fountains.
  18.The most important safety equipment is ________.
    A.Sodium Bicarbonate.      B.Fire Doors.
    C.Safety Showers.       D.Nothing.
  19.What's wrong with this picture?

  1~5 ACBBC  6~10 DCDAB  11~15 CBACB  16~18 BDC
  19.safety glasses, long hair and bulky clothing, too close to a can of acetone(丙酮:一种无色,易挥发,极易燃的液体状酮体,CH3COOCH3,广泛用作有机溶剂).
  Lab Safety: Everyone is Responsible!
  ·"I didn't mean to" and "It wasn't my fault" are two statements that have no place in the lab.If someone is hurt or equipment is broken, these statements cannot undo the harm.
  · Horse-play will not be tolerated.If it occurs, those involved will be disqualified from the lab and given a zero for the assignment.
  ·Lack of pre-lab preparation is the main threat to safety in our lab.If you and your group are unprepared, you will be unsure of yourself, waste time, and have a good chance of making a mistake that leads to a problem.
  ·At the beginning of each lab period, you will be given a chance to ask questions. If you are unsure of some procedure, now is the time to ask. Al ways pay close attention to any verbal instructions given at this time.
  1.Safety glasses must be worn in the lab area.
    A.Safety glasses are stored in the chemical cart in the center of the lab area.
    B.Other protective clothing, such as gloves and aprons are at your option, unless otherwise noted.
    C.Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Training .
  2.Contact lenses should NOT be worn in the lab.
    A.It is almost impossible to remove contacts after chemicals have been splashed into the eyes.
    B.Chemicals trapped under contacts will damage the eye even more than normal.
    C.Tire plastic used for some types of contact lenses is permeable to vapors found in the laboratory. If these vapors are trapped behind the lens, extensive irritation may occur.
  3.Long hair and bulky clothing are dangerous in the lab.
    A.There is a danger of catching fire, as well as being drawn through chemicals.
    B.Wear appropriate clothing.
    C.Tie back long hair.
  4.Rings, watches, and jewelry are dangerous in the lab.
    A.Corrosive or irritating liquids may get underneath a ring or watch and produce irritation.
    B.Dangling jewelry may catch on a piece of lab ware and cause an accident.
  Ⅱ.A handful of common science is worth a bushel of learning. Then how much general science do you know? Get answers to the following common science questions for a try and then hold a discussion about the given topics:
  1.Why do leaves change color in the fall?
  2.Why is the sky blue?
  3.What is static electricity?
  4.How do animals spend the winter?
  5.How do boats float?
  6.Why are leaves green?
  7.How do refrigerators work?
  8.Why do I get sick?
  9.What is plastic?
  10.How do light bulbs work?
  11.Why do I breathe?
  12.What is a rainbow?
  13.What makes the seasons? Why do the days get shorter?
  14.Why do people need eyeglasses?
  15.How do I hear sounds?
  16.How do batteries work?
  17.How do airplanes fly?
  18.What's inside the Earth?
  19.Why is ice slippery?
  And Morel
  Topics for your discussion:
  1.How much common science do you really know?
  2.Do you think it's very important to get as much common science as possible, and why?
  3.Can you think out some practical methods to gain as much common science as possible?




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