初三英语总复习公开教学案( Unit6,BookⅡ)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案学案设计 手机版

Date: Teacher: Lin Shouqun
Teaching aims:
1. 本单元的单词.词组.句型及日常交际用语.
2. 表示需要( need 的用法 )
3. 表示 “询问方向”和 “指点方向”的用语.
Key points: The same as the teaching aims .
Teaching method: 导学练评,促进发展.
Teaching procedure:
Step1 Listening
Step2 Phrases
A) 根据上下文,用适当的词完成句子.
1 You can see many old inventions in the m____________.
2 We can buy some books in the b_________.
3 Lily sits in my r__________.
4 We can send letters in the p___________ office.
5 A: Where’s the t_________, please?
B: This way,please.
6 My home is about four k__________ away from here..
7 Are you good at r________ maps?
8 Go down the street and take the third t_______ on the left.
9 The twins sit in the m_________ of the classroom.
10 I find it very hard to travel a________ the big city.
B) 根据汉语提示,用适当的词完成句子.
1 .Bill always __________ a map _______ him when he travels.(带着)
2 Thank you _____ _______ _________.(仍然)
3 I am standing __________ __________ ________ the train station.(在…前面)
4 There is a big desk __________ __________ ________ ___________ the classroom.(在…前面)
5 They _________ the coin __________ one student to another..(一个个传递)
6 __________ __________ the street ,and take the first turning on the right.(沿着)
7 Our school is ________ _________ the post office.(相邻)
8 He wants to go to __________ _______.(不同的地方)
9 I sit ______ ________ ________ _________.(在后排)
10 She sits _______ Jim __________ me.(在…之间)
11 They _____ _______ ________ _______ in front of the class.(站成一排)
12 You ______ ______ ask the policeman.(最好)
13 They put their hands ______ _______ _______.(在他们背后)
14 The other students in the class must ________ their eyes ______.(保持…闭着)
15 Li Lei sits ________ _____ ________ ________ the classroom.(在…后面)
Step3 Useful expressions
A: Excuse me , _____________________?
B: No.The nearest is about 5 kilometres away.
A:____________________? I don’t know the way.
B: Walk along this street,and take the second turning on the left.
A: ___________________________?
B: Yes.
A: ___________________________________?
B: The No 16 bus. The bus stop is on the other side of the street.
Step4 Grammar
A) need 的用法
1.作情态动词 need +动词原形 (常用于否定句和疑问句中)
2.作行为动词 need +名词 / need to do sth.
1. Tom need a new bike.
2. The boy needn’t a yo-yo now.
3. Liu Mei need help with her English.
4. –Do they need any good ideas?
--Yes,they need.
B) 询问方向的交际用语.(假设你要去邮局)
1. Excuse me, where’s the post office?
2. Excuse me,where’s the __________ post office?
3. Excuse me,________ ________ a post office near here?
4. Excuse me,________ is the ___________ to the post office?
5. Excuse me,_________ can I _________ to the post office?
6. Excuse me ,_________ _________away is the post office?
7. Excuse me,________ bus can I _________ to the post office?
8. Excuse me,can you _________ me the ________ to the post office?
9. Excuse me,could you tell me_________ ________ get to the post office?
C) 指点方向的交际用语.
1 It’s _______ the road on the right(_________).
2 It’s outside (beside/behind/next to /in front of/on your right hand side of)…
3 It’s about… metres/kilometers _______ the road.
4 It’s about…metres/kilometers ______ ________ the post office.
5 Go (Walk) along/______/_______the road (until…)
6 __________ the first turning _______ the right(_______).
7 _________ right(________) _______ the first turning(_______).
8 You will _______ the post office o the right/left.You can’t miss it.
9 Take a No.5 bus/a taxi.
10 The bus will _____ you to the post office.
11.It’s about ten minutes’walk to get to school from here.
Step5 综合应用



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