非谓语动词复习教案 :倒装句语法归纳及巩固练习

中学英语教学资源网英语教案语法专题指导 手机版

1.用于There be 句型和here,there,out,in,down,then,now,off,away,
Here comes the bus. Now comes your turn.
Away ran the little boy. 比较: Here she comes.
Present at the meeting were Professor Smith and many other
Gone are the days when they could do what they liked to the
Chinese people.
South of the city lies a big steel factory.
In the forest lives a tiger.
Under the tall tree stands an old man, who is Jim’s grandfather.
“Don’t make noise,please!” said the man.
比较:“Don’t make noise,please” he said.
They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of which sat an old farmer.
Inside the pyramids are the burial rooms for the kings and queens.
1.用于never,hardly,seldom,scarcely,little,not until, at no time, rarely,
in no way,by no means 等含有否定意义的词的开头,引起部分倒装。
Not a word did he say at the meeting.
Never have I been to Beijing.
2.用于only 所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句开头时,引起主句
倒装。(但only 修饰主语时不倒装:如:Only Mr Smith can do it.)
Only in this way can we learn English well.
Only when the war was over in 1981 was he able to get happily back
to work.
3.用于由so,nor ,neither引起的表前者的情况也适合后者时,引起
倒装。如:--I like swimming. --So do I.
--I didn’t pass the final examination. -- Nor/Neither did I.
试比较:--He is an American boy. --So he is.
4.由并列连词not only…but also, neither…nor连接的句子,
not only, neither放在句首时,引起部分倒装。
Not only does he write the words to the songs,but he also composes
the music.
5.用于由从属连词no sooner…than, scarcely…when/before, hardly…
when表示“一…就…”的概念,当no sooner, scarcely,或hardly置于
Scarcely had I got home when it started to snow.
6.so …that的句型,如果so…提到句首,则构成部分倒装。
So loudly did he speak that people in the next room could hear him.
7.虚拟条件句有were,should,had 时,可将基提到句首,if 省略,
Were I you,I would accept their invitation.
Pretty as she is, she is not clever.
Try as he would, he might fail again.
Much as he likes it, he won’t buy it.
如: Child as he was, he had to make a living.
1.So ____ that no fish can live in it.
A.shallow is the lake B.the lake is shallow
C.shallow the lake is D.is the lake shallow
2.Little _____ about his own safety, though he was in great
danger himself.
A.does he care B.did he care C.he cares D.he cared
3._____ seen him before, ____ tell you his name?
A.Never have I;how I can B.I have never; how I can
C.Never have I; how can I D.I never have;how can I
4.Hardly _____ the bus stop _____the bus arrived.
A.we had got to; when B.we had got to; then
C.had we got to; than D.had we got to; when
5.—You seem to be an actor.
-- _____.I have played many parts in a lot of films.
A.So do I. B.So am I C.So I do. D.So I am.
6.____ ,he never seems able to do the work beautifully.
A.Try as he does B.As he tries
C.Try as does he D.As try he does
7.– I can’t see the picture well from here. --_____________.
A.Neither can’t I B.Neither I can
C.I can’t neither D.Neither can I
8.Not until he arrived home______ he find that his wallet had been
A.did B.would C.when D.that
9.So carelessly _____ that he almost killed himself.
A.he drives B.does he drive C.did he drive D.he drove
10.Nowhere else in the world ______ cheaper tailoring than
in Hong Kong. A.a tourist can find B.can a tourist find
C.a tourist will find D.a tourist has found.
11._________ succeed in doing anything.
A.Only by working hard we can B.By only working hard we can
C.Only we can by working hard D.Only by working hard can we
12.Not only _____ repair bikes but he ____repair televisions.
A.he can; also can B.he can; can also
C.can he; also can D.can he; can also
13._____ did we go swimming in the Changjiang River.
A.Only B.Once C.Seldom D.When
14.So rapidly _____ that we could hardly follow him.
A.he spoke B.did he speak
C.he was speaking D.was he speaking
15.The door opened and _____ a middle-aged woman _____ an
expensive fur coat.
A.came in; in B.in came; in C.came in;on D. in came; on
16.____,he managed to send his daughter to school.
A.Poor man he was B.A poor man as he was
C.A poor man as was he D.Poor man as he was
17.No sooner ____ the thief stolen out of the store _____
he was caught by the collar.
A.did;when B.had;then C.had;suddenly D.had; than
18.When they hatch(孵化),_____ the little white worms.
A.come out B.out come C.out comes D.have come out
19._____my wife with a wallet in her hands just when I was
about to quarrel with a workmate about it.
A.There enter B.There entered
C.Entered there D.There entered into
20They thought somewhere in the desert _____ an ancient
A.being B.lay C.was there D.lay there
1. There’s _____ cooking oil left in the house. Would you go to the corner store and get _____?
A. little; some B. little; any C. a little; some D. a little; any
2.— I would never ever come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible!
— _____.
A. Nor am I B. Neither would I C. Same with me D. So do I
3. ____ snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.
A. Not only they brought B. Not only did they bring
C. Not only brought they D. Not only they did bring
4.Maybe you have been to many countries , but nowhere else_______ such a beautiful palace .
A.can you find B. you could find
C.you can find D.could you find
5. A modern city has been set up in________ was a wasteland ten years ago .
A. what B. which C. that D. where
6.I failed in the final examination last term and only then________ the importance of studies.
A. I realized B. I had realized C. had I realized D. did I realize




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