Unit 7 A man who never gave up
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一、 教学目标和要求(Teaching aims and demands) 词汇:able be able to neatly own spirit inventor try out pupil build at the age of track frighten frightened rush rush out safety telegraph open up invention lifetime graduate turn down healthily clearly print frustrate frustrated wonder worth confidence 日常交际用语:I’m trying to---I’ll--- Which of these would you like most to---? What do you want to---? I want to---I hope to---I plan to--- I’m going to--- 语法:动词不定式 1. 用作宾语He wanted to be an inventor. 2. 用作宾语补足语Tell her to turn it down. 3. 用作状语Later he left home to work in different cities. 语音:辅音连缀/pr-/ /br-/ /kr-/ /gr-/ /fr-/ /θr-/ 二、 教学步骤(Teaching steps) 第25课 步骤1 检查家庭作业 步骤2 介绍新语言项目 出示或画一张电话的图片(或实物)。问:What’s this called? Do you know any other words that begin with tele-?帮助学生回答television,说:The telephone and useful inventions. An invention is often a machine that helps us. Can you think of other inventions that we have at home?收集学生的回答,写在黑板上。指出词的构成:invent+ion, invent+or.然后提问:What inventions do we have in the street/in a factory/on a fame?等等。 步骤3 读,说 学生用书第31页第1部分,第25课口语录音带。合上书。提问:What kind of people did Thomas Edison say he liked?放录音磁带让学生听并找出答案(He liked people who had ideas)。打开书。再次放录音让学生听并跟读。要求学生猜测生词able,neatly的词义。让学生两人小组练习对话。 步骤4 问,答 学生用书第31页第2部分。通过这一段,看学生是否能猜出动词own的意思。然后学生以小组为单位进行问答练习。让他们比较各自的答案,然后叫个别学生向全班做汇报。 步骤5 练习册 练习册第25课练习1~3。所有的练习都可以以两人小组的形式完成。做练习1时,可以加一些词,例如:examination/exam, mathematics/math(s)等等。当学生两人小组猜测每一个发明是什麽之后,与全班一起核对答案。 做练习3时,当学生两人一组就他们的发明编出谜语之后,叫每个小组念自己的谜语,其他学生猜测答案。 家庭作业: 在练习本上写下一个发明的谜语。 第26课 步骤1 复习 检查家庭作业 步骤2 介绍新语言项目 说:In China’s history, there are many inventions. Who can tell me some of the famous inventions in China? Who were the inventors? Did these people want to be inventors? 鼓励学生谈论四大发名:造纸术、印刷术、火药和指南针,以及其他发明。可能他们的家乡因某种发明而闻名。一边问以下两个问题,一边将问题写在黑板上:Do you want to be an inventor? What would you like to be?解释不定式的用法。如有必要,可用汉语解释。 学生用书第32页第1部分。首先和学生一起通过课文上边的两个阅读理解性问题。让他们猜测spirit的意思。然后要求学生讨论这两个问题。把他们的想法写在黑板上。 步骤4 读 学生用书第32页第2部分,第26课口语录音带。要求学生快速阅读课文,了解文章大意。核对答案(A story about Thomas Edison)。问:Why is the title of this passage, ’The man who never gave up’?让学生仔细看课文,找到答案(Because he never quit) . 附加说明 托玛斯·爱迪生于1847年2月11日出生在俄亥俄州米兰市。在他刚刚会说话不久,他就开始问每一个他认识的人有关事情来龙去脉的问题。当爱迪生长大些了以后,他喜欢读书。不久家里就没有什麽再让他读的了。于是他的父亲介绍他去图书馆。爱迪生从书架底层的最后一本书开始,浏览或认真读图书馆里的每一本书。爱迪生通过自己的全部阅读得出结论:人不应将自己的信仰建筑在别人写的东西上,要亲自证明事物的真相。因而他接受了这样的观点:独创的想法是最好的。他的许多发明包括灯泡、留声机、录音电话机、蜡纸油印机和最早的无声电影。他于1931年10月18日逝世于新泽西州,享年84岁。 要求学生猜测生词和表达法的含义:inventor, try out, pupil, build, at the age of, track, frighten, rush, rush out, safety, telegraph, open up, lifetime. 可以给出下列词汇的简单英语释义: inventor=someone who makes something that has never been made try out=to try something to see if it works frighten 是个动词,意思是“to make someone feel afraid”. rush=to do something quickly open up 在此处意为“to start as in a business or a lab”. Lifetime=the period of time during which a person is alive 再放一遍录音让学生听并让他们跟着重复。注意发音和语调。 和全班一起做练习册第26课练习1。 步骤5 练习册 做练习册第26课练习2和3。练习2可以单独完成。当学生找到一个错句时,他们必须给出正确答案。 练习3可以全班一起做。 家庭练习: 在练习本上写下练习册练习2的正确句子。 复习生词。 第27课 步骤1 复习 1. 通过检查练习册第26课练习3的家庭作业,复习生词。 2. 问:What do you want to do this weekend?复习不定式。帮助学生用不定式回答问题,例如:I want to go for a walk/I want to go to my grandparents’等等。 步骤2 讨论 学生用书第33页第1部分。读一遍这些问题后回答。教单词graduate。然后学生以小组为单位互相进行问答。注意用在动词want, hope, plan 等之后作宾语的不定式。 步骤3 读,说 学生用书第33页第2部分。第27课口语录音带。放录音,让学生听并让他们重复。要学生猜单词noisy的意思。然后让他们两人一组练习对话。看看学生是否能不看书完成这个练习。 指出不定式可用作要求某人做谋事的用法。以ask/tell him to turn it down为例。告诉学生to turn是不定式,to turn it down是不定式短语用作(him)宾语补语的。 两人一组做练习册第26课练习1。然后叫几组学生自愿表演他们的对话。 步骤4 练习 学生用书第33页第3部分。过一遍方框里的生词和词组,确定学生明白这些词语的含义。与个别学生做一两个对话作为范例。然后让学生两人一组练习。指出在句型let somebody do something中,不定式to被省略。 步骤5 问,答 学生用书第33页第4部分。通过问学生有关不定式用作(目的)状语的问题,如:to keep him busy, to work as an inventor, to learn as much as he could, 复习第26课的故事,然后学生两人一组做问答练习。 步骤6 发明某物 学生用书第33页第5部分*。把学生分为4人一组。然后让他们自由讨论要发明的东西。要求他们描述它如何工作和为什麽有必要拥有它。如果时间允许,让他们画出他们发明的图画。 步骤7 练习册 做练习册第27课练习2和3。首先两人一组做练习2。然后叫几个学生自告奋勇说出他们的句子,可以全班一起做练习3。 家庭作业: 写下练习册第27课练习1中的一段对话。 写下练习册第27课练习3中的句子。 第28课 步骤1 复习 1. 检查家庭作业。 2. 复习Don’t you know---? Why did Edison---?和学生用书第33页的对话. 步骤2 听 学生用书第34页第1部分,第28课听力训练录音带。说:Listen to the text and write a title for it。放录音磁带,学生听。可能的标题是:Think first! Hard work brings success等等。再放录音。然后转到练习册第28课练习1,并且要两人一组回答问题。和全班一起核对答案。再次放录音,学生边听边填空。 听力课文: Thomas Edison once said that to be an inventor there are some things you have to do. First, you have to make a good plan. Second, you have to make sure that there is a need for your invention. If there is no need, then you can’t make any money on your invention. Third, you have to think carefully. You need to get to the most important idea of your invention and work from there. He also said you need to make a survey. You have to study about your idea for your invention and see if anyone else has the dame idea as you. Then you need to work hard and never give up. Don’t worry if you fail. Each failure brings you much closer to the right answer. Sooner or later You will make your invention work. 答案是:1.You have to make a good plan. 2.You can’t make any money. 3.You have to study about your idea for your invention and see if anyone else has the same idea as you. 4.It brings you much closer to the right answer, make a good plan, make sure, need, can’t, carefully, the most important, study about, anyone else, same, give up, fail, closer, sooner or later. 步骤3 与方框里的副词和不定式相配、写 学生用书第34页第2部分。叫两个学生读对话。让学生猜测healthily的意思。然后叫其他学生用方框中不定式和副词读对话。现在把全班分为两人一组活动,替换方框中的词。让几组学生和全班一起读他们的对话。要求学生在练习册上写下他们的一段对话。 步骤4 朗读,表演 学生用书第34-35页第3部分,第28课口语录音带。提问:What’s wrong with Ann’s CD player?要求学生听录音,找答案。指出Mine’s broken = Mine is broken 。让学生说出clearly的意思和词性。放录音,学生听并跟读。然后,要求学生两人一组练习对话。让学生依据学生用书所给的范例编出新对话并表演这个对话。 步骤5 小诗 学生用书第35页第4部分*。给全班朗读这首小诗。然后学生向自己的同学朗读这首小诗,练习他们的语调。复习所有不熟悉的词。再看看哪个学生能不看书说出这首小诗。无论如何要确认他们带着感情朗读小诗,而不是不明白意思的背诵。 步骤6 复习要点 过一遍复习要点7,并讨论出现的疑难问题。练习说“有用的表达法”,确认学生懂得它们的意思和什麽时候用它们。 步骤7 测试 听写下列依据第28课听力课文所给的短文。 Thomas Edison once said* that to be an inventor there are some things you have to do.* First, you have to make a good plan.* Second, you have to make sure that* there is a need for your invention. * Third, you have to think carefully. * You need to get to * the most important idea of your invention * and work from there. * Then you need to work hard and never give up. * Don’t worry if you fail. * Each failure brings you much closer to the right answer. * Sooner or later you will make you invention work. 步骤8 练习册第28页练习2,第28课口语录音带。练习2要全班一起做。注意辅音字母连缀。 练习3和4应两人一组做。 练习5可以全班一起做。 练习6要学生独立完成。 做练习7时,让学生快速浏览课文,找到问题的答案:Why did Edison sit on the chicken eggs?核对答案(He wanted to have chicks)。现在要求学生慢慢地读课文,并和同伴一起讨论这些问题。和全班一起核对答案。接着要学生把课文中的每一个不定式划出来。它们是: ---his father was surprised to see him--- Hens are able to have chicks. He had used his new idea to save his mother’s life. The doctor wanted to operate on his mother, ---so that the doctor was able to see clearly. 家庭作业: 复习本单元的内容。 |
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