外研新标准Book 1 Module 4-6 重点词组、句子集中营

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Module 4-6 重点词组、句子集中营
I. Useful expressions
1. up to now / so far / till now 到目前为止
2. get away (from)... (从)...离开;远离......
get back (from)... (从)......回来
3. as a result of... 因为;由于
eg. He was late as a result of the traffic jam.
* result in 由于......导致/引起
* result from 结果是......;因而
4. as / so long as 只要;如果......的话
eg. I'll lend you my dictionary as / so long as you can use it carefully.
* so long <口语> 再见
eg. So long! I'll see you next week.
5. in order ① 顺序的②井然的;整齐 ③ (机械)情况良好
eg. Please put these books in order.
The computer is working in order.
* out of order 杂乱的
* by order of...=under the order of... 奉......之命
6. keep...out of... 不让......靠近;使......不进入
keep...away from 使......不靠近
eg. Children should be kept away from the lake.
7. do / perform / carry out an experiment 做实验
8. the Nobel Prize for (physics / chemistry) 诺贝尔(物理/化学)奖
9. be proud of / take pride in 以......而自豪
eg. My little son is always proud of his school record. / My littlie son always takes pride in his school record.
10. be supposed to do...理应......;应当......
He is supposed to be here on time.
11. not a bit = not at all 一点也不
not a little = very much 非常;很
12. come up with① catch up with 赶上;追上②想出(办法/主意等);找到答案
eg. Finally, we came up with the answers to these questions.
13. compare...with...拿......同......相比
compared with / to...同......比较起来 <在句中做状语>
eg. Compared with / to her mother, she is much taller.
14. consist of... 由......组成
15. as much as / as many as 像......一样...... <表示程度>
eg. I can only move my arm as much as this.
There are as many as ten thousand languages in the world.
16. in one's opinion 以......之观点;在......看来
17. have the advantage of...有......之优势
18. a series of... 一系列......
19. on (an/the) average 平均
* up to (the) average 达到平均数
20. log on / off 登陆/登出
II. Important sentence patterns
1. It is the first time (that) I have done... 某人第一次......
eg. It was the first time (that) I had done...
eg. It is the first time (that) I have to Changchun.
It was the first time (that ) I had had such good gifts.
2. It is / was +adj.(+for / of sb) +to do... 某人做......是......的
eg. It's important for us students to learn a foreign language well.
It's kind of you to book me a seat.
3. The +比较级,the+比较级 越......,越......
eg. The more the professor talked, the less I could understand.
The more you practise, the better you will be.
4. Would you like sb. to do... 乐意让......做......
eg. Would you like me to help you with your English study?
I'd like Tom to go there on foot rather by bus.



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