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(1) 一般情况下,两者可换用(although多用于句首)。
(2) 所引导的让步状语从句放在主句前.从句中用部分倒装时,用though(=as)。
(3) 只能说as though(=as if); even though(=even if)。
(4) though可用作副词,放在句末或句中.表示“然而”“不过”,although不可。
(1) they tried hard, they didn't finish the work on time.
(2) They didn't stop to have a rest they were tired.
(3) He speaks English as he were an Englishman.
(4) Even he didn't tell me anything about it. I know the whole thing.
(5) Child he is, he knows a lot about computers.
(6) He said he would help me with my English; he didn't, .
2.too much/much too
too much后接不可数名词(如果接可数名词用too many),还可单独使用,用作代词或副词(作宾语或状语)。
much too不可单独使用,后面要接形容词或其他副词可修饰动词。
(1) The car is expensive for a common family in China.
(2) You drank last night.
(3) You eat sugar every day. It's bad to your health.
(4) It's hot today.
(5) What you said is for the girl.
(1) Christmas is a for everybody
(2) The children will take their summer in half a month.
(3) The manager is on
(4) The headmaster gave me a day
(5) I have to ask you for half a day's
4.allow / permit/let/make
allow和permit在许多情况下可以换用,只是词义的强弱有些差别:allow侧重于“听任" "默许" "不加阻止”;permit强调“正式认可” “批准”的意思。Let椒普通用语;make是“使┅┅”。在使用中还要注意以下几点:
(1) 可以说allow/permit sb.to do不可以说allow/permit sb.doing。
(2) 可以说allow/permit doing不可以说allow/permit to do。
(3)可以说let sb. do sth. 不可以说 let sb. to do sth.
(4)可以说make sb. do sth.不可以说make sb. to do sth.
但要说:Sb. is made to do sth.
1. Students are not allowed ____________(enter)the net-bar.
2. Children are not permitted _____________(watch)this play.
3. Do you allow__________(smoke)in the office?
4. Please let me_____________(introduce)myself.
5. What make you____________(think)I am a farmer?
6. The children are made___________(do)a lot of homework every day.
7. That teacher often too much noise in the classroom.
8. Schools do not smoking.
9. He was angry with me and didn't me into the room.
(1)A train is running the tunnel.
(2)Don't run the street while the traffic light is red.
(3)There is a shop the road.
(4)I don't think he will live the night.
6.be made from/be made of/be made in/be made into/be made up of
be made of/from意为“由......制成”。用以制造的原材料已改变,在制成品中看不出原材料,用from;原料未改变,在制成品中仍看得出原材料,用of。
be made in指产地,意为“在......制造,由......制造”。
be made into意为“将......制成”。与以上短语不同,它的主语为原材料。
be made up of指“由......组成”。
1. This kind of books is made ________ a kind of paper which is made _______bamboo.
2. The necklace made_______glass instead of diamond is made ______GuangZhou..
3. What can this piece of wood made_________?
4. The club is made_________twenty members.
5. These table are made our factory. They were made wood.
6. Wood can be made tables and other furniture.
7. China is made 56 nations.
7.by bike/on a bike/in a bus
表示旅行方式,不涉及交通工具时用by。如:by air,by water,by sea,by land(road)。
泛指交通工具时用by,表交通工具的名词前不用冠词,不用复数词尾。如:by plane,by bus,by boat,by train。
交通工具前有冠词或物主代词等修饰词时,用in或on如:on a red bike,on/in a bus/train/ship。
交通工具前有起始或到达时间时,也可用by。如:by/on,the 11:00 train。
“骑马,骑骆驼,步行”均用on。如:。n horseback,on a horse,On the camel,On foot。
1.I usually go to school______bus,but this morning I went______my brother’s bike.
2.I went there_______the No.6 bus but came back_______my friend’s car.
8.no one/none
(1) no one用来指人,不能接“短语,当它作主语时,谓语动词用单数
(2) none不仅指人也可指物,其后常接of短语,构成"none of+名词/代词"结构,当名词或代词为复数时,谓语动词用单复数均可.
(3) 回答how many/how much引起的问句用none;回答who引起的问句用no one.
(1) likes a person with bad manners.
(2) of his friends came to help him.
(3) Almost believes him.
(4) of them has/have seen
(5)--How much coal is left? -- .
(6) --Who entered the room? -- .
(7) How many students are there in the classroom? -- .
9.wear / dress / put on / have on / in / be dress in / pull on / with
(1) 强调动作sb.dress sb/oneself sb.put on(衣服、鞋、帽等) sb.pull on(衣服、鞋、帽等)
(2) 强调状态sb. wear(衣服、鞋、帽、手套、眼镜、头发、胡须等。还可接颜色)
sb.have on(衣服、鞋、帽、手套等) sb.be in(颜色、衣服) sb.be dressed in(颜色、衣服)
(3)其他用法pull on表示不经心地、随随便便或匆匆忙忙地穿上/戴上。
have on不可用于进行时,也不可用现在分词作状语或定语
(1) She got up late, so she her clothes and went to school in a hurry.
(2)She is a new skirt today. She looks more beautiful.
(3)He is going out. He is an overcoat.
(4)The nurses are all in white.
(5) She her son and sent him to school. Then she herself in a coat and went to work. She always well.
(6)When a person is born, he/she nothing When he/she dies, he/she carries
(7)When did you get the shoes you yesterday?
(8)She likes to black (clothes).
(9)The girl red is our monitor.
(10) The woman teacher glasses English teacher.
10.agree on/agree with/agree to
agree on表示在某一点上达成协议或取得一致意见
agree with表示同意、赞成某人说的话,后接sb.或wh-从句,或表达意见,想法,观点,决定的词(opinion, view, idea, decision)还可以表示"与.....一致,适合"; 此时主语一般不是表示人的词.
agree to后接计划、安排、建议、条件等词(plan, arrangement, suggestion, terms).agree to do。表示“同已做某事”。
(1) I what he said.
(2) After a further discussion, both sides the date for the next meeting.
(3) They didn't each other on that point.
(4) A verb should its subject in number and person.
(5) At last the teacher give him another chance.
(6) Do you the arrangement?
(7) They all the matter.
(1) sb. spend some time/money on sth.或sb.spend some time/money on sth.或sb. spend some time/money/(in)doing sth
(2) sth. cost sb. some money/time/life/health
(3) It takes sb.some time to do sth.或sb. take some time to do sth或 sth take sb some time to do
(4) sb. pay (sb.)some money (for)sth.
(1) It him three years to write the book.
(= He three years to write the book. The book him three years to write.
= He three years writing the book. )
(2) Every year he a lot of money on books/in buying books.
(3) This dictionary me 100 yuan.
(4) Making experiment like that much time and labour.
(5) Careless driving may you your life.
(6) They have decided to 70 000 yuan for the newly built house.
(7) We'll you in a few days, when I have money.
12.a number of/the number of
a number of的意思是“一些:许多”,相当于many,用于修饰可数名词。它所修饰的名词作主语时,中心词是复数名词,谓语动词用复数形式。
the number of的意思是“......的数量;号码”。当它与后面的名词连用时,中心词是the number。如果用作主语,即使后面的名词是复数,谓语也要用单数。
(1)Do you know my telephone?
(2) trees planted in our village is never under 200 every year.
(3)We have lived here for years.
(4) jobless people grows in the country at present.
(5) students are playing football on the playground.
(6) students in our class is over 70.
(1) sound指各种听得见的声音,这种声音可以是悦耳的,也可以是不悦耳的。
(2) noise指各种“噪音;响声;喧闹声”。
(3) voice指人的说话声、歌声或笑声,也可以指鸟鸣声,还可以用于比喻。
(1) I heard a strange in the next room.
(2)She listened to the low, sad of the sea.
(3) The manager must be in the next room. I heard his .
(4)Don't make such a .
(5) The from that factory makes it difficult for me to go to sleep.
(6) travels fast, but light travels faster.
(7)The baby cried at top of his
14.as many as/as much as
as many as意为“多达……,……之多”,常用在人或物的具体数量前,结构为:as many as+数词+复数名词。as much as常用在“雨量、水量、时间量、重量、钱数.、价格”等方面,表示“总量”和“单位量”的大小,结构为:as much as十数词+复数名词。
比较:...倍数+as many+复数名词+as;…倍数+as much+不可数名词+as。
(1) 250 000 people lost their homes in the earth quake.
(2)The rain is plentiful here, often seventy inches every year.
(3) At the job, she could earn eighty dollars a week.
(4)The civil war in that country lasted 16 years.
15.prepare/prepare for/get(be)ready
(1) get/be ready意为“准备好”,强调准备的结果。常见结构有:①get ready(for sth.)②get sth. Ready ③be ready(for sth)④be ready to do(准备干某事,乐于干某事)
(2) prepare意为“准备”,强调准备的动作与过程。宾语是这一动作的承受者。其后也可接双宾语,还可接不定式。
(3) prepare for意为“为......做准备”,for的宾语不是动作的承受者,而是表示准备的目的,即所要应付的情况。
prepare sth.准备某物(事);
prepare sth.for sth.为……做……准备
prepare to do sth.准备做某事
prepare for sth. 为某事做准备 ’
prepare sb.for sth. 使某人对某事有思想准备
be prepared for sth.准备好应付某事
(1) Mother was busy lunch in the kitchen when I got home.
(2)The doctor told the nurses to the operation at once.
(3) We to do anything for the people.
(4)Will you help me the party?
(5) Please by seven o' clock tomorrow morning.
(6)The teacher is the exam.
(7)The students are the exam.
(8)Will you her for the bad news that is coming?
(1)Electricity wasn't by Edison, but he the electric light.
(2) Have you the bike you lost last week?
(3) We her to a good doctor.
(4)This kind of machine was many years ago.
17.complete/finish/end ‘
(1)This term will in July.
(2)When you reading the novel, can you lend it to me?
(3) They the evening with a few songs.
(4) We started off immediately after we 'had our breakfast.
(5) Fill. in the blanks with the missing words and the sentences.
(6)Is the story he told a one?
18.go up/bring up
二者都可以指价格等方面的上升,但是go up为不及物动词短语,不可用于被动,反义词组为go down;bring up为及物动词短语,可以用于被动;反义词组为bring down。
(1) I believe the prices might next week. We can buy some cheap ones then.
(2)Can you get them to the price? We can't sell at such a low price.
(3) The government should take measures to the price of petrol. It's too high.
(4)After the rain, the river keeps
(5) It is too hot these days. I hope the temperature will soon.
19.at one time/at times/at all times/at a time/at no time/at the same time/for a time
(1) at one time(=once)意为“从前、曾经”。 (2) all times(=sometimes)意为“有时、间或”。
(3) at all times(=always)意为“一直、随时”。 (4) at a time(=each time)意为“一次、每次”。
(5) at no time意为“在任何时候都不、决不”。 (6) at the same time意为“同时”。
(7) for a time意为“一度、一段时间”,相当于for some time。
(1) In class you should listen to your teacher _________________, not from time to tome.
(2) We were good friends , but aren't now.
(3)Please give me two books
(4)We couldn't say who came earlier. They almost arrived
(5) You should waste your time playing computer games.
(6)He was a professor of a university in Beijing Now he studies in America.
20.change for/change into/change with
(1) change for...意为“向...方面转化”;change A for B意为“把A调换为B”,有时A可以省略。
(2) change with…意为“随同……改变”;change...with sb.意为“和某人交换”。
(3) A change into B意为“A变化成n,’;change A into B意为“把A变成B”。change into还可表示“换上(衣服)”。
1. I’m sorry to say that I can’t give back your money.I suggest that you________the small one_______a bigger one.
2. In what conditions can water________________vapour.
3. The price of this kind of goods will___________________the seasons.
4. The weather is changing the better.
5. Times change and we should change them.
6. Will you change seats me?
7. He changed his camera a television set.
8. Ice changes water rapidly on hot day.
9. Change the following sentences negative forms.
10. If your daughter doesn't like the color, you can come back to change another.
beat宾语只能是表示人的词或一个集体,“在比赛、战斗、争论中击败某人”应说beat sb.in…。win作“赢”解时,其宾语通常是war,battle,game,match,argument,medal等,不能是表示人的名词。
(1) They do their best to medals.
(2) We their team by 10 points.
(3) Jim Tom by a yard and the race.
(4) Do you know who the Nobel Prize for physics in 2002?
(1) but是连词,连接两个并列的成分或句子,在意义上构成对比,语气比较强。
(2) however(然而、尽管)作副词用时的显著特点是与逗号不可分:置于句首,其后用逗号;置于句中,前后用逗号;置于句末,其前用逗号。however还可以用作连词,引导状语从句,意思是“不管怎样”。
(3) while可以用作连词,连接并列句,表示对两种情况或两个动作的对比,意思是“可是广…·而”。
(1)like computer games , I have no time to play.
(2) It's raining hard. , I think we should go out.
(3)He said that it was so; he was mistaken,
(4)She listened to me closely he read something.
(5) hard it may be, do it best.
(6)The girls are dancing the boys are singing.
23.hear/hear of/hear from
(1) hear作“听见、听说、听到”讲时,指亲耳听到。
(2) hear。{意为“听到、听说”。强调从别人那里间接得知。
(3) hear from sb./a place意为“收到......来信(来电);得到……消息”。也可以用receive/get a letter from或receive/get one’s letter来表达此义。
(1)I don't know the writer, but I him.
(2) I her sing in the next room.
(3)I he had gone to Britain.
(4)We haven't him since last Christmas.
(5)I haven't my hometown for months.
24.such as/for example
for example作为插入语可以放在句首、句中或句末,放在句首,其后用逗号;放在句中,前后用逗号;放在句末,其前用逗号。
Such as放在被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,as之后切不可用逗号。
(1) Noise, is a kind of pollution.
(2) I know many students of your school, Wang Ling,
(3) He can speak five foreign languages, German and French.
(4) He knows several languages,, he knows English and Japanese.
(5) Boys __ John and James are very friendly.
25.on the air/in the air/in the open air/by air
in the air意为“在空中,:(问题、计划)未定"; by air=by plane;in the open air同out doors,指“在户外,在露天”;on the air意为“(用无线电,电视)播送”。
(1) Children should have more sports , which is to great value to their health.
(2) Look. There is a kite flying high
(3) You can pick up the BBC programmers
(4)The film will be shown
(5)Do you travel by train or ?
26.fight for/fight against/fight with
fight for意为“为……而战;为争取......而战”
fight against①接事物名词,意为“为反对…而斗争”。②接人或国家名词,意思是“与…”·战斗”。
fight with:①接人或国家名词,表示“与......(并肩)战斗”。②接人或国家名词,意思是“与......战斗”(=fight against)。
(1) Two dogs fight a hone, and a third runs away with it.
(2)England fought France Germany in the war of 191441918.
(3)They are fighting better working conditions.
(4)They were fighting the enemy to gain their freedom.
(5) They fought the Italians in the last war and against them in this.
(3)answer可引申为“应答”之类的意义—;reply不可。如:answer the door bell。
(4)作名词用时,answer意为“答案、回答、答复”,后接to。如the answer(=key)to the question;reply意为“答复”,后接to。如:the reply(=answer)to a letter。
(1)She failed to to the teacher's question.
(2) my question in English.
(3)We haven't to his letter yet.
(4)No one was able to him a word.
(5)He that he knew nothing about it.
(6) Kate, could you the telephone please?
(7)There is no quick to this question.
(2)用法:作形容词时,alone只能作表语,有时作宾补,不能作定语;lonely可以作表语和定语。alone不能用very修饰,而要说much alone,或very much alone。
(3)词义:作表语时,alone的意思是“独自一人”,指的是客观情况;lonely的意思是“寂寞”,指的是主观感觉。(4)固定结构:leave/let sb./sth.alone听任;别打扰;let alone更不用说。
(1)He feels though he has two brothers.
(2)The old man lives in a house in the forest
(3)When he woke up, he found himself in the room.
(4)Though he is at home, he doesn't feel ,for he has many things to do.
(5)The baby can't walk, let run.
(6) Leave the machine . It's dangerous.
29.except/but/besides/except for/but for
(1) 在否定句中,except与besides可换用。
(2) 在肯定句中,except的意思是“除……之外(其余的并不如此)”,因此,except sth.表示“把sth.排除在外”,属否定性质。besides的意思是“除……之外还有(其余的也如此)”,因此,besides sth.表示“把sth.添加在内”,属肯定性质。
(3) except和but后都可接名词、代词、动名词和不定式。except还可接副词、介词短语以及when,where,that引导的句子。
(4) except for一般指整体中存在的不足,但整体是完美的,意为“除了……之外”或“只是……”。
(5) but for等于if it were not for…;if it hadn’t been for.表示“若不是,要不是”的意思,所在的句子常用虚拟语气。
(1)I don't care for anything this.
(2) He answered all the questions the last one.
(3)We all went our teacher. We had a good time with our teacher.
(4) We all went our teacher. He had to attend an important meeting at school.
(5)I know nothing about him that he is from the south.
(6)I won't believe you when the sun rises in the west.
(7)Your composition is good some spelling mistakes.
(8) your help, we wouldn't have finished the work ahead of time.
(9)He did nothing all day play computer games.
(10)We had no choice to obey his order.
30.a bit/a little
(1) 在肯定句中作状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词及其比较级时,可以互换。
(2) 作定语时,它们修饰不可数名词,而a little直接跟名词,a bit要加。of,才能接名词。
(3) 在否定句中意思恰恰相反,not a bit相当于not at all(一点也不);not a little相当于very(much)(非常)。
(1) In fact, this is bigger than that one because he didn't know the answer.
(2)We can go on with it or have a rest because I'm only tired.
(3)I am tired, so we needn't have a rest.
(4)I am tired, and we must have a rest.
(5)There is only food left for lunch.
(6)There is only of food left for lunch.
31.at the end(of)/in the end/by the end of
at the end(of)既可以指时间,也可以指地点。指时间时,意为“在……末”。
in the end意为“最后,终于”;与finally,at last同义。
by the end of意为“不迟于”,强调“最后时限”,多同完成时连用。
(1) the road there used to be a hospital
(2) last month, they had finished 70 percent of the project
(3) this month he will go to America.
(4) They had a football match with Class 4 yesterday and they won.
32.catch(take)fire/be on fire/put out fire/be out/set sth.on fire
(1) catch/take fire意为“着火”,强调动作,主语为燃烧物。
(2) be on fire意为“着火;在燃烧”,表示状态,主语为燃烧物。
(3) put out fire意为“扑灭火”,表示动作,强调结果,主语为灭火的人。
(4) be out意为“火灭”,表示状态,主语为fire。
(5) set sth.on fire=set fire to sth.意为“放火烧......”,主语为放火的人。
Yesterday evening a shop near our school for some reason. When the firefighters arrived, it for about twenty minutes. They tried their best to . And at last the fire _________.The police thought someone _______the shop and now they are trying to find out who it
(1)Who is the greatest man ?
(2) Scientists are keeping a sick milk deer at the center.
(3)She bought a fish.
(4)The people are more important than the dead.
(5)There are some animals on the island.
(6)When we found him ten days later, he was still
(1) sick可作表语或定语,作表语时,有时含有“恶心的”“要呕吐的”之意;the sick指一类人,作主语时,谓语动词用复数;
sick可以构成复合词,如:airsick(晕飞机);seasick(晕船);car—sick(晕车);sick还可以构成固定词组,如:be sick for(渴望的);be sick of(对……厌倦)。
(2) ill作“生病”讲时,只作表语,不作定语;作“坏的”“恶心的”讲时,只能作定语,不能作表语。speak ill of sb.说某人的坏话;ill luck!=bad luck!意思是“倒霉!"
(1) He spends a lot of money on treating his father.
(2)Don't make friends with a person with a (n) name.
(3) The are taken good care of in this hospital.
(4)Don't speak of him.
(5) She sings badly. When I hear her sing, I feel
(6)The girl is in bed with a cold, and she is for home.
(7) He is always complaining. We are of listening his complaint.
(1) steal通常指小偷之“偷、窃”,常用于句型“steal sth.from sb./sp.”,其宾语通常是物。steal还有“偷偷地走,偷偷溜进”的意思。
(2) rob通常指劫匪或强盗之“抢劫”,其宾语通常是人或处所,所劫之物用“of+物”来表达,常用于句型“rob sb./sp.of sth.”。
(1) They broke into the room and his case.
(2) He a new bike from the school.
(3) He the girl of her new bike.
(4) He into the room, a purse on the table and then out of the room.
(5) They the bank of a big sum of money.
(1) He told the headmaster that he had an invitation to the meeting and asked her whether he could it.
(2)Our suggestions were at the meeting.
(3) I my parents' letter last Friday.
(4)Where did you your doctor's degree?
(5)We were warmly at the factory gate.
(6) Did they what you told them?
(7)She applied to join the Party and was
(1) job是可数名词,侧重职业。表示某个人“失业”,应说out of a job;表示多个人失业可以说out of a job,也可以说out of job(s)。
(2) work作“工作”解时,是不可数名词。它可以构成很多固定结构,如:go to work(去上班);be at work(在工作中;在班上);after work(下班后);out of work(失业)。work作“著作、作品”解时,是可数名词;表示“工厂;工事;机件”时,常用复数形式。
(1)I'm going to the hospital to see one of my friends after __
(2)She lied to us because she had to in order to get a __
(3)If anyone at __ discover the secret, I shall lose my __
(4)New __are needed because a number of people are out of
(5) The iron __is outside the city.
(6)Something is wrong with the __of my watch.
(7)Have you read the __of Shakespeare?
38. call on/call at/drop in on/drop in at
drop in on/at的意思是“顺便拜访某人或某地”,含有“事先没安排,偶然性拜访”之意。
call on和drop in on后接表人的名词;call at和drop in at后接地点名词。例如:
(1) Yesterday I called at his house but he was out.Tomorrow I’11 go to call on him again.
(2) When l went to Beijing to attend a meeting,I dropped in on him.
(3) His father often drops in at his office when he is free.
(4) This morning we called at the hospital to see if he was better.
(1) He was called from his holiday to deal with the problem.
(2) When they came to visit our school, they called teacher’s house.
(3) Could I call Mr. Cheng ? He has been waiting outside for half an hour.
(4) Call me tomorrow. My telephone number 5362891.
(5) He is ill in hospital. I' II call him tomorrow morning.
(6)The chairman called me to talk about the on the meeting.
39.lie / lay
(1 )lie(lay,lain,lying).躺、卧;位于
(2) lie(lied,lied,lying)说谎
(3) lay(laid,laid,laying)放、置;下蛋、产卵
(1) On the ground __ a wounded soldier.
(2) He __a desk in the corner of the room.
(3) This hen __an egg every day.
(4)The cat is __on the carpet.
(5)Don't believe him. He often __and this time he __again.
(1)Their names are __in the list.
(2)There are a lot of names in the list, __ his name.
(3)There are a lot of names in the list, his name __
(4) We no longer __ him among our friends.
(5)There are 40 students in our class, __four students from America.
41.before long/long before
(1) before long意思是“不久以后”,相当于soon,可与一般过去时和一般将来时连用。
(2) long before的意思是“很久以前”或“在……之前很久”。long before可以单独使用,也可以在before后接名词或从句。
(3) 句型:It will be long before…还要很久才......;
It won' t be long before...不要多久就……;很快就……
(1)A new school will be built here
(2)Mr. Smith stayed in Beijing for a year. he came to Shandong.
(3)He said he had been there
(4)I knew your husband I knew you.
(5)It won't be we get there.
(1) fast多指运动或动作的人或物体本身具有快速的特点。如:a fast train。
(2) quick一般指迅速的、一瞬间的或短暂的动作,并不强调速度,如:a quick look(reply,meal)。
(3) 催促人走路或做事要快,用quick,不用fast。如:Be quick!
(4) 指钟表的快要用fast,不用quick。(5) 指人的动作“快”要用fast。
(6) rapid侧重动作本身,有急促的含义,它所指的动作可能是一个或一连串的。rapid还可用来指水流急速。
(1)It may be a very car, but it uses a lot of petrol.
(2)Tom made a answer to the question.
(3)You're very , aren’t you?
(4)The clock is five minutes
(5)The improvement in his English is
(1) especially的意思是“特别地、尤其地、不寻常地”,强调程度,表示递进。
(2) specially的意思是“特意的、专门地”,强调为了某一目的。
(1)John has come to see you.
(2)I made this chocolate cake for you.
(3)I have been busy these days.
(4)I like the countryside, in spring.
(5)Noise is unpleasant, when you're trying to sleep.
44.to the north of/in the north of/on the north of
to the north of的意思是“在……的北面”,表示不属于同一范围。In the north of的意思是“在……北面”,表示在同一范围内。
on the north of的意思是“在……北面”,表示两地毗邻或接壤。
(1)Japan is (lies) _______________ Asia.
(2)Japan is (lies) ______________ China.
(3)North Korean is (lies) ___________________ China.
45.feel like/would like
(1) feel like中的like是介词,后接名词或动名词。该结构用来提出意愿或希望,意思是“想要(做某事);愿意”。
(2) would like中的like是动词,后接名词、不定式或带不定式的复合结构。
(1) I not to go for a walk with you. I staying at home reading this novel.
(2) I you to help my brother with his English.
(3) Do you having something to eat?
(4) -- you to join us in the travel? --Yes, I to.
46.year after year/year by year
year after year意为“年年,每年”,表示动作的重复;
year by year意为“一年一年地”,表示逐年的转变过程。类似的结构还有:month after month;month by month;day after day, day by day
(1)Farmers work in the fields
(2)He is growing taller and taller
(3)We send cards each other
(4)Since 1980 great changes have taken place
47.What’s…like? /What’s...?/How do you like...?/How is(are)...?
(1) What’s…like? 用来询问人或事物的特征,即人的外貌、品德或天气状况。
(2) What’s…? 用来询问人的职业。
(3) How do you like...? 等于What do you think of...?用来询问对某事的看法,即见解和观点。
(4) How is (are)…? 当主语是人时,用来询问某人的健康状况;当主语是物时,用来询问变化着的事情暂时情况。例如:
① 一What’s your father?——He is a doctor.
② 一What’s your father like? He is kind, but strict.
③ ---How does your father like the book? --- He read it twice.
④ How is your father? --- He is very well, thank you.
⑤ --- How are the things of the project? ---Everything goes very well.
48.very / just
两个词都可以用来表示强调,very表示强调时,是形容词,应放在the,this,that,my等物主代词后,意为“正是、就是、甚至、仅仅”。just表强调时,是副词,用以修饰动词、形容词、副词、介词短语等。just强调名词时,应放在the,this,that,my等物主代词前。例如:he was just here that the accident happened.He was the very person they wanted.But Dr Lively was going to talk on that very subject today.This is just the book I want to buy.
(1)I could walk no
(2)This problem will be discussed tomorrow.
(3)No explanation is needed.
(4) It means every athlete should try to run faster, jump higher, and throw ,
50.Persuade sb.to do/advise sb.to do
persuade sb.to do sth.=persuade sb.into doing sth.意思是“说服(劝说)某人干了某事”,
advise sb.to do sth.=try to,
persuade sb.to do sth.意思为“试着说服某人干某事”,但不一定成功。
(1) She finally her husband to give up smoking.
(2)I tried to him to change his mind, but he wasn't willing to do so.
(3)The doctor me to have a holiday, but I am too busy.
(4)Though she had different ideas about the proposal, we her to accept it.
51. as a result / as a result of / with the result
(1) He made one big mistake, and , lost his job.
(2) the flood, thousands of people lost their homes.
(3) The farm was flooded, that most of the harvest was lost.
52. in a way / in the way / by the way
(1) I left them alone, as I felt I was
(2) , you are right, but I still have doubts.
(3) Oh, , do you have my new address?
53. all / any / none/both / either / neither
(1) They were tired, but none of them would stop to have a rest.
(2)I don't know which of the two books is good. I'll read_______
(3) of us has seen the film, so everyone wants to see it.
(4)1 think of the three books is useful to your study. You can buy them all.
(5)-------Do you want this one or that one? --- I really don't mind .
(6) ---Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? ---I'm afraid day is possible.
54. up/in/out/back/down/about/
(1) His carelessness brought the accident.
(2)The story brought my unhappy childhood.
(3)The wind brought a number of trees.
(4)Can you try to get them to bring the price?
(5) They started to use English, but they also brought some words from their own languages.
(6) This will bring them several thousand yuan.
(7)Next month they will bring a new edition of this dictionary.
(8) He was seriously ill. He brought most of what he had taken.
(9)He was brought by his stepmother in the south.
55. by/in/on
(1) We can' t travel through the forest road (land) because there aren't any roads.
(2)From Europe people can go to America sea (water) or air (plane).
(3)I am going the express train to Beijing.
(4)The astronauts got to the moon a spaceship.
(5)He often goes to work his bike. But something is wrong with the bike, so he has to go to work
bus or __ foot today.
(6)I'11 go to Beijing the 10:30 train.
(1) They started early so that they could get
(2) She came into the bedroom quietly in order that she might not wake up her baby
(3) He stood up so that he could see better
(4) I stopped in order that he could speak to
(5) You ought to write to your mother worry about you.
57. down/at/into/out / off
(1) You should knock the door before entering.
(2) He was knocked by a car when crossing.
(3) The child ran in the street and knocked a woman her bike.
(4)The running boy knocked his teacher.
(5)The sudden blow knocked of his mouth.
58. after/ up/ off/ back/ on/ down/ away/ of
(1)Take the dog . I don't like it. You can take care it yourself;
(2) You should take what he' 11 say, carefully not to miss a word.
(3)After he got on the plane, he took his coat and a moment later the plane took
(4)I must take a few days , for I have to take care my mother.
(5)You should take what you said or you will be punished.
(6)The city has taken a new look since 1980.
(7)I mustn't take your time in office hours.
(8)He took the study of English at the age of five.
(9)The girl is beautiful. She takes her mother.
59. to/with/on
(1)I'm sorry we can't agree __ the price.
(2)I don't agree __ your decision.
(3)What he does doesn't agree __ what he says.
(4) He didn't agree __ this arrangement.
(5)They agreed ~ come on Sunday.
60. beat/hit/strike
(1)They put a piece of wet paper on top of the characters and __it lightly.
(2) The stone __him on the head.
(3)When we heard our team __the Japanese team we the __drums gladly.
(4) __while the iron is hot.
(5)When I got home, the clock was __seven.
61. so/such
(1)The book is interesting that I want to read it again
(2)It was a cold day that the ice in the river was nearly two feet thick.
(3)It was cold a day that the ice in the river was nearly two feet thick.
(4) There are many mistakes in your composition that I can't understand it;
(5)He has made rapid progress that he got the first in the exam.
(6) There was much water in the river that we couldn't swim across it.
62. up/back/on/from/with/out
(1)You are keeping something from us. What is it?
(2)The heavy rain kept us holding the sports meet.
(3)He kept till the work was finished.
(4) Would you please close the door to keep the noise
(5)If the rain keeps , all the crops will be ruined.
(6)At first he couldn't keep up the class.
63. accept/receive
(1) I his letter yesterday.
(2)He didn't my suggestion.
(3)We shall you as a friend.
(4) I have an invitation to the ball, but I can' t it because I don't know whether I'll be able to attend it.
(5) She a good education.
64. attend/join/take part in
(1)Dr Baker decided to the meeting though he was still a bit surprised.
(2)Did your son school yesterday?
(3) He the army when he was only sixteen and the Party a year later.
(4) He the last Olympic Games and won a gold medal.
(5)Her mother is ill. She has to stay at home to her.
65. for/with
(1) They provided us all the books we need.
(2)The school provided food the students.
(3)We are provided everything we need for work.
(4)Can you provide me a room for the night?
66. manage/try
(1) We were pleased that they to get what we wanted.
(2)He to pass the exam but he had no luck.
(3) You'd better doing the experiment in another way.
(4)The box was heavy but he to lift it.
(5)If I am to get away, can you the factory?
(6) I can not another cake.
[例1] (2002上海)---You forgot your purse when you went out. ---Good heavens, .
A. so did I B. so I did C. I did so D. I so did
[例2] (2002上海)Luckily, the bullet narrowly missed the captain an inch.
A. by B. at C. to D. from
[例3] (2003春季)---How long at this job? ---Since 1990
A.were you employed B. have you been employed
C. had you been employed D. will you be employed
[例4] (2002 NMET)Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, I will
always treasure. A. that B. one C. it D. what
one是moment的同位语,I will always treasure 是修饰one的定语从句,其前省略了关系代词that。
the one, one, it, that是经常考查的代词,简述如下:
(1)the one用来代替代同类事物中特指的另一个。
(3)it 指上文提到的同一事物。
The finger I put into my mouth was not the one I had dipped into the cup.
I need a bike. Lend me one.
I want to use your bike. Lend it to me.
The study of idiom is as important as that of grammar.
---Do you have a camera?---No, but Tom has one. He bought it a week ago.
[例5] (2002上海)Can you make a sentence to the meaning of the phrase?
A. show off B. turn out C. bring out D. take in
[例6] (2002 NMET)---I’ m taking my driving test tomorrow. --- !
A. Cheers B. Good luck C. Come on D. Congratulations
[例7] (2002上海)He was about to tell me the secret someone patted him on the shoulder.
A. as B. until C. while D. when
(1)“当……时候”,如:I’ll go to see you when you come back.
(2) 刚(一)……就……,如:I had hardly left home when it began to rain.
(3) “如果(同if)”,如:Call me at once when anything goes wrong with the machine.
(4) “可是,虽然”,如:She usually walks when she might ride.
(5) 既然(同since),如:Why did you write in pencil when you know you should write in ink.
(6) “在那时,正……,突然……”,如:I was just leaving when he came. 而since和while没有此种用法,所以本题正确答案为D
[例8] (2001 NMET)Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because the technology so
rapidly. A. is changing B. has change C. will have changed D. will changed
[例9] (2003春季)---What happened to the priceless works of art? ---
A. They were destroyed in the earthquake B. The earthquake was destroying them
C. they destroyed in the earthquake D. The earthquake destroyed them
[例10] (2002春季)---How are the team playing?
---They’re playing well, but one of them _______hurt.
A. got B. gets C. are D. were
1. (1) Although/Though (2) though/although (3) though (4) though (5) though (6) though
2. (1) much too (2) too much (3) too much (4) much too (5) too much
3. (1) holiday (2) holidays/vacation(s) (3) holiday/vacation (4) off (5) leave
4. (1) as a result (2) As a result of (3) with the result
5. (1) in the way (2) In a way (3) by the way
6. (1) allows (2) permit (3) allow (4) allowed, permitted
7. (1) all (2) both/neither (3) None (4) any (5) Either (6) neither
8. They started early in order to/so as to/to get there on time.
9. She came into the bedroom quietly in order not to / so as not to wake up her baby.
10. She stood up in order to/so as to/to see better.
11. I stopped for him to speak to me.
12. You ought to write to your mother early for her not to worry about you.
13. (1) No one (2) None (3) no one (4) None (5) None (6) No one (7) None
14. (1) at (2) down (3) off (4) into (5) out
15. (1) pulled on (2) wearing/in (3) putting on (4) dressed (5) dressed, dressed, dresses
(6) has on (7) had on/wore (8)wear/be dressed in/be in (9)in (10)with
16. (1) agree with (2) agreed on (3) agree with (4) agree with (5)agreed to (6)agree to (7)agreed on
17. (1) took(took, took, spent) (2) spends (3) cost (4)costs (5)cost (6)pay (7)pay
18. (1) the number of (2) The number of (3) a number of (4) The number of (5) A number of (6) The number of
19. (1) sound (2) voice (3) voice (4) noise (5) noise (6) Sound (7) voice
20. (1) As many as (2) as much as (3) as much as (4) as much as
21. (1) preparing (2) prepare for (3) are ready (4) prepare for (5) get/be ready (6) preparing (7) preparing for (8) prepare
22. (1) discovered; invented (2) found (3) discovered (4) invented
23. (1) end (2) finish (3) ended (4) finished (5) complete (6) complete
24. (1) go down (2) bring up (3) bring down (4) going up (5) go down
25. (1) at all times, at times (2) at one time (3) at a time (4) at the same time (5)at no time (6)for a time
26. (1) away, of (2) down (3)off, off (4)off, of(5) back (6) on (7) up (8) up (9) after
27. (1)for (2)with (3)with (4)for (5)into (6)into ((7)for (8)into
28. (1) win (2) beat (3) beat, won (4) won
29. (1) but (2) however (3) however (4) while (5) However (6) while
30. ( 1 ) heard of ( 2 ) heard ( 3 ) heard ( 4 ) heard from(5)heard from
31. (1) for example (2) for example (3) such as (4) for example (5) such as
32. (1) in the open air (2) in the air (3) on the air (4) in the open air (5)by air
33. (1) for (2) with against/with (3) for (4) again (5) with
34. (1) reply (2) answer (3) replied (4) answer (5) answered/replied (6) answer (7) answer
35. ( 1 ) lonely ( 2 ) lonely, alone ( 3 ) alone ( 4 ) alone lonely (5)alone (6)alone
36. (1) except (besides) (2) except (3) besides (4) except (5)except (6)except (7)except for (8)But for (9)except(but) (10)except(but)
37. (1) a little (a bit) (2) a bit (a little) (3) not a bit (4)not a little (5)a little (6)a bit
38. (1) At the end of (2) By the end of (3) At the end of (4) in the end
39. caught/took fire, had been on fire, put out the fire, was out/was put out, set…on fire, set fire to
40. (1) alive (2) alive (3) live (4) living (5) live (6) alive/living
41. (1) sick (2) ill (3) sick (4) ill (5) sick (6) ill /sick; sick (7) sick
42. (1) stole (2) stole (3) robbed (4) stole, stole, stole (5) robbed
43. (1) received, accept (2) accepted (3) received (4) receive (5) received (6) accept (7) accepted
44. (1) back (2) at (3) in (4) up/back (5) on (6) on
45. (1) work (2) job (3) work, job (4) jobs, work/job(s) (5) works (6) works (7) works
46. (1) lay (2) laid (3) lays (4) lying (5) lies, lied
47.(1)on (2)with (3)with (4)to (5)to
48. (1) included (2) including (3) included (4) include (5) including
49. (1) beat (2) hit (3) beat, beat (4) Strike (5) striking
50. (1)before long (2)Before long (3)long before (4)long before (5)long before
51. (1) fast (2) quick (3) fast (4) fast (5) rapid
52. (1) so (2) such (3) so (4) so (5) such (6) so
53. ( 1 ) specially ( 2 ) specially ( 3 ) especially ( 4 ) especially ( 5 ) especially
54. (1) in the east of (2) to the east of (3) on the east of
55. (1) would, like, feel like (2) would like (3) feel like (4) Would like; would like
56. (1) year after year (2) year by year (3) year after year (4) year by year
57. (1) back (2) from (3) on (4) out (5) up (6) with
58. (1) received (2) accept (3) accept (4) received, accept (5) received
59. (1) attend (2) attend (3) joined, joined (4) took part in (5) attend
60. (1) farther/further (2) further (3) further (4) farther/further
61. (1) persuaded (2) persuade (3) advised (4) persuade
62. (1) with (2) for (3) with (4) with
63. ( 1 ) managed ( 2 ) tried ( 3 ) try ( 4 ) managed ( 5 ) manage ( 6 ) manage




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