NSEFC 高二英语教案学案一体化 unit 4

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UNIT 4 A garden of poems
(teachering aims and demands)
类别 课程标准要求掌握的项目
话题 1.Talking about English poetry2.Talking about literature and poetry
词汇 poem poet intention recite mad pattern dialogue sort fantasy loneliness sadness grammar glory absence district atmosphere introduction translate translation tale shade extraordinary idiom dust crow apart essay recommend contribute
put…together play with call up stand out the Lake district light up come into being send for contribute to…
功能 表达意图(Expressing intention)I'm interested to…but… I think it will be too difficult to…I think I might want to... I think it will be boring…1 want to… I'm very interested in…so…I’d like to…     I'm not very interested in…so…I've never heard of…so… I hope to find…I've never read any…so… I don't know much about…
语法 过去分词(短语)作状语Frightened by the noise in the night,the girl no longer dared to sleep in her room.Folded in his pocket,the letter wasn't found until twenty years later.Given better attention,the crops would grow better.Although recommended by the doctor, she refused to have all operation.
A Dialogue between a librarian and a student
S: Hello. Could you help me, please? I want to read some poems.
L: Have you read any poetry before?
S: Yes, we read some at school, but I didn’t like it very much. I want to find something nice.
L: There are different ways to choose a poem. If you have a favorite writer,
You can choose a book with his or her poems, but if you don’t know any names, you’d better start with books that are collections of poems. In such books you usually find poems by different writes. You see here’s a book called A GARDEN OF POEMS, or this one, 1001 Songs and poems in English.
S; Should I read all those poems?
L: No, don’t worry. What most people do is to go though them until you see a poem that you like. Maybe you like the title,or the topic, or you might like the first or last lines of the poem.
S:I see. What else have you got?
L: Some books bring together the work of writers from a certain period of time.you see, Enlish Poems of the Early Seventeenth Century of Poetry between the World Wars. Other books have poems about a certain topic. The topic can ben human feelings, such as humour or love. There is also poetry about nature, you can look for poems about flowers, trees and plants or about the sea or the countryside .so, what would you like to read?
S:Idon’t know. Shakespeare, mabybe?
L:I think Shakespeare is a little bit difficult for you. It’ll be easier if you choose something modern. What kind of topic would you like?
S:I like reading about nature.
L: Have a look at this book. It’s called The Earth is Painted Green. If you have any more questions, you can come and ask me.
S: Yes, I’ll do that. Thank you very much for your help.
Poem, the SEA, collection, nature, the Word Wars, countryside, gardens.
1 The dialogue is about a girl/student who is looking for some poems to read.
2 It’s a collection of poems.
3 From 1914 to 1918.
4 You should not read all the poems but go though them and only read these which you like from looking at the title, the topic or the first or last lines.
5 She likes reading about nature.
People invented poetry as a help to remember things. Before the invention of writing there was no other way to remember important things. People early discovered that rhyme and rhythm were very helpful when they were trying to remember things .So, they made poems to help them remember all the things very needed to know and pass on from generation to generation .For example, to remember their history they recited great stories about their ancestors and the wars that were fought. But people also needed to remember practical things such a where to find good caves to sleep, where to find water that could be drunk or when to plant crops.
We no longer need poetry to remember things. But that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t use it to help us remember and learn things better. In fact, there are a number of quite famous short poems that can help us with things that are difficult to remember.
We can learn and remember important dates in history using rhyme .The most famous of these is:”In fourteen~ninety~two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” To remember that it was in 1492 that Columbus discovered the Americas. There are also short rhymes to remember how many days each month has.30days has September,April, June, and November.All the rest have 31.Fine!February 28 except when 29.
We can even learn how to spell English words from a short poem .The word “receive” sounds like “believe”, but the spelling is not the same. Listen to the following short poem .It is very useful to help students learn and remember how to spell some difficult words in English and it always works.I before e except after c Or when sounding like a As in neighbour and weigh
1 The use of poetry as a help to remember things.
2 To help them remember their history and practical things.
3 Because we can write things down / Because writing was invented.
4 Student/we/people of today do.
1 sailed the ocean blue; remember the year columbus discovered America
2 has September; April,June;November; have 31;February 28 except ;remember which months have 31 days ,which have 30days and how many days February has
3 I; e; c; a; neighbour; weigh; remember when to write ei and when to write ie. (Or: remember how to spell words such as receive, believe, neighbour and weigh.)
(Passage 1)
1.John Milton's work became famous for______ .
A.his work is exactly written with sounds,words and grammar
B.his work calls up the feelings,curious images of a
C.his work has a special pattern pf rhyme at the end of each line
D.none of the above
2.The style and atmosphere in Shelley’poems is just like the poems of______ .
A. Marvell and Donne
B.Li Bai and Du Fu
C.Auden and Robert Frost
D.John Milton
3.From the passage,we got the idea(s)_______ .
A.poetry belongs to all human beings
B.poetry plays with sounds,words and grammar
C.poetry often follows special patterns of rhythm and rhyme
D.all of the above
Passage 2)
4.I like song words because______.
A.they are bright
B.they are colorful
C.they are greedy
D.my feelings given by them are more special
5.Choose the best explanation of the word“e-pal”.
A.a machine
B.a person
C.a piece of information
D.a friend online
6.From Paragraph 4,we can learn______ .
A.we should read poems aloud
B.poems are strange
C.poems are difficult to understand
D.I am special
7..What’s the main idea of Passage 1 ?
A.Poetry is a good bridge to connect the East with the West.
B.Different periods of English poems.
C.Modern poems of English.
D.Differences between Chinese and English poetry.
8.What’s the main idea of Passage 2 ?
A.We should read poems with doors closed.
B.We should first sing songs then read poems.
C.Reading poems can bring people pleasure just like singing a song.
D.We should first read short poems than long ones.
9.From Passage 1,we can infer that______.
A.we’d better read poems in English
B.translated poems can't express intrinsic meaning of original poems
C.there is no advantage 0f reading English poetry in Chinese translation
D.Chinese translation poems are as g00d as English poems
10.From Passage 2,we can infer that______.
A.the writer used to like poetry very much
B.songs and poems are the same
C.the writer fell in love with poems as soon as his e-pal told him something
D. now reading poems is part of the writer’s life
一.. I,m interested to read some Romantic poetry about love and friendship.我想读一些关于爱情和友谊的浪漫主义诗歌。
(1) interested v.使感兴趣 n.兴趣
interested adj. 感兴趣的,关心的
be interested in 对……感兴趣
be interested to do 想做某事;有兴趣做某事(对所知或所做的事情的感情反应)
of interest 有意思的(=interesting作表语或定语)
with interest 感兴趣的
take/have/feel an interest in 对……感兴趣
They______what is going on in the art world.
I could not make out why he_________know all about you.
All this ____________to me.
He listened _________________.
There,s nothing that can _______him.
(2)romantic 浪漫的,传奇的,不现实的;Romantic(文艺等)浪漫主义的; 浪漫派的;浪漫主义作家(n.)
二.I like reading poems about friendship and I think Romantic poetry will be very nice to read. 我喜欢读关于友谊的诗歌,我认为浪漫主义诗歌读起来很不错。
不定式to read 的逻辑宾语为该从句的主语poetry,注意不可使用不 定式的被动式。类似的还有:
This question is easy to answer.
The box is very heavy to carry.
This room looks very comfortable to live in.
The water in the river is not fit to drink.
三.belong to 属于;是……的成员(无被动式,无进行时)
Which door does this key belong to?
I dislike the school to which he belongs.
As a writer, he really belongs to the 18th century.
He has never belonged to a trade union.
China has been developing rapidly since its foundation, but as is known to us, she is still a country ______ the Third World.
A. belonges to B. belonged to
C. belonging to D. to belong to
四.remind vt. 使想起;提醒
That story reminds me of an experience I once had.
That reminds me (that) I must write to him.
Remind me to take my medicine.请提醒我吃药。
I may forget it unless you remind me of (about) it.
May I remind you that the bell will ring soon?
What you said just now ______ me of that American professor
A. mentioned B. informed C. reminded D. memorized
五.stand out 显眼:引人注目;显得突出
stand out for 坚持要求/赞成 stand out against 坚决反对
stand out as 是一个杰出的 stand out form 在。。。。中很突出
Robert“s red hair made him stand out in a crowd.
On this list two names stood out particularly.
He stands out for his rights.他坚持要求他的权利。
I’m standing out _____ his idea; I’m standing out ____ my own.
A. for; as B. from; against C. for; against D. against; for
五.light up 点(烟);照亮;泛起亮光;(使)高兴起来;点 灯 开灯
He lit up before speaking.未曾开口他先点了一支烟。
It,s time to light up.是该点灯的时候了。
A smile lighted / lit up her face.她的脸上洋溢着喜悦的微笑。
“Why! It’s you!”Catherine said. Her face ______ .
A. lighted up B. turned up C. took up D. brought up
六 glory (1) n high fame and honour won by great achievements:光荣,荣誉[U]
eg: Our team didn,t exactly cover itself with glory today.
eg: One of the glories of the British heritage is the right to a fair trail. 英国人引以自豪的传统之一是有获得公正审判的权利。
○1go to glory 死,上天堂
○2send sb. to glory 送某人归天,杀死某人
○3cover oneself with glory 获得名声及荣誉
(2) v. 因某事而自豪
eg: He glories in his strength. 他为自己的体力而自豪。
We glory in our success. 我们为自己的成功而自豪。
(3) adj. glorious 光荣的,荣誉的,美丽的,灿烂的
adv. Gloriously
针对性训练题: 他们为了国家的荣誉而战。(汉译英)
七.admire v. look at with pleasure or satisfaction; have a high regard for; express admiration of (1)钦佩,羡慕,佩服
eg ;Visitors to Switzerland admire the Alps.
I really admire people who can work in such difficult conditions.
[警示]表过“佩服某人某方面”时,应和介词for搭配,即admire sb.for sth.
eg : I admired him for his honesty.
我佩服他的诚实。也可说I admired his honesty.
(2) 表示赞美,夸奖
eg: Aren,t you going to admire my new hat
admirer n. 赞美者,崇拜者,(对女性的)爱慕者
eg: I,m not a great admirer of her work. 我对她的工作不太欣赏。
She has many admirers. 她有许多追求者。
Admiration n.感叹,佩服,称赞
eg: we had great admiration for his courage.
○1the admiration of 令人赞赏的对象 eg:
His skill at skiing is the admiration of us.
○2a mutual admiration society 互相吹捧
It is for her modesty and honesty that I admire her.( 英译汉 )
八.absence n. being away; lack; non—existence (1) 不在,外出,缺席,缺勤(from)
eg :Behave yourself during my absence.
After an absence of seven years I went home.
(2) 缺少,缺乏(of)……的 eg :
Absence of rain caused the plants to die.
[警示]lack也可作“缺乏,不足”讲,该词可以和不定冠词搭配。构成a lack of……
eg: a lack of information 信息缺乏
a lack of water 缺水
而absence 前不能用不定冠词,常和定冠词搭配
eg :the absence of definite proof 缺乏确凿的证据
○1 absence of mind 心不在焉;魂不守舍
○2in the absence of 不在时,外出期间,缺少,不存在
absent adj. not present at (1)不在场的,在别处的
eg :He was absent at roll call. 他点名时不在。
I’ll be absent from home in the afternoon. 我下午不在家。
eg :He had an absent look on his face. 他脸上带着茫然若失的神情
eg :He absented himself from the meeting. 他没有参加那个会议。
They spoke ill of the captain in his absence.(英译汉)
九.2.play with 相当于及物动词,后面跟宾语,表示“玩弄”或“摆弄”某个东西,是以娱乐或消遣为目的的玩耍。
eg: The boy is playing with his toy train.
It is wrong to play with others.玩弄别人是不对的。
I‘d like to play with my sister. She is very kind.
I like ____ the model plane very much. 我非常喜欢这个飞机模型。
十Call up (1) 想起某事,回忆某物
eg :The music calls up old times. 这音乐让人回忆起旧时光。
eg :He called me up from London.
○1call at 拜访(某人家或某地)
○2call back 召回,唤回,回某人电话,再打电话来
○3call for 大声呼叫,要求去接某人,去拿某物
○4call in 请(医生等),要求退回,收回
○5call off 取消,拉开
○6call on 访问(人),请求
○7call out 大声叫喊,叫出
The sound of happy laughter called _____ memories of his childhood.
A. up B. on C. at D. for
十一. come into being 出现;形成,产生
eg: We don’t know when the universe came into being.
Later two more armies came into being.
Such a custom came into being long ago .
这样第一个工人联盟就出现了。 (汉译英)
十二. l ight up 点燃;点亮;照亮;使面有喜色;容光焕发
eg: He lit up a cigarette before he began his speech.
Hundreds of candles lighted up the hall. 几百支蜡烛照亮了大厅。
A smile lit up her face. 她一笑表情为之开朗。
Her face lit up with joy. 她因高兴而容光焕发。
The streetlights _____ ______ ______. 街灯已点亮。 (完成句子)
十三China has a long history during which many of the world‘s greatest poets were active. 中国有悠久的历史,在此期间出现了许多世界伟大的诗人,他们活跃于世界诗坛。
这是一个主从复合句,主句是China has a long history, 从句是由介词during+关系代词which引导的定语从句。
eg :There was a time during which people lived a hard life.
eg :She is a good student from whom we should learn .
This is the house in which he lived last year.
The village _____ he lived twenty years ago has a history of more than 500 years .
A. in which B. which C. that D. the one
十四That makes poetry difficult to write, but very interesting to read. 那就使诗写起来较难,但读起来却很有意思。
该句式结构为“主语+及物动词+宾语+宾补+to do”。在这个句式中,句
子的宾语正好是不定式是的逻辑宾语,而动词不定式动作的发出者,可能是句子的主语或包括主语,也可能不是或不包括主语,常用动词除make 外,还有find,feel等。
Eg:I found the man hard to get alone with.
We all felt the plan difficult to carry out.
注意下面这个句子:I made the poem written.我让别人写那首诗。
这位科学家感到在这个领域进行研究非常重要。 (汉译英)
十五Chinese readers admire his works because of his use of surprising images that reminds them of the works of poets such as Su Dongpo. 中国的读者赞赏他的作品是因为他们使用了使他想起像诗人苏东坡的作品那样令人惊奇的描绘/比喻。
在该句中because of是介词短语作句子的原因状语,在原因状语中,含有一个限制性定语从句修饰images。
(1) works作“著作,作品”讲时是可数名词,且常用其得数形式。 eg :the (complete) works of Shakespeare 莎士比亚全集。
He likes O·Henry’s works.他喜欢欧· 亨利的作品。
(2)because of 因为……,由于……的缘故,用法与because不同,后面不接从句,而接名词,代词或动名词。
eg: I was late because of the rain,
I went to bed early because I was tired,
___________ his carelessness he didn’t do well in the examination.
A. Because B. Because of C. Since D. As
十六Despite its short history , there is a lot of good English poetry around. 尽管时间短,但确有许多好的英文诗。
句中despite是介词,意为“尽管”。比相同含意的in spite of更正式。在句中作状语,表示让步,后面只能跟名词或相当于名词的词或短语,不能接句子。
eg : Despite his naughty, we all like him.
a lot of 许多“大量”,同lots of,即可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词,有类似用法的词还有plenty of , a large quantity of (large quantities of ).
eg : Large quantities of water has been polluted in the last few years. 在过去的几年中,大量的水被污染了。
另外,只能修饰可数名词表示“许多、大量”之意的词有many, a good/great many (of) , a (large) number of等。只能修饰不可数名词的有a great deal of , a large amount of , much等。注意,上述词组一般只用于肯定句,否定句和疑问句则用many, much代替。 
eg: There are’t many students in the classroom.教室里没有多少学生。
There are a plenty of books on the book shelves. (单句改错)
十七Besides, no matter how well a poem is translated, something of the spirit of the original work is lost. 而且,无论首诗翻译得多好,原作中的某些精髓已失。
(1)no matter how well a poem is translated 是一个让步状语从句,no matter how也可用however 替代,但二者后面都必须跟形容词或副词。 eg : However/No matter how hot it is , he will not take off his coat. 无论多热,他也不会脱掉外套。
You cannot catch up with a car , however fast you run.
eg: The art of good conversation seems lost.
1,be lost in sth. 专注于某事物。
2.be lost on sb. 对某人不起作用或无影响。
3. be lost to sth. 不再受某事物的影响。
4.make up for lost time 加紧/加快以补偿失 去的时间。 
You must try to finish your project, _____.
A. however are you tired B. however you are tired
C. however tired are you D. however tired you are
十八dare : be brave enough to ; take the risk of (1)可作为动词。
eg; He didn,t dare to speak to her. 他不敢和她说话。
2.敢面对 eg : He will dare any danger. 他敢冒任何危险。
eg: He dared me to jump. 他激我跳下去。
(2)作情态动词。 敢……,胆敢……,竟敢……  
eg :I dare not climb the mountain, 我不敢爬那山。
How dare you say such a thing ? 你竟敢说出这种话。
十九.send for 派人去叫;遣人去拿;召;请;叫
eg :We must send for a man to repair the TV.
Please keep these things until I send for them.
你最好叫个人代替你参加这次会议。(汉译英) ___________________________________
二十.among , between 两者都有“在……之间”之意
eg :Hand out the books among the class. 把书分发给全班同学。
eg : The village lies among mountains.这村落位于群山之间。
(1) 在(两者)之间 
eg :The little girl was sitting between her parents.
eg :Luxembourg lies between France , Germany and Belgium.
There is a big playground ______ the teaching building and the school gate..
A. in B. between C. both D. among
二十一Shade v/n. comparative darkness causes by the cutting of direct rays of light .
(1) 阴暗处,树阴 
eg : let’s sit in the shade.我们在阴凉处坐下来吧。
(2) 蔽日物,遮帘,百叶窗(用复数形式shades太阳镜) 
eg :Please pull down the window shade.请拉下窗帘。
eg: all shades of opinion 种种意见
a word with several shades of meaning 具有几种不同意义的词。
[警示]a shade 表示“微量,少许”,放在形容词或副词之前,修饰该形容词或副词,或与of连用,修饰不可数名词。 
Eg:This book is a shade too difficult for children.
He spoke with a shade of reaerve. 他说话带有些许保留成分。
put sb./sth. in the shade 使某人/某事物相形失色
eg: I thought I was quite a good artist, but your painting puts mine in the shade. 我原以为自己画得不错,可比起你的画来未免相形见绌。
They would like to stay in the ________in such hot weather.
A. shadow B. sunshine C. shade D. air
二十二Recommend vt speak favourably of ; say that one thinks sth. is good (for a purpose ) or that sb.is fitted (for a post ); suggest 推荐;介绍;劝告;建议
Eg:He strongly recommended her to our firm for the post.
recommend sb. to do sth. 相当于advise sb. to do sth. “建议某人去做某事,劝某人做某事。“  
eg: I recommed you to see her at once. 我劝你马上去看她。
recommend doing sth. 建议做某事
I recommend going by bus.我建议坐公共汽车去。
[警示]recommend后可接that从句,从句中谓语动词用should+v 形式,should可省略。  
eg :He recommended that they (should) be set free.他建议释放他们。
The teacher recommended that we _____the novel.
A. read B. would read C. readed D. will read
二十三Contribute ( vt) join with others in giving help , money , etc. give ideas , suggestions , etc. ; write (articles , etc. )and send in 贡献;捐献;投稿 
eg: He contributed a lot of money to the charity. 
He didn’t contribute anything to world peace. 他对世界和平毫无贡献。
Contribute to “为……作贡献;有助于……;向……投稿”
eg: A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health.
The construction of a highway will contribute to the growth of the suburbs. 建造高速公路将有助于郊区的发展。
She ______ a lot of good ideas ______ the discussion.
I make most of my money by _____ book but I _____ contribute.
二十四 get through
eg: I get through a lot of work in a day. 我一天做许多工作。
I’m afraid they won’t get through by twelve o’clock.十二点之前他们恐怕做不完。
(2) 通过(考试)
eg: They have all got through the examination.考试他们全通过了。
Did you get through your driving test ? 你驾驶考试通过了吗?
eg: I must get through the book before Saturday.
eg :I can’t get through to him . 我给他打电话打不通。
针对性训练题 汉译英
二十五look up (在字典、时刻表等中)查看;翻查;查找
eg :I looked up (the meaning of )the word in my dictionary.
Look up the directory for his telephone numder.
二十六fall into
eg: fall into bad habits 养成坏习惯
eg: We played a trick on them and they fell right into it.
eg :I fell into conversation with a writer at the party.
fall behind 落后,拖欠
fall off 掉落,降低,减少
fall in love with 喜爱,迷上
Children should fall _____ a good habit of studying
A. in B. into C. off D. behind
二十七start with 以……开始
eg :The English alphabet starts with A and ends with Z.
(1)start (all) over ( again ) 再度开始,重新开始,从头做起
(2) start off 出去旅行,出发,动身
(3) start out 出发,动身,启动
(4) start somerhing 惹麻烦,闯祸
(5) to start with 第一,首先
Starting ______ a humorous story, this class was greatly welcomed among these students.
A. out B. with C. off D. in
二十八. used to , would 二者都有过去常常之意,但用法有所区别
(1)would 只能表示过去的习惯动作,不表示状态,而used to 两者都可以表示
eg :I would sit under the tree and read English every morning .
He used to be a quiet boy. 他以前是个文静的男孩。
(2)would 不涉及与现在的对比,而used to 则表示过去与现在的对比
eg: We would often get up early and go fishing.
I used to go to my office on foot .
(3) would 常常有时间状语加以限制,而used to 重在与现在对比,故无此限制
eg: He would often climb a mountain when young年轻时,他常去爬山。
He used to play volleyball. 他过去常打排球。
I have been living in Beijing for the years. I _____ live in a small village in Hebei province.
A.used to B. use to C. will D. would
二十九 worth , worthy 两词都有“值得……”的意思,但用法不同。
(1) worth 后常跟表价值的词或直接跟名词,而worthy后不跟表价值的词,且后边加上of后才可跟名词。
eg: The old book is worth 300 dollars.这本旧书值300美元。
I don’t think it’s worth the trouble .我觉得它不值得那么费事。
His deed is worthy of praise. 他的行为值得称赞。
eg: The book is worth reading. =The book is worthy of being read . 这本书值得读。
eg: His deed is worthy to be praised .他的行为值得称赞。
--This old film is well worth seeing again.
--This old film is well worthy of ___ ______
--This old film is well worthy ____ be _____.
三十I sing when I feel good. 当我高兴时我就唱歌。
(1)feel good 是指精神上舒适的意思。
注意: feel well指身体上舒服。
feel 在此表达中作不及物动词,意为“感觉到……,(心情)觉得……” eg: I feel hungry .我觉得肚子饿。
We felt sorry for her. 我们为她感到难过。
Please feel free to call on us .请不要客气,随时来找我们。
The old man felt cold.那个老人觉得冷。
eg: She felt a touch on her shoulder . 她感觉有东西触及她的肩膀。
I feel it was written for me . 我感到那是我写的。
三十一That question is not difficult to answer if we change the word poetry to songs . 如果我们把诗词转化为歌曲的话,这个问题就不难解答。
该句式属“主语+系动词+形容词+to do ”句型,to do 是以其主动形式表示被动意思,但该句型中的形容词仅限于表示主语的特征或性质的形容词,如 heavy, light , difficult , hard , easy , hot , cold , good , nice , interesting , important 等
eg: The problem is difficult to solve .这个问题很难解决。
The box is heavy to carry .这个箱子搬起来太重。
Good novels are interesting to read. 好的小说读起来很有意思。
The maths problem is not easy _____.
A. work out B. to work out C. working out D. workedout
三十二 There are songs that I sing in my head between classes and songs that I want to sing when the school bell rings by the end of the day .有些歌曲是我课间在心里唱的,有些歌曲是在这一天放学铃声响起时我想唱的。
(1)本句是一个主从复合句,主句是There are songs…and songs…第一个songs后跟了一个that 引导的定语从句,that 在句中作宾语。第二个songs后也跟了一个that引导的定语从句,that在句中也作宾语,但在第二个定语从句中又含有一个时间状语从句修饰sing.
(2)In one’s head 在某人心里,head在此短语中意为“头脑,脑(智)力,理性”。类似用法的表达还有:
use one’s head 动脑筋
come into/enter one’s head (想法等)浮现脑海
have a good head on one’s shoulders 头脑好,有才干,精明
keep one’s head 保持冷静
on/upon one’s head 由某人负责。
ut…into one’s head 使……想起某事
Put…out of one’s head 使……忘记某事。
(2) by the end of +表时间的词,作状语,句子常用完成时态
eg :By the end of this week , we have learned 10 units.
By the end of last year, they had finished the great project.
1. 作时间状语 eg :Thrown to the floor, she regained her footing and rushed into the street. 她摔在地板上之后,又站了起来,冲到街道上去了。
2. 作原因状语 eg :Moved by his words, I accepted his present. 被他的话所感动,我接受了他的礼物。
3. 作条件状语 eg :Taken in time, the medicine will be quite effective. 如果吃得及时,这药是很有效的。
4. 作伴随(或方式)状语 eg : He turned away disappointed. 她失望地走开了。
The teacher stood there, surrounded by many students. 老师站在那儿, 周围围着许多学生。
注意:(1)和状语的过去分词通常与句子的主语存在着被动关系,它所表示的动作通常和谓语动词属于同一时间范畴,也可表示先于谓语动词发生的动作。 有时,为了强调先发生的动作,也可用having been.
(2) 动词-ed 形式作状语,有时前面带有连词,是状语从句的省略结构,其中省去了从句主语和be 动词,通常该主语与主句的主语相同。 eg :
When (it is ) heated, water will boil. 水加热就会开。
She won’t go to the party , unless (she is ) invited. 除非得到邀请,否则她不去参加晚会。
1.________ in the heavy rain, they didn’t get to the railway station on time .
A. Catching B. To catch C. Caught D. Having caught
2._________many times, this story can not interest him again.
A. Tell B Told C. Telling D. To tell
基 础 训 练
1.Plenty of fresh air contributes______ good health.
A.in B.for C.to D.with
2. The road sign is easy to read;the words——well.
A.make out B.stand out
C.work out D.turn out
3. —I was surprised to see wild flowers in Alaska.
—Many people think there is nothing there——ice and snow.
A.rather than B.else than
C.other than D.except than
4. This film_____ the scenes of my childhood.
A.called up B.called on
C.called out D.called for
5. They want to complete the project in half a month.It is _____ impossible,I am afraid.
A.next to B.close to C.up to D.as to
6. Do I have to stop to______ the new words I come across while I am reading a book?
A.1ook at B.1ook for C.1ook up D.1ook into
7. Paris is small in comparison______ London.
A.with B.by C.to D.for
8. The two sides held talks in a friendly______ yesterday afternoon.
A.climate B.atmosphere
C.situation D.environment
9. I don't like those blue socks;What have you got_____ ?
A.though B.yet C.instead D.besides
10.A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial______.
A.mark B.feature C.sign D.appearance
11.Music often______ us of events in the past.
A.remembers B.reminds
C.reflects D.impresses
12.Sometimes we go on working after dark______ the light of the tractors.
A.at B.with C.in D.by
13.“Who______the expensive new car ______?”She wondered.
A.does;belong to B.is;belonged to
C.is;belonging to D.does;belong
14. He often asked his neighbour to look after his pet during his_______.
A.1ack B.absence C.1eaving D.missing
15.一How shall we go to that airport?
一Well,I recommend______ a taxi.
A.to take B.taking C.to taking D.take
16.In the office I never seem to havetime until after 5:30 p.m,____mang people have got home.
A whose time B.that C.on which D.by which
17.The research is so designed that once ____nothing can be done to change it.
A begins B having begun C beginning Dbegun
18._______is mentioned above,the number of the students in senior schools is increasing.
A.Which B.As C. It D. What
19._______,I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.
A.However the story is amusing B.No matter amusing the story is
C.However amusing the story is D.No matter how the story is amusing
20.---Sorry to have interrupted you.Please go on.
------Where was I?
-------You____you didn’t like your father’s job.
A.had said B.said C.were saying D.had been sayin
Many years ago a poor man grew an orange tree.1. _______
On the tree there were many fine oranges. Some day he found. 2_______
one of them was so big as a football . He took it   3. _______
for the king . The king was so happy that he gave the 4. _______
poor man lots money. When a rich man heard of it ,    5. _______
he said for himself ,“I’ll take my gold cup to the king 6. _______
and he will give me much money . Next day the king received 7. _______
from the cup . The king was very fond of the cup and he told8. _______
the rich man,“I have an orange. It beautiful than the cup,9. _______
soI have decided to give it to you as the reward instead money.1 0.__
测 试 题
(1)What are they talking about?
A.An actor. B.A film. C.A book.
(2)Where does the conversation probably take place?
A.In a clothing store.
B.At the man's home.
C.In the sitting room.
(3)What made Mary come late?
A.A train accident.
B.A car accident.
C.A heart attack.
(4) Who will carry the case?
A.The man B.The woman C.The taxi driver.
(5) What is the woman doing?
A. Taking an exam.
B. Going over his lessons.
C. Joining somebody else.
(6)How does Simon find the college?
A.He likes its position and its size,but he thinks it'svery big.
B.He likes its position and its size,but he thinks it's very small.
C.He doesn't like its position or its size,but he thinks it's very big.
(7)What do the students at college do in their free time?
A. All kinds of things can be done except going to the library to study.
B.Nothing can be done but going to the library to study.
C.Everything can be done,including going to the library
to study.
(8)How many students are there in the college Simon is visiting?
A.1 000. B.10 000. C.100.
(9)What d0 we know about the list?
A.It got lost.
B.It's thrown away.
C.It has been taken by the woman.
(10)Why does the man need the books?
A.To sell them.
B.To read them.
C.To lend them to the woman.
(11)What does the woman think of the books?
A.They are useless.
B. They are good for her.
C. They are needed badly.
12.Where does this conversation probably take place?
A.In a restaurant. B.In a hotel. C.In a hospital.
13.How much is a single at the back?
A.10 dollars. B.20 do11ars. C.50 dollars.
14.How much should the man pay for his booked rooms?
A.100 dollars. B.150 do11ars. C.120 dollars.
听第9段对话,回答第15~17题。 .
15.What are the two people talking about?
A.Daily life.
B.A steel plant.
C.How to collect rubbish.
16.Where is the plant being built?
A.Far away from the town.
B.Not far away from the town.
C.In the centre of the town.
17.The plant is built to_____ .
A.produce rubbish
B.deal with waste paper
C.deal with rubbish
18.What's the passage mainly about?
A.The duties of the 1ibrarian.
B.The rules of the library.
C.The length of the students’ borrowing books.
19.How many books can students borrow at a time?
A.2 books. B.3 books. C.4 books.
20.Which of following is NOT true of the rules for good behavior in the 1ibrary?
A.The students should keep the books in good condition
when they return them.
B.The students should keep the books longer than two
weeks if they don't finish them.
C.The students want to take away some books with the
permission given by the librarian.
§ 单项填空
(1)The set of stamps,once______,will be very popular
with stamp—collectors.
A.to be printed B.printing
C.to print D.printed
(2)______ all his friends agree, he was unusually warm-hearted,loving and generous.
A.What B.That C.When D.As
(3) 一That man looks very familiar.
—He does to me,too.He reminds______ Dr.Richards.
A.me to B.me C.me for D.me of
(4) Do what you think is right——they say.
A.however B.whichever C.whatever D.wherever
(5) The two sistets look so much alike.I can hardly tell them_____
A.away B.apart C.along D.separate
(6) I feel______ when I sing my favourite songs in English.
A.good B.well C.healthy D.down
(7) My father recommended that I______ my officer.
A.didn't disobey B.not to disobey ’
C.not disobey D.mustn’t disobey
(8)______ troublesome the problem is,he faces it with
A.No matter how B.No matter what
C.Despite D.Although
(9) The goals——he had fought au his hfe no longer seemed important to him. .
A.after which B.for which
C.with which D.at which
(10)______ not to watch TV,the boy got angry.
A.To tell B.To be told C.Telling D.Told
(11) If he works hard at his lessons,I guess he can______the final exams.
A.get through B.go through
C.1ook through D.run through
(12)_______ poetry in English also opens the door to——
new ways of expressing yourself in Chinese.
A.Read;find B.Reading;find
C.Reading;finding D.Read;finding
(13) Eating too much fat can——heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
A.relate to B.contribute to
C.attend to D.devote to
(14) Reading______ the lines,1 would say that the Government are more worried than they will admit.
A.beyond B.along C.between D.among
(15)______ in the Unit States,St.Louis has now become the 24th largest city.
A.Being the fourth biggest city
B.0nce the fourth biggest city
C.It was once the fourth biggest city
D.The fourth biggest city it was
One evening,long after most people had gone to bed,a friend of mine and I 1 happi1y home through the 2 street.We had been to a musical and 3 about the people we had seen and heard in it.
“The show 4 him a star overnight,”said my friend about one of them.“He was completely 5 before.And now thousands of people 6 him gifts and letters.”“I thought him quite good,”I said,“but not 7 thousands of letters.As a matter of 8 ,one of his songs gave me a shock.It was too noisy.”“What was that?"my friend asked me,“ 9 it to me.”I began to sing."Do be quiet.You will give everybody a shock and 10 them up for mi1es 11 ,Besides,there will be a poIiceman 12 us.”My friend gave me an astonished look.
“Never mind.I don't care.What is the matter?"I said and went on singing 13 the top of my voice.
Presently there came a policeman, 14 in front of me,his notebook 15 .“ 16 ,sir,”he said,“You have a very good voice,if I 17 say so.Who taught you singing? I’d very much 18 to find someone who can give my daughter singing lessons.Would you be 19 to tell me your name and address? Then my wife and I would 20 on you and we could discuss it.”
1. A.went B.was corning
C.was making our way D.had lost our way
2. A.calm B.crowded C.silent D.quiet
3. A.were thinking B.were talking
C.knew D.were discussing
4. A.called B.turned C.named D.made
5. A.famous B.forgotten C.stranger D.unknown
6. A.show B.write C.send D.brought
7. A.worthy B.worth C.received D.accepted
8. A.fact B.facts C.a fact D.the fact
9. A.Read B.Sing C.Say D.Tell
10. A.can B.pick C.wake D.join
11. A.1ong B.far C.around D.away
12. A.observing B.after C.besides D.in front of
13. A.with B.on C.in D.at
14. A.stood B.going C.standing D.walking
15. A.closing B.closed C.open D.0pened
16. A.Wait a minute B.stop singing
C.I’m sorry D.Excuse me
17. A.may B.can C.must D.don't
18. A.liked B.wanted C.1ike D.eager
19. A.brave B.kind enough
C.willing D.honest
20. A.try B.visit C.invite D.drop in
To me, life without music would not be exciting. I realize that this is not true for everybody.Many people get along quite well without going to the concert,or listening to the record.But music plays an important part in everyone's life,whether he realizes it or not.Try to imagine,for example,what fi1ms or TV plays would be like without music.Would the feelings,the moving plot(情节),and the greatest interests,be as exciting or dramatic(戏剧性)?I’m not sure about it.
Now,we have been speaking of music in its more common meaning--the kind of music we hear in the concert hall.But if we look at some parts of music more closely,we discove them in our everyday life too--in the rhythm(旋律)of the sea,the melody of a bird in the woods and so on.So music surely has meaning for everyone,in some way or other.And,of course,it has special meaning for those who have spent all their lives working on playing or writing music.
It is well said,“Through music a child enters a world of beauty,expresses himself from his heart,feels the joy of doing things alone,learns to take care of others,develops his mind and makes his body strong.”
1.What does the writer say more about in the passage?
A.Life full of music. B.Life without music.
C.Importance of music. D.Development of music.
2.From the text,we know that many people______.
A.don't realize the importance of music
B.get along quite well without music
C.go to the concert instead of enjoying films
D.think music would be less exciting than fnms
3.In the writer's opinion,if there was no music in films or TV plays,______.
A.the cinema and theatre would be quiet
B.we would lose some of the audience
C.everything would be as exciting as before
D.it would be hard to imagine the result
4.What does the underlined word“melody”mean in the text?
A.Flying. B.Looking. C.Singing. D.Living.

Alice Walker makes her living by writing.And her poems,short stories,and novels have won many prizes for her.She was born in Eatonton,Georgia.She went to public schools there,and then to Spelman college in Atlanta before coming to New York to attend Sarah Lawrence college,from which she graduated in 1966.For a time she lived in Jackson,Mississippi,with her lawyer husband and small daughter.About Langton Hughes,Ametican Poet,her first book for children,she says,“After my first meeting with Langston Hughes,I promised 1 would write a book for chndren someday.Why? Because I,at twenty-two,knew next to nothing of his work,and he didn’t scold me;he just gave me a pile of his books.And he was kind to me;1 will always be thankful that in his warmth he fulfi1led my deepest dream(and need)of what a poet should be.”
“To me he is not dead at a11.Hardly a day goes by that I don't think of him or speak of him.0nce,just before he died,when he was sick with the flu,I took him a basket full of angry,The joy I felt in giving that simple gift is undiminished(没有减弱)by time.He said he liked oranges,too.”
1.What is the main topic of the passage?
A.Langston Hughes’books about Alice Walker.
B.The childhood of Alice Walker and Langston Hughes.
C.Langston Hughes,American poet.
D.Alice Walker’s reflection(印象,评论)on Langston Hughes.
2. In the passage,Alice Walker is _______·
A.a researcher at Sarah Lawrence College
B.a professor at Sarah Lawrence College
C.a prize-winning writer
D.a writer of plays for children
3. Before attending college,Alice Walker went to school in _______.
A.Atlanta,Georgia B.Eatonton,Georgia
C.Jackson,Mississippi D.Lawrence Massachusetts
4. From the passage we can conclude that AIice Walker was twenty-two years old when______.
A.she moved to Jackson,Mississippi
B.she moved to New York
C.she first met with Langston Hughes
D.Langston Hughes died
5. What did Alice Walker mean when she says Langston Hughes“is not dead at all”?
A.Langston Hughes believed in eternal life(永生).
B.She hadn’t been told of Langston Hughes’death.
C.For her,Langston Hughes had never really existed.
D.Langston Hughes is still present in her thoughts.
6.According to the passege,what did AIice Walker give Langston Hughes before he died.
A.A job. B.A prize.
C.Some oranges. D.Pile of books.
As you explore(探索)music,you will find much that is familar to you.You will find music which tells of interesting places and exciting things to do.You will find music which expresses feelings that are often your own.
Music is an expression of the people.As you explore,you will find music of people at work,and in worship(做礼拜).You will find music expresses love of country,1ove of nature,and love of home.Music is also an expression of the composer(作曲家).
As an artist the composer expresses his own musical ideas.He studies the materials of music and discovers ways of using them.He 1ooks for new kinds of musical expression.
Music can suggest activities(活动)and feelings,whicn we all share.We can enjoy playing and singing music,dancing and listening to the music of the people and the artists of different times and places.
1.The title of this passage is______.
A.Let’s Enjoy Singing and Dancing
B.Let’s Explore Music
C.Music--An Expression of ComposerS
D.Music--A suggestive Feeling
2.In the first paragraph,the author appeals(呼吁)to us,saying _______.
A.“Try to write music.”
B.“Be friendly to music.”
C.“Express your feeling in music.”
D.“Discover the things and places in music.’’
3.From the second paragraph,we know that______.
A.music is mainly of country,nature and home
B.if we love music,we will 1ove the country,nature and home
C.you may listen to music at work or at play
D.music can express how people live,work,and think
4.By means of music,the composer wishes that______.
A.you would study with him
B.you would share his feelings and ideas
C.you would express your own feelings
D.you would help discover ways of using music and new
kinds of musical expression
5.The last paragraph observes that music makes it possible_____.
A.to express activities and feelings at the same time
B.to bring understanding between people of different Times and places
C.that people can enjoy playing and singing music,dancing and listening to music at the same time
D.that people of different times and places can get together

Music comes in many forms;most countries have a style of their own.Poland has its folks.Hungary has its czardas.Agentina is famous for the tango.The U.S.is known for jazz,the type of music that has gained worldwide popularity.
Jazz is American contribution to popular music.While classical music follows formal European tradition(传统),jazz is rather a free form.It is full of energy,expressing the moods.interests,and emotions(感情)of the people.It is breaking and exciting with a modern sound.In the 1920’s jazz sounded like America.And so it does today.
The origins(起源)of the music are as interesting as the music itself.Jazz was invented by Ametican Negroes,or blacks,as they are called today,who were brought to the Southern states as slaves.They were sold to farm owners and forced to work long hours in the cotton and tobacco fields.This work was hard and life was short.When a Negro died his friends and relatives would gather and carry the body to have a ceremory before they buried him.
There was always a band with them.0n the way to the ceremony the band played slow,solemn music suitable for the situation.But on the way home the mood changed.Spirits lifted.Everyone was happy.Death had removed one of their number,but the living were glad to be alive.The band played happy music.This music made everyone want to dance.It was an early form of jazz.
Music has always been important in Negro life.The blacks,who were brought to America from West Africa,had a rich musical tradition.In the fields,they made up work songs.Singing made the hard hard work go faster.And when they got to Christianity,they made lovely spirituals,which have become an everlasting part of American music.
1.From the passage,we can see that jazz______.
A.is a kind of African music
B.started from Africa but is popular in America
C.was started by blacks working in Africa
D.was started bv blacks in America
2.Jazz is a kind of music______.
A.almost the same as classical music
B.quite different from classical music
C.popular only in America
D.quite different from Africa music
3.Generally speaking,Jazz is mostly a kind of______.
A.American music
B.African music
C.classical music
D.popular music played at funerals
4.Usually we may feel______ moods when we listen to
jazz music.
A.sad and sorry B.tiring and hard working
C.exciting and happy D.lonely and sad
5.Jazz will always be connected with______.
A.American blacks
B.slavery in the United States
C.modern times
D.quick development of music

Mi1lions of years ago dinosaurs(恐龙) lived on the earth.
In the days of dinosaurs the whole earth was warm and wet.There were green forests and they could find enough to eat.Later,parts of the earth became cold and dry,and the forests there died.Then dinosaur could not find enough to eat.This must be one reason why dinosaurs died out.
We can guess another reason.New kinds of animals came on the earth.Some had big brains and were fast and strong.They could kill dinosaurs.
There may be other reasons that we don't know about yet.Scientists are trying to make more discoveries about dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs were of many sizes and shapes(形状).Some were as small as chickens,while some were about 90 feet long.
There were also terrible fights between dinosaurs.They might have happened more than 100 mi1lion years ago.Though there was no man to see any of the fights,we can be told by the animal’s footprints(足迹)that fight did take place.
1.According to the passage,diilosaurs did exist(存在) only _______ on the earth.
A.for millions of years
B.millions of years ago ’
C.more than 100 million years ago
D.when it was warm and wet somewhere
2.One reason why dirlosaurs died out is that______.
A.there were too many dinosaurs
B.parts of the earth became cold and dry
C.the dead forests there could not supply them with enough food
D.they couldn't find enough to eat
3.0ne more reason may be that______.
A.new kinds of animals came on the earth
B.some fast and strong animals with big brains could kill them
C.some dinosaurs were as small as chickens
D.some big dinosaurs died in the fights
4.We can see from this passage_______.
A.scientists are trying to make some dinosaurs
B.dinosaurs are dangerous enough
C.dinosaurs are worth studying
D.scientists know nothing about dinosaurs
5.That terrible fights can be explained by______.
A.footprints of the animals
C.rocks and forests
D.dinosaurs eggs
A man with two badly burning ears went to 1. ______
see his doctor.“What has happened with you?” 2.______
asked the doctor.“Well,my wife was ironing(熨衣服)3,______
whi1e I am watching a ball game on TV.She 4.______
put the hot iron near the telephone where my 5.______
phone rang.I picked up the iron instead the phone.”6 ______ The doctor nodded.“And what has happened to other 7_______
ear?”The man said,“I have just hung up 8. _____
when a same man called again.”The 9. _____
doctor couldn't help laugh when he heard this . 10.______
答 案
1.C 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D
1.call up 2.belong to 3.come into being 4.contribute to 5.stand out 6.light up 7.remind sb of 8.get through
9.look up 10.start with 11.by the light of a candle
12.next to never
1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.B
11.B 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.B 16.D 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.C
1. √   2. Some → one  3. so→as  4. for→to
5. lots→lots of 6. for→to  7. Next→The next  8.from  
9. beautiful→more beautiful 10. instead→instead of




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