引导高中学生英文写作的五种方法 |
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当前,许多高中英语教师都有这样的同感,学生的写作技能不如听说技能。这也许是在起始(初中)阶段听说技能就受到重视而写作技能却有所忽视所造成的。 据此,笔者认为,在高中起始阶段,教师在培养学生阅读能力的同时,应尽早加强对写作能力训练,以弥补先天不足。那么如何加强对学生写作能力的训练呢?美国作家德尔文·G舒伯特在其Reading is Writing一文中指出:“教科书所编的阅读课文是写作素材的集散地,是语言现象的展示厅,是语法规则的剖析室,是文间体裁的示范本”。从多年的教学实践中笔者认为加强和提高对学生的写作能力训练,可以依靠教材,充分利用教材,深刻挖掘教材,其方法归纳为如下五法: 一、K·W写作法(即Key Words写作法) 根据英国语言学家L. Galexander的“不要鼓励学生犯错误”的观点和英语的习得规律。教师必须从词、句入手,培养学生熟悉和掌握习惯搭配、语法和句子结构等,以提高其谴词造句的能力。因此教师在课堂教学过程中,有意地将Key Words板书在黑板上,让学生一句句根据所学内容造句,连词成句,再让程度较好的学习边看黑板边将整个故事串述成文或者师生共同串述一遍。最后要求学生将整篇短文写出来。教师还可以利用本课或本单元出现的生词词组编成故事,用英语说一篇,然后按故事发展顺序给学生key words,可以呈现在黑板上或幻灯片上。 例如:SEFC第一册(上)Lesson 33中出现下列新的单词和词组,information, improve, although, a waste of, necessary, believe, make a decision, go up, bring down, change…for… 笔者将自编的故事情节中的key words按顺序给学生: 1) a piece of information about 2) would go up 3) Although…nothing wrong with … 4) necessary to change… for 5) believe…improved 6) wrong 7) go up 8) bring down 9) spend 500 yuan more 10) a waste of 11) think enough before…make a decision 在教师的指导下,课后学生们基本上都能写出如下故事: A few months ago, I got a piece of information about colour TV sets. It was said that the price would go up in the next few months. Although there was nothing wrong with my old colour TV set, I thought it was necessary to change it for a bigger one because I believed big TV sets had been improved. In order to avoid spending more money later, I bought one. Unfortunately, the news, however, was wrong. Instead of going up, the price was brought down. In fact, I spent 500 yuan more than I should. It is really a waste of money. From this I learned that I should think enough before making a decision. 二、T·S写作法(即Topic Sentence写作法) 要求学生将课文每个段落中的topic sentence加上适当的连接词将课文主要意思串连成一篇浓缩的形文连惯的summary。这一操作过程可以在阅读过程中进行,也可以是课前预习过程中要求学生先划出每个段落的主题句,作为概述或缩写的内容要点,为缩写构建合理的框架,对程度差的学生,教师可作适当的揭示或给予适当的连接词;也可以是教师给予示范概述课文主要意思,然后让学生一个个复述,最后要求学生写出80—100词的短文。 P1:China was one of the first countries in the world to study the science of farming. P2:One of the pioneers of farming was Jia Sixie. P3:He studied ways of keeping seeds. P4:He studied how to improve soil conditions. P5:He wrote a book called Qi Min Yao Shu. P6:His book was considered to be an important summary of the knowledge of farming. 然后教师可以提供以下连接词: who, spend all his life studying…not only…but also, During the years 533—544,which等引导学生写出如下summary: China was one of the first countries in the world to study the science of farming. One of the pioneers of farming was Jia Sixie, who lived in the sixth century A.D. He spent all his life studying not only ways of keeping seeds, but also how to improve soil conditions. During the years 533—544,He wrote a book call Qi Min Yao Shu, which was considered to be an important summary of the knowledge of farming. 三、Q·P写作法(即Questions + Patterns写作法) 教师根据文章内容设计出一定数量的问题。这些问题的答案串联起来就是阅读课内容的Summary,在每个问题或每几个问题后必须给学生提示(如句型、连接词等)这种做法有利于学生对句型复习训练,熟悉所学过的句型,有利于学生对句型起到熟能生巧的作用。 例如SEFC第二册(下)第62课,教师编出如下问题: 1.What does the earth look if seen from space? Why? (because) 2.How much salt do most of the oceans on the earth contain? 3.How does sea water stay clean? (and) 4.Why does the Mediterranean(地中海沿海地区) contain more salt? (because) 5.What is coral? 6.Where does it exist? (which) 7.What will kill the coral? (but) 操作过程中,教师可以根据学生程度不同,先由学生一句一句回答,然后再写,也可以要求学生在预习过程中就写出来,也可以是课后作业。以引导学生写出如下中心思想: If seen from space, the earth looks blue because two thirds of the earth surface is made up of vast oceans. Most of the oceans on the earth contain 35 parts salt per thousand parts of water and seaweeds produce various chemicals that help keep the sea water clean. The Mediterranean contains more salt because the weather is very hot and the sea loses a lot of water to the air. Coral is not a plant but a variety of animal life of different shapes and bright colors, which is found in water with a depth of less than 60 meters, but construction work and pollution will kill coral. 四、T·D写作法(即Topic Discussion写作法) 语言的发展证明,书面语是从口语中发展来的,口语是书面语的基础。英语学者布里顿(J. Britton,1970)根据多年研究指出:“学生口语句型结构和表达方法往往是他们写作的基础。”因此,教师必须在教授写作的同时,帮助学生提高和丰富其口头表达的技能,口头表达技能提高了,写作技能也会随之提高,两者是相辅相成的。给topic就是让学生进行谈话,使用新学的和已往掌握的语言材料表达思想,是一种说—听—写相结合的活动。 例如笔者给学生这样一个topic讨论: “Would you come back to China if you have a chance to study in America and after you finish your subjects of study?” 在给学生一定的思考时间后,由学生一个个用英语口头表达出自己的态度和原因。有的说不想回来,因为美国生活比中国好,有的说要回来是因为父母会长期看不到子女而伤心,有的说在国内有更多的朋友,有的说不回来是不爱国…讨论非常热烈,最后要求学生结合讨论内容写一篇论文,表明自己更完整、更好的意思,可以自己拟题目。 这里列举一篇讨论之后的学生作文: Please Love Your Own Motherland If I have a chance to go to America to study and when I have finished my subjects. I’ll come back to work for my motherland though my country is not so developed and rich as the U.S. Some people often say “America is Heaven on earth. Living in America is better than living in our China.” Frankly speaking, I agree with what they say in some sense. However, as we know, China is a developing country, which needs a large number of talents to build it, I’m determined to become one of these talents, who will devote themselves to building our country stronger. I’m sure China will get richer and richer. Soon it will become the strongest and richest country in the world. I’ll be proud of it. 五、S·S写法(即Similar Story写作法) 这一训练旨在扩展学生思维。通过从限制性写作逐步过渡到自由写作,巩固和升华学生在以上训练中获得的成果,使其写作逐步从模仿、套用、过渡到创造性的写作。在上完SEFC第二册(上)第38课At the tailor’s shop一文之后,可以布置学生写一篇类似体验的文章,题材可以是自己的感受,也可以是周围熟悉的人的经历,有时会收到意想不到的效果。 如以下三位学生的习作: A篇是学生亲身经历: Last month, I went to a clothing shop to buy a new dress. As I was a student, I was not well dressed. They didn't serve me while I was looking at dresses. After choosing one, I asked the shop assistant how much it was. The shop assistant said it was too expensive for me. At the very moment she showed me some unfashionable dresses, my mother, who is a friend of the shop manager's, came into the shop, too. They were surprised when I called my mother “Mummy”. The manager was so ashamed that she told the assistant to put the cheapest clothes away and pick out some nicer ones. Besides, they helped me to try them on. Finally they sold two nice dresses to me at a low price. Showing us out, the shop manager asked me to drop in at her shop as often as possible. B篇是身边人物经历: One day my mother went into a food shop to buy some cakes. She didn’t know much about the cakes, so she asked the shop assistant which cakes were the best. As my mother seemed to understand little about the price and the taste of cakes, the shop assistant advised her to buy an expensive but unpleasant one. My mother, however, didn’t know she was fooled until we ate the cake in the evening. My mother got so angry that she said she would never go to that shop to do any shopping. C篇是根据中文故事译编: One day, a child went to a shop to buy something to eat. The shopkeeper told him that the chocolate was two yuan per piece. The child bought one. At the same time, a man came in, who also wanted to buy chocolate, this time the shopkeeper, however, only asked the customer to pay one and a half yuan a piece. The child saw this but said nothing. The next day, the child went to the shop again, wearing a pair of shoes, the bottoms of which were very thick. On answering the boss’s question, he said, “you sold the chocolate to a man more cheaply than to a child. So, today, I have grown a tall man.” 提高高中生英语写作能力的训练方法是多种多样的,每种写作训练形式都有它特殊的作用和意义。通过以上五种训练法教学,高中学生的英语写作兴趣和水平都有较明显的提高,实践证明是行之有效的方法。 相关链接:写作专题指导
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