Unit 17 The missing necklace

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Teaching Aims:
1. Learn the grammar: The Attributive Clause.
2. Understand the Text.
3. Learn some useful expressions.
4. Train the Ss’ listening ability.
Lesson 65.
Properties: Recorder, overhead projector; pictures and some real objects
Language focus:
Steal-stone-stolen; shoot-shot-shot; hands up;
Differences: shoot at/shoot; steal and rob;
The Attributive Clause.
Teaching Procedures:
Ⅰ. Showing aims:
1. Let the SS to learn The Attributive Clause.
2. Understand the dialogues.
3. Learn some new words and useful expressions.
Ⅱ. Revision
1.Check homework.
The SS share their dialogues in front of the class.
Ⅲ Presentation
Say: Last year, my mother gave me a necklace for my birthday. It was very beautiful. It cost one thousand yuan. Unluckily, I lost it when I went shopping, perhaps sb stole it. To day we’re going to tell a story about the missing necklace.
Play the tape for the SS listen and find the answers, then check the answers in class. What happened to the woman?
Let the SS go through the questions inEx1. in their wb. Read the dialogue on Page 81. Answer these questions, then check them in classs.
Part 1.
Get the SS to listen to the tape, try to find the answers.
Play the tape for the class to listen and repeat themselves. Check the answers with the whole class. Make sure they can read correctly. See if the SS can make sentences with them. Play the tape again for the Ss to repeat.
Ask the students to make a new dialogue in pairs, and share with the class.
Ⅴ.Read and say:
Just get the SS to understand the dialogue, do not pay more attention to the new knowledge. Look at the books, read the instruction with the whole class.
Part 2. Discuss the model with the S as an example, then let the Ss work on their own, write down the answers in their exercise books. Encourage the SS to make a new dialogue in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class.
Using the words and expressions in the box, and go through contents of the box. Learn The Attributive Clause.
For example:
1. The one that cost a thousand dollars was from my mother.
2. Did you see the person who stole it?
3. I’ll shoot anyone who moves.
Revise the use of “ that” and “ who”.
Teaching the grammar: The Attributive Clause.
Give the S some more examples:
1. The house that we live in is very old.
2. This is the present that he gave me for my birthday.
3. Those are the shoes that/which I lost last week.
4. The cars that/which are produced in Hubei sell very well.
Explain: The Attributive Clause. Shows an action
Get the Ss to practise it pairs. And make up five new sentences with The Attributive Clause.Then share their sentences in class.
Ⅳ. Workbook:
1. Do Exx 3 orally in pairs. Have the Ss ask and answer in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class.
Finish the exercises in the workbook..
Make up a new dialogue with The Attributive Clause.
Ask the Ss to write a new dialogue.
Exercise in class
Lesson 66;
Properties: Recorder, overhead projector; pictures and some real objects
Language focus:
Useful expressions:
1.The Attributive Clause.
2.Detective; inspector; steal-thief/thieves; rob-robber;
3.notice+ wh- clause; notice that clause; notice + sb do sth; notice sth done
The differences:
1. notice, look, see, watch;
2. ask sb for sth; ask sb for help; ask for sb/ sth( search for sb/look for sb)
Teaching Procedures:
Ⅰ. Showing aims:
1. Master some useful expressions and understand some difficult sentences..
2. Read the passage, under the text and try to do some reading comprehension.
3. Do some reading comprehension.
4. Revise The Attributive Clause.
Ⅱ. Revision:
1.Check homework.
Revise Lesson 65. Practise the dialogue in front of the class. Get the SS to share their own dialogues in class.
Revise The Attributive Clause. Have the Ss make sentences in groups of four, then get some groups to give out their ideas.
Ⅲ. Leading in:
Say: We’ve learnt that sb stole the necklace in L 65, and he called the police. Ask: What will you do if you are robbed? Give the Ss a few minutes to discuss.
Let the SS go through the questions inEx1. in their wb. Read the dialogue on Page 81. Answer these questions, then check them in classs.
Part 2.
Get the SS to listen to the tape, try to find the answers.
Play the tape for the class to listen and repeat themselves. Check the answers with the whole class. Make sure they can read correctly. See if the SS can make sentences with them. Play the tape again for the Ss to repeat.
Ask the students to make a new dialogue in pairs, and share with the class.
Then get the SS to read the passage carefully.
Get the SS to read the question at the top of the page, get them to know very clearly, then ask them to read the passage quickly. And answer the questioning pairs
Deal with the difficulties that the SS may have. Get the SS guess the meanings of the new words and sentences.
1. There is no need to thank me.
2. I need to do sth.
3. This is the cage that Polly lives in. There is no chair for me to sit on.
4. hear sb shouting
5. hands up= put your hands up
Ⅳ. Read:
Speech cassette. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and try to find the answers to the questions. Check the answers with the class.
Books open. Get the Ss to read the passage in pairs. Give them a few minutes for them to discuss, then ask some of the SS to give their reports to share with the class.
Do Exx 1 and 2 orally in class. Write down the answers as quickly as they can. Have the Ss read the dialogue in pairs, then check in class. And write down their own ideas in the exercise books.
The answers of Ex2 are : missing, stole, called, house, necklace, strange, who, without, suddenly, anyone, the, why, be, seen
Do Ex 3 orally, then get the Ss to write a shout story about the set of the pictures.
Review the new vocabulary, then let the Ss retell the story.
Finish off the exercises in the workbook..
Write a short passage about how to work well in team
Lesson 67.
Properties: Recorder, overhead projector; pictures and some real objects
Language focus:
Useful expressions:
Teaching Procedures:
Ⅰ. Showing aims:
1. Master some useful expressions.
2. Revise the relative clause
3. Lear the differences between the Past Simple Tense and the Past Perfect Tense.
4. Understand the dialogues.
Ⅱ. Revision:
1.Check homework;
2.Revise the passage of Lesson 66 and L 65. First get the Ss to ask and answer some questions about the passage, see if they can understand the passage correctly. Get one of them to retell it. Try to use the drills freely:
5. Have the SS to make some sentences to master the relative clause
Share the sentences in groups.
Ask some SS to read their sentences. Then ask some of them to read them out to the SS.
Ⅲ. Leading in:
Ask :In L 66, we know Mr Green lost the necklace and his parrot, but he didn’t catch the thief. Ask Who stole the necklace? Allow the Ss to read the second part of the play for a few minutes,
and try to find the answer as quickly as possible. Let the SS discuss the answer.
Get the SS to look at Part1. Tell the Ss to read the questions and find the answers. Help them understand the exercise, then get the SS to ask and answer in pairs. Finally, check the answers with the whole class.
Ⅳ.Read and act:
Let the SS read the questions in Part 2quickly and find the answer to the question. Then check the answer with the Ss. Play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat.
Ⅴ. Grammar Teaching:
The relative clause:
For example:
1.A man who doesn’t try to learn from others can’t hope to achieve much.
2. Do you know the man who came to see Xiao Yang this afternoon?
3. Is she the girl who sells flowers?
4. The book that/ which Tom gave me is a famous detective.
5. The girl Who/ that I spoke to is my sister.
Then let the SS practise and act it out.
Ⅵ. Practice:
Get the SS to make up sentences using the relative clause, then let the SS work in pairs to make up sentences. Collect some examples from the whole class.
Do Exx 2 orally with the whole class. Discuss the answers with the partner, and finish the dialogue. Have two students read the dialogue in pairs, then check the answers in class.
Ⅹ. Summary.
Finish the exercises in the workbook..
Lesson 68.
Properties: Recorder, overhead projector; pictures and some real objects
Language focus:
Checkpoint 17
Teaching Procedures:
Ⅰ. Showing aims:
1. Train the SS’ listening ability.
2. Revise all the contents of Unit 17.
3.To train their listening and writing abilities.
4.Go through Checkpoint17
5.Write a short passage to train the SS’ writing abilities.
Ⅱ. Revision:
1.Check homework.
3. Revise Choose some useful sentences from the Ss’ homework and read them to class, then do more oral practice using the relative clause. Have the Ss make sentences using the Relative Clause. Get the ss to discuss in groups. Make sure the Ss can use the Relative Clause.
Ⅲ.Leading in:
Say: Today we are going to listen to a short passage and have the SS look at Ex 1 in the workbook.. Read all the questions first, then read the numbers aloud. Try to guess the answers before listening.
Listening cassette. Go through the Ex1 in WB with the Ss. Play the tape for the ss to listen and finish Ex 1 in WB . Play the tape again, Get the SS to check their answers. Then check with the whole class. Make sure that they can understand.
Ⅴ.Read and act
Let the SS open the books and look at Ex 2 more carefully and answer the questions. Then check the answers with the SS. Play the tape for the sS to listen and repeat, then read it in pairs. Explain some new words. Ask the SS to practise this dialogue in pairs without looking at the books.
Ⅵ. Look and ask:
Ask the SS to read Part 2.and let the Ss ask and answer in pairs.
Do Ex 3. Get the SS to write down their answers into the table and report to the class. Get the SS to discuss it.
Ⅶ. Read:
Ask the SS: Do you like writing diaries?
How do you write a diary?
Let the S discuss, then tell them that we’re going to learn about how to write a diary.
Help the SS write a short diary in class.
Ⅷ. Checkpoint 17
Go through Checkpoint16 with the Ss. Solve any problems that the Ss may still have. Make sentences with the useful expressions, and make sure that the Ss can use them freely. Get the Ss to go over the grammar notes. Workbook:
Do Exx 4 orally in class. Do it in Ex book. Pay attention to the stress.
Do Ex 5 in class.
Do Ex 6 and 7 in class. Check the answers.
Finish off the exercises in the workbook..




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