2005-2006年度高考复习教案 Units 5 Book1A NSEFC ┆ 高三

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2005-2006年度高考复习教案 Unit 5 Book1A
Unit 5 The silver screen
Teaching Aims and Demands:
1.Key words: role,speed
2.Important phrases: owe,determine,take off,go wrong,run after,stay away,think highly of,lock up
3.Classic Patterns: while引起的时间状语省略
‘not just…but(also)…
4.Differences between words and phrases:
5.Grammar: Attributive clauses
6.Communicative phrases: 提出看法与作出评价
Teaching Steps:
Step 1 Have a dictation of the words and expressions.
Step 2 Translate the following sentences with the words and expressions in the text.
Step 3. language points.
1.role n.角色;任务,作用(同part)
play roles扮演角色
play the role/part of扮演……角色
play a role/part in在……中发挥作用/扮演角色”
Phonetics plays an important part in the study of English.
2.Speed vt.&vi1.(sped,sped)加快,飞跑 n.[u]速度
a speed of以…的速度
with(great)speed快速地(=at speed)
at full/top speed全速地
speed up加速
The car sicked up speed when there was no one.没有人时汽车加速了o
He sped the car through the woods.他加快车速穿过树林。
It moved at a speed of 60 km an hour.它以每小时60公里的速度行驶o
owe vt.&vi.(与to连用)
owe sb.sth.=owe sth.to sb.欠某人某物
owe sth to sb./sth.将……归功于……
owing to…由于……(=thanks to/because of/due to)
He owes his father $50./He owes$50 to his father.他欠他父亲50美元。
He owes his success more to luck than to ability.
Owing to our help, he finished the work ahead of time.
owe带与介词to连用;thanks to除了有“由于……”的意思处,还可表示:多亏了
这时它相当于句型:owe it to...that…多亏了 I owe it to you that I finished my work in time.
4.determine vi决定(=decide);决心(=make up one's mind)
be determined to do sth.下决心做某事(=make up one's mind to do sth.)
She determined to finish the work all by herself.她决心独自一人把那项工作做完。
He determined to get there first.他决定先到那儿去。
He has determined to win the game
He is determined to win the game.他决心打赢这场比赛。
determined(adj)决意的,已决定了的,坚决的 a determined man
determine to do sth.(动作) be determined to do(心理状态)
5.take off的用法
take off起飞;脱去(衣服),移去(=remove);突然急升;大受欢迎
The plane took off despite the fog.尽管有雾飞机仍照常起飞。
Sales of home cars have taken off in recent years.私家车的销售量近年来上升很快。
Take your coat off and sit down.把外套脱掉坐下吧o
The new dictionary has really taken off.这本新词典已经开始畅销。
take off作“起飞”解,它的反义词是land(着陆)
take/have a day off请一天假。.
6.go wrong出毛病,出故障
Now there are still a large number of people in the world going hungry every day。
These apples have gone bad.这些苹果已经腐烂了。
If you don't take care of your eyesight,you will go blind.
Cf. do wrong / do sb. wrong
7. run after追赶;追求
run behind跟在后面跑
run out(of)用完,用尽
Look,a policeman is running after a thief.看,警察在追小偷。
She runs after every good-looking young man in the village.
We stayed camping until the last food ran out.我们一直呆在营地,直到最后的食物用完。
run out是不及物动词短语,而run out of才是及物动词短语,后面可接宾语。
8.stay away离开一段时间;不靠近,避开(与keep off同义)
keep…out of...不使……进入……
Stay away from me.I've got a bad cold.别靠近我j我患了重感冒。,
Tell them to stay away!It,s dangerous.告诉他们离开1这儿很危险。
'm going on a trip,and I shall stay away for a few days.我要出门旅行,要离开几天。
The notice reads:wet paint,keep off!布告牌上写着:油漆未干,请勿靠近!
stay away作“不靠近、避开”讲时与keep off同义,但与keep…out of...意义相差很远。
9.think highly of/a lot/not much/poorly/little of sb./sth.=have a good/bad opinion of sb./sth对某人/某物评价高/不高 ,
We all think highly of our new English teacher.我们对我们新的英语老师评价很高。
You thought very badly of him at first,didn't you?起初你对他的印象很坏,是吧?
类似的短语还有:speak highly of sb./sth.赞扬某人或某物,
sing high praise for sb./sth.高度赞扬某人或某物。
10. 1ock up将……锁起来,关押
on the air(用无线电、电视)播送
in all = altogether总计
He locked up the stolen money in a box.他把偷来的钱锁在一个盒子里。
The Science Review programme will go on the air next week.科技博览节目将在下周播出。
How many people were there in a11 at the party?共有多少人出席聚会?
复合句中,时间状语从句常使用省略形式。除while引导的时间状语从旬外,when,till / until引导的时间状语从句,if,unless,once引导的条件状语从句,though,although,even if,even though引导的让步状语从句等,都可以使用类似的省略形式。
While(they are)visiting the city,they received 8 warm welcome.
When(he was)asked why he was late,he kept silent.
Once(it is)began,it must be done well.一旦开始,就必须做好。
Write to me if (it is)necessary.如果有必要,就给我写信。
句型not just…but(also)…的用法
not just…but(also)…=not only…but(also)…不仅……而且……,连接两个并列成分。
The President Jefferson was not just a statesman but an inventor.
Not just her parents but she is a singer·
She can not just sing but dante.她不仅会唱歌还会跳舞。(连接谓语)
He does business not just at home but abroad.他不仅在国内而且还在国外做生意。(连接状语) 解题警示:
(1)在not just /only…but also句中可省去also,但不可省去but·
(2)这一句式与or,either…or,neithe r...nor一样,连接主语时,谓语动词应遵循就近一致的原则。
(3)这一句式连接两个句子时,若not only/just位于句首,则该句倒装,但but also起的句子不倒装。
He received 8 large number of gifts,but he didn't accept(refused)them‘
He received a letter this morning.他今天上午收到了一封信。
We received a warm welcome from them.我们受到了他们的热烈欢迎。
Be well received= be popular with
award n奖品,奖金;助学金 vt.颁发;授予
prize n.奖品,奖金(=award)
reward n.奖赏;报酬,酬金,赏金;vt报答,酬谢
Hundreds of prizes can be won in our newspaper competition·
As a reward for passing her exams,she got a new bike,from her parents.
She showed us the athletics awards she had won.她给我们看她赢得的体育运动奖。
15.live/alive/living/lively/ lovely
lively adj活泼的、生动的
alive adj.活着的,健在的,作表语;作定语必须后置(一般用于人和动物)。
living adj活着的(=alive);有生命的。既可以作定语,又可以作表语。
Unit 5 Book1A 语言点练习
1.Now the computer is playing an important part _____________our daily life
A. of B. in C. a D. on
2.The train runs _________ a speed of 70 miles an hour when it crosses the desert
A. with B. in C. at D.for
3.The old man said the accident __________ careless driving, so the driver _______ the money for the repairs.
A. owing to ; owed him to B. was owing to; owed him
C. was caused by; owing him D.. caused by; owed to him
4.I was __________ follow their advice.
A. determined B. was owing to; owed him
C. determined not to D. determining not to
5.You need a break. Why not take a week_________ from work?
A. off B. away C. up D. along
6.What __________ to him? He looks so pale.
A. has happened B. has gone wrong C. has come wrong D. is happened
7.We stayed camping until the last food _________.
A. was run out B. was run short C. ran out D. run short
8.Many notices are placed in the park warning people to __________ the grass.
A. keep off B. keep away C. keep out D. keep out of
9.The leader __________ the players who won gold medals in the Olympic Games.
A. praised high B. sang highly praise of C. highly praised D. high praised
10.The president's speech will be broadcast throughout the country ________.
A. on air B. in the air C. by the radio D. on the air
11.--Will you go to the ball?--No, even if ___________.
A. inviting B. be invited C. invited D. to invite
12.Not only I but also Jane and Mary ________ tired of having one examination after another.
A. is B. are C. am D. be
13.Mary finally ________ Bruce as her life-long companion
A. received B. accepted C. made D. honoured
14.He received honours and ________ for what he had done for the people.
A. award B. awards C. awarded D. prize
15.It was three to nine and all the family were waiting before the TV set to see the _____ broadcast of the CBA basketball game.
A. live B. lively C. lovely D. living
16.There are several research centers in China _________ a certain disease called Bird Flu is being studied.
A. which B. where C. when D. what
17.--How do you find your visit to the museum,Jane? --_________.
A. Oh,terrific, indeed ! C. I went there alone.
B. By taking a No. 3 bus. D. A classmate of mine accepted me




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