unit 3 Useful words & expressions &language points 人教新课标 ┆ 高三

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Unit 3 Useful words & expressions &language points
1 the land down under 澳大利亚 2. go on one’s trip 去旅行
3.plan a 10-day trip to Australia 制定澳大利亚10日游计划
4..go bushwalkin 去丛林漫步 5..an experienced outback guide 一位有经验的内地导游
an experienced tour guide 一位有经验的导游 6.stay safe 保持安全
7. give sb advice about safety give sb safety tips 就安全向某人提出建议
8.warn sb of possible dangers 提醒某人可能存在的危险
1.The Portrait Of A Nation 澳大利亚掠影
2.be made up of six states and two territories 2.由六个州和两个区组成
3.Australian Capital Territory 3.澳大利亚首都区
4. the Indian Ocean the Pacific Ocean印度洋 / 太平洋
5.一个位于悉尼和墨尔本之间的城市 5...a city located between Sydney and Melbourne
6.土著居民和托雷斯海峡的岛上居民 6. Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders
7.建立复杂的社会组织 7.creat complex societies
8.承袭其祖先的生活方式 8.live in a similar way to one’s ancestors
9.接受当今澳大利亚人的生活方式 9.live in the same way as one’sfellow Australians
10.声称这块大陆的东海岸属于不列颠王国 .claim the east coast of the continent for the British Crown
11.change the way land was managed 11.改变土地经营方式
12.be harmful to the Australian ecosystems 12.对澳大利亚的生态系统有害
13.as a consequence 13.其结果是 14.the Commonwealth of Australia 澳大利亚联邦
15.resemble the USA of the 18th century 与18世纪的美国很相似
resemble sb/ sth( in sth)(不用进行时)与他人或他物(在某方面)相似
resemblance n. have little/no ~ to the fact 与事实相去甚远/根本不符相似 相象 resemblance between A and B cf. similarity
16.enjoy the same rights 16.享有同样的权利
17.recognize the importance of a diverse society承认多元化社会的重要性
18.experience social and economic unrest 18.经历了社会和经济动荡
suffer from the Great Depression of the 1930s. 饱受30年代经济大萧条的痛苦
19.transform itself into the modern society19.使其发展成为如今的现代化的国家
20.change one’s attitude towards改变对..的态度21.benifit from immigration受益于移民
1.The British Governor landed on January 26, today known as Australia Day. Para3
2.Many Aborigines and Islanders were moved and had their land taken away from them.
3.The constitution governing six states stated that men were free ..., explained their basic civil rights and descried the new .... Para4.
4..It would be many years until Australia learn to respect Aborigines
and recognize the importance of a diverse society. Para4.
5...and some of the vocabulary used “down under” is quite different
from what you may have learnt. Para 6.
6..Some Australian Aborigines still live in a similar way to their ancestors, while others live in cities... Para2.
7.While some of the Aboriginal languages have been lost, people
are trying hard to protect and record what is left. Para6.
1.The British Governor landed on January 26, today known as Australia Day. Para3
be well-known as well-known today known as... 是过去分词作定语
better known
best known
2.Many Aborigines and Islanders were moved and had their land taken away from them. Para3
have sb do sth. have sb/sth doing have sth done (by sb)
have sth done 1)让别人干某事=get sth done
eg.1) Please have/get your hair cut.
2)Last night Mr. Smith had his house broken into
3)King Charles had his head cut by revolutionaries.
3..The constitution governing six states stated that men were free and equal, explained their basic civil rights and descried the new
government. Para4.
1).governing six states 现在分词作定语
  前后时态一致,最后一个用and 连接.
eg. she set out soon after dark _______ home an
hour later. (NMET94)
A. arriving B. to arrive
C. having arrived D. and arrived
4..It would be many years until Australia learn to respect Aborigines and recognize the importance of a diverse society. Para4.
It be many years until ... 过了多久...才或就....
It be....before(就) ......
not ...until.....= not...before  直到...才/就
Don’t draw a conclusion until/before you think twice
5...and some of the vocabulary used “down under” is quite different
from what you may have learnt. Para 6.
1).used “down under”= used in Australia过去分词作定语
2) may have done对过去所发生的事作出的猜测(把握性不大)
6..Some Australian Aborigines still live in a similar way to their ancestors, while others live in .. Para2.
7.While some of the Aboriginal languages have been lost, people
are trying hard to protect and record what is left. Para6.
While conj.& n.
1.当..时候 1.Never go on or off a bus while it is in motion.
2.表示转折,对比 2.Unit 3 is easy, while Unit4 is difficult..
3.表示“尽管”, 3.“While” can also mean “although” and then is usually placed at the beginning of a sentence. 虽然”(多放在句首)
4.表示“只要” 4.while there is life there is hope.
5.表示“既然”n. 5.I’d like to get it settled today while we are at it.
once in a while偶尔,间或 6.It will be worth your while ,I think,to go and see him.
It’s worth while doing
to do sth.
Key words & expressions
consequence f . result n & v.
n.1.(pl) 结果,后果,影响
take /suffer/bear the ~s of one’s action
  It’s of no ~.   这无关紧要
3. as a consequence 1)由于...的缘故
in consequence( of sth )2)作为...的结果 =as a result of sth
eg.1) He was found guilty and lost her job
in consequence.
2).The tsunami hit the coastline around the Indian
Ocean. As a consequence , thousands of people
died and more became homeless.
Language Points:
be made up of 由……组成 The Grade Three is made up of 17 classes
make up 和解,和好;虚构,编造;化妆;补偿,弥补;凑钱
e.g. It is very hard to make up the quarrel between the couple.
Don’t make up any excuse to cheat me.
I find no time to make myself up every day.
Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence.
Have you made up the money for your class?
2. represent 代表,象征; 表现; 描绘,塑造; 声称
e.g. The moon represents my heart
I’d like to thank you representing my whole family.
=I’d like to thank you on behalf of my whole family.
He represented himself as a wealthy man, but in fact he was as poor as a church mouse.
representation n.
representative adj.
3.stand for 象征,代表; 支持;
e.g. What does WTO stand for?
It stand for World Trade Organization.
Before we elect him, we want to know what he stands for.
4.claim vt.&n.声称,自称; 要求, 认领;主张
e.g. Don’t claim to know what you don’t know. 不要强不知以为知
5. ① as a consequence= in consequence/as a result
e.g. After graduation, he became quite lazy. As a consequence, he lost what he owned.
② in consequence of =as a result of/because of
/due to/owing to
e.g. In consequence of his rudeness, he was fired by his boss.
6. have an influence on/upon=have an effect on/upon
influence sb./sth. affect sb./sth
e.g. I don’t think this kind of system will have a great influence on our school
7.transform…into… 把……化作/变作……
e.g. The Greens have transformed their garage into a guest house
A generator transforms mechanical energy into electricity.
8. differ=be different from
①不同,相异 A differ from B in… e.g. We differ from each other in tastes
②意见不同(from/with)e.g. We differ from/with him on that problem.
1.Modern Australia is made up of six states and two territories.( 由…组成)
e.g. The solar system is made up of a star and nine plants.
2. Australia is surrounded by many oceans. (被…环绕,被…包围)
e.g. The house was surrounded by high walls.
3. claim vt(根据权利)要求,认领,索赔; 自称;主张
e.g. Did you claim on the insurance after your car accident?
e.g. She claims that she is related to the Queen.
e.g. She claims to be related to the Queen
4. as a consequence 结果,后果
e.g. As a consequence, she lost everything she owned.
5. have an influence on/upon 对…有影响
e.g. SARS has a strong influence on human behaviour.
6. transform vt. 转换, 改变, 改造, 使...变形 [(+into)]
e.g. A steam engine transforms heat into power.
7. resemble vt. 相似, 像,类似 [(+in)] e.g. He strongly resembles his father in appearance
8. differ vi. 不同;不像;相异[(+from)]
e.g. She differs from me in many ways.
Two important sentence patterns:
1. make it + n./adj.+ (for sb.) + to do sth. / that clause
e.g. She made it clear that she objected to the
2. 肯定句(延续性动词) …untill / till …e.g. It may last till Friday.




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