Unit 1 How often do you exercise教案示例二 新目标 ┆ 初二 |
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教案示例二 总体教学思路: 本节课设计思路:本节课任务设计以学生每天所吃的食物和是否有规律的进行体育锻炼为主线,上课以如何保持一个健康的体魄为讨论主题引出科学的膳食和有规律体育锻炼两个主题导入任务,通过讨论得出结论什么是合理的饮食习惯, 和科学的锻炼身体的频率并评选出生活学习最有规律的标兵 教学目标: 1. 学会描述不同食物的名称和各项体育运动的名称。 2 学习如何正确运用表示频率的表达方式。 课前准备:饮食和运动的调查问卷。 教学过程设计: Tasks Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Task1 Step 1 What do you have for breakfast, lunch and supper? Discuss in groups and list the food they have every day. Step 2 Make a survey about how often they eat the healthy food. Make a survey in groups and find out who has the most healthy diet by using the sentences: How often do you eat vegetables?How often do you eat fruits? Task 2Step 1 Do you exercise every day and what kind of exercises do you have every day? Discuss in groups and list all the sports they play after school. Step 2 Make a survey about how often they play the sports? And find out who take more exercise. Make a survey in groups and find out who has the most sports by using the sentences:How often do you swim?How often do you play football?How often do you play basketball? Step 3 Write a report about their survey about the healthy diet and the sports. Write a report about their survey and correct it with their partner. Task 3Listening “Now, Let’s listen to two friends talking about their life habit, see if they have a healthy life?” Finish SB P4 2a, 2b. Listen to the tape and finish the exercises. Homework 1. Finish SB P5 3a. 3b.2. Ask Ss to do a survey about their health. Write a report model on 3a 3b. How often do you eat … ? Play football Play basketball Play table tennis swim run Name 1: Name 2: Name 3: Name 4: Chart 2: 课后小结 收获: A. 鼓励学生大胆的使用英语,对他们学习过程中的失误和错误采取宽容的态度。 B. 任务链设计较成功,创造条件让学生能够研究他们自己感兴趣的问题。 C. 课堂设计较合理,给学生创设自主学习和交流的机会。 D. 学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作等方式发展了听说读写的综合语言技能。 探索: 继续探索在任务、与合作型教学中如何调动全体学生的积极性。 教案点评: 本课的设计使学生确实从学习中学会了如何谈论饮食, 体育运动等,同时还学会了简单的关于频率的谈论。丰富了学生生活,培养了学生科学的饮食,学习,生活的习惯。同时也是一种真实的体验。当然,《新程课程标准》所提倡的绝不仅仅是这样或那样一种或几种教学法,我们也绝不可以抛弃一切传统的理念。笔者认为,教无定法,教而有法。事实上我们所使用的不仅仅是任务型教学法一种,而是综合了各家教学法之长处的综合教学法。笔者认为这种要求学生自己准备学习材料,教师利用学生带入教室的各种信息组织语言教学活动,既能增加教师对所教学生的了解,提高教学针对性,同时也增加了学生的语言实践,促进他们在整个教学活动中主动参与。 |
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