Unit 19 A freedom fighter

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1.put---in/into prison 将某人关进监狱
其被动形式为be put in/into prison
be sent to prison
be in prison
be thrown into prison
They have been in prison for five years
Both the robbers and the thieves should be sent to prison
Any one who breaks the law should be thrown into prison.
They all went to the prison to visit the prisoners.
They broke into the prison and set all the political prisoners free.
We can’t imagine the situation in spaceship
You can imagine their delight at the good new.
Imagine her to be in your place, how would she act?
You can’t imagine what a beautiful scenery the West Lake is.
(1)forbid+sb+to do sth [不接从句]
We should forbid our children to smoke.
Students are forbidden to use the computer without the teacher’s special permission.
People are forbidden t smoke in the reading-room
We forbid smoking in the reading-room.
The government forbids the meeting.
(3)forbid还作“阻止,妨碍”(stop,not allow)解
The rain forbids us to go out.
It is impossible to satisfy all demands.
Is there a great demand for teachers in this town?
Our goods are in great demand.
人+demand “请求,强令,询问”
物+demand “需要”
The door keeper demanded my business.
They demanded an investigation into the murder.
This illness demands a long rest.
(4)demand for
demand of sb to do sth 要求某人做某事
demand sth of/from sb要求某人做某事
demand to do sth 要求做某事
demand that +主语+(should)+do
I demand a definite answer of him.
He demanded money from the woman
He demanded to speak to the manager
I demand that John (should) go there at once.
The policeman demands her address.
We demand that the meeting (should) be postponed.
They marched in and took over the town
The army has marched thirty miles today.
We are marching on science and technology.
(2) march也可用作名词,意为“行军,行进”,也指“示威游行”。
It was a long and difficult march.
It was a day’s march from the city to the camp
It is a peace march.这是一次争取和平的游行。
The Long March 万里长征
6.(1)join 通常作“参加(某个团体,组织)”(become a member of)
His grandpa joined the Party in 1949.
He has joined the Party.
He has been in the party for five years.
(2)join in 表示“参加某种活动” 还可以用 join sb in doing sth/sth
Will you join us in a walk ?
(3)join in 多指参加正在进行的活动,如参加竞赛,娱乐,谈话等
take part in 多指参加活动,斗争,运动等。
They watched the game,and then they were invited to join in it.
The workers took part in the struggle.
(4)take part in 起---作用 (play a part in)
In World War II Russians and Americans took an important part.
(5)attend 参加,出席,后面的宾语通常是meeting,party,school,lecture,class---
Did you attended the meeting yesterday?
7come up
(1)come up “植物长出地面,太阳升起“
The flowers are just beginning to come up.
I like to get up early and watch the sun come up.
He came up to the policeman and asked the way.
I could hear footsteps coming up behind me.
I’ll let you know if anything comes up
The subject came up in conversation
The question never came up in discussion
My number came up and I won $ 100.
The water came up to my neck.
Their holiday in France didn’t come up to expectations.他们在法国度假未尽人意。
We could just manage to see the form of an air ---craft taking off in the fog.
The plural of form of “goose” is “geese”.
What is the form?
(2)form 作名词还可以表示“(运动员等的)状态”。
The team were on excellent form throughout the whole competition .
They were both in good from at dinner.
(3)form 作名词用“表格”
The reservoir was formed by flooding the valley.
(5)form作动词,还意为 “排列,养成”
The teacher formed the children into a line.
A good character is formed by strict discipline.好的性格靠严格的纪律培养起来的。
9.separate 与divide
divide “分开,分成”指把具有统一性的东西分成几部分,往往含有自然划分之意,并强调按比例“划分,分隔”成若干部分。
The fence divides the garden in half.篱笆把花园隔成两半。
Our class s divided into four groups。我们班被分成四组。
The shop assistants divided the apples into different classes.店员把苹果按级分类。
Separate 意为“使分开,使分离,分手”。指把原来结合在一起或混杂的东西分开,被分开的东西没有任何统一性,有时含有用暴力强行分开之意。
England is separated from France by the English Channel
Can you separate oxygen from air?
Keep these separate from those.
I sometimes have terrible dreams at night.
The little boy has dreams of being a scientist.
His dream is to win the first prize in the match.
I dreamed a strange dream that night.
11.set sb an example 给---树榜样
set an example to sb
follow/copy the example of sb 照---样子做。
12.(1)admit sb(sth) into/to sth 允许某人/某物进入
They admitted her to Lowood School.他们准许她进入洛任德学校。
(2)sb be admitted to school(hospital)接受某人入学/入院
(3)admit sth 承认某事
I admit the truth of your statement.我承认你的说法是正确的。
(4)admit doing sth 承认做某事
He admitted taking the money but promised to never to do it again.
(5)admit that-clause 承认---
He admitted that he was in the wrong.他承认是他的不是。
(6) admit to sb +从句
He admitted to me that he has stolen the purse.他向我承认他偷了钱包。
(7)admit +名/代词+to be+形容词
I admit myself to be wrong.我承认自己错了。
You must admit the task to be difficult.你必须承认这项任务是艰巨的。
(8)admit “可容纳”
The theatre admits only 200 persons.这座戏院只能容纳200人。
(9)It is admitted +that从句
It is admitted that the moon is a world where utter silence prevails.
1.New York,_____ last year, is a nice old city.
A.that I visited B.which I visited C.where I visited D.in which I visited
2.I can think of many cases ______ students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn’t write a good essay.
A.why B.which C.as D.where.
3.---Smoking is bad for your health.
---I know.But I simply can’t _____
A.give it up B.give it in C.give it out D.give it away
4._____is known to everybody, the moon travels around the earth once every month.
A.It B.As C.That D.What




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