NSEFC 中考考前辅导

中学英语教学资源网英语教案中考复习指导 手机版

1. 观念新, 立意新, 选材新, 内容新, 题型新。结合实际,思想性强,力求向新大纲靠拢,充分体现创新精神,旨在培养学生的能力。
第一部分 名词
* 一般的在词尾加s
* 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词词尾加es
* 以f或fe结尾的名词将f或fe变为ves
knife---knives, wife---wives, life---lives, leaf---leaves, shelf---shelves, thief---thieves, half---halves, self---selves
* 以o结尾的名词有两种变化形式
(1) 加es:英雄 (hero---heroes) 吃 土豆 (potato---potatoes) 西红柿 (tomato---tomatoes)
(2) 加s:有个人去了zoo---zoos,上面挂着一幅photo---photos,画中有一架piano---pianos,上面放着一台radio---radios,重一kilo---kilos。
* 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,将y去掉加ies
特别要注意元音字母加y结尾的名词:boys, holidays, monkeys, chimneye, keys…
* 不规则变化
man---men, woman---women, Englishman---Englishmen, Frenchman---Frenchmen, postman---postmen, businessman---businessmen, policeman---policemen, policewoman---policewomen, snowman---snowmen, child---children, foot---feet, tooth---teeth, mouse---mice
* 单复数同形
fish, sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese
* 总是使用复数形式的
clothes, trousers, people, shoes, boots, socks, stockings, pants, shorts, earrings, glasses
3. 不可数名词(不可数名词没有复数形式)
1) 用形容词或短语修:little, a little, a bit of, some, much, a lot of, lots of, plenty of等
2) 用容器表示:a cup of, a glass of, a bottle of, a bowl of, a piece of, a loaf of, a slice of等。表示两杯,四张等概念时,在容器后加复数,同时,谓语动词要与容器的数保持一致。
3) 注意下面的用法:
The horse is useful. (可数、类别)
A horse is useful. (可数、类别)
Horses are useful. (复数、类别)
I like music. (不可数、非特指)
I like the music in this CD. (不可数、特指)
4. 名词和形容词注意用法。
wool --- woolen, sun --- sunny, wind --- windy, rain --- rainy, snow --- snowy, shower --- showery, mist --- misty, cloud --- cloudy, luck --- lucky, noise --- noisy, friend --- friendly, pleasure --- pleasant, danger --- dangerous, difference --- different, health --- healthy, difficulty --- difficult
1. The __________ is in the sky. It’s a __________ day today. (sun, sunny)
2. _________ is very important. If you want to keep _________, you must do exercise every day. (health, healthy)
3. Oh, my God, bad __________. I lost the game again. I am not __________ today. (luck, lucky)
4. The boy is in __________. Let’s hurry and help him out of the __________ place. (danger, dangerous)
5. The __________ boys are making __________ in the classroom now. (noise, noisy)
5. 各国情况一览表
国家 ~国的 ~国人 人的复数
China Chinese Chinese Chinese
Japan Japanese Japanese Japanese
England English Englishman (woman) Englishmen (women)
Britain British British man (woman) British men (women)
France French Frenchman (woman) Frenchmen (women)
Germany German German Germans
America American American Americans
Australia Australian Australian Australians
Russia Russian Russian Russians
Canada Canadian Canadian Canadians

6. 名词的所有格(作形容词用,修饰名词)
* 有生命的事物可在其后加’s,表示所属。
单数名词’s:a dog’s tail, Helen’s doctor
复数名词s’:a girls’ school, ladies’ hats
特殊变化的复数,变化后再加’s:Women’s Day, children’s palace
复合名词在最后一个词后加’s:somebody else’s umbrella, each other’s names
表示几个人共同拥有一样东西,在最后一个人的名字后加’s:Lucy and Lily’s mother
表示东西分别属于几个人,则在每个人的名字后都加’s:Lucy’s and Lily’s schoolbags
* 无生命的事物,可用“the/a + 所有物 + of + 所有者”表示所属: a map of China, the door of this classroom, the leaves of the tree
* 表示价格、距离、时间、重量等的名词可加’s或s’表示所属: today’s newspaper, twenty miles’ journey, three pounds’ weight, ten dollars’ coffee
* 当限定词与名词或代词的所有格修饰同一个名词时,两者不能同时放在该名词的前面,必须用“双重所有格”的形式,即“a, an, this, that, these, those, some, any, no等 + 名词 + of + 所有格形式”表示所属。
a classmate of mine, a friend of his brother’s
第二部分 冠词
(3)用于单数可数名词前面,表示某一类人或事物。(The horse is useful)
(4)用于世界上独一无二的事物前面。the world, the sun, the universe
(5)用于由普通名词构成的专有名词前面。 the USA, the UN, the Great Wall, the Summer Palace
(6)用于序数词、形容词最高级及only所修饰的名词前面。the first, the most interesting, the only person
(7)用于姓氏的复数形式前面,表示全家人或夫妇。 the Whites
The Whites are having supper now.
(9)用语某些形容词前面,表示某一类人或事物。the rich, the old
In our country, the old are living a happy life.
(10)不用定冠词的情况:三餐、球类、棋类、游戏名词的前面。have lunch, play basketball, play chess
He can play the piano, but he can’t play football.

A horse is useful A boy is standing under the tree.
(2)修饰的名词以辅音因素开头或修饰的名词前有辅音因素开头的形容词时,使用a。a European, a university, a new airport, a good example
(3)修饰的名词以元音因素开头或修饰的名词前有元音因素开头的形容词时,使用an。an hour, an honest boy, an important meeting, an amazing park
go to school/work/hospital/college, at school/work, in hospital, at home, at noon/night, at last, by bus/car/air/plane/ water/ship/boat/ bike, on foot
第三部分 数词
1.基数词用于记数,和hundred, thousand, million, billion等位数组合使用时,这些位数只用单数形式。two thousand, five million。注意区分:millions of, hundreds of
3.由基数词变序数词时,通常在基数词结尾加th,表示“整十位数”的基数词词尾由ty变为tieth,特殊变化总结:one --- first, two --- second, three --- third, five --- fifth, nine – ninth, twelve --- twelfth
易写错的:nine – nineteen – ninety ninth – nineteenth – ninetieth
four – fourteen – forty fourth – fourteenth – fortieth
4.表示次数的特殊词:once, twice
1/5 = one fifth, 2/3 = two thirds, 1/2 = a half/one half, 1/4 = one fourth/a quarter, 3/4 = three fourths/three quarters
第四部分 代词
易错的代词:ourselves themselves yourselves
Help yourselves, boys.
She is a friend of mine/my father’s.
My book is on the floor. 和The book on the floor is mine.
2. it的用法
1) 代替前面提到过的名词。- Where is the chair? - It’s in the living room.
2) 指时间、天气和距离。What time is it? It was hot yesterday. It’s three miles to the station.
3) 作形式主语和形式宾语。It’s wrong to tell a lie. I think it better to do so. I find it easy to learn English.
1)指示代词有this, that, these, those,可以作句子的主语、表语、宾语和定语。
2)为了避免重复,可以用that, those代替前面提到过的名词,不可数名词通常要用that 来代替。
The weather of Kunming is better than that of Beijing.
The radios made in Shanghai are as good as those made in Tianjin.
3)this, that都可以指上文提到过的事情,但若指下文将要叙述的事情,只能用this。
He was ill. That/This is why he didn’t come.
What I hope is this. You will finish it in two hours.
4. 不定代词的基本用法
可数 each, one, many, few, a few, both, another, either, neither
不可数 much, little, a little
可数和不可数 all, some, none, such, any, other
复合不定代词 anybody, anyone, anything, somebody, someone, something, nobody, everybody, everyone, everything
(1)some, any
some any
用于肯定句和表示建议、请求的疑问句中(期待一个肯定答案)。I have some books/money.Would you like some meat? (表建议)Is there some butter in the fridge?(期待一个肯定答案) 用于疑问句、否定句及条件句。She doesn’t have any brothers or sisters.Did you any of the teachers? (单纯提问)If you have any questions you can ask me.
(2)few, a few, little, a little
用法 含义
肯定(有一点) 否定(几乎没有)(有,但不够用)
可数 a few (only a few)There are a few pears on the table. few (very few)I can see few flowers in the garden.
不可数 a little (only a little)There is a little sugar in the jar. little (very little)There is little bread for supper. We’d better buy some.
(3)many, much
many much
表示数量多,相当于a lot of, lots of, plenty of等。
修饰可数名词复数,相当于a large number of。There are many tall buildings in this area. 修饰不可数名词,相当于a great deal of。The girl drank much water after running.
(4)either, any
either any
指两个人或物中的任一个。Either of the twins can tell you the address. 指两个以上的人或物中的任一个。Any of my classmates knows the answer.
(5)each, every
each every
指两个或两个以上的人或物中的一个,侧重强调个体、个性。There are many trees on each side of the street. each of them (对) every of them (错) 指两个以上的人或物中的一个,侧重强调全体、共性。There were policemen on each/every side of the square.They each have an apple. (对)They every have an apple. (错)
(6)both, all
both all
指两个人或物Both of my parents are doctors. I see with both of my eyes. 指两个以上的人或物All of my classmates came to my birthday party.
(7)neither, none
neither none
均有“都不” 的含义。
指两个人或物中任意一个都不。She picked up the paper with neither of her hands. 指两个以上人或物中任意一个都不。I know none of the three girls.
(8)each other, one another
each other one another
指两者之间互相。The couple hated each other. 指两者以上之间互相。All the family members love one another.
搭配 含义
one…another 一个……(随意的)另一个(无范围)I don’t like this one. Please show me another.
one…the other 一个……(剩余仅有的)另一个(有范围:有且只有两个)I have two dogs; one is white, and the other is black.
one…the others 一个……(剩余所有)其余的(有范围)(相当于the rest)Five students were in the computer room. One was a boy and the others were girls.
some…others 一些……别的(无范围)Some (people) like swimming and others like jogging.
some…the others 一些……(剩余所有)其余的(有范围)(相当于the rest)I know only some of the students here; the others are strangers to me.
1) I don’t like this one. Please show me __________. 2) Take the books you need and __________ are mime.
3) I have two dogs; one is white, and __________ is black.
4) Some (people) like swimming and __________ like running.
5) Five students were in the computer room. One was a boy and __________ students were girls.
第五部分 形容词和副词
* 形容词用作句子的表语、定语和宾语补足语。
The park is nice.(作表语) She is a polite girl. (作定语)The news made him very happy. (作宾补)
* 副词用作句子的状语。
They sang loudly. (修饰动词) Your work is quite good. (修饰形容词)
You speak English very well. (修饰副词) Luckily, he missed the accident. (修饰全句)
* 形容词直接加ly。
* 以le结尾的形容词词尾变化为ly。 possible --- possibly, simple --- simply, terrible --- terribly
* 以一个辅音字母加y结尾的形容词,改y为i,再加ly。easily --- easily, busy --- busily, happy --- happily, lucky --- luckily, angry --- angrily
* 以l结尾的形容词再加ly。full --- fully
* 以e结尾的形容词变化有两种情况,即去e再加ly和直接加ly。true --- truly free --- freely, safe --- safely, polite --- politely
* 特殊变化 good --- well
He looks well today. He sings well. He is a good singer.
* 注意本身以ly结尾的形容词:friendly, lovely, deadly, lively, weekly, monthly
* 既是形容词又是副词的词:An early bird comes out early.
3. 易混淆副词的比较
1.hard: We must study hard.
hardly: I can hardly believe it.
2.high: We flew high in the sky.
highly: Parents usually speak highly of their children.
3.deep: I dug deep before I found water.
deeply: I deeply miss you.
4.wide: Open your mouth wide.
widely: English is widely used in the world.
5.near: He sat near me.
nearly: He was nearly killed.
6.not a bit: I’m not a bit tired. (I’m not tired at all.)
not a little: I’m not a little tired. (I’m very tired.)
4. 形容词和副词的比较等级
* as …. as… not as… as… not so… as… … than… … in/among…
5. 形容词和副词词级的变化规则
* 形容词
(1)一般单音节词末尾加er, est。
(2)以一个辅音字母加y结尾的双音节词,改y为i,再加er, est。happy --- happier --- happiest
(3)以一个辅音字母结尾的闭音节词,双写结尾字母,再加er, est。red, big, hot, wet, thin, fat, sad, glad
(4)少数以er, ow结尾的闭音节词末尾加er, est。clever - clever - cleverest, narrow - narrower - narrowest
(5)大多数的双音节和多音节词借more, most完成。
* 副词
(1) 单音节和个别双音节词末尾加er, est。例如:high, higher, highest; fast, faster, fastest
(2) 绝大多数词借more, most完成。
原级 比较级 最高级
good, well better best
bad, ill, badly worse worst
old older, elder oldest, eldest
many, much more most
little less least
far farther, further farthest, furthest
*只做表语的表示状态的形容词无比较级和最高级:alive, awake, asleep, alone, afraid, ill
an ill girl (错) a sick girl (对) The girl is ill / sick.
* 前加the的三种情况
(1)在比较级的句子中有“of the two”这类意义的词组时
He is the thinner of the two boys. Lucy is the cleverer of the twins.
(2)在“the + 比较级……,the + 比较级……”句型中,表示“越是……,就越……”的意思。
The busier he is , the happier he feels. The harder you work, the more you will learn.
(3)在“one of the + 最高级 + 名词复数”结构中,表示“最……的……之一”的意思。
It’s one of the largest supermarkets in the town.
Mary is one of the most popular teachers in her colleges.
*“比较级 + and + 比较级”短语,表示“越来越……”的意思。
The world’s population is growing faster and faster.
English is becoming more and more important.
*“as + 形容词原级或副词原级 + as possible”= “as + 形容词原级或副词原级 + as sb. can”,表示“尽可能……”的意思
Please come as early as possible tomorrow morning.
Please come as early as you can tomorrow morning.
7. 最高级中in, of, among的用法:
* 介词in后面常接表示单位、团体、组织、时间概念等单数名词或代词。
That was the most exciting moment in 1949.
There is a factory near our school. He is the oldest in it.
Tom writes the most carefully in his class.
* 介词of后面常接的名词或代词与句中主语是同一类人或事物,一般为个体名词,由the + 基数词(+复数名词)或all + the + 复数名词表示。
This book is the most interesting of the five (books).
Of all the stars, the sun is the nearest to the earth.
* 介词among后面常接宾格代词、指示代词以及没有修饰词的复数名词。
The tiger is the most terrible among animals.
I don’t know anybody among them.
This picture is the most beautiful among these.
8. 常见错误分析
(1) 上海比中国的其他城市都大。
Shanghai is larger than any city in China.
讲解:使用比较级时要避免自身和自身的比较。any city,任何一个城市,自然也包括上海,上海不可能比它本身还大。
正确:Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.
(2) 那本书是三本中最好的。
That book is the best in the three.
正确:That book is the best of the three.
(3) 星期天是我最繁忙的一天。
Sunday is the my busiest day.
正确:Sunday is my busiest day.
(4) 他是两个人中较年轻的一个。
He is younger of the two.
正确:He is the younger of the two.
(5) 孔令辉是世界上最好的乒乓球运动员之一。
Kong Linghui is one of the best Ping pong player in the world.
讲解:表示“最……之一”含义时应用“one of + 最高级 + 名词复数”结构。
正确:Kong Linghui is one of the best Ping pong players in the world.
(6) 我哥哥比我大得多。
My brother is very older than I.
讲解:very不可与比较级和最高级连用。比较级前的修饰语可以表示比较的程度,常用的有much, a little, a bit等。
正确: My brother is much older than I.
(7) 二年级的学生比一年级的学生多得多。
There are much more students in Grade Two than grade One.
讲解:比较级修饰名词时,如果该名词为可数名词,可用many, a few修饰;如果该名词为不可数名词,可用much, a little修饰。
正确:There are many more students in Grade Two than grade One.
(8) 芳芳写字比圆圆认真。
Fangfang writes more careful than Yuanyuan.
正确:Fangfang writes more carefully than Yuanyuan.
(9) 武汉的天气比沈阳热。
The weather of Wuhan is colder than Shenyang.
正确:The weather of Wuhan is colder than that of Shenyang.
(10) 日本小轿车比美国小轿车便宜。
The cars of Japan sell cheaper than ones of America.
正确:The cars of Japan sell cheaper than those of America.
quite, rather, very, so,原级形、副紧跟后。
a little, a lot, much, far, even, still, 后面比较不可丢。
两个as之间原,not as (so) … as表不如。
第六部分 介词
* in 年in 月in 年月,on日on 节on 某夜 (某个具体的半天), at用于“点钟”“中午”和“深夜”。(和 “今天”、“明天”和 “昨天”有关的时间短语通常不加冠词.)
* 过……后(未来时间),与将来时连用:He will be back in an hour, in a week/in a few years’ time.
* in the tree(呆、落在树上)和 one the tree
* in bed 和 on the bed
* Don’t read in the sun. I saw your picture in the newspaper.
2. on
* 在……上面,有接触面on the desk, on the wall, on the tree(长在树上)(区分over 和 above)
* 表示手段和工具:on the phone, on the Internet,on the radio
* 表示“关于”:a book on Chinese history
3. at
* 表示场所:(比较狭窄的场所)at school, at home, at a factory, at 2 Brown Street
* 表示“集中于一点”:look at, arrive at, be good at, shout at
4. to
* 表示所属 “……的”: the key to…, the answer to …, the entrance to …, the ticket to …
5. towards
* 表示方向、朝向,而不是目的地
It will stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south.
6. onto
* on强调放置后的状态,onto强调整个“放置动作”。 She fell onto the floor.
7. from
8. by
* 表示时间: 在……前;截止到…… by the end of, by the year 2010, by then (表示一个时间段)
* 表示场所: 在……旁边,距离比near更近,stand by me
* 通过……手段、方法,泛指工具方式,by bike/car/bus/train/taxi/boat/ship(sea/water)/plane(air)
注意:不用冠词,若用了冠词或物主代词修饰,就要相应地更换其他介词,by bike = on the / one’s bike
另外,使用这样的词组时,注意不要受汉语的干扰。(I by bike to school.)
9. with
* 具有、带有:He was a handsome boy with large bright eyes.
* 用某工具或方法:I see with my eyes. He wrote the letter with a new pen.
10. without
11. of
12. for
* 表示时间:达……之久(表示经过了多少时间),可以和一般现在时、过去时、将来时连用,但经常和完成时连用,He has lived here for 20 years. We will stay in the city for two days. I watched TV for two hours last night.
* 表示目的地:向……leave for
13. about
* 询问某人某物的情况或提出建议: What (How) about your sister?
14. like
* 像,似: There is no place like home. 注意区分:He is like his mother.和 He likes his mother.
15. unlike
* 不似,不像,不同的,注意区分:dislike
16. behind
* 表示时间、进度:较……落后,比……晚,The train is ten minutes behind. far behind the times
17. under
* 表示位置: 在……之下, 注意和below的区别
* 表示“未满”,Children under six years old can not drink in the public.
18. above
* 表示“在……之上”,I saw the moon above the roof.,通常表示“上面”的范围,注意和“on、over”的区别。
19. below
* 表示“在……之下”,Shall I write my answer above or below the line? The temperature is six degrees below zero.,通常表示“上面”的范围,注意和“under”的区别。
20. over
* 表示“在……的上面,覆于……之上”,通常指不接触的“正上方”, The plane flew over the Rocky Mountains. He held his umbrella over me.
* 表示数量“超过……”,Over fifty people were at the party.
* 表示“遍及”: Dead leaves lay thick over the ground.
21. along
* 注意和alone的区别。
22. outside
23. inside
24. until
* 表示动作、状态的继续:(一直)……为止,在……以前,I waited until three o’clock, but he didn’t come.,注意和 not … until…的区别。
25. since
26. near
* 表示时间“接近于……”, He called me near midnight.
27. past
* 表示“超过……”,at half past eleven, I think the singer now is past 30
2. 表示场所
* 经过,通过,在……之前,与(某人)错过去,注意注意与动词pass的过去式passed之间的区别。
28. between
* 注意与among的区别
29. among
30. into
* 注意:He came into the classroom. 和 He came in.
31. against
* 表示反对、敌对: Are you against my plan? Our school played against K High School at baseball.
* 表示“靠着”:He is standing there against the wall.
32. around
* 表示“大约”:I’ll be there around 3 o’clock.
33. across
* 注意和“through”、“cross”的区别
The old man walked across the road carefully. The old man crossed the road carefully.
That bridge across this river is the oldest in the town. The river runs through the city.
34. through
35. before
* 表示地点“在……之前”,The accident took place just before me.
36. after
* 表示地点“在……之后”,The headmaster came in after the teacher.
37. as
* 当作……,充任……,She works as a shop assistant in a book shop.。注意和“like”的区别,As a teacher, I am very careful. The little girl talked like a teacher.
38. except
* 注意与“besides”的区别。 Except English, he doesn’t like any subject. (He likes English only)
Besides English, he likes maths, physics and other subjects.
39. out of
40. 介词短语
* 动词 + 介词: talk about, talk to, talk with, look at, listen to, call on, arrive at, arrive in, take care of, look after, wait for, speak to, stay with, think about, think of, come up with, write to, fill in, do well in, ask/call for help, borrow from, lend to, feed on, live on, get on with, fall behind, catch up with, think highly of, make a contribution to, thank for
* be + 形容词 + 介词: be kind to, be good at, be late for, be full of, be afraid of, be sorry for, be weak in, be amazed at, be famous for, be proud of, be covered with, be made of/in
* 介词 + 名词: in time, on time, in those days, by the way, by oneself, after school, of course, for a while, for example, for oneself, for hours (days, weeks, months, years), to one’s surprise, on earth, on show, on display, at the end of, on top of, at night, in the day, in the size of, in the north/south/east/west of(属于内部, to the north/south/west/east of(属于外部)
* 名词 + 介词: thanks to
* 其他: because of, instead of, spend on, spend in doing, pay for
41. 介词分类
* 表示时间的介词:at, on, in, till, by, from, for, since, during, before, after
* 表示地点的介词: in, on, over, under, above, below, by, beside, before, behind, around, between, among, to, from, along, into, out of, through, across
* 表示地点的介词in在里面on在上,by和beside在近旁;above表示在上方,below恰好为反向;若表正上用over,under表示正下方;in front of意在前,反意behind在后面。若在某时某地点,自然要把at选;从里穿过用through,表面通过用across;进到里面用into,落到上面用onto;from表示来何方,to和towards表朝向。
* 表示行为着或手段的介词:by, with
* 表示材料的介词:of, from, in
* 表示原因、理由的介词:from, of, at, for, with
* 表示目的的介词:for
* 表示起源、来源的介词:from, out of
* 表示附带状况的介词:with, without
* 表示除外的介词:except
* 表示所属、修饰的介词:of
第七部分 动词
一、 动词的分类
* 物动词本身意义不完整,需要接宾语才能使其意思完整。
We do our homework every day. Mother bought a new watch.
* 不及物动词自身意义完整,无需接宾语,可单独使用成句,如需接宾语,需要在动词后加介词。
The sun rises in the east. She always sits in the back. She is singing.
I’m waiting for you. Listen to me, please.
* 有一部分动词既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词。
The fly spreads disease. The news spreads quickly.
* 注意:动词在英语中是及物还时不及物,不是根据中文习惯来定的,因此,我们要多读、多记。
Do you agree to the plan? Look at the blackboard, please.
* 表示状态的be, seem, appear等。
* 表示感觉的look, sound, feel, smell, taste等由变化而来。
* 表示状态变化的become, get, grow, turn, fall等。
* 其它:stand, keep, prove, remain等。
* 注意:系动词后不用副词,用形容词,系动词不用被动语态。She sings beautifully. Her song sounds beautiful.
3.助动词一般无实际意义,知识帮助构成谓语,表示时态、语态、语气等,或构成疑问式及否定式。英语的助动词有:be (am, is, are, was, were, been, being); have (has, had), do (does, did), shall (should), will (would)
二、 动词的形式
* 直接加ing
* 以不发音的e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加ing
* 以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写这个辅音字母,再加ing
getting, sitting, putting, running, letting, cutting, hitting, digging, winning, stopping, shopping, dropping, swimming, beginning, forgetting, preferring 等等。
* 直接加ed,清对清,浊对浊
* 以e结尾的动词只加d
* 以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写这个辅音字母,再加ed
* 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,变y为i,再加ed
* 不规则变化
* 大多数同动词过去式相同
三、 各种时态
* 注意第三人称动词的变化。
* 通常表示“习惯性、经常性的动作或状态”。
使用场合 典型语句
1.表示不受现在时间限制的自然现象以及自然界的各种情况。 The sun rises in the east.Water boils at 100℃.
2.表示真理或道理,如某些格言、俗语等。 Practice makes perfect.Where there is a will, there is a way.
3.表示不受现在时间限制的客观事实。 Japan lies to the east of China. The river flows into the Pacific ocean.
4.表示涉及现在时间(往往是一个界限模糊的时间范围)的惯常动作。 Mary always gets up at 6 o’clock.We read English every morning.
5.某些表示现在时刻发生的动词可以使用一般现在时,但此用法仅限于特定动词。 I wish you a happy New Year.I declare the meeting open.
6.某些动词虽然发生在过去,但在表达习惯上往往采取一般现在时形式。(此点是学习时容易忽略的) Mrs. Brown invites us to the party.I hear that Lucy is leaving for home.
7.表示已经预先计划或安排肯定将要发生的动作。主要用于come, go, start, begin, leave, return, stop等瞬间动词。句中常有表示将来时间的状语。 Next week they leave for Shanghai.Our holidays begin in a month.
8.状态动词在涉及现在时间时不采取现在进行时形式,它们用一般现在时形式表示现在的状态。 I have a new car. What do you think about it?
附注:状态动词是用来表示某种状态的实意动词,分为四大类:1. 表示拥有的动词,如have, own, possess等。2. 表示态度的动词,如love, like, hate, prefer等。3. 表示感官活动的动词,如see, hear, smell等。4. 表示某种心智状况的动词,如want, forget, remember, think, believe, realize, understand, know等。
* 例: The sun rises in the east.
I want to know what has happened since I left.
As a student, I work very hard.
Everybody loves their own country.
Our summer holiday begins in July.
He will go shopping if he has time this afternoon.
2. 一般过去时
* 一般过去时是用来表示过去时间范围中的活动的一种时态,其中包括在过去一个时间点上发生的活动,也包括在过去一个时间段上发生的活动,还包括一些习惯用法。
使用场合 典型语句
1.表示发生在过去时间点上的动作。 I saw him yesterday.She came to see us yesterday.
2.表示发生在过去时间段上的动作,但侧重其延续的全过程,并暗示这一过程的终止。 He slept for only three hours last night.They stayed at home yesterday.
3.表示过去的惯常动作,用一般现在时表示惯常动作一样,此用法多与频度词语相关。 We had four English classes every week.Father smoked a lot three years ago.
4.表示过去连续发生的两个或几个动作,注意例句用and这一连词的情况。 He ate and listened to the radio.The teacher stepped into the office and sat down.
5.在含有状语从句的复合句中表示两个过去发生的动作的时间关系。 We went to the house when it began to rain.As he walked, he sang.
* 例: He often got to school late last term.
He came in, sat down and asked for a glass of beer.
I want to know where you went yesterday.
He didn’t have supper until his father came back.
3. 现在进行时
* 现在进行时与现在一段时间或现在时刻的活动相关,主要用于现在正在进行的动作,注意所谓“现在进行”的不同情况,并注意某些习惯用法。
使用场合 典型语句
1.表示现在正在进行的活动。 I am writing a letter now.Look! The boy is cleaning the window.
2.表示现在时间范围内有间断性的延续活动。 He is studying French at the university.My father is writing a novel.
3.表示一种尚未完结的渐变过程。 It is getting warmer and warmer.The world is becoming smaller.
4.与always, forever等副词连用,表示说话人厌烦或认为超过限度的动作。 He always is asking the question.She is forever changing her clothes.
5.表示将要发生的动作或在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作,此用法限于某些表示位置转移的动词。 We are leaving for London tomorrow.I’m meeting an important person this afternoon.
* 例: He is studying French at the university.
The world is becoming smaller.
He is always asking questing. He is always working hard.
The bus is coming in a minute. We are leaving for London tomorrow.
4. 过去进行时
* 过去进行时的某些用法和现在进行时有相似之处,但也有某些习惯用法不尽相同。应该注意过去进行时在某些复合句中的时态配合问题,主句动词与从句动词在此种情况下具有各种不同类型的关系。
使用场合 典型语句
1.表示在过去某时刻正在进行的活动。 I was doing my homework at ten o’clock last night.It was raining when I woke up.
2.表示过去某段时间范围里有间断地延续的动作。 He was working in Nanjing at that time.They were building a new bridge.
3.在复合句中使用过去进行时。 He was reading while his wife was cooking.While he was driving, he was thinking about the matter.
4.特定用法:“过去进行时 + when + 一般过去时” 表示“某动作正在进行忽然间发生了另一动作”。 They were talking about the boss when the boss came in.I was walking down the street when it began to snow.
5.表示对过去某一时刻来说将要发生的动作,限于位置转移的动词。 He was coming a few days later.We were moving to another city.
* 例: They were talking about the boss when the boss came in.
He was reading while his wife was cooking.
5. 现在完成时
* 现在完成时涉及到现在,但动作不一定发生在现在这一时刻,它往往与说话人及其所处情景有密切关联。对于一个发生在过去的动作,则使用现在完成时。因此,现在完成时不仅是表示“现在完成了的”一个意思。现在完成时也用于动作从过去的某个时间开始,一直延续到现在。
使用场合 典型语句
1.表示过去发生的某动作对现在的影响。 I have seen him before.We have finished the work.
2.表示过去开始延续到现在的动作。 They have lived here for two years.She has stayed in bed for three days.
3.表示从过去到现在某动作总共发生的次数。 She has been to London twice.He has done it many times.
4.表示从过去到现在某动作所涉及的总数量。 The writer has written three novels.You have had four cakes.
5.其否定形式表示从过去到现在没有发生的动作,此时可用“for + 一段时间”的时间状语。 They haven’t heard from him for two years.He hasn’t cleaned the room for two days.
6.在since的特定语句中使用现在完成时。 She has worked in Shanghai since I came to China.Tom has been a university student since 3 years ago.
7.用现在完成时与特定词语结合表示说话人的态度情感。 I have never read such an interesting book.He is the cleverest boy I have ever met.
* have/has been to 和have/has gone to的区别。
* 要注意现在完成时和一般过去时的区别。
* 现在完成时的“三不”
1) 现在完成时不能和明确表示过去的时间状语连用,如just now, yesterday, last, in 1990等。
2) 现在完成时的瞬间动词肯定式不与“for/since”引导的时间状语连用。
3) 现在完成时不能同疑问副词when连用。
* 例: I can’t find my pen. Have you seen it?
- What time is it? - It’s nine o’clock. - Oh, I didn’t know it.
- Have you just arrived? - Yes. I arrived five minute ago.
He is the cleverest boy I have ever met.
He has made the same mistake many times.
We have read four books in this term.
It’s three years since we met last time. = It has been three years since we met last time
6. 过去完成时
* 是一个“相对过去”的时态。
使用场合 典型语句
1.表示过去某时前业已放生的动作或情况。(过去的过去)有时,句中有明显的过去时间的表述;有时句中没有明显的时间状语,时间由上下文表示出来。(过去完成时表示的动作比另一个过去动作先发生) By the end of last June, they had learned more than 3,000 English words.He suddenly remembered that he hadn’t locked the door.
2.在包含when, as soon as, before, after, until等连词的复合句中,如果主要谓语和从句谓语的过去动作是在不同时间发生的,那么先发生的动作通常用过去完成时表示。 She didn’t go to bed until she had finished her work.He had passed the button before we could stop him.
* 注意与一般过去时和现在完成时的区别。
* 例: In the afternoon, I got home at 4 o’clock. I finished my homework. Then I went out to play with my friends.
Before I went out to play with my friends, I had finished my homework.
After I had finished my homework, I went out to play with my friends.
We have learned more than 2000 English words.
We had learned more than 1700 English words by the end of last term.
He cleaned the room.
He told me he had cleaned the room.
7. 一般将来时
使用场合 典型语句
1.用will或shall表示将来的活动。 You will feel better after this medicine.There will be a meeting next week.
2.用be going to do表示主语打算在将来某时进行的动作。 We are going to have a meeting tomorrow.I am going to change a new job.
3.用be going to do表示将来某时很可能或注定要发生的事情。 Hurry up! We’re going to be late.It is going to rain.
4.表示位置转移的动词以进行时形式表示将来发生的事情。 She is going to Paris next week.They are leaving here on Sunday.
附注:表示位置转移的动词go, come, arrive, start, leave, take off, move
* 例: There will be a meeting next week.
They are leaving here on Sunday.
It is going to rain. 和 It will rain.
The train for Shanghai leaves at 7:00 p.m.

8. 过去将来时
* 是一个“相对过去”的时态。
使用场合 典型语句
1.用would表示将来。 They would have another good harvest.He would go to China the next year.
2.用be going to do表示将来,含有主语意图的成份。 They were going to start, but it rained.I was going to write to my mother but a friend of mine came, so I didn’t have time.
3.在宾语从句中,有时需要用过去将来的表达手段。 He said he would call me at seven.She asked me whether I was going to attend the party.
4.表示位置转移的动词用过去进行时表示过去将来。 I went to see Helen. She was leaving a few days later.He went to the station. His mother was arriving that afternoon
* 例: He will visit me tomorrow
He said he would visit me tomorrow / the next day.
1. 要注意两种关系:
* 第一种关系:时间与动作(或状态)的关系 (He did the work yesterday,. She will be back next week.)
* 第二种关系:动作与动作的关系(He was crying when I came in. They had started when I got there. )
2. 要注意时间的分类:
* 时间点(具体某时间)
* 时间段(一段时间)
* 起始点模糊的时间(如…until…)
* 终止点模糊的时间(如from then on)
* 侧重终止点的时段(如…since…)
3. 要注意动作的分类:
* 点动作(如go, come, open)
* 段动作(如sleep, wait, live)
* 例: Wait until your mother comes back. He didn’t stop until I came in.
He was cooking when I came in. While he was cooking, I came in.
4.要注意“终止与延续”的动作, 终止性动词又称为非延续性动词或瞬间动词,表示动作不能延续,即动作发生后立即结束或产生某种结果。在有了某种结果之后,动作就不能再继续下去。使用时应注意:
* I have just bought/got a book. I had had the book for a week.
* I have just come/arrived. I have been here for an hour.
* His father has died. His father has been dead for a year.
* I have borrowed a book. I have kept the book for a week.
* My brother has joined the League. My brother has been a League member for a year.
* He has just left. He has been away for ten minutes.
* I have got/caught a cold. I have had a cold since last week.
* The film has started/begun. The film has been on for 5 minutes.
* She has become a teacher. She has been a teacher since she left college.
第八部分 词的辨析
1. look, see, watch, read 2. put on, wear, dress, dress up
3. cost, pay, spend, take 4. say, speak, talk, tell
5. borrow, lend, keep 6. laugh, smile, laugh at
7. find, find out, look for, discover, invent 8. take, bring, carry, fetch
9. arrive, reach, get to 10. listen to, hear, hear from, hear of
11. go to bed, go to sleep, fall asleep, be asleep 12. be good at, be good for, be good to
13. open, turn on, close, turn off, turn up, turn down 14. win, beat
15. leave, leave…for, leave…to 16. across, cross
17. across, through 18. along, lonely
19. every day, everyday 20. each, every
21. ill, sick 22. much too, too much
23. before long, long before 24. beside, besides, except
25. sometimes, sometime, some time, some times 26. so that, so… that…
27. the number of, a number of 28. because, because of
29. die, dead, death, dying 30. join, join in, take part in
31. be made of, be made from, be made in, be made into 32. noise, voice, sound
33. just, just now 34. be used for, be used to, used to
35. either, neither, none 36. either, too, also
37. forget, leave 38. stop to do, stop doing, stop sb. (from) doing
39. hit, beat 40. lie, lay
41. find, found 42. hope, wish
43. fun, funny 44. job, work
45. agree with, agree to 46. wonder, wander
47. pass, past 48. both, all
49. among, between 50. little, a little, few, a few
51. hard, hardly 52. right now, right away
53. other, the other, another, others, the others 54. in the end, at the end, by the end
55. accept, receive 56. to one’s surprise, be surprised, be surprising
57. surprise, worry, frighten, excite, interest 58. three hundred, hundreds of
59. in bed, on the bed 60. on the tree, in the tree
61. in front of, in the front of
第九部分 应考对策
1. - When shall we meet?
- Let’s ________ it at half past four.
A. make B. take C. get D. set
2. - ________ you ________hard?
- Yes. Time passes and every minute is very important.
A. Do, work B. Have, worked C. Did, work D. Are, working
3. She tried her best to make her work __________.
A. well B. wonderful C. hardly D. beautifully
4. - You don’t think movie tickets are expensive, do you?
- ________. They are really expensive.
A. No, I don’t B. No, I do C. Yes, I do D. Yes, I don’t
5. When he left _____ college, he got a job as _____ reporter in a newspaper office.
A. 不填, a B.不填, the C. a, the D. the, the
6. We haven’t decided yet ______ to accept her invitation ______ to say no to her.
A. either, or B. both, and C. neither, nor D. whether, or
7. - Lucy is not coming tonight.
- But she ________!
A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised
8. She doesn’t know anyone here, so she has got ________ to talk to.
A. anyone B. someone C. everyone D. no one
9. It _______________ (not rain) very often last summer, so now we are short of water.
10. I’ll take you back to France when you __________ (be) well.
11. The food that tastes __________ always sells __________.
A. good, good B. well, well C. good, well D. well, good
12. - __________ my dictionary?
- Yes I put it in your desk just now.
A. Do you see B. Have you seen C. Did you see D. Had you seen
13. - What about going to the Ocean Park?
- __________.
A. With pleasure B. Good idea C. That’s right D. I agree.
14. - Where does Mr. Smith live?
- He has been in London __________ the end of the war.
A. by B. at C. in D. since
15. This story __________ in a small town in 1956.
A. has taken place B. happen C. was happened D. took place
16. - How did you find your visit to the museum, Jane?
- __________.
A. Oh, wonderful, indeed B. By take a number 3 bus
C. I went there alone D. A classmate of mine showed me the way
17. He had little idea that it was getting so late, __________?
A. didn’t he B. wasn’t it C. did he D. was it
18. There is still __________ hope of our getting there in time. Let’s hurry.
A. little B. few C. a little D. a few
19. - At what time will the game start?
- At ten o’clock, and now my watch says 9:45. __________ won’t be long.
A. I B. It C. You D. They
20. - Would you like tea or coffee?
- __________. I prefer some water.
A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. None
21. – Are you sure our team will win?
- Of course. We have __________ players.
A. many B. more C. strong D. better
1. 近年来完形试题的命题趋势越来越倾向于语义,而考查语法的内容则越来越少,也就是说大多数选空中四个选项语法上都正确,但只有一个语义正确(读者可以在后面的范文分析中看到这种现象),必须在正确理解句意、段意甚至全文的基础上才能作出正确选择。这种命题趋势是为了顺应当前素质教育的潮流,同时也对学生的阅读理解能力、分析归纳能力以及联想推理能力提出了更高的要求。
2. 在开始做一篇完形试题时,应首先快速浏览一遍全文,了解一下文章的大意。如果文章较难,在缺文少字的情况下通读全文掌握大意有困难,那么至少应在文章的起始段(句)中找到文章的主要线索(即这篇文章要说什么),这与阅读理解的第一个步骤是一样的。如果一看到题目,就也读也填,读一句填一句,有的甚至把A、B、C、D选项纳入短文空格一起阅读,并在个别字眼上推来敲去,既浪费了时间,又错误不断。所以,正确的方法是做题前跳过空格,阅读了解文章所要讲的内容,尽快把文章看上一至二遍,通读宜粗且快,掌握大意,并找出文中的关键词。如果没有上述前提而盲目选择(凭感觉走着瞧),会由于目的不明,路线不清而到处乱撞,对于语义理解的选空远远多于语法内容的完形填空来说,这样做肯定会出现大面积的错误。
3. 完形填空的过程实际上就是根据全文大意或主要线索,在文章中的某一个局部“猜测”词语的过程。但这种“猜测”必须有依据,不能乱猜。应当遵循“先易后难,仔细推敲”的原则。除了文章的主线这个大前提以外,局部前后句子的语义,选空前或后面的暗示词语,一个人称代词甚至一个标点符号都可能成为猜测的依据。在初步选定一个选空以后,可以从后面的句中得到验证,有时前后选空之间有着互相提示和补充的关系。有时在局部的一个句子中出现两个或三个选空,这时如果先填最后一个,再依次填入第二个和第一个可能会更容易(局部的倒行逆施)。有时某一个或两个选空不能确定,需要填过几个空,读过一两个段落甚至全文后才能作最后决定。这样,随着理解的深入,一些答案就会自然而然地出现于脑海中。
4. 在全部选空完成以后,要复读全文,验证答案。检查过程中,应考虑短文是否前后贯通一致,情节发展是否合理,议论是否合乎逻辑,还应考虑短文语法结构是否完整,学生应从句法、词法、惯用法等方面综合考虑进行修改。。由于复查过程中头脑里的目标和线索更加清楚,对文章的中心思想和内涵会有新的认识,同时对一些细节会有新的发现,所以很可能会找出第一遍选择过程中的个别疏漏和错误,使整篇完形试题趋向完美。
5. 在完形填空试题中经常出现一些一词多义(兼类词或多义词)或一义多词的情况,例如:country (国家/乡下,农村),learn(学会/得知),tell(告诉,讲述/判断,区别),right(右/对的/正义的/权力),see (看见,明白),等等。这些词语在完形填空和其他试题形式中出现时,必须根据句子的语义、语境和每个词各自的使用规律全面考虑,认真辨析,区别使用。
6. 对于文章中出现的生词及不熟悉的短语可根据它们在句中的位置,前后词语的搭配情况,语义、语境等条件猜测其意思。关键性的词语对文中某局部甚至全文的理解具有重要意义,应尽量搞懂其意义。如果对整体的理解影响不大,对于个别实在不懂的生词也可以放弃。通常地说来,在完形填空中出现的生词或不熟悉的短语,是不会影响读者对全文的理解的。
We were going to play a team from a country school. They didn’t come until the game time arrived. They looked 1 than we had thought. They were wearing dirty blue jeans(仔裤)and looked like farm boys. We even thought that they had never seen a basketball before.
We all sat down. We felt that we didn’t 2 any practice against a team like that.
It was already so late that no 3 could be given to them for a warm–up.
The game began.
One of our boys 4 the ball and he shot(掷)a long pass to our forward(前锋). From out of nowhere a boy in a dirty T–shirt 5 the pass and with a beautiful form(姿势)he shot and got two points(分)。
They 6 us.
Then they got another 7 of points in a minute.
Soon it was all over. The country team 8 us.
We certainly learned that even though a team is good, there is usually another 9 a little better. But the important lesson learned was: One can’t tell a man, or a team, by the 10 .
1. A. stronger B. younger C. worse D. less
2. A. get B. try C. use D. need
3. A. basket B. space C. ball D. time
4. A. got B. played C. missed D. carried
5. A. caught B. changed C. started D. stopped
6. A. surprised B. kept C. broke D. hit
7. A. half B. pair C. group D. double
8. A. won B. saved C. beat D. joined
9. A. just B. already C. about D. almost
10. A. T–shirts B. clothes C. places D. points
本文10个选择题均无语法问题,全部考查语义理解,其中第6、7、8、10空较难。全部答案是:1.C, 2.D, 3.D, 4.A, 5.D, 6.A, 7.B, 8.C, 9.A, 10.B。
Mr Smith lived in the country and he wanted to go to an office in the city one day. He 1 the address on a letter, got 2 his car and drove to the city. He drove straight to the office without any 3 and stopped his car 4 the office. He locked his car and 5 the office, but suddenly he remembered that he 6 his key in the car ! He had to call his wife, a fiery-tempered(脾气暴躁的)woman, and 7 , “ Excuse me, I’ve locked my keys in my car. Please 8 me your keys. ”
Mrs Smith got into the second car. She had to drive twenty miles to 9 her husband. But 10 Mr Smith was waiting for his wife, he walked around 11 and tried the other 12 . It 13 ! Mr Smith 14 it quickly before his wife 15 .
1. A. look for B. found out C. found D. founded
2. A. into B. on C. off D. to
3. A. problem B. difficult C. question D. trouble
4. A. in the front of B. in front of C. in the middle of D. at the foot of
5. A. went in B. go into C. entered D. entered into
6. A. would lock B. has locked C. locked D. had locked
7. A. spoke B. said C. told D. talked
8. A. borrow B. lent C. take D. bring
9. A. see B. catch C. love D. look after
10. A. while B. because C. if D. so that
11. A. the office B. his car C. the street D. another car
12. A. door B. car C. key D. way
13. A. was locked B. worked C. was not locked D. could be started
14. A. locked B. opened C. threw D. hid
15. A. reached B. arrived C. got to D. came in
这是一篇难易程度适中的15空的完形试题。快速通读一遍全文可知其大意:史密斯先生一天开车去城里一家公司办事,到达目的地下车后他不小心把车钥匙锁在了车里,他不得不打电话请他脾气暴躁的妻子给他送另一把钥匙来。在等候妻子时他围着自己的车转来转去,突然发现……(到此为止文章的主要线索已经清楚了,我们不妨到文章的结尾再看结果。)本文只有第6空涉及语法内容,其他选择题全部考查词语用法及语义,应特别注意上面介绍过的许多近义词语的用法区别。全部答案是:1.C, 2.A, 3.D, 4.B, 5.C, 6.D, 7.B, 8.D, 9.A, 10.A, 11.B, 12.A, 13.C, 14.A, 15.B。
Dyson fixed the little box on Eva’s head. “ It’s a very clever 1 ,” he said. “ When a person tells a lie(谎), this needle(针)here moves 2 . The numbers 0 to 20 show the 3 of the lie. Now talk to me. Tell me a few good lies. ”
Eva laughed. “ What about ? I never tell 4 !”
The 5 moved from zero to 4. “ You’ve just told one,” Dyson said. “ A group 4 lie — 6 and uninteresting. People often say, I never tell lies. It isn’t a 7 , of course. Tell me a big, exciting lie. ”
“ What about this, 8 ? You’ve got an ugly(丑陋的)face, Tom Dyson. ”
The needle 9 to zero. “ No lie,” Dyson said. “ So my mum was right, then. She always said I was an 10 child. But this isn’t a joke, Eva. The police use 11 like this. Suppose(假设)a man 12 somebody, the police 13 him; and he says, No! No! I didn’t kill anybody! Now that’s an excellent(极好的) 14 . It would send the needle round to 15 . Think of a fat lie, like that……”
“ I hate you, Tom Dyson! ” Eva cried. “ Oh, 16 I hate you! Is that lie big enough ? Tell me——what 17 is it in ? ”
Dyson was looking at the needle. “ Funny, ” he said. “ It seems to be stuck(粘住)at 20. There must be something 18 with it. ” He picked up the machine and shook it. The needle 19 at 20. “ No good, ” he said. “ It’s never been wrong before. Eva, have you……? ” He looked at her then. He didn’t understand the 20 on her face.
1. A. man B. monkey C. machine D. clock
2. A. round B. back C. off D. away
3. A. color B. size C. time D. place
4. A. stories B. then C. something D. lies
5. A. box B. lie C. needle D. machine
6. A. small B. big C. surprising D. wonderful
7. A. business B. fact C. lie D. story
8. A. though B. then C. indeed D. at last
9. A. went up B. was able C. came D. fell back
10. A. clever B. important C. ugly D. good-looking
11. A. machines B. people C. needles D. lies
12. A. beats B. loves C. hates D. kills
13. A. tell B. question C. answer D. look at
14. A. story B. reply C. lie D. fact
15. A. 3 B. 5 C. 20 D. zero
16. A. how B. can C. so D. what
17. A. kind B. number C. group D. size
18. A. funny B. wrong C. interesting D. exciting
19. A. repeated B. stayed C. sat D. stopped
20. A. surprise B. joy C. smile D. look
通过快速阅读可以看出故事情节中只有两个人物:Dyson和Eva。那么他们在干什么呢?从第一段中“the little box, needle(指针),numbers”和“tell a lie(说谎)”等暗示条件可看出他们正在做测谎试验。本文20个选择题基本上没有涉及语法内容,全部考查语义理解。全部答案是:1、C 2、A 3、B 4、D 5、C 6、A 7、B 8、B 9、D 10、C 11、A 12、D 13、B 14、C 15、C 16、A 17、C 18、B 19、B 20、D
其次是阅读的方法和技巧问题。近年来阅读试题的类型以叙述文为主。 在阅读叙述文时,关键在于开头和结尾,在故事的中间段应沿着主要线索尽可能多地理解并记住故事的情节和与情节有关的一切细节,了解故事的起因,掌握故事的主要经过。整个阅读过程可以总结为:开头找主线,中间记情节,结尾重分析。但在实际阅读训练中会有各种不同情况,所以应具体情况具体分析,灵活地运用规律。除了叙述文以外,近年来还有人物传记,科普性文章以及介绍西方不同国家风土人情的说明文等等。此类文章的阅读方法仍有找主线的问题,在阅读过程中应尽力去掌握其中说明的基本事实。这些文章的内容往往会涉及许多自然科学、社会科学等方面的知识,以及西方文化和不同的风俗习惯等常识。因此个人的阅历和生活经验可能会影响这类文章的阅读质量。如果平时兴趣广泛,注意各方面知识的积累,阅读此类文章时会得以更好地发挥。
3.认真审题,。如:“ Which of the following is NOT true ? ”句中的 “ not ”就常有被忽略而造成错选的现象。另外,细致看完所有选项,避免主观臆断。
问题1. 以为读得越慢,对文章的信息了解越多,理解程度也越高。阅读的根本目的是理解,所以阅读速度可以看为理解速度。低于理解速度的慢速阅读会分散我们的注意力,不利于抓住文章的关键内容,从而降低理解率。
问题2. 阅读时将文字读出声来,或在心里清晰地发出单词的音。实验证明,默读的速度是朗读速度的2倍。过分依赖声音而非语意,将影响阅读的广度和深度。
问题3. 对已读过的内容感到不放心或因没看懂某个或某几个句子,再次倒回去读。倒读次数太多会影响阅读速度,也不利于掌握整篇文章的意思。对一篇文章的理解一般情况是相对的,并不要求记住每个细节。
问题4. 平时阅读中不适当地、非常频繁地使用(电子)词典过分依赖词典会使阅读效率低下,一篇文章变得支离破碎,不利于整体把握文章的主旨大意。
问题5. 遇到长一点的句子,特别是带有从句的复合句就读不懂,从而影响了阅读速度和对整篇文章的理解。
Passage 1.
Jenny loves office work but it's hard on her figure. All those sandwich lunches and her sweet tooth added up to extra pounds till Jenny started slimming(减肥) with Bisks.
Every lunchtime she'd have a Bisks chocolate bar with a glass of milk. It filled her up




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