高中英语第1册第21单元 Karl Marx

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Ⅰ . 词汇学习
have a talk with , meaning , woodcutter , come across , cut up , homeland , before long , move on , keep on , works , master, freely, doctor, peasant , unite , progress, make progress , native , force , base , revolutionary, limited , rapid , article , praise , encourage , situation , spirit, translate , translate…into…, university , degree , communism , social , idiom , vocabulary
Ⅱ . 交际英语
语 言 学 习
1 . How are you getting on with your English lessons ?
2 . My grammar is improving , but I find idioms and useful expressions hard to learn .
3 . Are you making good progress ?
4 . I find…easiest most difficult .
Ⅲ . 语法学习
一般过去时表示过去某时间发生的动作或存在的状态。而过去完成时则表示过去某一时间或动作以前就完成了的动作或已存在的状态。但是,在含有由"before"和"after"引导的从句的主从复合句中,由于 before 和 after 本身的词义已经表明了时间的先后,故可以不用过去完成时,而用一般过去时替代。
After he ( had ) asked for leave , he went home . 请了假他才回家。
He ( had ) asked for leave before he went home . 他回家之前先请假。
"多 ( 少 ) …… ? "译法
1 . 与可数名词连用时,用"how many + …… ( 复数 ) "
How many days are there in a week ?
How many times have you been there ?
2 . 与不可数名词连用时,用"how much + ……"
How much water is there in the bottle ?
How much money do you want ?
3 . 与形容词,副词连用时,用"how + ……"
How old is he ?
How long is the River Nile ?
How fast did he run in the race ?
4 . 询问时间时 a . 多久,用"how long",b . 多久才或多久以后,用"how soon",c . 隔多久一次,用"how often"
How long did they stay in the zoo ?
- How soon can you come back ?
- In an hour .
- How often do you go there ?
- Once a week .
5 . 询问价格、金钱时,用"how much"
How much does this hat cost ?
How much is this pen ?
6 . 货币、度量衡连用时,用"how many + 货币、度量衡单位"
How many yuan do you need ? 试比较:
How many US dollars do you need ?
7 . 与抽象名词连用时,用"what is the…",不能用"how many + ……"
What is the population of Europe in 1990 ?
What is the average temperature in London on a summer's day ?
What is his age ?
What is the distance from here to the park ?
What is the price of this pen ?
What is the time ?
1 . force 力量,武力
the forces of nature 大自然的力量 * social forces ( 各种 ) 社会势力 join the forces = join the army
( 2 ) 强迫;迫使 force sb . to do sth . 强迫某人做某事
be forced to do sth . 被迫做某事 force a way in ( out , through ) 进入 ( 出、过 )
I didn't want to go , but they forced me to .
Because it was very cold , we were forced to travel at night .
The thief took the money from the old man by force .
The nurse forced the food into his mouth .
〖点拨〗force 与 make
两都可以作"迫使"解。force 表示以武力或暴力作为迫使手段。make 的用法比较广泛,它的强迫性不如 force 强。两者均可接含不定式的复合宾语,但是 force 的宾补不定式带 to , make 则不带 to,但当 make 用于被动语态时,省略的 to 要加上。 by force 用武力方式。
force + 宾语 + 宾补
The two thieves forced the room open .
2 . works 著作;作品
When he wrote one of his great works , The Civil War in France , he had mastered the language so well that he was able to write the book in English .
the works of Shakespeare 莎士比亚的著作
〖点拨〗works 是由作为可数名词的 work 变为复数形式而得来的。work 作为可数名词仍然可以以单数形式出现,意为"著作;作品"。
a new work by John Lewis 约翰·刘易斯的新作
3 . situation 形势;情况
He found it important to study the situation in Russia .
the political situation 政治形势
The village was in bad situation after the storm .
4 . praise 赞扬;表扬
Engels wrote him a letter and praised him for it .
〖点拨〗praise sb . for sth . 为某事而表扬某人
praise…as…称赞…为 / 是…
She ought to be praised for what she has done .
Our guests praised the meal as the best they had had for years .
5 . progress 进步;进展
He made good progress .
I'm sorry to say that we have made very little progress in our work .
前进,有进展 ( to go forward ; get better )
We progress in learning step by step .
Science has greatly progressed . 科学发展突飞猛进。
〖点拨〗make…progress in 在…进步
6 . encourage 鼓励。
They encouraged the children to paint pictures .
My teacher encouraged me to speak English .
He was greatly encouraged by his teacher's praise .
Good health encourages clear thinking . 健康使思维清晰。
〖点拨〗excite , inspire,激励,激发。discourage , dispirit,使沮丧,使气馁
en courage sb to do 鼓励 某人干……。discourage sb from ing 使某人干……气馁。
另外注 encouraging可以作形容词表示"鼓舞人心的"。如:
They were encouraged by those encouraging speeches .
7 . people , the people 和 peoples
people ( 人,人们 ) 是集体名词,表复数,泛指"人们",其前不加冠词。如:
The streets were crowded with people .
There are five people in my family . 我家有五口人。
the people ( 人民 ) ,指一国或全世界的人民,或与统治阶级相对的人民群众。如:
We should serve the people ( heart and soul ) .
All power in the People's Republic of China belongs to the people .
peoples ( 民族 ) 一个民族用 a people , 如:
Hawaiians were a people , not a nation .
The Chinese people is a great people . 中华民族是一个伟大的民族。
There are 56 peoples in China . 中国有56个民族。
1 . have a talk with ____交谈,与……会谈
Yang Mei is having a talk with her teacher Sara about learning English . 杨梅正就英语学习问题和她的老师萨拉谈话。
I had a long talk with her yesterday . 我昨天与她作了一次长谈。
I'd like to have a talk with you .
We had a long talk about going to London .
有关 have 的习语
①"have + 宾语"常用来表示一个短时间的动作。不能将 have 简单地理解为"有"。
它和一些词搭配,表现了英语的习惯用法的一些意思 -- 它可表示 eat , drink , take , to , enjoy 等,其意义视后面跟的名词而定。如:
have breakfast ( lunch , supper ) 吃早 ( 中、晚 ) 饭
have a lesson 上一堂课 / have a song 唱一支歌
have a look 看一看 / have a talk 谈一谈
have a drink 喝一杯 / have a joke 开个玩笑
have a rest 休息一下 / have a walk 散散步
have a ride 骑下马 / have a swim 游泳
have a wash 洗脸 ( 澡 ) / have a meeting 开会
have a party 举行一次聚会 / have a test 测试
have an accident 出事故 / have a letter 收到一封信
have a cold 患感冒 / have a headache 患头痛
have a baby 生小孩 / have a fire 生火
have a cold wet day 天气又冷又湿
have a good holiday 度过愉快的假日
2 . have a problem with -- find…difficult 在……方面遇到困难
If you have a problem with pronunciation , you should listen to some English tapes every day .
If you have a problem with writing , you should read as much as possible before you practise it .
3 . for…reasons -- 由于……方面的原因
He was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons .
She can't go with us for health reasons .
注意:在这样的短语中,reason 要用复数式。再如:
I'll leave for Beijing for business reasons .
She will give up this journey for reasons of her own .
4 . before long -- soon 不久,不久以后
The work will be finished before long .
5 . in fact -- really , actually 事实上,实际上,其实
He is a scholar by name , not in fact .
In fact , he has improved his English .
注意:除 in fact 外,in reality , really , actually , as a matter of fact 等都作"事实上,实际上"解。
6 . write back -- 写回信
Have you written back to your parents yet ?
He wrote back accepting our offer .
7 . go on to sth . -- 接着去做另一件事
So much for the present participle , now I'll go on to say something about the gerund .
He went on to show us how to do it in a different way .
After explaining the text , he went on to show us how to do the experiment .
辨析:go on to do sth . 指某事已经做完接着去开始做与原来不相同的另一件事。
go on doing sth . 指"某事尚未做完,暂停后,继续做原来在做的事。"
She nodded to me and went on reading the paper .
Dr Bethune went on working throughout the night .
go on with sth . 也是指继续做某一件事,但 with 扣接名词。如:
We went on with the work .
8 . keep on doing sth . -- 继续做某事,反复做某事
Don't give up , keep on trying .
People kept on coming to the hospital to see him .
You keep on making the same mistake .
I kept on calling you the whole afternoon .
辨析:①keep on doing sth . 与 go on doing sth . 有时两者可以互相换用。但若表示"强调动作、行为的反复多次或表示决?quot;,常用 keep on doing sth .
②keep on doing sth . 与 keep doing sth . 有时可以换用,注意后面应接表示动作的动名词,如:working , writing 等,一般不能接表示静态的动名词,如:standing , lying , sitting , sleeping 等。但若表示保持同一动作的持续状态时,只用 keep doing sth . 而不用 keep on doing sth . 例如
Someone kept knocking at the door .
He caught such a bad cold that he kept coughing all morning .
It kept raining all the night .
9 . be sure about / of sth . -- 确信,有把握,肯定
I'm sure of his success .
Can we be sure of his honesty ?
He is not sure about the number .
辨析:①be sure about / of 后接名词或动名词,如接名词从句,要用 be sure + 由 that 或 when , where , whether , what , how 等引导的名词性从句,表示"某人确信某事。"例如:
I'm sure ( that ) I can run faster than you .
1 . How are you getting on with your English lessons ?
How is sb . getting on ( with sth . ) ? How is sth . getting on ?
How are you getting on ? ( 问生活或健康状况 ) 你近来可好 ?
How is your brother getting on with his research work ? 你弟弟的研究工作进展如何 ?
How is his research work ? 他的研究工作进展如何 ?
2 . …he found it important to study the situation in Russia .
sb . finds / feels / thinks it + adj . + ( for sb . ) to do sth .
* I've found it interesting to talk with foreigners in English .
* He thinks it necessary for his brother to know the secret .
3 . …and made London the base for his revolutionary work .
sb . makes ( calls / thinks / finds / considers ) + n . / pron . + n .
We made him captain of the ship .
We must keep it a secret .
What do you call this kind of flower ?
4 . He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles in English for an American newspaper . 他进步得非常快,不多久就开始用英语给美国一家报纸写文章了。
such…that 连接一具表示结果的状语从句,意思是"如此…以致";such 是形容词,它所修饰的名词可以是单数,复数,也可以是不可数名词,名词前既可带形容词,也可不带。
It was such a hot day that they wanted to go swimming .
She made such rapid progress that she was praised by her parents .
These are such interesting books that children like to read them .
5 . In fact his English in one of these articles was so good that Engels wrote him a letter and praised him for it . 实际上,在那些文章中,有一篇他写得很好,恩格斯为此曾写信表扬他。
so…that 也连接表示结果的状语从句,意思也?quot;如此……以致";so 是副词,因此只能后接形容词,然后带 a / an , 再接单数名词 ( 不可数名词和复数名词是不能用在 so 后面的 ) ;或者 so 后面只接形容词或副词,不带名词。
It was so hot a day that they wanted to go swimming .
These books are so interesting that children like to read them .
6 . In the 1870s , when Marx was already in his fifties , he found it important to study the situation in Russia , so he began to learn Russian . 在十九世纪七十年代,马克思已经五十几岁了,他觉得研究俄国的形势很重要,便开始学习俄语。
句中 found 后面接了复合宾语,it 是形式宾语,代替后面的不定式 to study…,不定式是真正的宾语,important 是宾语补足语。
I find it hard to listen to English .
They find it necessary to practise English every day .
7 . In one of his books , he gave advice on how to learn a foreign language . 马克思在他写的一本书里,对如何学习外语提出了一些建议。
介词后面一般接名词或动名词,有些介词后面可能出现"疑问词 + 不定式"结构。
He was thinking about how to do it .
8 . in the 1870s 在19世纪70年代 ( 从1870 - 1879年 )
in the 1840s 在19世纪40年代 ( 从1840 - 1949年 )
上两个短语中 1870s 和 1840s 可分别写为:1870's 和 1840's。
9 . in one's + 基数词的复数形式 ( 该基数词常为表示"几十"的数词 ) 意思是:在某人几十多岁时。
He is at least in his forties .
in my twenties 在我20多岁的时候
10 . give ( sb . ) some advice on / about 给 ( 某人 ) 一些关于…的建议
In one of his books , Marx gave some advice on how to learn a foreign language .
My teacher gave me some advice on / about the study of grammar .
注:advice 是不可数名词,不能说 an advice,但可以说 a piece of advice , some advice .
What Is Friendship ?
Friendship is small umbrella in the rainy season .
It props up a stretch of clear sky .
Friendship is a gust of temperate wind .
It can stoke the wet heart warm .
Friendship is a lamp on a cold night .
It burns warm flame .
Friendship is a pure white handkerchief .
It wipes the sad tear stains on your cheeks dry .
What is friendship ?
It is a fate that can't be pulled and torn .
It passes through many hands or places to the end of life .
With the growth ring of time .
友谊是什么 ?
友谊是什么 ?
1 . He is an old bird and can do it well .
A . 老鸟 B . 老练的人 C . 老年人 D . 熟练
2 . He came out third in the last examination .
A . 名列 B . 出来 C . 出现 D . 超过
3 . They are two thousand yuan to the bad .
A . 很坏 B . 坏到极点 C . 欠帐 D . 有点亏损
4 . She failed to make good her promise .
A . 履行 B . 做得好 C . 进步快 D . 做
答案:1 - 5 B A C A A
1 . 如果我们正在谈论的是已经过去了的事,要说到比这更早一些时候发生的事,就用过去完成时。如:
He wasn't a stranger - I had met him once before .
I explained that I had forgotten my keys .
2 . 过去完成时常用在间接引语里,放在 said , told , asked 等过去时动词的后面,这个时态指的是在谈话之前已经发生的动作。如:
He said that he had known her well .
I told them that I had finished my task .
3 . 在包含有 when , before , after , until 等连词的主从复合句中,如果主句谓语和从句谓语所表示的动作不是同时发生的,那么先发生的动作通常用过去完成时表示。但若句中有 before , after 等连词,由于他们已表明动作发生的先后顺序,两个动作也都可用一般过去时表示。如:
I ( had ) heard the news before he told me .
After we did ( had done ) our homework , we went swimming .
4 . 过去时与过去完成时时间段的区别。
I learned Japanese during my holidays .
I had learned Japanese during my holidays .
5 . 两个或两个以上的动作虽是接连发生的,但若用 and 或 but 连接时,都只须用一般过去时。如:
He entered the room , took off his coat and sat down at the table .
She lost her necklace , but found it afterward .
6 . 用 hope , think , expect , plan , want 等动词的过去完成时,表示未曾实现的想法、打算、希望或意图等。如:
I had hoped to be able to come and see you . ( 实际上没来 )
They had wanted to help but could not get there in time .
1 . 她在英语方面的进步不大"
【 误 】She has not made many progresses with her English .
【 正 】She has not made much progress in her English .
【 析 】make progress ( 取得进步 ) 中的 progress 是不可数名词,不能用复数形式,也不能用 many 修饰;"在……方面取得进步"用 make progress in…。
2 . 入口处的人很多,我们进不去。
【 误 】There were such many people at the entrance that we couldn't get through .
【 正 】There were so many people at the entrance that we couldn't get through .
【 析 】such…that…和so…that…都是"如此……以致……"的意思,such 后接名词,is 后接形容词或副词。但是,当名词前有 many , much , few , little ( 少的 ) 修饰时,就得用 so…that…。
3 . 几个月以后,他就能用英语与人交谈了。
【 误 】Several months later , he could talk with others in English .
【 正 】Several months later , he was able to talk with others in English .
【 析 】could 和 be able to 都可以表示"过去的能力",但在表示"经过努力达到"这一意思时,就只能用 be able to。
4 . 对于这个问题说得已经够多的了。
【 误 】Enough have been said on the subject .
【 正 】Enough has been said on the subject .
【 析 】enough 作名词用时,意为"足够的东西 ( 如钱、事情、工作等 ) ",视为不可数,因此谓语动词用单数形式。
5 . 直到十二点他才回到家。
【 误 】He didn't get to home until 12 o'clock .
【 正 】He didn't get home until 12 o'clock .
【 析 】get to ( 到达 ) 后接名词或代词。当到达的地点是副词 ( 如 home , here , there 等 ) 时,则去掉 to。
6 . 二十世纪九十年代中国发生了巨大的变化。
【 误 】Great changes have taken place in China in 1990s .
【 正 】Great changes have taken place in China in the 1990s .
【 析 】"在某个年代"的英语表达法是"in + the + 整十数的复数形式",其中的 the 不可少。
7 . 我觉得难以与他相处。
【 误 】I find it difficult to get along with him .
【 析 】find , feel , think , consider 等动词的一个共同用法是:当复合宾语 ( 宾语 + 补足语 ) 中的宾语不是名词或代词而是不定式或从句时,通常用 it 作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语 ( 不定式或从句 ) 放在补足语的后面。
8 . 他们为人民服务的精神值得我们学习。
【 误 】Their spirits of serving the people are worth learning from .
【 正 】Their spirit of serving the people is worth learning from .
【 析 】spirit 作"精神,精神实质"解时,晃可数名词。
要求:请根据我们熟知的爱因斯坦向一个年轻人传授成功秘密的词语提示,用英语写一篇《成功的秘密》的短文。词数:80 - 120。
1 . Albert Einstein 2 . German scientist 3 . work hard 4 . a few days later 5 . angry 6 . a piece of paper 7 . A = X + Y + Z 8 . stand for 9 . good methods 10 . get down to
The secret of success
A young man once asked Albert Einstein , the great German scientist , "What the secret of success is . "The scientist told him that the secret of success is to work hard .
A few days later the young man asked him the same question again . Einstein was very angry . He didn't say anything but wrote something on a piece of paper and gave it to the young man . The young man looked at the piece of paper . On it was written : A = X + Y + Z .
"What does this mean ? "asked the young man .
"A means success , "explained the old scientist , "X stands for hard work , Y - for good methods , and Z means stop talking and get down to work . "
Karl Marx
1.In ,when he was in his ,he began to learn English.
A.1980's;fifties B.the 1980s;fifty
C.1980s;the fifties D.the 1980's;fifties
2.Which is wrong?
A.I find some idioms and useful expressions hard to learn.
B.I find it hard to learn some idioms and useful expressions.
C.I find that some idioms and useful expressions are hard to learn.
D.I find that is hard to learn some idioms and useful expressions.
3.The twins their hard working.
A.praised for B.were praised to
C.were praised for D.have praised for
4.Bill said that he had been to Beijing .
A.before for B.long ago C.long before D.after a month
5.He ate bread for lunch that he became hungry soon.
A.such a little B.so little C.so small a D.such little
6.Don't the children to do too much homework.
A.have B.make C.let D.force
7.Those two girls come from ,so they are .
A.Germany;Germen B.Germany;Germans
C.German;Germanys D.Germen;Germany
8.In the days ,he was sad and he cried all day.
A.following B.followed C.next D.that followed
9.He the army for 8 years before he became a businessman.
A.joined B.had joined C.had been in D.joined in
10.The young man went the wood,swam the river and came to a small village.
A.in;across B.through;across
C.through;over D.into;through
11.-How are you getting on with your work?
-I haven't made I should.
A.such much progress as B.as more progress as
C.so much progress as D.as many progress as
12.If you have a preblem writing,you should practise more.
A.in B.with C.about D.on
13.-What are you doing with the fallen tree?
-I am .
A.cutting it down B.cutting down it
C.cutting it up D.cutting up it
14.I decide to visit him next week.
A.sometimes B.some times C.sometime D.some time
15.The heavy snow made for us to go to the party at night.
A.it is impossible B.it unable C.us impossible D.it impossible
16.-How are you getting along with you lessons?
-Not very .
A.good B.poor C.bad D.well
17.He is old and in bad health,and he can not look after himself. ,his son should look after him.
A.As a result of B.As a result C.As this reason D.For these reasons
18.Would you please give us on how to learn Chinese well?
A.some piece of advice B.some advice
C.much advice D.an advice
19.First we read the passage again and again,and then we went on my
A.with B.doing C.writing D.to doing
20.He is standing under the tree, in his pockets.
A.put his hands B.by his hands
C.with his hands D.is putting his hands
Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818.He entered Bonn University in 1835 and went to Berlin University to continue his studies two years later. In October 1842,he became the editor(编辑)of the Rheinische Zeitung, and there he began his attack on the old society. Because of his revolutionary activities he was forced to leave his homeland .He moved th France and then to Belgium. In 1848,he returned to Cologne to join the revolution directly. After the 1848 revolution failed, he was expelled(驱逐)from Germany. He went to Paris, but was soon forced to leave France. In 1849,he went to London and spent most of his time there.
  Marx became one of the leading spirits of the First International(第一国际).
Together with Engles, Marx published the Manifesto of the Communist Party(《共产党宣言》)in 1848.His most important work was On Capital(《资本论》).The first volume was published in 1867.
Marx was also a great learner of languages. He could read all the leading European languages and write in three: German, French and English. He liked to say that a foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.
He died on March 14,1883 in London.
1.Which of the following is correct?
A.On Capital has only one volume.
B.Marx alone wrote the Manifesto of the Communist party.
C.He had learned 3 languages: German, English and French.
D.Marx was an important person in the First International.
2.What does the word"weapon"probably mean in the last sentence of paragraph3?
A.投资 B.武器 C.财富 D.设备
3.Which of the following is NOT correct?
A.Karl Marx died at the age of 65.
B.Marx began his studies at Berlin University in 1837.
C.It was in three countries that he took part in his revolutionary activities.
D.After the 1848 revolution failed, Marx spent all his time in London.
4.What can we infer from the passage?
A.The whole On Capital was completed after 1867.
B.Marx died in the war in London against his enemy.
C.At first ,he used his papers to begin his attack on the old society.
D.He was not allowed for only once to live in Germany.
5.What does the passage tell us?
A.Marx's childhood and his early revolution.
B.Marx was a great leader in the attack on the old society.
C.Marx's revolution against the old society and his talent(天才)of learning languages.
D.How Marx took up revolutionary activities.
The first time I saw Karl Marx was in February 1865.I was twenty-four years old. Never in my life shall I forget the impression (印象)made on my first visit.
Marx could read in all the leading European languages and write in three: German, French and English .He was fond of(喜欢)saying,"A foreign language is a weapon(武器)in the struggle of life."At fifty he took up the study of Russian. Although the language was quite different from the languages he knew ,he made such progress in six months as to be able to enjoy reading Russian poetry and prose(诗歌和散文)works.
Although he went to bed very late, he was always up between eight and nine in the morning .Having drunk a cup of black coffee and read through his newspapers, he would go to his study and work there till two or three next morning ,breaking off only for meals, and when the weather allowed ,for a walk on Hampstead Health. During the day he slept for an hour or two on the sofa. For that he often forgot his meals. Often he had to be called again and again before he came down to the diningroom. But hardly had he eaten the last mouthful when he was back in his study again.
Marx was a loving and gentle father. He used to spend hours playing with his children. They remember to this day sea-fights in a large basin of water with many paper boats, which he made for them and which he would then set on fire to their great joy. On Sundays the girls would not allow him to work; he was theirs for the whole day .When the weather was fine, the whole family would go for a country walk .Marx would shorten the miles for his children by telling them stories without end-Fantastic tales(怪诞的传说)which he made up as he went along, so that the little ones forgot their fatigue(疲劳).
6.When was the writer of this passage born?
A.In 1941. B.In 1889. C.In 1841. D.The writer didn't tell us
7.Which is right?
A.Marx could read in all the European languages.
B.Marx could write in all the European languages.
C.Marx could only write in Russian, French and English.
D.Marx thought it necessary to learn foreign languages.
8.Why did Marx often forget his meals? Because .
A.he never stopped for a rest once he started working
B.he would sleep one or two hours during the day
C.others forgot to call him when it was time for meals
D.he had drunk a cup of coffee before he went to his study
9.Marx was a loving and gentle father, and he .
A.often watched sea-fights by the sea together with his children
B.used to spend Saturdays with his children
C.went for a walk with his family outside the city or town when the weather was fine
D.taught his children foreign languages
10.From this passage we can know that .
A.Marx's children cam still remember the game their father played with them.
B.he studied Russia in his early life
C.he had meals in his study in order to make full use of time
D.he told stories that he read in the story books during their walk
1.One word can have several m (意思).
2.Time is l (有限的);we should run quickly to catch the bus.
3.China is our n (出生地的)land.
4.He felt e (鼓舞)by the progress he had made.
5.With no rains for the last three years, the country is in a bad s (状况).
6.He is dead, but his s (精神)lives on.
7.Did you go to u (大学).
8.Our little boy's just starting to talk;he's got a v (词汇量)of ten
9.P (农民)are persons who work on the land.
10.He has never m    (掌握)the art of public speaking.
Marx moved to London in 1849 and his wife Jenny 1.      
and their 7 children.They had very few money.For 2.     
six years they lived two small rooms ,often eating 3.     
only bread and potatoes.Several of their child 4.     
was died.However,Engels,Marx's closest friend continued 5.     
to support the family with money.Befort he arrived 6.     
in England,Marx worked hardly to improve his English. 7.     
In 1851 he started writing articles about a newspaper 8.     
in the United States.In 1862 Marx had written 9.     
about 500 articles on politics and social problems 10.     
all over the world.
请用英文简要地写出"郑人买履"的故事,以刊登在我国对外发行的某英文刊物上。字不得少于 70 字,不得多于 140 字。
答案:Ⅰ. 1~5 D D C C B 6~10 D B D C B 11~15 C B C C B 16~20 D D B A C Ⅱ. 1~5 D B D A C 6~10 C D B C A Ⅲ.1.meanings 2.limited 3.native 4.encouraged 5.situation 6.spirit 7.university 8.vocabulary 9.Peasants 10.mastered Ⅳ.1.and→with 2.few→little 3.live→live in
4.child→children 5.去掉 was 6.Before→After 7.hardly→hard 8.about→for 9.In→By 10.对 Ⅴ.
Once in the nation of Zheng there was a man who wanted to buy himself a pair of shoes.He took the measurement of his own feet with a piece of string.Then he went to the market.He was looking at some shoes at the shoe-maker's when he realized he had left the measurement at home.He put down the shoes and rushed home to fetch it .By the time he returned,the market had dismissed.So he failed to get his shoes.Somebody asked him,"Why didn't you just try the shoe on your feet?"He answered,"I trust the measurement I took rather than my feet."




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