NSEFC 高一英语 unit 3 Going Places教案

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Unit3 Going Places
①learn to travel including how to make a preparation, choose means of transportation, drop a line and understand a broadcast call.
②learn something about adventure travel and eco-travel.
③study language points(present continuous tense, present tense, past tense, future tense and vocabulary)
Main teaching strategies: task-teaching emotion-teaching input & output
Aids: multi-media blackboard
Period 1 (warming up & listening & writing)
Step1. lead in
I show Ss some beautiful pictures and advise them to have a class travel together.
Step2 learn how to make a preparation before traveling.
1. Choose going places with reasons.
2. Choose means of transportation with reasons
T: Where would you like to go? / Why? /What can you do there? / How do you get there? / Why not go there by air…
Means of transportation: by plane / car / train /camel /bus / bike / spaceship / elephant / ship
Decisive factors: price speed location weather climate convenience individual interests
Notes: going places means of transportation
Step3 Ask three guides (students) to introduce three places from the listening material.
Paris: romantic Mona Lisa museum the Eiffel Tower
The North Pole: penguin polar bears
Beijing: the Great Wall the Forbidden City the Tian’anmen Square
Step4.do some listening
1.Ask Ss to make a guess and fill in the first three items on P16 one by one by pausing and asking them questions.
T: With the help of the three guides, I have made a choice. I’d like to make a report to tell you what I’m doing there now. Then you can guess where I am according to the report.
I’m having a great time here. The city is very romantic. I’m going to visit the museum with the famous painting” Mona Lisa”. I wish I could speak better French so that I would communicate with local people.
T: Do you want to make more guesses? Do some listening and fill in the three items on P16.
Where is/are the travelers? What did he/she/they do How did he/she/they travel

2.ask Ss to listen to the fourth item with two questions
Input: Introduce Yang Liwei with a picture of him.
T: He wears strange clothes. Can he walk like us? Why not? (There is no air) Do you want to know the feeling of flying in the spaceship?
After listening, ask Ss to answer two questions:
①Do you think the feeling is good or bad? Why?
②Do you want to have a try? Why or why not?
3. Ask Ss to listen to the fifth item with true or false questions.
T: Then what about the feeling of swimming in the ocean? Before listening, read the true or false exercises on the screen.
True or false
1.They are in the ocean.
2.They can breath there.
3.They are looking at fish.
4.It’s easy to write a postcard there.
Step5. Writing
T: Now it’s your turn to make a guess with your partner. You can choose any place you like and tell the partner what you did/ what you are dong / what you’re going to do. According to your report, the partner will make a guess where you are traveling.
1. Ask Ss to make a guess with their partners. This oral practice can help Ss write later.
2. Ask Ss to drop their parents a line to tell them what you did/ what you are dong / what you’re going to do during the travel.
3. Show them a letter for my parents.
4. Ask Ss to read the letter and analyze the form, the main idea of each paragraph and the tense
Dear Mum and Dad,
Everything goes well with me. We arrived at the hotel in Paris yesterday evening. We unpacked our bags and had a bath there. I went to bed early, for I was very tired.
Now my friends are playing volleyball on the beach. Some are swimming with dolphins in the sea happily.
Tomorrow, we are going to visit the Eiffel Tower and the museum with the famous painting “Mona Lisa”. I’m going to take photos to share with you.
I like the city very much. It’s very romantic and its food is delicious. I’m sure it will be an unforgettable trip. I wish you were here too. We are going to return next Monday.

Step 6. Homework
Ask Ss to finish the letter after class. In order to make each student understand my demand, I show them a Chinese version as followings on the screen.

Period2 (grammar & listening& speaking)
Step1.lead in
T: What did we do last period? We had a class travel. Let’s go on with our class travel now. Now I’m in Paris. I’d like to report what I am doing now. I’m on the top of the Eiffel Tower. I got here using a lift. It’s very tall. Seen from the top of the tower, the city is very beautiful. To share with you, I’m taking photos now. I’d like you to tell me where you are traveling and what you are doing there.
1. Ask several Ss to make a report.
Step2. Grammar I
T: From your reports I learn that we all have a good time when traveling. But we have to come back now.
1. Through the dialogue between several students and I, I present useful questions and expressions as followings.
Reference: When are you off/ returning to Wenzhou? When are you leaving for Wenzhou? When are you coming back to Wenzhou? How are you getting there? Is anybody seeing you off at the airport/ at the railway? Are your parents meeting you ?
2. To consolidate these useful expressions , I ask the rest of students these questions.
Reference: When is he/she off/ returning to Wenzhou? When is he/she leaving for Wenzhou? When is he /she coming back to Wenzhou? How is he /she getting there? Is anybody seeing he/she off at the airport/ at the railway? Are your parents meeting him/her?
3. Ask Ss to read these expressions after me.
4. Ask Ss to read the dialogue on P19 in role.
T: Here is a dialogue between Jane and Betty. They are going on separate holidays in a few days’ time.
5. Ask Ss to read the dialogue again by themselves to find out if there is something wrong.
6. Ask Ss questions to elicit a new usage of the present continuous
T: Look at the sentence in the fourth line: My brother Bob is going with me to the airport . What tense is used here? But is Bob going to the airport now or next Thursday evening? Then why do we use the present continuous tense instead of the future tense?
7. I explain a new usage of the present continuous after Ss think about my question.
T: When we express our plans we can use the present continuous tense instead of the future tense. Please tell me such more sentences in the dialogue.
8 Ask Ss to make up a similar dialogue with the help of the useful expressions on the blackboard.
Step3.Listen to broadcast calls at the airport
T: I am coming back by air. Suppose I am at the airport now. This is my plane ticket. What information can you get from the ticket? Here is a broadcast call, from which we can learn the boarding time and boarding gate. For example, 各位旅客请注意, 从巴黎飞往北京的AB110 次航班在20分钟后起飞.请各位旅客在D5登机口作好登机准备. 谢谢!Where’s the destination? What’s the flight number / boarding gate? Please listen to the English broadcast calls and pay attention to the destination, flight number and boarding gate.
Notes: destination flight number boarding card boarding gate boarding time
1. Listen and check on P15
Step4 Speaking
T: Now I have arrived at home . Our class travel is over. Have you enjoyed it? I still want to go traveling. This time we have an unusual trip. Look at the picture. Tell me the name of the play(寻秦记)? Who is the actor? What’s the main idea of the play? It talks about a modern man travels into the past with a time machine. Do you think his experience is fun and exciting? Do you want to have a try? I’d love to. You know, I’m studying the history of law. It’s hard for me to remember so many events. But now with this time machine I can visit ancient countries to study their laws. That’s a good idea. What about you? If you have such a machine, where would you like to go? Which year would you like to go? Why?
1. I ask one student these questions to make up a dialogue as an example.
T: Where would you like to go? / Would you like to go to the past or the future? Which year would you like to go? Why? (I’ll show these questions on the screen)
2. Students are asked to make up a similar dialogue with the help of those questions.
Step 5 Grammar II
T: We have traveled to the past and the future. You must have found something different from that of today. Take the means of transportation for example. In the past, people used to travel by horse. Today, Many people travel by car or by plane. In the future, people will perhaps travel by spaceship. (I’ll show these three sentences on the screen)
1. Ask Ss to give me more examples.
2. Ask Ss to discuss to finish the table on P19.
3. Ask Ss to make a report like the example and pay attention to the tense.
Action Past Present Future
Period 3 Adventure Travel
Step1. Pre-reading
T: What day is it today? What’s the date today? So National Day is coming? Have you got any plans for it. What are you doing during the vacation?
1. Ask several students to tell me their plans. There must be some students who are
Traveling during the vacation.
2. Ask Ss the purposes of traveling.
T: I believe most people like traveling, but different travel with different purposes. Generally speaking, people travel because they want to see other countries and places that are famous, interesting or beautiful. Then what are purposes of traveling?
3. Given situations, Ss may think of these purposes as followings.
To meet new friends
To try new kinds of food
To experience life in other parts of the world
To get away from bad weather
To look for an unusual experience
T: Today more and more people are traveling for excitement. I’d like to tell you a story of one of my university teachers. He loves nature and experiencing life. He spent one winter holiday traveling to Tibet. Unluckily, he met with a storm during the trip. It seemed to be very dangerous for my teacher, who had a heart disease. Thanks to his rich experience, he returned safe at last. Do you think his experience was exciting? On the other hand, it was also dangerous. We can call it an adventure. So we call this kind of travel adventure travel. Do you want to know more about adventure travel?
Step2. Fast Reading
T: How many parts are there in the text? What’s the title of the second part? So what’s the main idea of the text? What about the third part?
1. Read the text and answer these questions:
l How many examples of adventure travel are mentioned in the text? What are they?
l Why do you think they belong to adventure travel?
2. Finish exercise1 on P18 and check
Step3. Careful Reading
1. Look at a picture of hiking with these questions.
l What are they doing?
l What’s this? ( backpack )
l Where are they? ( in the mountain)
l Besides in the mountain, where can we hike?( in the city, along the river, in a forest)
l Is it easy or difficult to hike ?
2.Read the second part to find out what dangers we may meet and how to solve these problems.
T: What skills do we need if we go hiking? You see, we need to walk a long distance, so we need good walking skills. Besides this, we still need to follow some safety tips, because we may meet with dangers during hiking. What are the possible dangers? Then what tips can we follow?
l Getting lost Tips: Bring a map, a cell phone. Don’t hike alone. Tell someone where you are going.
l Sun burnt Tips: Wear a pair of sunglasses , a hat to protect you from the sun.
Ex: In winter, warm clothes can protect us from the cold.
l Dangerous animals and poisonous plants. Tips: Watch out for spiders, snakes and poisonous plants.
3.Read the third part
T: Let’s come to another more exciting activity. It is rafting.
1.look at a picture of rafting with these questions.
l What are they doing?
l What’s this?( A raft)
l What is a raft? Can you explain it in English?
l What are they wearing? (Lifejackets)
l What’s the color of the water?
l Why is the water white?
T: Have you gone rafting before? From the picture, I’m sure it’s very exciting. Do you want to have a try? Before trying it, we need to know more about it. Please read the third part carefully to find out more information about rafting as much as possible.
2.Answer questions
l How many kinds of rafting?
l What are they?
l Why do we call it whitewater rafting?
l What are the differences between normal rafting and whitewater rafting?(more dangerous, exciting and places)
l What should we pay attention to during rafting?
l What skills do we need? ( As with hiking, we should always think about your safety.)
Step4. Post-reading
1. To consolidate the text, fill in the table together on P18.
Hiking Rafting
Differences Places
Skills needed
Possible dangers
2. Ask Ss what kind of adventure travel they prefer to try, hiking or rafting with reasons.
Step5 Hold a family meeting
T: In this class we have learnt what adventure travel is. Can you give me more examples besides hiking and rafting.(climbing, diving, mountain biking, sailing, downhill snowboarding, camping, bungeeing) They are all exciting and dangerous. Do you want to have a try? But the problem is that your parents may be against you. So what we should do is to hold a family meeting to win your parents’ support. Let's play a game in a group of four. One of you plays the role of the mother. One is the father. The other two are the children.
1. To make sure every student know how to hold a family meeting .I show my demand in Chinese on the screen.
2.Ask two groups to present their fruit.
Period 4 Eco-travel
Step1.Lead in
T: Do you know where my hometown is? (Yongjia) Have you heard of it? There is a very ,very famous spot. What’s it? (Nanxi River) Have you been there? It’s very beautiful. If you want to travel there, I’m happy to be your guide. Now let’s enjoy some pictures first. Beautiful? That’s why there are always many tourists coming there every year, even including some foreigners. The village leader is planning to develop another mountain to tourists. Because it can help villagers make money. But the problem is that many villagers are against that. Because they think tourism is bad for the environment. What do you think of it? If you were the villagers, you would be for it or against it? Why?
1. Turn to P98. Here are separate opinions. Ss can take them into consideration.
2. Ss add their own opinions
For Against
make money destroy the mountain, nature
more famous bad for business
more beautiful bad for social order
develop the city……………………………………..heavy traffic
make friends with different people
more interested in history and nature

bad for nature ? lose money
T: Then how can we combine making money with protecting environment ? Here is a new form of travel called eco-travel. Then what is eco-travel?
Step2 Read the text
1. Find out what eco-travel is.
2. Compare the differences between normal tourism and eco-travel.
Normal tourism Eco-travel
Purposes Simply for fun for fun, protect environment, learn knowledge, help animals, plants&people
Travel irresponsibly travel responsibly
Result bad for environment good for the environment
Understand the world better
Make the world better
Step3. Discriminate normal tourism from eco-travel in part1of warming up on P15.
T: Are you clear about the differences between normal tourism and eco-travel? There are
four pictures on P15. These people’s activities belong to normal tourism or eco-travel? Why? Please write down what the person is doing first.
1. Ask Ss to tell and give the reason.
Step4.Experience eco-travel to Nanxi River in class
T: If you go traveling , will you do these things? When we travel, we must choose eco-travel. Do you want to experience eco-travel in class now? Suppose we are traveling to Nanxi River, what can we do there? Instead of simply traveling for fun, we should use travel as a way to protect the environment and learn about nature. That’s to say, we are traveling to Nanxi River with four purposes.
l What can we do there for fun?
Boating , rafting , walking ,enjoying flowers, plants and birds
l What can we do to protect the environment
Plant trees keep the water clean. Don’t litter. Don’t park in the wrong place. Don’t use plastic.
l What can we learn ?
Water, fish, birds,English…
l What can we do to help people?
Stay at the hotel to help people make money, who will take care of the birds and other animals.
Step5. A debate
T: Have you remembered what you should do and what you shouldn’t do when traveling? Let’s have a debate. Please turn to P20. If we want to go on an eco-trip, there are two places for us to choose. They are Red River Village and Snow Mountain. We need to have a debate to decide the destination. You are divided into two groups. Which group gives me more reasons and better reasons, then this group will be the winner.
1. Hints in Chinese are given to Ss to facilitate the debate
我们班要进行一次生态旅游,A组同学要去红河村, B组同学想去雪山。因此,两组同学展开了一场激烈的辩论。哪一组的同学的理由更多和更好,则这一组的同学就赢了。
2 .在旅游地可以获取哪些知识
3.在旅游地可以做哪些环保活动Step5 Conclusion
T: After learning the text, I’m sure we’ll choose eco-travel. We would pay attention to the environment when traveling. But it’s far from enough. We should advocate others to do kike us. Then our world will become more and more beautiful.




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