高一第六单元Good manners要点综述

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Unit 6 Good manners
I.Teaching aims and demands
1>learn about good table manners
2>learn to make apology
3>learn to express your gratitude
4>make a contrast study on table manners in Chinese and Western cultures
5>be a student with good manners
道歉和致谢(Apologising and Expressing thanks)
Excuse me. Forgive me.
I m (very/so/terribly) sorry. That s all right./That s OK./No problem.
I apologize for... Oh, well that s life.
I m sorry. I didn t meanto...
Oops. Sorry about that.
Thank you. It s beautiful.
manner(s);impression;toast; behave;napkin;roll;dessert;unfold;lap;
4.Grammar:the Attributive Clause(3)
II.Key points
1.listening and speaking
1>Express your gratitude.
[用法]n. 感激之情;感恩图报之心
[举例]My heart is full of ~ to him.
[联想]gratefulness感激; ingratitude忘恩负义
2>The man who greeted me is my teacher.
[用法]vt. 和某人打招呼;迎接;祝贺
[举例]She ~ed us with a smile.
We re going to the airport to ~ our distinguished guests.
We sincerely ~ed our chairman s successful visit.
3>Write a than-you letter
[联想]a letter of thanks 感谢信
4>make use of the expressions
make use of
[举例]You should make good use of your spare time.
The result depends on the use we make of the energy.
5>May I interrupt you for a moment?
[用法]vt/vi 打断;打扰;中断
[举例]I m sorry to ~ you.Can I ask you a question?
Traffic was ~ed by a severe flood.
I m sorry to ~ but I wonder whether you want some coffee.
6>I am terribly sorry.
[用法]adv 非常地;可怕地
[举例]They stood in the dark,trembling ~.
7>What does Bill say to apologize for taking the bike without telling Cliff?
[用法]~ to sb for (doing) sth 因(做)某事向某人道歉
[联想]make an zpology to sb for sth
7>It was you who took the bike.
It was...who...
8>Just ask me next time if you want to use the bike,will you?
[注意]祈使句的反意问句常用will you或won t you,否定祈使句只能用will you
[举例]Jack,remember to clean the blackboard after class,will you?
Don t make any noise in the classroom,will you?
9>I guess it wasn t really your fault,was it?
[注意]主句为第一人称,谓语是think, believe, expect, suppose, imagine等引导的定语从句,
[举例]I don t think he is bright, is he?
   We believe she can do it better, can t she?
10>You are looking for two seats to sit down,but there are none.
[用法]pron. 一个人也没有;没有任何东西
[举例]None of them could do the exercise.
1>People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time
may be surprised by table manners in Western culture.
for the first time
[比较]the first time 第一次,用于下列句型:
It is the first time I have won the first prize in the Speaking Contest.
The first time I saw her,my heart almost stopped.(此句the first time做连词)
2>Knowing them will help you make a good impression.
knowing them
[举例]Seeing is believing.
make a good impression (on)
[联想]leave a good impression (on)
3>Having good manners means knowing how to drink a toast and how to behave at table.
having good manners
mean knowing
[比较]mean doing 意味着做什么
mean to do 打算,有意做什么
4>The knife and fork that are closest to your plate are a little bit
bigger than the ones beside them.
a little bit
[用法]a little bit在句中修饰形容词bigger,意为“稍微,一点点”等,a little和a bit都作“一点儿”解,在句中作程度状语,
[举例]He is a little/bit tired. Let him have a rest.
She studies a little/bit hard this year.
5>Dinner starts with a small fish.
start with
[联想]end up with
[辨异]to start with动词不定式,常用作状语或插入语,意为 “首先”、“在……开始时”,
相当于at first或in the beginning,例如:
To start/begin with, I m not his brother.
6>Some people pray before they start eating.
[举例]Though his mother ~ed for him day and night,he failed.
7>You get a bowl of soup-but only one bowl and never ask for a second serving.
a second serving
[举例]I need a second day to finish my work.
He has already tried for three times, and he still wants to try a fourth.
8>It is polite to finish eating everything on your plate.
finish eating
10>When drinking to someone s health,you raise your glasses.
drink to someone s health
[联想]toast your health; drink a toast to your health
[用法]vt. 抚养;提高;饲养;提出;举起筹款
[举例]They both worked in order to ~ the children.
Those who have questions please ~ their hands.
They have ~d enough money for the school for the deaf.
11>They follow the fashion of the day.
follow the fashion
12>Although good manners make you look good,you do not need to worry about
all these rules while having dinner with your family.
look good
[用法]look good此处意为修养好、受欢迎
[比较]look well,well用作表语时只能指人的身体状况,
13>Laying the table for a dinner in Western countries and in China is not the same.
lay the table
14>Make a list of things on a Western dinner table.
make a list of
3.integrating skills
1>I wish you all the best.
[用法]wish sb sth 祝愿某人如何
[举例]I wish you great success.
2>Some good manners to keep in mind
keep sth in mind
[举例]These are the duties we should keep in mind.
3>make jokes about disabled people
make jokes about
disabled people
[联想]people with disabilities
1>What a surprise to see you!
[举例]The sports meeting was a success.
2>drink too much alcohol
[比较]too much修饰或指代不可数名词;much too而修饰形容词或副词

3>take turns playing different roles in the discussion
take turns
[用法]vt/vi 原谅;宽恕
[举例]Forgive me for what I have dong to you.
It s better for me yo ~ and forget. (不念旧恶)
5>stare at
[联想]galre at 怒目而视
6>belong to
7>Good manners are not only about the way we talk
Good manners
the way we talk
[用法]we talk为定语从句,省略了关系词that或in which
8>in public
[举例]It s bad manners to spit in public.
9>In Russia,you have to match your drink with that of your host
[用法]vi/vt 相配;相适应




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