江苏牛津版英语初一Starter 复习教案

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

第一课时 Review Unit 1-2
教学目标:1 掌握四会单词
2 根据日常交际用语能自由会话
3 能认真书写26个英语字母。注意书写笔画
教学难点:1 解决学生怕开口,胆小的心理问题
2 结合生活实际,能将所学的交际用语灵活运用,不拘泥于课本。
教学方法:1 尽量让学生多说。
2 鼓励与表扬相结合
3 以小组竞赛的形式调动学生的学习兴趣。
教学器具:录音机 挂图
一、Have a talk with the students
Hi, Millie
Hi , Jack
Good morning /afternoon / evening / night
How are you ?
Fine , thank you . And you ?
I am fine , too .
What’s your name ?
I’m /My name is ……
You’re …, right ?
Yes, I’m …/No , I’m….

This is …
She is /He is …..
What is it ?
It’s a …
What’s he /she/his father ?
He /she/ is …..(a teacher a doctor a nurse a policeman )

二、Task-based teaching
1 Ask four students to act the members of a family .
2 Introduce yourself or your members of your family to your classmates and friends .
3 Arrange four groups to come to the front and act , we can give them a mark ,the winner will be able to get a prize .
4 Check the students if they have mastered the usage of the expressions .
三、Write the 26 English letters and pay attention to the handwriting .
1 Assign the homework (see the paper )
2.Give the full name of the abbreviations in the book P11 and P15
3. Recite the words and phrases .
第二课时 Review Unit 3-4
3.掌握人称代词与be 动词的搭配以及there be 句型
4.能运用所学numbers 表达物体的数目。
1. Write the new words and phrases of Unit 1-2 .
2. Have a free talk according to the expressions of Unit 3-4
A:This is my ……(uncle ,aunt , brother ,…..)
B:He’s …(big,strong ,small ,thin , tall ,slim .short , pretty …..)
A:Are you ……?/Is he …….?/Am I ……
B: Yes , you are …../He is ….
A: I have two friends .
B: He is from China /England / Japan/America ….
He is Chinese /English/Japanese /American
A: Open /Close the door/book/window / pencilbox
B: Don’t open/close the book / door /pencilbox …
A: Stand up, please .
B: Sit down , please .
3. Explain the grammar
1) 人称代词与be动词的搭配
I am ….
You are ….
He/She /It is …..
They are ……
2) Numbers (1—30)
3) There be 句型
eg There is a teacher in our classroom
There is a teacher’s desk in our classroom
There are four windows in the wall .
There are some pictures on the wall.
There are 28 boys in our class .
1) Read Unit 3 and Unit 4 and be ready for the dictation .
2) Exercise paper .



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