人教新课标高二 Unit 1 短语

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Unit 1P 1-2
1. 如上引用 the quotes above
2. 关于科学的引言quotes about science
3. 使得一名科学家成功 make a scientist successful
4. 在他自己的内心中 within himself
5. 对…充满热情/激情 be on fire for
6. 与…类似 be similar to
7. 由于…而出名be known for
8. 有共同之处have sth. In common
9. 代表一个科学分支represent a branch of science
10. 对社会最重要、最有用the most important and useful to society
11. 辩论开始let the debate begin
12. 毫无疑问…There is no doubt that
13. 很难说It’s hard to say
14. 我怀疑…I doubt if…
P 3-4
1. 壮心无涯no boundaries
2. 试想imagine this
3. 很有发展前途的研究生a promising graduate student
4. 世界一流大学the top universities in the world
5. 患不治之症have an incurable disease
6. 最多活12个月may not have more than twelve months to live
7. 大多数人会感到非常伤心Most of us would probably feel very sad.
8. 放弃对未来的梦想和憧憬give up our dreams and hopes for the future
9. 做某事没有意义There did not seem much point in doing
There is no point in doing sth.
10. 取得博士学位work on my PhD
11. 我不盼望活那么久I did not expect to survive that long.
12. 过去go by
13. 情况转好go rather well for
14. 订婚be/ get engaged to
15. 阻碍某人做某事stop… from doing
16. 梦想dream of
17. 作报告give lectures
18. 给大学生作演讲speak to university students
19. 坐在已驰名天下的轮椅里sit in his now-famous wheelchair
20. 通过计算机说话speak through a computer
21. 对重大问题的看法thoughts on some of the greatest questions
22. 黑洞black holes
23. 二十世纪七十年代初in the early 1970s
24. 做出新的发现make new discoveries
25. 探索宇宙本质问题seek answers to questions about the nature of the universe
26. 普通人ordinary people
27. 科学如何运作how science works
28. 科学发现make scientific discoveries
29.改变世界change the world
29. 霍金认为according to Hawking
30. 永无止境be never finished
31. 另一方面on the other hand
32. 证明是错误的prove/ turn out to be wrong
33. 科学方法的产物the result of the scientific method
34. 创立理论build the theory
35. 预测未来predict the future events
36. 实际测试test sth. in a practical way
37. 直接观察observe directly
38. 测试理论test the theory
39. 发觉深奥难懂find it difficult to understand him
40. 对…满意be happy/satisfied with
41. 提高我的英语水平improve my English
P 5-6
1. 用光use up
2. 采取措施解决问题take measures to solve the problem
3. 破坏我们的星球ruin our planet
4. 查明find out
5. 犯罪现场the crime scene
P 7
1. 有所作为make a difference
2. 向…学习learn from
3. 世界上顶尖人物的头脑the best minds in the world
4. 对…感到满意be satisfied with
5. 始终在寻找新的问题are always looking for new questions
6. 更仔细观察大大小小的事物take a closer look at things both great and small
7. 通过探寻所以然,如何然by asking why, how
8. 设想前因后果ask what if
9. 知识就是力量knowledge is power
10. 被描述成be described as
11. 运用那种力量的能力the ability to use that power
12. 始终all the time
13. 画天体图draw a map of the heavens
14. 随季节变化 change from season to season
15. 相信believe in
16. 取笑laugh at
17. 承认他的伟大recognise his greatness
18. 而不是相反的not the other way around
19. 讨论观察结果discuss his observations
20. 公认的科学界先驱be known as scientific pioneers
21. 帮助我们更好地认识了世界help us better understand the word
22. 达到目标reach our goals
23. 真正有所作为truly make a difference



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