人教新课标 高三非谓语动词复习要点

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一. 非谓语动词功能比较表
主语 表语 宾语 宾补 定语 状语
动名词 V V V X V X
不定式 V V V V V V
现在分词 X V X V V V
过去分词 X V X V V V
二. 非谓语动词的否定式、复合结构
1. 谓语动词的否定式为:not+非谓语动词(动名词、不定式、现在分词、过去分词)
2.不定式的复合结构为:of/for+object+to do注:若其前的形容词为情感形容词例如:nice,kind,wrong,wise,clever,stupid,foolish,brave,naughty,careless,careful,nice,good,natural,strange,honest,polite,impolite,rude,thoughtful,cruel等;介词宜用of;若其前的形容词为hard,necessary,impossible,possible,expensive,useful,dangerous,bad,interesting,exciting,important,easy等,介词宜用for。
动名词的复合结构为:形容词性物主代词/sb’s+doing(若该结构不位于句首作主语也可用“名词或宾语+doing”来表示。例如:His not coming to school on time made his teacher angry.
三. 非谓语动词用法比较
1. 位于句首常用动名词作主语。例如:Learning English well is a must for middle school student.
2. It作形式主语时,非情感形容词或名词作表语时常用不定式作真正主语;若useless, no use, no good作表语时,常用动名词短语作真正主语。例如:It’s no usee crying like a child for you.
3. 不定式短语或动名词短语用语俚语、成语中作主语时,要遵循上下文的一致性原则。例如:
1).To do is better than to say.=Doing is better than saying.2). To see is to believe=Seeing is believing.
1. 动名词作表语时,说明主语的性质,回答What的问题。例如:
-What is his job? -His job is teaching.
2. 不定式作表语时,说明主语尚未发生的动作,常表示将来的动作。例如:
When Einstein was still quite young, his wish was to become a physicist.
3.分词作表语时,说明主语的状态,回答How的问题。现在分词作表语表示“令人。。。。。。的”的意思;过去分词作标语,或表示“感到。。。。。。的”的意思,或表示一个已经发生了的动作。例如:The news is exciting.
We are excited at the exciting news.The water is polluted.
1.只跟不定式作宾语的及物动词:pretend,hope,expect,desire,agree,demand,hesitate,afford,fail,set out,beg,bother,long,plan,decide,determine,manage,intend,promise,refuse,wish,hate,offer,learn,ch等2.appreciate,avoid,admit,advise,enjoy,escape,excuse,finish,mind,miss,permit,practise,pardon,recall,forbid,stop,suggest,risk,resist,imagine,understand等之后只能跟动名词作宾语。
3.后跟动名词作宾语的动词词组:give up,keep on,succeed in,look forward to,feel like,insist on,set about,oppose to,hear be fond of,be engaged in,be afraid of,thank sb for…,prefer…to…,prevent/stop/keep /save…from…,leave off,put off,can’t stand,be(get)used to,be worth,be busy,be successful in,devote …to, stick to,spend/waste…(in) …,have trouble/difficulty (in),think of,dream of,object to,How/Whaat about…?,It’s no use/good/need…,There’s no good/need…,get down to 等。
4.1)remember/forget/regret +to do sth/doing(having done)sth
2).mean to do sth/doing
3).try to do sth/doing sth.
4).go on to do sth/doing sth.
5).stop to do sth/doing sth
6).can’t help doing sth/to do sth
1. ask/tell/want/help/would like/allow/permit/advise/persuade/encourage/wish/expect sb (not) to do sth.
2. let/make/have/hear/listen to/notice/watch/see sb do sth
be made/heard/listened to/noticed/watched/seen to do sth.
3.keep sb doing sth./get the car/bus starting/send sb or sth. doing
4.have sb do sth,have sb. doing sth./have sb. done
5.see/hear sb doing sth./do sth
6.make oneself done(understood/heard/noticed/recognized)
7.find the door/windows open/closed/locked
8.find sb. seated/dressed;find stp. changed/polluted.
9.have sth(活). doing/have sth(死). done/ get sth(死). done
10. get sb to do sth./get sth.(活) doing. /get sth.(死) done
11.Sb have sb/sth. left. There be sb/sth left.
1. 不定式在句中只能作条件或结果状语(只能和…enough,too…,heavy,light,difficult,hard,easy等形容词或副词连用。)
2. 分词作状语时,其逻辑主语系句子的主语。如果逻辑主语与分词呈逻辑上的主谓关系,须用现在分词作状语;若逻辑主语与分词呈逻辑上的动宾关系,须用过去分词。分词在句中可作条件、时间、方式、伴随、让步、(自然而然的)结果、原因、比较等状语。
3. 如果句子的主语不是分词的逻辑主语时,则不能用分词作状语,而用独立主格结构(主语+分词;主语+介词短语;with+宾语+介词短语)试比较:
Book in hand, the teacher came into the classroom.
A book in his hand, the teacher came into the classroom.
With a book in his hand, the teacher came into the classroom.
There being no bus left at night, they had to walk home.(Because there was no bus left at night,….)
1. 动名词作前置定语,说明所修饰的名词的功能或用途。(a sleeping car,a swimming pool,, a writing paper)
2. 不定式作后置定语,说明所修饰的名词的动作的未来性,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。
A plan/law/way to do sth.
The big building _________(build) over there recently will be the highest one in our city.
The big building _________(build) last year is the highest one in our city.
The big building _________(build) next year will be the highest building in our city.




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