
中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

1. be able to do
2. be about to do
3. go abroad at home and abroad
4. be absent from
5. according to
6. act as
7. add to
8. in advance
9. be against the plan
10. go ahead
11. aim at
12. by air on the air
13. allow me to do it
14. He is always making the same mistake
15. I am anxious about him I am anxious for his letter I am anxious to hear from him
16. make an apology to him for it
17. arm in arm side by side hand in hand shoulder to shoulder
18. join the army ,party ,league,union, club
19. I am ashamed of it
20. I feel ashamed for you
21. I often ask him for help
22. fall asleep sound asleep
23. pay attention to sth
24. on an average
25. lie on one’s back
26. beat him in the chest,on the nose
27. believe in sb
28. belong to
29. You had better not come here
30. not a bit
31. quite a bit 相当多
32. be blind to sth对一无所知
33. A fire broke out
34. He had his house broken into
35. take a deep breath 长吸口气take breath歇一歇
36. a bridge over /across the river
37. He has a broad mind心胸宽广
38. She burst into tears/laughter她突然哭/笑起来
39. on business 出差
40. He is busy working 他忙于工作He is busy with his work
41. by car by air by water
42. by hand by machine
43. call on sb,call at a place
44. cannot help crying
45. Take care =look out =be careful
46. catch fire be on fire set fire to the house
47. catch up with keep up with
48. Are you certain about it?
49. It’s certain that
50. by chance ,take a chance chance to do
51. I found him changed
52. He is in charge of the school .The school is in his charge
53. The tickets are free of charge
54. I have no choice by to read
55. at Christmas On Christmas Eve
56. have classes
57. He stood close to me
58. a coffee .a tea .a drink
59. collect money .stamps
60. come out出版
61. She is compared to a flower
62. on condition that 如果
63. He is out of condition他身体不好
64. working conditions工作条件
65. be considered to be /as consider doing consider it +adj +that
66. The fire is in control
67. He is in control of the car
68. It cost him his life
69. have a cough /have a cold/have a fever,run a fever
70. The couple seems happy
71. I need a couple of books
72. cut up 切碎
73. date back to ,date from
74. by day 白天里day after day 日复一日 day and night 日日夜夜by the day 按日算
75. How deal with . What do with
76. make a decision /make use of /make up for the lost time/make much use of the time/make fun of /make a dress to your own measure
77. do a good deed做好事
78. deep in the night /deep in thought
79. delay finishing it 迟迟没完成此事
80. demand of sb to do /demand sth of sb
81. depend on (upon)
82. developing country 发展中国家developed country发达国家
83. devote all his efforts to doing it全力以赴做
84. die away 平息die out绝迹
85. have difficulty in doing
86. in .. direction
87. divide into
88. do some cleaning ,cooking ,shopping ,sowing ,
89. do sb a favor do with处理
90. I have no doubt that 肯定 in doubt 怀疑There is no doubt that .without doubt
91. go downstairs
92. two dozen books two dozen of the books
93. She is dressed in white /She is well dressed /She dressed herself /She dressed the baby
94. drop in on sb .at pl
95. due to 由于thanks to .as a result of ,because of .owing to
96. be eager for sth
97. keep early hours早动身
98. East of China lies Japan
99. Japan lies to the east of China
100. Liaoning lies in the east of China
101. Liaoning lies on the south of Helongjiang
102. make an effort to do 努力做
103. have an effect on对 有影响
104. lay eggs put all his eggs in basket 孤注一掷
105. This is someone else’s
106. enjoy oneself enjoy doing
107. be equal to
108. at evening在傍晚 at the evening 在晚会上 in the evening 在晚上on the evening 某天晚上
109. exciting news excited students
110. as expected 正如所料
111. explain sth to sb
112. face to face /make a face/
113. fall ill /fall asleep/fall behind落后/fall in love with sth /fall off his bike/fall over 跌倒
114. on the farm /in the factory/at the stop
115. in favor of 支持 do me a favor 帮个忙
116. He is fit to do it 他适合做
117. He is fit 他健康keep fit
118. He is fit for the work适合此工作
119. He came into the room,followed by us
120. force me to do so
121. make friends with
122. He is friendly to me
123. I am frightened at the news
124. at full speed全速
125. get sb to do .make sb do .have sb do .let sb do
126. keep sb doing .leave sb doing
127. get into the habit of doing 养成 习惯
128. He is hard on me 对我苛刻
129. hold on 等一等(别挂电话)
130. in the hope of doing 怀着做..期望
131. It is important to do
It is important that should do
132. He insist that he should go
He insisted that he said it
133. He is known for his works to us 他的作品为我们大家所知
134. teach him a lesson 教训他
135. not a little =very not a bit=not at all
136. make a living =earn a living 谋生
137. look forward to hearing from you
138. lose hear灰心lose weight 减肥
139. be mad about sb 对着迷
140. When In 2000 He get married to sb
141. How long ,for ten years.He has been married .
142. He married them .he married his daughter to a farmer.She married rich .young ,late,well
143. We are in need of money
144. make a noise 吵闹
145. It has nothing to do with me与我无关
146. in order .place an order for sth with sb
147. pay a visit to me pay off
148. persuade sb to do .into doing 说服某人做
149. take my place 代替我 take place 发生
150. take a place .by plane
151. It is my pleasure
You are welcome
with pleasure 同意
152. be prepared for
prepare sb for
prepare sb to do
153. prevent sb from doing
stop sb from doing
keep sb from doing
154. cast /put/throw sb into prison
go to prison入狱
in prison坐牢
155. remind sb of sth提醒某人
156. He is strict with us in work他对我们在工作方面严格
157. The food is rich in fat .The food is high in fat
158. make room for me /standing room
159. run a school .run across my friend
160. rush hour 拥挤时间
161. It is said that he is honest.=He is said to be honest
162. be seated take a seat 坐下
163. the book sells well 畅销
164. separate from
165. shake hands with sb =shake by the hand
166. out of sight 看不见in sight ,catch sight of 看见
167. in space 在空间
168. in high spirits情绪高涨
169. in low /poor spirits
170. stare at 凝视 glare at 怒目而视
171. stay up 熬夜
172. at the tailor’s /at my uncle’s在裁缝店。在叔叔家
173. think well of /think highly of 对某人评价好
174. at a time 一次 at one time从前
175. play a trick on捉弄
176. put on try on
177. His plan turned out to be right
178. He turn to me for help他求助我
179. on vacation 休假
180. the very book就这本书
181. at the top of one’s voice/in a low voice 高声,低声说
182. wait on 服侍
183. The house wants repairing /needs repairing /requires repairing 房子该修了
184. waste time doing ,spend time doing /on sth
185. in the way 挡路on the way 即将,在  路上
186. I wonder if 不知是否no wonder 不足为奇wonder at 对  感到诧异
187. get in a word插话
have a word with sb与交谈 have words with sb 口角
in a word 总之
in other words也就是说
keep one’s word信守诺言
188. work out 算出,制定出
189. do wong .do good .do harm What is wrong with you?What is the matter with you .
190. The book is well worth reading .




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