Unit 1 That must be a record-integratingskill-人教版

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Unit 1 There must be a record!
1. Review the Subject.
2. Learn some useful words and expressions.
3. Improve the students’ reading ability.
4. Learn to fill in a form.
1. Learn the following useful expressions: be familiar to, centre on, concentrate on
2. Improve the students’ reading and writing abilities.
1. How to help the students understand the passage better.
2. How to help the students finish the writing task.
1. Practice to revise the Subject.
2. Reading and understanding to improve the students’ reading ability.
3. Writing practice to improve the students’ writing ability.
4. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
STEP IV READING - INTERATING SKILLS – Are you experienced? 你有过极限体验吗?
“Hey man,try that 360 again!” It is Saturday afternoon and a group of teenagers are trying new tricks on the park’s skating ramp.Every weekend, after finishing their homework! Li Yong and about a dozen① of his friends grab their wheels and head② down to the park to hang ten.“喂,再试一下转身360度!”星期六下午一群少年正在试着用新的技巧在公园滑板斜坡弯道上滑着。每逢周末,在做完作业后林勇和他的十几个伙伴都会抄起滑板前往公园玩。
① a dozen of 一打, 十二个
a dozen (of) eggs 但 a dozen of those apples a dozen of them
two dozen (of) 二十四 three dozen (of) 三十六
I’ve bought a dozen of pencils for my son.
I want four dozen (of) eggs.
dozens of 许多 several / a few / some dozens of
by the dozen 按打,以打计算 in dozens 成打地
② head 前往;朝向。更常用 head for
When I saw the car heading for me, I stepped aside.
Clouds are gathering. I think we’d better head for the hotel in case it starts to rain.
Lin Yong is seventeen and a skillful① skateboarder.He and his friends decided to build the ramp three years ago after watching a skateboarding competition on TV.Together with② two of his classmates, LiYong went to the local park and told the park administration about their plans. 林勇十七岁,是一个滑板高手。三年前他和他的伙伴们在看了电视上一场滑板比赛后决定要搞个滑板斜坡弯道。林勇和他的两个同学去了当地的公园,把他们的计划告诉了公园主管部门。
① skillful adj. 灵巧的, 熟练的
归纳拓展skilled adj. 熟练的, 有技能的be skillful at / in …= be skilled in / at
② together with引导的短语在句中可以做状语,也可与名词或代词搭配做主语。当用于主语之后时,要注意谓语动词要与其前的主语保持一致。类似的短语还有:with…, as well as…, but…, except…。
The girl student, together with boy students is working hard at their lessons.
Two weeks after the manager had give them his permission①, the ramp was read and the friends held a grand opening.“All of our schoolmates were here,as well as many parents and other kids from the neighborhood. There were even some grandparents who came to see what it was all about.”The ramp soon became popular and the teenagers have started a skateboarding club called Fun On Wheels.在经理同意他们的请求两周后,斜坡弯道搞好了,伙伴们举行了一个隆重的开幕式。“我们学校的同学们都到了,还有家长和邻近的其他小朋友。还有一些爷爷奶奶们也来看是怎么回事。”这斜坡弯道很快变得名声很大,并且少年们已创立了名叫“轮子上的快乐”的滑板俱乐部。
① permission n. 允许
归纳拓展permit vt. 允许; n. 证件,执照permit sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 permit doing允许做…with one’s permission在…的允许下 without permission 未经许可
Skateboarding have been around since 1970s,but they have recently become popular again.Many teenagers have discovered the skateboard as a result① of TV shows, films, and competitions such as the X Games. The X Games are like the Olympic Games for sports that are less familiar② to us than sports like football and basketball.A new generation of sports is capturing③ the hearts and minds of people who are willing to try some thing new.These new sports are called “extreme sports” and all centre④ on the “X-factor”-- the pure, joy of doing some thing that you did not think you could do and over coming your fears. 滑板自二十世纪七十年代就一直存在,但最近才又变得流行了。许多少年是通过电视、电影和如极限赛一样的比赛发现了滑板。极限比赛就像奥运比赛一样是体育运动,我们对它的了解要比对足球和篮球的了解少一些,新一代的运动是抓住那些愿意尝试新生事物的人的心灵,这类新型运动被称为“极限运动”。这种运动一切都围绕极限因素——做你原以为你不能做的、需要战胜你内心的恐惧的活动,从中获得乐趣。
① as a result of
归纳拓展表达原因的短语还有:because of… on account of owing to… due to…
② familiar adj.(常与to连用)熟悉的;常见的;普通的
be familiar to sb 为…所熟知(be familiar with…熟悉…)
This song sounds familiar. 这首歌听起来很熟悉。
a familiar theme常见的主题
Are you familiar with this type of car? 你熟悉这种型号的汽车吗?
He is familiar with English. 他通晓英语。= He knows English well.
I am familiar with these words.
= I know these words well.
= These words are familiar to me.
= These words are known to me. 我熟悉这些单词。
非正式的;通俗的: He wrote in a familiar style. 他以通俗的风格写作。
随便的;放肆的: His manner is too familiar. 他的态度太放肆了。
a familiar conversation 随便的交谈
亲近的: a familiar friend熟不拘礼的朋友
be on familiar term with 与…亲密,与…交情很好
n. 挚友;常客
③ capture vt. -tured, -turing捕获
The criminal was captured when trying to escape from the city. 罪犯在企图逃离这座城市时被捕获。
The state visit by the premier captured the headlines of all newspapers. 总理的国事访问各报都用大标题登出。
In his traveling report, he tried to capture the beauty of the Great Waterfalls. 他努力在他的这篇游记中记录下大瀑布的美。
n. 被捕获的人;缴获品
④ center on集中于; 把某人/物当作重点
The topic of the meeting centered on the development of China’s football in the following ten years.这次会议的中心议题是关于中国足球未来十年的发展。
Extreme sports are different from regular sports.Instead of simply trying① to defeat the other team or set a new record,many extreme sports aye about beauty,harmony and thrills.In fact,some extreme sports are not really “sports”at all,because they do not have clear rules about winning or losing.The goal of a“competition”may simply be to have fun and enjoy the excitement of trying something new.极限运动与平常的运动不同,它不是单纯地击败对手,创,个新记录,许多极限运动是有关“美、协调和动感”的。事实上有些极限运动根本不是真的运动,因为他们没有清楚的输赢规则,竞争的目的也许仅仅为了开心和感受尝试新事物的激动。
① try 后接名词,意为“试用,试验”。
Would you like to try some raw fish?
Try that door.
I think we should try her for the job. 我认为我们应该让她试试这个工作。
try to do = make great efforts to do努力干,尽力干
try doing sth = do sth as an experience试着干
Try phoning his home number. 给他家里打个电话试试。
try on试穿,试戴: Try the shoes before you buy them.买鞋要先穿上试试再买。
try out 试用,测试,试验:These doctors tried out these drugs on mice.
try for 力图获得或赢得某物:The athlete tried for an Olympic medal but failed.
Lin Yong loves the feeling he gets when he is getting ready for a ride.It's excited and my heart beats faster.Then my mind become clear and I concentrate① on the way② my body moves in the air.” 林勇就喜欢当他准备去玩滑板时他所有的感觉。“很难描述这种感觉。我很激动,心跳加快,然后我的大脑变得很清晰,我全神贯注于我身体在空中的动作。”
① concentrate
vt., vi . -trated, -trating
集中(注意力、思想等): Concentrate on your work. 集中精神工作。
集中于某处;使集中于一点: concentrate rays of light into a focus把光线集中在焦点上
Industrial development is being concentrated in the west of the country. 这个国家的西部正集中发展工业。
When walking on a high wire, you should concentrate on the way your body moves in the air.走钢丝时,你要集中精力于身体在空中的移动方式。
归纳拓展concentrate on / upon = fix one’s mind on / upon…专心致志于…
② “…的方法”,可用于以下结构:
the way of doing sth
the way to do sth
the way
We all like the way that he teaches.
We all like the way he thought of to teach children.
Watching Li Yong and his friends fly you wonder whether the sport is not dangerous. “No.” Wang Wei, a six-year-old skater says,“All the riders wear helmets and their equipment to protect themselves. We don’t let anyone try a dangerous trick unless we know that they are skilled enough to perform it safely.”One thing is clear:these enthusiastic teenage skateboarders ale enjoying every minute.Everyone smiles after a good ride and there is a strong feeling of friendship among the riders.As Lin Yong says,“Once you are Xpefienced,your life will truly change!” 观看林勇和他的伙伴们从空中飞过,会使你纳闷运动是不是并不太危险。“是的,不太危险”,一个十六岁的滑板者王伟说:“所有的滑板者都戴了头盔和其他设备来保护自己。除非我们知道他们有足够的技术来安全表演危险的技巧,否则我们不会让任何人做这种尝试。有一件事是清清楚楚的:这些热情的少年滑板者每分钟都玩得很开心,在滑了完美的一程后每个人都笑了,滑板者之间有种牢固的友谊感。正如林勇所说:“一旦你体验了极限运动,你的生活会真正改变。”
You have an idea for a new Guinness world record. You want to fill in a form to register①the attempt. On the form, you have to give a detailed description of the record attempt. Make sure that your description answers the following questions on the next page.
① register n.记录;名单a register of births and deaths出生和死亡记录
登记簿 (人与乐器的)声域,音区
vt., vi.记录;登记: He registered the birth of his child. 他登记了孩子的出生日。
(机器)显示,记录: The machine registered how fast we were going. 这台机器指示出我们进行得有多快。
现出,露出(表情): Her face registered anxiety. 她脸上现出焦虑的表情。
Making a study plan
You can learn more and faster if you plan your studies.Before you do your homework or go to class,take a few minutes to arrange your learning . Skim①through the material you are studying. Ask yourself what you already know about the topic or lesson and make a list of things you still need to learn. Use the list to make a simple study plan: what do you need to learn, how can you lean it and how much time do you need? The goals in each unit will help you focus on the most important things.Finally,use your list and goals to check what you have learnt.
① skim vt., vi. -mm-
撇去液体上的油质或固体物质或漂浮物to skim off the grease撇去油脂
(从表面)轻轻掠过,轻擦而过The swallows were skimming over the water. 燕子掠过水面。
撇,撇渣 浏览 轻轻掠过,轻擦而过
Step VI Word spelling:
1. The teacher kept a record of the names of the children.
2. He was cautious when he was riding the bike.
3. To his delight, he passed the exam.
4. The man on the motorcycle wore a helmet.
5. His manner is a factor in his success.
p148 Translation
1. When walking on a high wire, you should concentrate on the way your body moves in the air.
2. Set down all the suggestions and write to the Beijing Olympic Organization Committee.
3. The latest edition of the Guinness Brewery has been a best seller three weeks in a row.
4. The performances of the skateboarders were wonderful and the audience couldn’t help bursting into cheers.
5. The topic of the meeting centered on the development of China’s football in the following ten years.
6. I don’t know why my grandparents were against my having extreme sports in the first place.




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