《牛津初中英语》7A教案Unit 3 Let’s celebrate! |
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《牛津初中英语》7A教案Unit 3 Let’s celebrate! 一、本单元的教学目标: 1、能听、说、读、写单词festival, as, why, ……等,并了解其含义;能听懂,会说,celebrate, ghost, king ……等单词以及dress up, the Mid-Autumn Festival ……等短语,能理解dragon, Halloween ……等单词和the Dragon Boat Festival ……等短语。 2、掌握介词at, on, in表达时间的用法及其在不同交际情景中的运用。 3、运用wh-questions互相交流有关的人或事物的信息。 4、理解和掌握some与any的基本用法。 5、了解中外一些重要的节假日及主要庆祝方式、培养学生对中外文化的理解能力,提高 学生对中外文化异同的鉴别能力,培养学生的世界文化意识,增强学生对民族文化的自豪 感。 二、本单元的教学重点: 1、日常交际用语的运用以及单词的正确读音。 2、能运用介词at, on, in谈论时刻、月份、年份、季节并能相互进行信息交流。 3、理解掌握what, which, who, whose, when, where, why, how等疑问词的不同含义, 及其用法。 4、掌握some与any在不同句式中的使用。 三、本单元的教学难点: 1、 能运用本单元所学的交际用语。 2、 理解并掌握特殊疑问句的语序。 3、 理解并掌握some 在疑问句中的特殊含义。 第 一 教 时 Comic strip+ Welcome to the unit+vocabulary 一、 教学目标 1. 能听、说、读、写单词holiday, monkey, why, mooncake, May, card, rice 并了解 其含义。能听懂、会说单词celebrate, ghost, king, festival, Christmas, Easter, monkey短语dress up, as the Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day能理解单词dragon, Halloween,短语the Dragon Boat Festival, rice, dumplings。 2. 能了解中外一些重要的节假日,节假日的背景及主要庆祝方式,从而激发对本单元的 学习兴趣,并初步培养自己的世界文化意识。 3. 能掌握一年中几个主要节日的名称并了解其日期。 4. 能就有关“个人对节日的喜好”情况相互进行简单询问及回答。 5. 能在教师的指导下,参与简单的角色扮演活动。 二、 教学重点 1. 日常交际用语和生词的正确读音; 2. 能模仿第35页Part B的对话,简单谈论个人对节假日的喜好情况。 三、 教学难点 1. 能根据相关情景,正确地理解,区分相应的节假日名称; 2. 能初步在情景中运用本课所学的互相询问节假日的交际用语。 四、 课前准备 1. 教具准备:实物投影仪,幕布、四幅卡通漫画图片(34页)、六幅图片(第35页Part A) 、一张人物图片,(《西游记》中孙悟空的形象的面具)。台历,贺卡,四幅图片(第40页 PartB)。 2. 教学准备:请学生准备一张白纸并两人一组讨论写出他们所知道的节日名称(中文)及 台历,贺卡等本课所需实物或图片。 3. 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate! 五、 教学步骤 Task 1(第34页 Comic strip) 1. 教师用实物投影出示第34页卡通图片,指着图片说Look! We can see Eddie and Hobo again. celebrating their holiday.学习并操练单词:celebrate, holiday。 Holiday—the day you don’t have to go to school. Celebrate—do something for the day. (图片3)问:What is Eddie doing? (He’s dressing up as a ghost)用手势或其它动作 、表情教学生短语dress up as……和单词ghost。然后问:Do you like dressing up as a ghost? (No, we don’t). Eddie doesn’t like, either. (图片4)问:What’s Hobo dressing up as now?(He is dressing up as Monkey King). 学习单词monkey和king.教师出示孙悟空图片,Do you know him? We often call him Monkey King.(可以让喜欢孙悟空的学生利用面具模仿其造型)Who can dress up as Monkey King? 2. 教师领读,学生跟读。学生两人一组练习对话,并轮流扮作Eddie和Hobo,几分钟后, 让一些小组到前面表演,鼓励学生自由发挥,尽量用自己的造型。 Task 2 (第35页Welcome to the unit) 1. 老师让学生展示事先准备好的节日清单并称赞:Very good! 介绍课本内容:In this unit, I will help you to learn more about the Festivals in English.学习单词festival(s),并写在黑板上。用实物投影出示第35页Part A图片(按以 下顺序介绍) 图片2—→图片4—→图片6—→图片5—→图片3—→图片1 中国节日:直接用英语教短语Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival,并写在黑板上。 西方节日:允许学生先用中文猜测,然后告诉他们:In English, we call it Christmas/Easter/Halloween,并逐词写在黑板上。 领读数遍单词、短语后,再用实物投影出示第35页Part A图片,询问学生:What’s the name of the festival? 然后学生两人一组活动,互相问答。让他们有充分的感知。 2. 告诉学生:My favourite festival is Mid-Autumn Festival. Do you know why? Because I like to eat mooncakes.学习单词mooncake,可用简笔画来表示,相信学生能 猜出其含义。 板书:My favourite festival is…… Because I like to …… 要求学生仿照黑板上的例句介绍自己的喜好情况,展开小组交流活动。老师可巡视,进行 必要帮助。 3. 打开书,带领学生富有感情地朗读Part B,采用男女生分组分角色方式朗读。 学生两人一组练习对话,再进行表演。 4. 让学生用自己的信息替换划线部分,鼓励他们用真实情况来表演对话,可四人一组活 动。为方便学生自如地表达,老师可提供以下词汇并板书: eat chocolate/make pumpkin Lanterns. eat rice dumplings/get Christmas presents/(此举也为以后的阅读教学带来方便。 ) 5. 选出几组同学到前面表演,可让他们看黑板上的选用词汇。鼓励他们增加动作,提高 表演欲望。在表演以后,领着其他同学给予掌声鼓励。 Don’t you think they’re very good?(Yes) Let’s give them a big hand. Task 3(第40 页Vocabulary) 1. 教师问:Which special days of the year do you know? 把days of the year写在 黑板上,学生两人一组讨论。然后将搜集到的信息如New Year’s Day, May Day,Children’s Day,Teachers’ Day,National Day,Chirsmas Day等写在days of the year下面。然后在节日右边用阿拉伯数字表达法写出一些日期顺序打乱,让学生上黑板用 线连接相应的节日名称,并学习短语: National Day, May Day, New Year’s Day. 2.用台历呈现句型:问学生:What day is it? Do we have to go to school? 让 学生用Yes or No回答. 并让学生用自备的台历进行问答。然后让学生分组讨论,完成课 本第40页Part A。 3.主学生看黑板上的节日名称,问:Whose favourite festival is …?Why do you like it?当呈现到Christmas时,出示贺卡,学习单词card并板书。Look. Here are different kinds of Christmas card, I like Christmas because I can get the cards. 接着用实物或图片教短语rice dumplings,并用the Dragon Boat Festival联系:Why do you like the Dragon Boat Festival?(Because I like to eat rice dumplings.)并操练。 打开书本,要求学生完成Part B的笔头填空。全班校对答案并分组朗读四个句子。 六. 家庭作业 1.熟读第34页、35页对话。 2.抄写本课所学节日名称。 3.鼓励有条件、特长的学生课外制作南瓜灯剪纸、手提灯笼及面具等,或画出相应的图 片也可。 七、板书设计(略) 八、教后一得 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 第 二 教 时 Reading: A Getting ready for Halloween 一、 教学目标 1. 听、说、读、写单词USA,special, shout, if, face, own, cut, sharp(adj), tooth, chocolate, winter, drink,短语cut out并了解其含义。能听懂、会说单词trick, treat, knock, candy, mask, paint, lantern, sharp(n)短语trick or treat,play a trick。能理解单词costume, pumpkin 。 2. 能正确理解本课课文,就获取的信息进行相互询问及回答。 3. 能通过本课学习,对英语国家的文化习俗产生兴趣。 二、 教学重点 1. 生词和短语的正确读音。 2. 能通过阅读准确获取信息并能基本正确地朗读课文。 三、 教学难点 1. 能在教师的指导下,简单地复述故事。 2. 能通过对西方节日及庆祝方式的进一步了解和中外文化对比,加深对中国文化的理解 。 四、 课前准备 1. 教具准备:磁带、录音机、实物投影仪幕布、图片(自制的关于万圣节的道具)。 2. 教学准备:请学生准备事先制作好的道具或图片。 3. 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate! 五、 教学步骤 Task (第36—37页) 1. 教师用实物投影展示第35 页Part A 图2,问:What’s the name of the festival?(It’s Mid-Autumn Festival)指着图中男孩提着的灯笼,教单词Lantern: This is a lantern in English.教师说:Show me your lanterns, please! 让学生出示 他们制作的实物或图片。接着,展示图片1:What’s the name of the festival?(It’s Halloween).告诉学生:This is a pumpkin lantern.把lantern写在黑板上。最后展示图 片3。让一学生用第35页Part B的对话发问:Which is your favourite festival?(Easter)Why do you like it?(Because I like to eat chocolate eggs .(用 手指着图片中的chocolate eggs),再板书chocolate。 2. 介绍课本内容:Today we’re going to learn something about Halloween .In China, we do not celebrate Halloween. But in the USA , people celebrate it. They have a special party on that day. And they play a game called “trick or treat”, They also wear different costumes with masks. They even paint their faces. People do not know each other. They make pumpkin lanterns, eat a lot of chocolates and candies. Don’t you think how interesting it is?(Yes).教师伴着 手势、表情,借助于学生手中的实物或图片,给学生简单描述,并将上文的划线部分写在 黑板上,然后让学生分组展开讨论:What do people in the USA do for Halloween? 组 织学生收集信息,并互相交流。 3. 放课文录音,听一遍。Now, please listen to the tape. This is a letter from Wendy to Millie. Try to answer: When is Halloween?(板书) 并把答案(On October 31st)写在黑板上。 4. 打开书本,让学生细读一遍课文,然后就课文内容提一些问题 Paragraph1: What’s Wendy’s favourite festival? Paragraph2: How do you play the game called “trick or treat”? Paragraph3: How do they dress up at Halloween? Paragraph4: How do you make your own pumpkin lantern?/What do people do with pumpkin? Paragraph5: What do they eat on that day? 学生分组讨论及交流问题答案。教师在班上巡视,参与学生的讨论并给予适当的帮助。 让他们通过手势、表情等动作或上下文猜出shout, own, cut, sharp, tooth, winter等 生词的含义,如有必要,可给予适当的汉语提示。 5. 再放一遍录音,让学生跟着录音,模仿语音、语调进行朗读训练,提醒学生注意黑板 上生词的正确读音。 6. 让部分学生根据图片,课文内容及板书分段复述课文 7. 让学生以解说员的身份,向同学们介绍万圣节的情况。 8. 让一些同学根据万圣节的有关内容,表演出万圣节欢快的情景。 六、家庭作业(内容见学案) 七、板书设计 八、教后一得 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______ 第 三 教 时 Reading: B&C 一、 教学目标 1. 能熟练掌握和理解上一课所学的语言知识并进行交际运用。 2. 能进一步熟悉和了解西方节日及主要庆祝方式,逐步增强自己的世界文化意识。 3. 能正确理解与上一课内容相当的课外短文并准确搜集信息。 二、 教学重点 1. 复习巩固上一课所学单词、短语。 2. 能流利地运用所学语言表达不同的情景。 三、 教学难点 1. 能通过阅读获取简单的信息 。 2. 能在交流中用英语介绍祖国传统文化。 四、 课前准备 1. 教具准备:实物投影仪幕布、四幅图片(第38页Part B) 2. 教学准备:请学生准备一些自制实物或图片。 3. 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题Unit 3 Let’s celebrate! 五、 教学步骤 Task 1 教师用实物投影展示上一课的复述提纲,鼓励更多的同学到前面复述 celebrating Halloween.也可采用小组集体复述形式。即该小组每位同学各复述到一两句。还可让其他 小组进行补充。 Task 2 1. 教师说: I’m glad to see that most of you know how to celebrate Halloween. And if you are Millie , your friends wants to have a Halloween party with you ..What do you have to do? Please look at the pictures on Page 39.让学生看第39 页C2的图片,分组说出相应的短语:buy some chocolates, want special costumes, make a pumpkin lantern, dress up as a tiger,然后指导学生按要求完成书中任务。 2. 投影仪展示第39页C1,指着headings告诉同学们: Middlie wants to tell her classmates about Halloween. She makes a poster and uses these headings.Can you help her find which paragraphs they are in ?You can say out the correct numbers for each heading.让学生快速浏览第36—37页课文 ,两人一组,寻找答案并互相核对,然后写在书上。 3. 用投影展示第38页Part B图片,并在黑板上给出party, pumpkin lantern, special costume, trick or treat 等关联词或短语,说,OK!Then let me check if you know names one by one .学生两人一组讨论答案,然后选出一些小组与全班同学核对,并把答 案写在书上。 4. 游戏 把学生分成若干小组,每组由同学们选出一位代表,扮演Millie ,到前面向全班同学介绍 有关Halloween的信息。该代表若有困难,可以有三次机会向本组同学“求助”,以说出 句子数多者为优胜,相同成绩则以“求助”次数少的为优胜。最后带领全班同学为获胜者 所在小组鼓掌并赠送同学们的自制实物或图片,以示鼓励。 5. 打开书本,学生两人一组完成第38页Part B2,全班核对答案。 Task 3 1.让学生看C1部分的标题同,然后两人一组重新阅读Wendy的信,在根据信中的关键词及B1, B2的内容,让学生独立完成练习,再全班一起中头对答案,让学生联系文中的“Heading ”编写一段关于Halloween的文章。 2. 通过投影让学生们看C2中的四幅图。 介绍Millie和她的朋友们正在准备一个Halloween party. 不看彩框中的选项,让学生猜 每幅图片里的人在说什么,然后学生独立完成练习,让几名学生读出每幅图的答案。让能 力较强的学生看C2部分的图片并加以描述。 六、 家庭作业 1. 复习上一课所学单词。 2. 根据所了解的信息,运用上一课学过的语言,仿照第39页C1中的Headings,制作一张有 关Halloween的poster。 七、板书设计(略) 八、教后一得 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ 第 四 教 时 Grammar: (A) Prepositions of time 一、 教学目标 1. 能听、说、读、写单词date, season, spring, summer, autumn, January, February, March, April, June, July, August, September, November, December, Sunday, Saturday并了解其含义。 使学生能听懂、会说单词during 。 2.; 使学生能初步掌握介词at ,on, in表达时间的用法及在不同交际情景中的运用功能。 二、 教学重点 能熟练运用介词谈论时刻、月份、年份、季节,相互进行信息交流。 三、 教学难点 能正确理解图表所提供的信息。 四、 教具准备 投影仪,活页式台历。 五、 教学步骤 Task 1 (实物投影展示活页台历)。 What day comes after Thursday? (Friday comes after Thursday) What day comes after Friday? (Saturday comes after Friday.) What day comes after Saturday?(Sunday comes after Saturday.) 学习单词Saturday, Sunday,并写在黑板上。同样的方法用October引出其余表月份的单词 。用winter 引出其余三个季节的单词。随后让学生三人一组,用事先准备好的台历,操 练星期,月份以及季节的英文名称。比一比,在规定时间内谁说的多,评出每组冠军。 Task 2 1. 展示一组句子 eg: When is Christmas? It’s in December. It’s on 25th, December. What do we eat at Christmas? 让学生两人一组或三人一组讨论介词at, on, in 在时间表达方式中的基本用法,再搜集 信息进行适当矫正和归纳。 2. 带学生浏览Page 41,Part A中的表格,让学生依照例句,用Example中的表短语 at six o’clock, on Monday, in the morning等其它相似短语造句,可进行“造句竞赛” 。 3. 打开书本,让学生完成Page 41, A1中的介词填空,完成后两人一组纠正错误,让学生 集体朗读,并作小结。 4. Millie writes a letter to Wendy about her week. But she is not good at the Prepositions. Can you help her? Please turn to Page 42. Use “at, in, on” to fill in the blanks. 独立完成,选出一些同学逐句读出答案,最后让学生分组朗读课文。 5. 总结. 六、布置作业 用适当的介词填空。 a) I’m going to get up _____ 5 o'clock tomorrow morning. b) My sister’s birthday is ______ 8th September. c) ______ Sundays we often play games _____ our friends. d) ______ New Year’s Day we have a holiday. e) I don’t do anything ______ Sunday morning. f) Chinese people eat moon cakes _______ Mid-autumn Festival. g) We will have a special party ______ October 31th. h) My friends and I often dress up _______ Halloween. i) Dragon Boat Festival is _____ May. j) She left her parents ______ ten. k) My grandparents was born ______ 1939. l) _____ winter, children like to make a snow-man. m) I always take Mimi for a walk _____ the evening. 七、板书设计(略) 八、教后一得 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _ 第 五 课 时 Grammar (B) Asking ‘wh–’questions and some / any 一、 教学目标 1. 能听、说、读、写单词cook, fishing, by, 短语by bus 并了解其含义。能听懂、会 说单词 skateboard。 2. 能熟练地运用‘wh–’questions互相交流有关人或事物的信息。 3. 能结合本单元中心话题,用所学语言知识进行交际。 4. some与any在不同句式中的使用。 二、 教学重点 1. 能理解what, which, who, whose, when, where, why, how 等疑问词的不同含义,掌 握其 基本用法。 2. 能正确区分some与any在不同句式中的使用。 三、 教学难点 1. 能基本理解“some”在疑问句中的特殊含义。 2. 能根据不同的情景,正确地使用‘wh–’questions。 四、 课前准备 1. 教具准备:实物投影仪幕布、一幅图片(第44页Part B2 )。 2. 教学准备:请学生准备一些物品。 六、 教学步骤 Task 1 1. 师生对话开展Free talk: What is your name? How old are you? When is your birthday? Where do you live? Which is your favourite sport? Who is your favourite star? What do you do on Sunday? Why do you like Mid–Autumn Festival?板书What, How ,When, Where, Which, Who, Why.然后拿起一些学生的物品,问:Whose bag/pen/ruler is this? 再板 书Whose。 (1)、学生两人一组,仿照以上问题,谈论身边的物品,或询问对方的基本信息,进行 语言交际训练。 (2)、Part B中‘wh–’question图表,帮助学生对语法项目进行归纳小结。 2. Millie is a good girl. She loves to ask questions . Do you like to ask questions ? I think every one should love to ask questions in English. 让学生完成Page 43,PartB1 检查学生能否通过看图观察、联想,正确地填出who、 what 、why等疑问句,借助于图片 教授单词look, fishing. 3. 展示Page44 PartB2图片,复习下列物品名称: the Dragon Boat Festival ,Christmas. Mid-Autumn Festival ,Chinese New Year. 用图片教单词skateboard与学生交流下列问题 Why do you like the Dragon Boat Festival? How do you celebrate Christmas ? When is Chinese New Year this year? 再鼓励学生用自己设计的“wh-”questions 来交流。 4. 学生完成Page44,Part B2填空练习 两人一组核对并纠正错误,再相互询问,应答。 Task 2 展示Page45图片 Look! What festival are they getting ready for ?(Christmas) What does the girl want to buy ?(Some Christmas presents) Does she have any money ?(No ,she doesn’t have any money.) 将some ,any 写在黑板上,朗读图片上方对话,然后学生两人一组,用其他物品替换, 操练对话。 六、布置作业 一、对下面句中划线部分提问。 1.My favourite food is fish. 2.He is making a poster . 3.Many people eat chocolate eggs at Easter. 4.My birthday is on October 5th . 5.They are from the USA. 6.The boy goes to school by bike every day . 7.The bag is Millie’s. 8.I want to be a singer because I like singing. 二、用a ,an , some , any 完成对话。 A: What’s in the fridge ? B: Let me see . There are _____ cakes in it . A: Is there ____cup of coffee? B: No , there isn’t . Is there any fruit ? A: Yes , I think there is . there are ______ pears . B: Good , Is there _____ potato? A: No , there aren’t ______ potatoes . But there are ______ tomatoes. B: Is there _____ empty glass in it ? A: Yes there is . Do you want it ? B: Yes , I want to drink some coffee. 七、板书设计(略) 八、教后一得 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 第 六 教 时 Integrated skills 一、 教学目标 1. 能听、说、读、写单词 lion, midnight, happen并了解其含义。能听懂, 会说单词packet traditional, excited.能理解单词Chinatown. 2. 能听懂与本单元中心话题有关的语段,利用所给提示,获取简单的信息。 3. 能通过阅读短文或海报,了解海外中国传统节日的庆祝方式,提高对中外文化异同的 鉴别能力,增强自己对民族文化的自豪感。 4. 能相互交流有关“个人对节日的喜爱”信息。 4. 能熟练运用“wh-questions”进行详细询问和应答。 5. 用favourite一词来表达偏好。 二、 教学重点 1. 生词和日常交际用语的语音语调。 2. 通过对话题How to celebrate Chinese New Year的听、说、读、写综合训练,培养学 生综合运用语言的能力。 三、 教学难点 1. 阅读一份在纽约欢度春节的海报,找出其中的要点,并写出贺卡。 2. 听有关在纽约庆祝春节的广播节目。 3. 用wh-问句和favourite一词来谈论一年中最喜欢的日子。 四、 课前准备 1. 教具准备:磁带、录音机、投影仪幕布、图片。 2. 教学准备:请学生自制新年“压岁钱”红包。 3. 板书准备:黑板预先写好课题 Unit 3 Let’s celebrate! 七、 教学步骤 Task I 1.Warming up Play a game guess a festival specific questions to find out what festival I am , but I can only say “Yes ”or “No”,在黑板上写一些疑问句做示 范,先练习这些疑问句,如:Are you in August ? Do people send cards ? Do people eat mooncakes?等。 在学生明白游戏规则之后,将学生分成5人一组,其中一人想一个节日,其余4人来提问他 (她)。 2.教师用投影仪出示46页A部分的海报,并问:What’s this?(学生答:It’s a poster)教师找到答案。 3.教师介绍生词:There are lots of Chinese people in New York . They often live in Chinatown. 教生词Chinatown 。教师说:They always celebrate Chinese New Year . Do you know why ?(学生答:They’re Chinese ,too )教师提问:What can peopleeat at Chinese New Year ?(学生答:dumplings , Sichuan hot food ,Cuangdong sea food 等)教师接着说:These are all traditional Chinese food . 教 生词traditional 教师问And what can people see ?(帮学生答:lion dance and fireworks )教生词:lion fireworks. 教师问:Do you know Huang Feihong?(学生答:Yes ) 出示一张黄飞鸿舞狮的图片说:He is very good at lion dance.教生词midnignt (=12.p.m) 教师问:What can people do from 9.a.m to midnight ?(学生答:Music and dance) 4.教师让开课本,再读一遍海报,根据A1的要求,完成图表中的部分空格,然后两人一组 ,互相检查。 Task II 教师问学生:Do you want to know more about Chinese New Year ?(学生答:Yes )教 师说:Let’s listen to more details on New York Radio ,教生词detail ,让学生 第一遍听录音,了解大意,第二遍听录音,捕捉相关信息和关键词,把答案填入A1的tabl e内,第三遍听录音用来帮助学生核对,纠正错误。 Task III 教师说:Wendy wants to tey Millie about the celebrations in New York ..教生词celebration ,教师说:She is writing a postcard , Please help her finish the blanks 学生分成若干小组,根据海报及图表的内容完成空白,最后汇集信息,全班 一起核对,让学生自读一遍,找出生词happen , excited,教师教生词,然后让部分学生 朗读出明信片,注意语音语调。 Task IV 1.用投影片展示35页PartA的图片,问学生Which is your favourite festivoul?Why do you like it ?然后让学生两人一组,用其他节日名称替换,进行对话练习。 2.教师说:Do you know which is Millie’s favourite day ? Listen and find out the answer?播放录音学生找出答案并回答。播放第2遍录音,学生逐句朗读,然后学生 打开书,分角色朗读,学生两人一组练习对话,让一些小组到前面表演,教师用幻灯片展 示40页的节日,学生两人一组,尽量多的运用wh-questions 互相询问同伴的真实情况。 六、布置作业 1.四人一组,设计一张节日海报,要求包含the date , the place , the clothes people wear , the special food they eat , the special thing they do . 2. 鼓励有能力的学生以Millie 的口吻,回复一张明信片给Wendy ,告诉她北京庆祝新年 的情况。 七、板书设计(略) 八、教后一得 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 第 七 教 时 Main task 一、 教学目标 1. 能听、说、读、写单词west, way, usually, through,短语in the west, in many ways,并了解其含义。能听懂、会说单词 neighbour, shine。 2. 让学生了解通过列一个写作计划来编排信息。 3. 通过制作写作计划和完成海报样本来培养学生写作的创新技能。 4. 设计并制作一张海报。 5. 要求学生能写出有关节日及庆祝方式的段落。 二、 教学重点 1. 要求学生掌握本课时有关生词和短语。 2. 培养学生笔头表达思想的能力。 三、 教学难点 1. 能通过阅读Millie节日海报内容的写作提纲,了解海报的写作方式。 2. 能模仿所学短文,运用新单词或短语进行局面书面表达。 四、 课前准备 1. 教具准备:实物投影仪幕布。 2. 教学准备: (1) 查询一些全世界节日庆典活动,收集自已最喜欢的一个节日庆典的详细资料。 (2)要求学生准备好制作海报的相关工具。 3. 板书准备:黑板上预先写好课题 Unit 3 Let’s celebrate! 五、 教学步骤 Task 1 1. 教师问学生 Which is your favourite festival? (Halloween…)把学生的答案(节日 名称)写 在黑板上,师生对话开展Free talk。 (1)When is Halloween?(It’s on 31st October) Which people celebrate it?(People in the west) 学习单词west,可用手势比划方位来表示。Is the USA in the west of the world? (Yes). (2)操练短语in the west. How do people celebrate Halloween ? (People celebrate it by dressing up, playing ‘trick or treat’, making pumpkin lanterns, having Halloween parties and eating lots of special chocolates and sweets). Oh, they have many ways to celebrate Halloween. (3)学习单词way, 用手扳着指头数一数主要的庆祝方式,让学生领会way 的含义。告诉 学生:We also celebrate our Chinese New Year in many ways.操练短语in many ways. How do people play ‘trick or treat’? (They usually knock on their neighbours’ doors and try to get a ‘treat’, or they play a trick on the neighbour ) (4)学习单词usually, neighbour . How do people make pumpkin lanterns? (They cut out eyes, the nose and sharp teeth, then put candles in them). Do you know why they put candles in them? (Because the light can shine through them)学习单词shine, through, 可用动作、表 情来表示。 3. 教师介绍说We will make a display about Festival around the world! What do you have to do for it? (We have to make posters showing our favourite festivals ). Do you know how to make a poster? First, you can learn to make a writing plan. Task 2 1. 示第49页,让学生浏览数遍。详细讲解背景和提示语,解释写作计划的结构。 Here is Millie’s writing plan. She wants to make a poster showing her favourite festival —Halloween for school display. Read them silently and try to understand them and find the way of showing your favourite festival. 让学生读49页的提纲,并把自己获取的有关信息写在第50页Part B 的空白格内,两人一 组核对答案,纠正错误,然后朗读数遍。 2. 49页Millie’s writing plan, 教师与学生一道展开讨论,帮助他们组织他们自己的 写作思路。可让学生各自先拟定一个节日名称,再将写作提纲设计在草稿纸上。 3. 让学生根据自己的提纲,模仿第50页Part B范文,尝试写出自己的poster。教师巡视 课堂,及时纠正错误或给予提示。 4. 游戏 学生做完后不写名字在草稿上,组织学生八人一组交流,把八份草稿混在一起发给组内不 同的学生,每位学生在小组宣读。读完后猜一猜它的作者,并把poster还给作者。此活动 可以让学生分享他人的写作思想,体验合作学习的快乐。 5. 两人一组互相交流poster , 在教师的指导下检查所写语句,纠正错误并进行比较 六、布置作业 1. 抄写本课生词。 2. 让学生在一张单独的纸上改写、补充内容,并画上相应的图片,制成poster。 七、板书设计(略) 八、教后一得 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 第 八 教 时 Study skills+Project+Check out 一、教学目标 1. 能尝试使用适当的学习方法,克服学习中的困难。 2. 能熟练运用 “wh- ”questions进行详细询问和应答以及时间介词。 3. 复习与节日相关的词汇。 4. 能就本单元的内容进行自我检测,评价,体验进步与成功。 二、教学重点和难点 1. 能正确理解简短的书面指令(Instructions)并根据要求进行学习活动。 2. 复习时间介词at/in/on “wh-”questions的含义及功能。 三、课前准备 1. 自制flash cards 若干,学生带上制作卡片的相关工具,投影仪,幕布。 2. 设计好自我检测的练习。 四、教学步骤 Task 1 教师用投影展示第一35页Part A, 问学生: Which is your favourite festival? (The Mid-Autumn Festival) Why do you like it? (Because I like to eat mooncakes) 让学生两人一组用其他节 日名称替换进行对话表演。 (相关资料:Halloween—dress up Easter—like to eat chocolate eggs Chinese New Year—get a red packet with money in it. Christmas—get presents Dragon Boat Festival—like to eat rice dumplings) Task 2 学生两人一组练习对话,练习几分钟后,让一些小组到前面表演。 Task 3 用投影出示第40页Part A的节日名称,两人一组,扩展对话,可先与学生作以下示范: T: Which is your favourite day in the year? S: Children’s Day is my favourite day. T: When is Children’s Day? S: It’s on 1st June. T: Why do you like so much? S: I can play with my friends. T: Where do you play? S: In the park…/At home/… 鼓励学生尽量运用更多的 “wh-” questions互相询问。 Task 4 在黑板上写出已学过的节日的名称,让学生用自己真实的情况来表演对话,以使他们能在 真实的情景中合理自如的运用句子。 Task 5 完成第51页A, B两部分练习,解释学生不懂的词和句子。 Task 6 游戏 1) 拿出事先制作好的学习卡片,站在讲台上,让有图画的一面朝上,说:Let’s play a game to remember things.先作示范:喊一个学生站到讲台边,任意抽出一张,把图对 着教师,教师立刻根据图示说出:I like to eat mooncakes. 再让学生看有英文句子的 一面,问他:Am I right? (Yes, you are right). 然后让学生两人一组,依次选出三, 四组学生到前面,依照示范进行“看图记句游戏”。可事先让猜的学生浏览卡片上的英文 短语,进行强记准备,再看图联想,说出英语。若有困难,可鼓励该学生主动名其他同学 求助: Could you help me, please? 2) 问学生:Do you think the cards can help you remember English words?( Yes) 告诉学生: This is a good way of learning English. If you have the cards and study them for 10 minutes and day, you’ll learn English better. 3) 用投影出示第一线8页Part A。Do you want to make the flash cards? Now, look at the pictures and read the instructions first. Try to understand them.让学生 看图并默读英文数遍,弄懂需哪些物品,该如何制作等。 4)问:If you want to make some flash cards, what do you need? 学生出示准备好 的物品。We need these. 教师说: OK, let’s make flash cards. Are you ready?(Yes.) 学生先按照所能理解的信息,用一张白纸制作“模拟卡片”。再打开书本 ,二人一组互相检查对方的“卡片”是否符合要求。最后,学生动手制作真正的学习卡片 ,并事先分组讨论,设计好该写在卡片上的英文词,句,短语,鼓励他们最好采用本单元 的语言。 Task 7 课堂小结. 本单元学过的节日名称及 “Wh-”questions, 另外,学会制作学习卡片,写上需要记 住的单词,词组,问题和句子。帮助我们解决学习中的困难。 五、布置作业 (见学案) 六、板书设计(略) 七、教后一得 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 《牛津初中英语》7A学案 Unit 3 Let’s celebrate! 一、本单元的学习目标 通过本单元的学习 1、我们能听、说、读、写festival, as, why, ……等单词,并了解其含义;能听懂,会 说,celebrate, ghost, king ……等单词以及dress up, the Mid-Autumn Festival … …等短语,能理解dragon, Halloween ……等单词和the Dragon Boat Festival ……等 短语。 2、能学会介词at, on, in表达时间的用法及其在不同交际情景中的运用。 3、能学会运用wh-questions互相交流有关的人或事物的信息。 4、some与any的基本用法。 5、了解东西方国家一些重要的节假日及主要庆祝方式,提高对中外文化异同的鉴别能力 ,培养世界文化意识,增强对民族文化的自豪感。 二、本单元的学习重点 1、日常交际用语的运用以及单词的正确读音。 2、运用介词at, on, in谈论时刻、月份、年份、季节并能相互进行信息交流。 3、理解掌握what, which, who, whose, when, where, why, how等疑问词的不同含义, 及其用法。 4、掌握some与any在不同句式中的使用。 第 一 课 时 Comic strip+ Welcome to the unit+vocabulary 一、课前热身 1、同学们一定会对中国的节日很了解吧?但你们对西方的节日了解多少呢?本单元Hobo 和Eddie将带你进入一个绚丽多彩的西方节日世界,相信你一定会对它们感兴趣。当然, 当你沉浸在节日的喜悦中的同时,可别忘记本单元的许多重要有趣的内容正等我们去学习 呢?现在让我们一起通过互联网资料上查询一下吧。 你能把下列节日和日期连结起来吗?细心点哟! A. Women’s Day(妇女节) a.元月一日 B. Mid= Autumn (中秋节) b.十二月二十五日 C. Chinese New Year(元旦节) c.五月五日 D. Halloween(万圣节前夜) d.八月十五日 E. Christmas Day(圣诞节) e.十月三十一日夜晚 F. Dragon Boat Festival(端午节) f.正月初一 G. Children’s day(儿童节) g.六月一日 H. Spring Festival(春节) h.三月八日 I. National Day(国庆节) i.十月一日 2、同学们了解到西方孩子们在万圣节前夜在做哪些活动了吗?Hobo和Eddie的对话活动你 们应该清楚了。他们打扮起来去做什么? 3、课文(Welcome to the unit)中列出的节日你们了解了吗? 我相信你们能够轻松找到答案的? 二、知识导航 1、学习目标: a、通过本课学习能了解中外一些重要的节假日、节假日的背影及主要庆祝方式,从而激 发对本单元的学习兴趣,并初步培养世界文化意识。 b、能就有关“个人对节日的喜好”民政部相互进行简单询问及回答。 c、能听、说、读、写单词:holiday, why, mooncake, May, card, rice. 并了解其含义 。能听懂、会说单词:celebrate, ghost, king, festival, Christmas, Easter, monkey. 短语:dress up as, the Mid-autumn Festival, National Day. 能理解单词:dragon, Halloween. 短语:the Dragon Boat Festival, rice dumplings. 2、重点概览 a. —What are you doing? —I’m dressing up as a ghost. 此句在英语中理解为现在进行时,了解句子结构: 主语+be动词+v-ing。 主表示的是现在或说话时正在发生的动作或状态。 例句: 1)现在七点钟了,他们正在吃晚饭。 It’s seven now. They’re having supper. 2)孩子们在干什么?他们在读书。 What are the children doing? They’re reading. b. Let’s celebrate. 让我们去庆祝! 此句为祈使句形式。Let’s +动词原形+……,表示一种征求意见的祈使句。可译为:“ 我们去……吧!或让我们去干……吧!” 例如: It’s late, Let’s go home. 天晚了,让我们回家吧! It’s dirty here, Let’s clean the room, OK? 这儿很脏,我们打扫房间,好吗? c. I’m dressing up as a ghost. 我正在装扮成一个鬼。 up as 的意思是“乔装打扮成” as是介词, 例如: He can dress up as a monkey. d. —why do you like the Mid-Autumn Festival? —Because I like to eat moon cakes. (1)这是一个以why引导的特殊疑问句,回答时一般用Because …… 如:—Why do you like summer? 你为什么喜欢夏天? —Because I like swimming? 因为我喜欢游泳。 (2)Like to eat mooncakes 表示某人的兴趣,爱好。 可以说成like eating mooncakes 如(1)喜欢游泳。 三、学海拾贝 随堂检测: 一、根据中文写单词 1、In the west, Halloween is a special (节日). 2、In China, people like to (庆祝)the spring Festival every year. 3、—Which is your (最喜欢)food? —Rice, I think. 4、Playing basketball is very (有趣). I like it very much. 5、 do people like to eat dumplings, do you know? 二、用下列单词的适当形式填空: 1、Today is Hallow cen. Let’s (celebrate) it together. 2、—What are you doing? —I’m (dress) up as a ghost. 3、Thank you for (give)us so many presents. 4、At Holloween he often likes (play) a special game called “trick or treat”. 5、Please help me (clean) the house, it’s dirty(脏). 三、根据句意,从框中适用适当词填空 Christmas, New Year, Easter, at, presents, red, Mid-autumn, Drag on Boat, mooncakes, eat, moon, dumplings, chocolate 1、At , we eat eggs. 2、 Christmas, We put up trees and get . 3、At Festiual, we rice .(粽子) 4、At the Festival, we watch the and eat in China. 5、At Chinese , we give poekets, and set off fire rackers. 四、在方框内找出有关节日活动。 A. We get cards and preents.B. We eat chocolate eggs.C. We eat mooncakes.D. We eat rice dumplings.E. We Chinese usually say “Happy New Year” to each other.F. We give our teachers cards and best wishes. 1、At Mid- Autumn Festival, 2、At Dragon Boat Festival, 3、At Christmas, 4、On, Teachers’ Day 5、On New Year’s Day, 6、At Faster 四、学后记 通过本课学习,我们学到了什么?还有不清楚的吗?写下来,让我们一起讨论好吗? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 第 二 课 时 Reading: A Getting ready for Halloween 一、课前热身 同学们已经了解不少中西方的节日吧,你能列举出一些吧,并谈谈你最喜欢的节日好吗? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 二、知识导航 同学们一定了解许多中国的传统节日吧?但我们知道西方的节日也是绚丽多彩,今天 我们一起走进西方的万圣节,共享万圣节的快乐吧! 1、 学习目标: 能运用所学的单词词组讲述万圣节的情况。 2、重点概览 (1) Thank you for telling me about the mid-autumn Festival. Thank you for 后面可以接名词,这可接动名词。 例如:Thank you for your bike. Thank you for helping me. Thanks very much for (invite) me. (2) We play a game called “trick or treat”. 这里called意为“被叫着……”被称为…… named或with the name of a. a boy called Simon. b. Do you know the dog called Hobo. =Do you know the dog named/ with to name of Hobo. 3. If they do not give us a treat we canplay a trick on their. 这里give a treat 意思为“招待……” play a trick on sb 对某人做一个恶作剧。 (1)Mr Wang gives us a treat. (2)The little boy often plays tricks on his classmates. 4.We wear special costumes with masks. 三、学海拾贝 随堂检测: 一、根据课文填空 Halloween is on 1 . People in west 2 it. People celebrate Halloween in many ways, Children wear special 3 and masks at Halloween. Many children play a game called 4 . They knock on their neighbours’ doors and shout 5 . Their neighbours usually give them a treat of sweets. If the children do not get any sweets. They can play a 6 on the neighbours. Some people also make 7 out of big orange 8 . They cut out shapes for the eyes, the nose and sharp teeth. They put 9 in them. So the light shine through the eyes, the nose and the teeth. 二、阅读理解 Millie: Today is Halloween. Let’s celebrate it. Simon: That’s great. Millie: Shall we make a pumpkin lantern for Halloween? Simon: What? Can you make a pumpkin lantern? Millie: Yes, We make pumpkin lantern every year. We play a game called “Trick or treat”. Simon: Well, Let’s begin. What do we need? Millie: We need a pumpkin, three candles, a knife and a sticker. They are on the table. Can you get them for me? Simon: Of course. Here you are. Millie: Thank you. Look! Now I’m going to cut out the shapes of eyes, a nose and sharp teeth. Simon: Oh, how lovely it looks! Let’s light the candles. Millie: OK! Don’t forget to put on your special costumes and mask. Simon: Now I’m ready. Let’s go. ( )1.There are no for pumpkin lanterns. A. candles B. knives C. pumpkins D. candies ( )2.How many candles do they need? A. Four B. Three C. Two D. One ( )3. Does Millie make pumpkin lanterns every year? A. Yes, she does B. No, she doesn’t C. Yes, she doesn’t D. No, she does ( )4.Can Simon make pumpkin lanterns? A. Yes, he can B. No, he can’t C. Yes, he can’t D. Not, he can ( )5. What are they going to do after they make the lantern? A. Watch TV B. Listen to music C. play games D. play football 四、学后记 通过本课学习,我们学到了什么?还有不清楚的吗?写下来,让我们一起讨论好吗? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ 第 三 课 时 Reading: B&C 一、课前热身 1、同学们一定还沉浸在万圣节的喜悦中吧!你能否将你的快乐和大家一起分享呢?运用 你所学的知识谈谈你心目中的万圣节吧! 2、How much do you know about Halloween. When Children Parents Family 二、知识导航 你想知识更多关于万圣节的情况吗?Follow me, please! 1. 学习目标: 用上一课所学单词、短语表达万圣节不同的情景。 2、重点概览: 1、Party意思为“聚会”,“庆贺会”等例: a birthday party a dinner party 2、you can make a lantern out of a pumpkin make.在这里是“制作”的意思,例如: make a car make a cake make out of 用……做成…… 3、Do I look like a tiger? Look like 意思是“看起来像”放于句中:Millie looks like her mother 4、Let’s buy some Halloween chocolates. (1)some是不完代词意为“一些、若干”既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,例如 :some apples一些苹果,some money一些钱。 (2)some常用于肯定句中和请求疑问中,表示希望对方给予肯定回答。 例如:Give me some cakes, please.请给我一些蛋糕(肯定句) Would you like some molk?你想要些牛奶吗?(请求疑问句) 三、学海拾贝 随堂检测: 一、根据句意填上适当介词 1、Thank you telling me about the Mid-autumn Festival. 2、We have a special party October 31st. 3、What do you do Halloween? 4、We knock people’s doors. 5、We can play a trick them. 6、My friends and I always dress up Halloween. 7、We weat special costumes masks. 8、We make out own special pumpkin lanterns Halloween. 9、My family always have a party the evening of October 31st. 10、People the USA wear special costumes with masks. 二、根据句意,选用所给的词。 play eat celebrate wear have give 1、We Halloween on October 31st . 2、Children games after school. 3、People masks for the party. 4、We mooncakes on Mid-Autumn Day. 5、In winter we hot drinks and hot food. 三、根据中文写出单词 1、Halloween is a very specid (节日) 2、People in China (庆祝)the Chinese New Year. 3、The teeth are very (锋利的) 4、In China (国庆节)is on (十月)the first. 5、Don’t eat too many (糖果). 四、学后记 通过本课学习,我们学到了什么?还有不清楚的吗?写下来,让我们一起讨论好吗? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ 第 四 课 时 Grammar: (A) Prepositions of time 一、课前热身 同学们,你们会下列英语单词吗? 1、一年四季:季节 、春天 、夏天 、秋天 、冬天 。 2、一周七天:星期日 、星期一 、星期二 、星期三 、 星期四 、星期五 、星期六 。 3、一年十个月:一月 、二月 、三月 、四月 、五月 、六 月 、七月 、八月 、九月 、十月 、 十一月 、十二月 。 二、知识导航 1、学习目标: 同学们,让我们进一步探讨介词at, on, in的用法,好吗? 2、重点概览 1、at, on, in 时间状语往往由于介词短语构成,不同的时间所使用的介词也不相同。 (1)at多用于某一点的时间,具体的时刻。 at 8 o’clock at noon at nigh (2)on多用于表示具体日期的时间前。 on Monday on Sunday morning on January 15th (3)in与表示一段的时间状语连用。 in the morning 指的是上午的一段时间 in 2004 在2004的一段时间里 in February in Spring 2、at night/ in the night (1)at night 在夜间,在傍晚。一般可指整个夜间或午夜之前。 (2)in the night在夜间,在夜里(某个时候)当这两个词组用作“在夜间”时,可以换 用。 (3)如果表示“在傍晚”时只能用at night或in the evening,而不能用in the night. 三、学海拾贝 随堂检测: (一)请你选用on, in和at填空试试,好吗?相信你一定能行! 1、We met the evening of January 5th , 2000. 2、They celebrate Halloween October 31. 3、He usually gets up 6:30. 4、They do their homework the evening. 5、he was born shanghai. 6、Paul and Lucy often swim summer. 7、People have a lot of special chocolates and candies Halloween. 8、My father often reads newspapers breakfast. (二)根据句意或中文提示写出单词 1、There are 4 in a year. 2、 comes before Sunday. 3、Chinese New Year comes in or . 4、We often plant trees in .(三月) 5、 is the third day of weep. (三)单项选择 1、—How does your father go to work? —He usually goes to work . A、on bus B、by bus C、 by a bus 2、—Merry Christmas! — ! A、Thank you B、Me too C、The same to you 3、How many minutes are there hour? A、in a B、in an C、of an 4、They are under the apple tree. A、chat B、chatting C、chating (四)将汉语翻译为英语 1、在早饭时,我经常看报纸。 I often read the newspaper breakfast. 2、在圣诞节,人们得到许多礼物。 People get lots of . 3、我每天6点30分上学。 I go to school six thirty . 4、我妈妈每天晚上看电视。 My mother TV the evening. 5、在星期六和星期日,我们不上学。 We to school Saturday and Sunday. 四、学后记 通过本课学习,我们学到了什么?还有不清楚的吗?写下来,让我们一起讨论好吗? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ 第 五 课 时 Grammar (B) Asking ‘wh–’questions and some / any 一、课前热身 同学们,你们已初步学习了特殊疑问句 请你们试试从在第Ⅱ栏中找出与第Ⅰ栏相对应的答句,老师相信你们会答好的。 Ⅰ Ⅱ ( )1.How do you do home? A. They are drinking. ( )2.When is Christmas Day? B. It’s in my pencil-case. ( )3.What are they doing? C. We are happy. ( )4.Why are you dancing and singing? D. On 25th December. ( )5.Where is your rubber? E. They are theirs. ( )6.Whose comic books are these? F. He’s our principal. ( )7.Who is the man over there? G. Milk, please. ( )8.Which would you like? H. On foot. 二、知识导航 1、学习目标: (1).能听、说、读、写单词cook, fishing, by,短语by bus 并了解其含义,能听懂, 会说单skate board. (2).运用 “Wh-”questions 互相交流有关人或事物的信息。 (3).不定代词some 和 any 与我们似曾相识,本课我们将进一步了解它们的用法和区别 后,它们一定会成为你的好朋友。 (4).我们已学习了好多特殊疑问词,用起来可能张冠李戴,本课我们进一步学习它们的 用法。 2、重点概览 1、some和any (1)some和any都表示“一些”之意,均可修饰可数名词的复数,也可修饰不可数名词,两 词的区别在于:some用在肯定句中,在问句与否定句中。 (2)但如果问句实际上表示邀请或请求的时候,我们用some,而不用any。此时我们希望从 对方口中得到肯定回答。 2、Wh-家族的成员 我们一块来认识Wh-家族的成员,他们分别是what, who, whose, which, when, where, why, how, 我们用“Wh-”问句来问一些人或事的信息。我们要与他们几兄弟交朋友的话 ,得先了解他们的脾气。 (1)what的汉语句字是“什么”,用于对“事物和活动”进行提问,另外它还用来对“ 哪一个或哪一些”提高,相当于which。 (2)who汉语名字是“谁”,对人提问。 (3)whose的意思是“谁的”,用来问东西的所属。 (4)which要求从二者成一群,加以选择意思是“哪一个,哪一些”,用来对人或物提问。 (5)when对时间提问,表示“什么时候”。 (6)where的职责是用来对“地点”进行提问,表示“哪儿,哪里”。 (7)why用来对“原因”进行提问,表示“为什么”。 (8)how①“如何,怎样”,用来询问事情,状况如何。 ②“怎样”用来提问方式或方法等。例如: —How do you go to school? —I go to school by bike. 三、学海拾贝 随堂检测: 一、句型变换,变下列各句为特殊疑问句 1、Jack doesn’t come to school because be is ill. Jack come to school? 2、My pen is in the pencil case. Your pen? 3、The jacket is the swimmer’s. is it? 4、Tom is washing his face. Tom washing? 5、we leave school at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Do you leace school. 6、The oranges are ¥12.50. are the oranges. 7、His parents are teachers. His parents do? 8、Judie and her brother go to school by bike on weekday5. Judie and her brother go to school on weekdays. 二、用some或any填空 1、There are apples on the table. 2、There aren’t oranges on the table. 3、Would you like bananas? 4、It there tea in the teapot? 5、Do you play special games at Chinese New Year? 6、I don’t have paper with me. 7、Are there eggs in the basket? 8、Can I have tickets? 9、I must send letters home every term. 四、学后记 通过本课学习,我们学到了什么?还有不清楚的吗?写下来,让我们一起讨论好吗? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ 第 六 课 时 Integrated skills 一、课前热身 1、同学们,春节是我国最重要的传统节日了,你们是怎么度过这个愉快的节日的呢?请 你告诉我们吧! 提示: (1)What is Chinese New Year? When is Chinese New Year? Who celebrate it? (2) How do people celebrate Chinese New Year? What to wear? What to eat? What to do? Where to play? 那么,在海外的中国人呢?请同学们上网或查资料写一写海外华人是怎样欢度 春节的? 2、 这一课里我们还将要学到一些新的词汇,在你预习之后,你能将这些词汇填入到句子 中吗? ①Chinese new Year and the Mid-autumn Festival are Chinese Festivals. ②When he gets her present, he must be very . ③Jim always works very late. Sometimes he works until . ④Many, Chinese live in in foreign countries. And when Chinese New Year comes,hey also let off firecrackers and to have a . ⑤A: What’s ? B: Oh, a car hit a man. And he is dying. ⑥Have you ever seen the film king? 二、知识导航 (一)学习目标 1、本课我们要掌握单词lion, midnight, happen, exuted, 能够使用traditional, firework, celebration 能够理解china town. 2、能够找出海报和图片中的要点。 3、通过阅读海报能够了解中国传统节日的庆祝方式,了解中西方文化的异同。 4、能够熟练运用wh-questions进行详细询问和应答。 5、用favourite一词来表达偏好。 (二)重点概览 “独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲”。同学们,希望你们在新的一年里,心想事成, 事如意。Best wishes for the Happy new Year! 1、 traditional Chinese food 传统的中国食物traditional 意思为“传统的”, 例如: traditional dress 传统女服。 2、I’m going to watch the lion dance.我打算观看狮子舞。 这里watch是动词“观看,注视”的意思,常用于观看比赛,电视等,例如: We can watch TV on Sunday and Saturday. 3、It will be the first time I see it and I am very excited. 这将是我第一次看 到,我很兴奋,be excited意思是“兴奋”,如:I was very excited when I heard the news. 当我听到这个消息,我非常兴奋。 三、学海拾贝 随堂检测: 1、根据实际情况回答问题。 (1) How do you usually go to school? (2)What would you like for Children’s Day? (3)which is your favo write subject? (4)Why do you like English so much? (5)When is your birthday? (6)Where do you have the birthday party? 2、根据所学完成下面的海报 New Year’s Day New Year’s Day is January 1st People in the west and celebrate it Chinese people Celebrate New Year’s Day many ways. Children are on . They often go to the park the it parents or they do some shopping to some new clothes. Students don’t have any homework on that day. They often have a at school. They sing and . They are very happy. 3、用on, in和at填空 1、I get up six o’clock. 2、My father goes fishing Sunday. 3、My parents watch TV the evening. 4、I often chat with my classmates supper. 5、 summer, we always swim in the lake. 6、His birthday is 3rd October. 4、用some, any 填空 1、There is orange juice in the bottle. 2、There are presents under the Christmas tree. 3、There aren’t mooncakes on he plate. 4、Is there money in the packet? No, there isn’t . 5、Do you have chocolate eggs? Yes, I have . 5、句型转换 1、There is a present on the table.(改为复数句) There on the table. 2、There is some money in the packet.(改为否定句) There money in the packet. 3、I have some comic books.(改为一般疑问句) you have comic books? 四、学后记 通过本课学习,我们学到了什么?还有不清楚的吗?写下来,让我们一起讨论好吗? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ 第 七 课 时 Main task 一、课前热身 1、同学们通过前面几课的学习,你能用英语说出中美两国传统节日的名称吗? 2、你最喜欢的节日是哪一个呢?你能用英语写出你喜欢的节日内容的海报吗?不要着急 ,不要担心,老师相信大家通过今天的学习一定能,加油哟! 二、知识导航 同学们会做学习卡片了吧?今天,我们要学习怎样写海报啦。 (一) 学习目标 首先了解一下,我们今天的内容: 1、会听、说、读、写单词west, way, usually, through, 短语is the west, is many ways. 会听懂、会说单词neighbour, shine. 2、通过阅读Millie的节日海报内容的写作计划,了解掌握海报的写作方式。 3、能模仿所学短文写出一张自己的节日海报。 (二)重点概览 下面是我们今天要学习的重点句子,要用心记哟! 1、People celcbrate Halloween is many ways. 许多方式来庆祝万圣节,这里的意思是“用”,如Can you say in English? 2、They knock in their neighbours’ door 这里的knock on = knock at neighbours’意思是“邻居的”以s结尾的复数名词所有格只加一撇,末尾不是s的 则加“s”表示“……的”。 如(1)March 8th is Women’s day. 3月8日是妇女节。 (2)All the boys’ names are on the blackboard. 3、Their neighbours usually give them a treat of sweets. 他们的邻居通常用糖果招待他们。 这里give sb a treat of sth 是“用……招待……” 相当于give sb sth as a treat (1) Are you going to give your friend some chocolates as a treet? (2)Are you going to give your friend a treat of chowlate. 4、They put candles is them so the light shines through the eyes, the noes and the teeth. 他们把蜡烛放进去,这样烛光就能透过眼睛、鼻子和牙齿照进来。 这里的shine through 意思是光线爱过某物照耀。 如. The moonlight is shining is through the windows. 月光透过窗户照进来。 三、学海拾贝 随堂检测: 同学们,通过本课时的学习,想试一下自己的能力吗? 1、根据首写字母和所给汉语看谁能准确地写出单词 ①In many w countries, people cdebrate Halloween. ②Peter wears a special (蜡烛) at Halloween. ③I want to make a p lantern. ④The sun shines brightly (通过)the windico. ⑤There are 10 c on the birthday cake. ⑥On the Qragon Boat Festival, We eat rice d . ⑦I u get up at six o’clock. ⑧I look l a ghot? ⑨Teachers’ day is 10th S . ⑩My f festival is spring feitival. 2、想试一下你的句型转换能力吗? ①Millie usually goes to school by bike(同义句) Millie usually goes to school . ②There are some candles on the cake(改为否定句) There candles on the cake. ③Are there any balls under the bed?(改为陈述句) balls under the bed. ④I would like some drink (改为一般疑问句) drink? [⑤-⑩对划线部分提问] ⑤Halloween is on 31st October . Halloween? ⑥ He is Tom’s neighbour. ⑦That’s Millie’s chocalate. ⑧The girl in yellow is Millie. ⑨He can’t come. Because he is ill. ⑩They go to the suhermarkct every Friday. 四、学后记 通过本课学习,我们学到了什么?还有不清楚的吗?写下来,让我们一起讨论好吗? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ 一、课前热身 第 八 课 时 Study skills+Project+Check out 一、课前热身 1. 同学们, 丰富多彩的节日就要和我们说再见了,你是否感觉到了充实和满足呢?请你 们写出学过的节日名称,好吗? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 2. 同学们在学习中经常遇到困惑,可用制作卡片解决这个问题。 1) How to make flash cards? First Then Next Finally 2)根据上面的方法,自己制作几张卡片。 二. 知识导航。 1. 学习目标: ①通过本节课的学习进一步掌握Wh—questions and answers 以及时间介词in, on, at的 用法。 ②透彻的了解中外节日名称和风俗习惯。 ③学会解决学习中的困难的方法即如何制作学习卡片。 2. 重点概览。 1) 本单元学过的节日名称:Halloween, Christmas, the Dragon Boat Festival, Easter, the Mid-autumn, New Year’s Day, May Day, Children’s Day, National Day 2) cut out pieces of card, about 10cm×5cm cut out 剪出 a piece of 为一张,一片,一首等意思,后面修饰不可数名词。例如 ,a piece of meat, three pieces of bread 3) Write a sentence on each flash card. Each的意思为“每一个,各个”。例如each of us The cakes are $ 5each. 4) Draw a picture on the other side of the flash card to give you a hint.在卡 片上另一面画一些图画作为提示。 On the other side of…意思是“在…… 另一边”。 No. 1 Middle School is on the other side of the street. 5) Look at the cards during 10-minute study time and try to remember the sentences, questions or expressions on the card. 10-minute是形容词性词组,minute不加s 如:I will have a three –week holiday. 6) I want to buy Simon a present. Buy sb. Sth 为某人买某物,也可以改成buy sth for sb 上面句子可改为:I want to buy a present for Simon. 7)Which one is your umbrella? One 是指示代词,意为“一个”,复数为ones. 例如:I have two apples. One is big, the other is small. Those shoes are too small. We must buy some new ones. 三.学海拾贝 随堂检测: 一、根据句首字母完成单词,使句意完整 1. Christmas is in D________. 2. Let’s c________ Easter. 3. I like the Mid-A_______ Festival. 4. Peter wears a special c______ at Halloween. 5. On the Dragon Boat Festival, we eat rice d_______. 二、填空 How to make flash cards? 1. _______, about 10cm×5cm,. These are your flash cards. 2. _______ on each flash cards. 3. _______ on the other side of the flash card to give you a hint. 4. _______ during your 10-minute study time, and ______ on the cards. 三、根据划线部分提问。相关链接:教学设计 七年级教学设计 译林牛津版教学设计 |
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