Unit 7 Lesson 25

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Aims and demands :
Develop the Ss’ listening and speaking ability and grasp some language points.
Importance and difficulties :
1. How to develop the Ss’ listening ability.
2. Language points: as long as, keep off, ought to , masses of .
Teaching aids: text book , a tape recorder, slide show
Teaching methods:
Listening and speaking, situation and communication.
Learning methods:
1. How to write down the important words and phrases while listening.
2. Grasp the main idea while listening.
Step 1. New words:
1. They live nearby ---- less than a block from us.
2. Bill and Mary had opposite ideas about the weather. They argued all the time.
3. A pile of dirty clothes lay by the washing machine.
4. Nothing can replace a mother’s love and care.
5. As the sun set, the shadows became larger.
6. Our path in life will not always be smooth.
7. The sea, blue and still, was spread before us.
8. All his friends have deserted him. There is nobody he can turn to for help.
9. Never mind who told me, that’s of no importance.
10. What an ugly building! I don’t know why they designed it like that.
Step 2. Presentation
T: Have you ever put on performances of plays?
Which was the last one?
What was it like?
What preparations did you have to make?
Where do you usually put on the performance? ---- stage , platform
If the play is performed in our school , we should build a platform.
I think a platform for plays and concerts should be built in out school.
T: Today we are going to learn a dialogue between Tangling and Bob. They are the university students. Look at the picture , What are they doing?
Ss: They are building an outdoor platform for plays and concerts.
Step 3. Listening ( books closed)
What are Bob and Tangling going to do with the wall?
Ss: They are going to paint the wall white, put up a notice saying “ Keep off”, and drill a hole in the wall for electric wires.
Choose the correct answer:
1. Tang Ling and Bob are building ____ at the university.
A. an outdoor platform B. house C. tent D. building
2. They have to buy _____.
A. some bricks B. some more bricks C. some more stones D. some stones
3. They must paint the wall white so as to make it look ______ .
A. more ugly B. ugly C. less ugly D. more beautiful
4. It will be_____ before the wall is dry.
A. six days B. a month C. a week D. a day
5. People will not be allowed _____ on this floor until it’s firm.
A. to walk B. walking C. to run D. running
Fill in the blanks:
1. Can you _____ ____ _____ ____ ____ this piece of wood?
2. You have to ____ it to ____ ___ ___ ____ like that.
3. The ____ _____ looks a bit ___ and ___ .
4. _____ _____ can be done _____ the wall is ______ .
5. We must _____ people ____ in this floor until it’s _____.
6. It may be ____ to ___ ___ ____ ____ ___ “keep off”.
7. We’ll have to ____ _____ ____ in the wall for the ____ ____.
8. I ought to ____ ____ ____ , as I’ve got ____ ____ work to do , but I think I’ll be ____ ____.
Step 4. Reading
1. What are TangLing and Bob building at the university?---- and outdoor platform
2. What will they have to buy?---- some more bricks
3. Why do they want to paint the wall white?---- to make it look less ugly
4. How long will the wall be dry?---- as long as a week
5. When will people be allowed to walk on the floor?---- not…until it’s firm.
6. What is Tangling going to do this evening?
---- He is not sure. He ought to … But maybe he will just watch…
Step 5. Get the Ss to say sth about building an out door platform in this lesson.
Buy bricks / build the platform/ paint the wall/ not walk on floor / drill a hole / electric wires
Step 6. Language points
1. As long as that
Will it take as long as that?
---- How long will it take for the wall to dry out?
---- It will take as long as a week for the wall to dry out.
It takes (sb.) as long as + time to do sth.
T: As we know , in China the Three Gorge Project is a great project .
How long did it take to complete the big project?
Ss: It took as long as 5 years to complete the project.
It took me as long as three hours to climb up the mountain .
It took me three hours to climb up the mountain.
2.It may be necessary to put up a notice saying “ Keep off” .
say 的习惯用法
What does the notice say?
What does your watch say?
Does it say anything interesting about it in today’s newspaper?
Keep off: remain at a distance , not come
Wet paint! Keep off! 油漆未干,请勿接触。
Keep off the grass! 请勿践踏草坪。
Keep doing sth.
Keep on doing sth.
Keep up with sb.
Keep from doing
3. I ought to do some studying , as I’ve got massed of work to do.
Ought to do
Ought not to do
他应该到家了。He ought to have arrived home .
医院里不该喧闹。There ought not to be much noise in (a) hospital.
There ought to be no noise in (a ) hospital.
Masses of : lots of
There are massed of people in the playground .
Step 7. Workbook Fill in the blanks
Homework: Finish the Wb.
Words on the Bb:
1. as long as that
It takes sb as long as …( time ) to do sth.
It took me as long as three hours to climb up the mountain.
It took me three hours to climb up the mountain.
2. say 的习惯用法
The notice says, “ No smoking.”
My watch says, it is 8 o’clock.
3. Keep off: remain at a distance , not come
Wet paint! Keep off! 油漆未干,请勿接触。
Keep off the grass! 请勿践踏草坪。
4. ought to do
ought not to do
5. masses of : lots of
Choose the correct answer:(Unit 7)
1. Tang Ling and Bob are building ____ at the university.
A. an outdoor platform B. house
C. tent D. building
2. They have to buy _____.
A. some bricks B. some more bricks
C. some more stones D. some stones
3. They must paint the wall white so as to make it look ______ .
A. more ugly B. ugly
C. less ugly D. more beautiful
4. It will be_____ before the wall is dry.
A. six days B. a month C. a week D. a day
5. People will not be allowed _____ on this floor until it’s firm.
A. to walk B. walking C. to run D. running
Fill in the blanks:
1. Can you __ __ __ __ __ this piece of wood?
2. You have to __ it to__ __ __ __ like that.
3. The __ __ looks a bit __ and __ .
4. __ __ can be done ___ the wall is ___ .
5. We must __ people __ in this floor until it’s __.
6. It may be __ to __ __ __ __ __ “keep off”.
7. We’ll have to __ __ __ in the wall for the ____ ____.
8. I ought to __ __ __ , as I’ve got __ __ work to do , but I think I’ll be __ __.
Unit 7 Lesson 26~27 Angkor Wat
Aims and demands
1. Develop the Ss’ reading ability and let them have a good understanding of the text
2. Retell some of the text according to the key words and the pictures
Importance and difficulty:
To have a deeper understanding of the text .
Teaching aids: a tape recorder , some slides
Teaching methods: reading, guessing, summarize .
Step 1. Revision ( Ask one of the Ss to act it out )
1. make the surface smooth 使表面平整
2. paint the wall white 把墙刷成白色
3. do some drawings 画一些画
4. put up a notice 贴一张通知
5. stop people walking on… 不要让人在…上面走
6. Wet paint! Keep off. 油漆未干,请不要接触.
7. drill a hole in the wall 在墙上钻洞
8. do some studying 做一些功课
9. masses of work / people / flower 许多工作/ 人 / 鲜花
Step 2. Presentation
T: What are Three of the biggest man-made projects?
Ss: The Great Wall of China, the Pyramids of Egypt, The Aswan High Dam, which is also in Egypt.
T: In China, besides the Great Wall of China, what other man-made projects are also very famous?
Ss: Three Gorge Projects.
T: Have you ever heard of “Angkor Wat”?
In which country is it in?
Ss: Cambodia.
Step 3. Reading
Read the text and find out information about the temple of Angkor Wat and the development of repair work on it.
Something about the temple of Angkor Wat
The location and the size of the temple It is located in the old city of Angkor. It covers an area of two square kilometers.
When was it built? It was built from 1113 to 1150.
The best time to visit the temple and the wonderful scene there
The best time to visit the temple is evening. As the sun sink lower, shadows spread across the courtyard. After the sunset, the sky turns pink. The gray stone towers take on a golden colour before turning pink.
( Talk about the picture )
The repair work on the temple of Angkor Wat
The earliest repair work In 1861, the French discovered the ruined temple and did a lot of repair work up until 1970, when the war forced the last of the French workforce to leave.
What happened during the years when the country was at war? The temple was deserted and falling to pieces. Plants were growing out of the roofs. Trees were growing in the courtyards. Many of the stone figures were stolen and others were falling to pieces.
The development of the latest repair work.
(When did the latest repair work start?
Who did it ? ) In 1980 an Indian team visited the temple to prepare a report. Repair work finally started in 1986 and a team of 15 Indian experts began to work with 400 Cambodian workers.
The difficulty found during the repair work
weather problem The rainy season lasts for six months and water gets in among the stones. So certain types of plant grow all over the stones and their roots go down into the holes between the stones.
For six or seven months no work can be done.
labour problem There are very few skilled stone workers left after the war years. Many of the men have gone off to cities in search of higher pay, leaving women from nearby villages to carry on with the work.
equipment problem There are very few machines and little heavy equipment.
T: Then how do they carry on the repair work?
Ss: Workers carry building materials in buckets at the end of long poles.
T: As we know , the rainy season lasts for six months and water gets in among the stones. As a result , certain types of plants grow all over the stones. So they have to clean the stones. How is the work done?
( Read the text and then talk about the picture )
The results of the repair work
More than 70000 square metres of stone were cleaned and protected against the water. Thousands of stone blocks were moved and many roof sections were replaced with new ones where necessary. The work was completed in 1994.
Step 4. Careful reading
1. Note making ( Lesson 26)
2. Say something about changes of Angkor Wat according to the time table.
Year What happened then?
1113~1150 It was built.
1177 The capital city of Angkor was seized after a fierce battle and fell into ruins.
1434 The new capital city Angkor Thom was deserted.
1861 The French discovered the ruins of the city (Angkor Thom).
1970 The last of the French workforce was forced to leave.
1980 An Indian team visited the temple to prepare a report and found the temple in a poor state.
1986 Repair work finally started in 1986 and a team of 15 Indian experts began to work with 400 Cambodian workers .
1994 The work was finished.
Step 5. Work book.----T or F statements:
1. The journalist’s first visit to Angkor Wat was in 1980. T
2. Today, the temple is being repaired. T
3. The reason why the temple was deserted and falling to pieces is that there is little rain. F
4. In order to solve the problem of water, they grow some types of plant all over the stones. F
5. When the women do the repair work, they lay down boards to protect the precious painted stones. T
6. Three Indian chemists are in charge of the work of cleaning the stone. T
7. The workers begin to work at 7 a.m. and go on until late afternoon every day, without a break. F
8. Evening is the best time for visitors to visit the temple. T
9. Angkor Wat was built from 1113 to 1150. T
10. In 1980 an Indian visited the temple and found the temple under a poor condition. F
Reading comprehension for 3A Lesson 26 CBCAB BDCBD
1.What is not included in the text?
A.The poor look of the temple of Angkor Wat in 1980
B.The repair work done to the temple of Angkor Wat
C.The history of the temple of Angkor Wat
D.The difficulty in the repair work
2. According to the text, how many times at least has the author been to the temple?
A. Once B. Twice C. Three times D. Four times
3. Which of the following plays the least important role in the repair work according to the author?
A. The women workers. B. The Indian experts.
C. Machines. D. Skilled workers.
4. What does “desert” in paragraph 1 mean?
A. go away from a place without intending ever to return
B. remain C. lose D. leave
5. What does “spread” in the last paragraph mean?
A. open B. cover C. show D. go
6. To clean the stones, how many steps should people follow?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
7. Weather considered only, if the temple of Angkor Wat were in a dry country, people would have needed only __ of the time to repair it.
A. one fifth B. one fourth C. one third D. half
8. What difficulty in the repair work is not mentioned in the text?
A. The weather. B. The lack of skilled workers.
C. The lack of money. D. The lack of male hands.
9. What is not mentioned in the text?
A. The temple of Angkor Wat is a Cambodian place of interest.
B. People have done great damage to the temple.
C. People doing the repair work there are from different countries.
D. Rain has done great harm to the temple.
10. What is not true about the repair work according to the text?
A. Repair work is impossible in the rainy season.
B. There are still a lot of repairs to do.
C. People protect the temple while doing the repair work. ‘
D. Only chemical methods are used to protect the temple.
Reading comprehension for 3A Lesson 27 ABDAD
1. When did the old city of Angkor begin to build?
A. Before 831. B. After 831.
C. In 831. D. It is not told in the text.
2. Who was the controller of Cambodia in 1861?
A. the British government.
B. The French government.
C. The Cambodian government.
D. The Indian government.
3. How many years did it take the India experts to repair the temple?
A. 5 years B. 6 years C. 7 years D. 8 years
4. The fact that people from different countries took part in the repair work shows that ____.
A.the temple is the treasure of human beings
B.the temple is the treasure of the Cambodian people
C.people around the world are all interested in the repair work
D.a lot of people want to get the temple as their own
5. What does “replace” in the last paragraph mean?
A. place again B. put
C. put back D. take the place of the old ones
Step 6. Pair work
One is a journalist, the other will ask the journalist at least 6 questions.
Step 7 Picture talking
Homework : Paper exercises
Words on the Bb: located, an area of
Something about Angkor Wat: built , 1113~ 1150
best time to visit
earliest the French 1861~1970
Repair work temple
during the war plants
stone figures
latest 1986 a team of ….work with
weather problem : rainy season
Difficulty labour problem: men women
Equipment problem: --- few machines, little heavy equipment
Slides for Lesson 26~27 (3A)
Something about the temple of Angkor Wat
The location and the size of the temple
When was it built?
The best time to visit the temple and the wonderful scene there
( Talk about the picture )
The repair work on the temple of Angkor Wat
The earliest repair work
What happened during the years when the country was at war?
The development of the latest repair work.
(When did the latest repair work start?
Who did it ? )
The difficulty found during the repair work
weather problem
labour problem
equipment problem
Say something about changes of Angkor Wat according to the time table.
Year What happened then?
Unit 7 Lesson 26~27 Language study
Aims and demands: Develop the ability of using the language of English.
Important Language points:
Be at war, fall to pieces, devote time to doing , lay down, watch over, until late afternoon, six days a week, besides, spread across, take on a golden colour ; fall into ruins , cover, be astonished by, be of importance, in poor state, where necessary
Teaching aids : a tape recorder
Teaching methods: listening, practice, revision
Procedure :
Step 1. Revision: Fill in the blanks
The temple of Angkor Wat is in Cambodia , which covers an area of two square kilometers. A vast square channel of water surrounds it. The temple was built from 1113 to 1150 and then in 1177 after a fierce battle, it was ruined. Until 1861 the French , who controlled the country then, discovered it. They were very surprised at seeing it and did a lot of repair work. In 1986 , another project of repairing started. A team of 15 Indian experts organized a workforce of 400 Cambodian workers, and the work was finished/ completed in June 1994.
Step 2. Language points:
Listen to the tape and deal with the following language points.
1. be at war 处于战争状态(固定词组)
in the war 在战争中
2. fall to pieces 倒塌,崩溃,解体
T: What will happen to an old house in an earthquake ?
Ss: The house will fall to pieces in an earthquake.
The old building fell to pieces in the war.
3. devote ( time ) to doing
spend ( time ) in doing
devote oneself to doing
T: He spent three hours in doing his homework yesterday . That’s to say:
Ss: He devoted three hours to doing his homework yesterday.
Madame Curie devoted years to researching the element--- radium.
4. lay down
lay--- laid --- laid
lie --- lay --- lay
lie --- lied --- lied
T: make up a short story using these words
He said that he was very tired , so he laid down his book and lay down to have a rest .
But in fact , he wasn’t . He was lying.
5. watch over
T: Children are always watched over by their parents when doing their homework.
What about you ? Are you often watched over by your teachers?
她主动要帮助照看我的孩子。When I was away.
She offered to watch over my child when I was away.
6. until late afternoon
until late /far / deep into the night
T: He works hard . 他经常学习到深夜。
S: He often studies until late / far into the night.
7. six days a week
T: How often do you have meals every day?
Ss: We have meals three times a day.
T: How often do you go home?
Ss: We go home two weeks a time / once every two weeks.
8. besides : in addition, moreover
eg. It’s too late to go out now. Besides, I’m feeling tired. (moreover )
Besides the violin, Jack also plays the piano. ( as well as )
Kate is sitting at the table beside Tom. (at the side of )
9. spread across / get round 铺满,传遍
spread --- spread --- spread (不用被动语态)
The news spread quickly across / throughout the whole country.
10. take on a golden colour 呈现金色
take on a new look 呈现新面貌
11. fall into ruins 坍塌成废墟
fall to pieces 坍塌,倒塌
12. cover
(1) 被… 覆盖 be covered with / by
The ground is covered with snow.
The table is covered with a table cloth by his mother.
(2) 走完
The Red Army soldiers covered 25,000 li during the Long March.
(3) 占据
我们学校占地150 多平方公里.
Our school covers an area of more than 150 square kilometers.
(4) 封面,盖子
The book needs a new cover.
Take the cover when the water boils.
13. be astonished by / at = be shocked by ( at )
14. be of importance = be important
be of help= be helpful
be of use = be useful
15. up till 一直到…为止
我一直等到他回来。 I waited until he came back.
他在北京住到1990 年。He lived in Beijing until 1990.
直到我完成作业他才回来。He didn’t come back until I finished my homework.
16. in a poor state
under a poor condition
17. where necessary
where it was necessary to do so
请在必要的地方做一些记号。Please make some marks where necessary (where it is necessary ). Teachers often ask us to make mares where necessary.
如果有必要你可以来。 You may come if necessary.
如果有可能我回来的。 I may come if possible.
Homework: Finish the work book of Unit 7
Fill in the blanks (Lesson 26~27)
The temple of Angkor Wat is in _____, which ____ an area of two square kilometers. A vast square channel of water goes round the four ____ of it. The temple was ___ from 1113 ___ 1150. It is a very beautiful sight to see, especially in the evening when the sun sinks lower and shadows ____ across the courtyard. The sky turns ____ after sunset and makes a very beautiful scene.
However, the whole country of Cambodia was at ___for many years. The temple was ____. It was in a ___ ___ and many of the stone figures had been stolen, others were ____ ____ pieces.
A team of 15 India ____ organized a workforce of 400 Cambodian workers and began the repair work in 1986. Most of the repair workers were ____ who did masses of work on cleaning, repairing and rebuilding parts of the temple.
The team of the experts had a lot of _____ in repairing old buildings, so the work was done successfully, and the repair work ___ ____ in 1994.
Cambodia ,covers, sides , built , to , spread, pink, war, deserted, poor , state, falling to , experts, women, experience, was completed/finished
Exercises for Unit 7 (3A) BCAAA CCDCB CDC
1. When you come to the fence, you can see a notice ___ there saying “___ the grass.”
A. putting up; Keep off B. put up; Keep off
C. putting up; Keep away D. put on; Keep out
2. He has ___ letters to answer.
A. much B. a great deal of
B. masses of D. the number of
3. The story is so ___ that no one wants to read it.
A. dull B. familiar C. uninterested D. favourite
4. When you have finished the book, please ___ it on the shelf.
A. replace B. take place
C. take place of D. in place of
5. The experiment is ____.
A. carrying on B. carried away
C. carried on D. went on
6. The old village ___ a new look ___ 1979.
A. took on ; before B. takes on; since
C. has taken on; since D. has been taken on; before
7. She is in a poor ___ of health.
A. position B. situation C. state D. condition
8. --- ___ my glasses?
---Yes, I saw them on your bed a minute ago. (96)
A. Do you see B. Had you seen
B. Would you see D. Have you seen
9. The price ___, but I doubt whether it will remain so.
A. went down B. will go down
C. has gone down D. was going down
10. ---Hey, look where you are going!
---Oh, I’m terribly sorry. ___. (99)
A. I’m not noticing B. I wasn’t noticing
C. I haven’t noticed D. I don’t notice
11. ---Hi, Tracy, you look tired.
---I am tired. I ___ the living room all day. (98)
A. painted B. had painted
C. have been painting D. have painted
12. ---Can I help you, sir? (96)
---Yes, I bought this radio here yesterday, but it ___.
A. didn’t work B. won’t work
C. can’t work D. doesn’t work
13. ---You’re drinking too much.
---Only at home. No one __ me but you. (2000 S)
A. is seeing B. had seen C. sees D. saw
Correct the mistakes ( 3A Unit 7)
The temple of Angkor Wat is in 1.____
Cambodia, which covers area of two 2.____
square kilometers. A vast square channel
of water surround it.The temple was 3.____
built from 1113 to 1150 and than in 1177 4.____
after a fierce battle, it ruined.Until 1861 5.____
the French ,who controlled country then, 6.____
discovered it.They were too surprised 7.____
at seeing it and did a lot of repair
works. In 1986, another project of 8.____
repairing started. A team of 15 Indian
expert organized a workforce of 400 9.____
Cambodian workers, and the work was
finish in June 1994. 10.____
1. true 2. an area 3. surrounds 4. then 5. was ruined 6. the country 7. very
8. work 9. experts 10. finished




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