牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 4 Food

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Unit 4 Food
听:1、Guess the meaning of new words by looking at a questionnaire.
2、Develop effective listening skills to extract specific information.
说:1、Formulate questions about diets and respond appropriately.
2、Ask“wh—”questions with the right intonation.
3、Read one's own article to a classmate and check for mistakes.
读:1、Guess general meanings of words from the context.
2、Identify specific meanings.(找出词的特定含义。)
3、Practise intensive reading.(练习精读。)
写:1、Express factual information about diets and lifestyles based on the model article.(以范文为例,表达有关食物和生活方式的实际信息。)
2、Select appropriate vocabulary and sentence constructions to write about personal details.(选择适当的词汇和句式,提供个人的具体信息。)
1、Express likes and dislikes.(表达个人喜恶。) e.g.
I like rice. I dislike hamburgers.
2、Use adverbs of frequency.(使用频率副词。) e.g.
I usually have fish and vegetables.
3、Differentiate between countable and uncountable nouns.(区分可数名词与不可数名词。) e.g.
Some rice, two apples.
4、Understand and use the indefinite articles,“a”and“an”.(理解并使用不定冠词a和an。)
I want to buy a book.
I want to buy an e-dog.
5、词组: a lot of be good/bad for Mid—Autumn Festival after class/school a top student play basketball play computer games a glass of milk chat with sb. walk to fast food try to do not…any more stay healthy twice a day get fat need to do not…at all want to do get tired more/less than go roller skating
I always eat/have an apple for breakfast.
Once/twice a day.
How often do you do exercise?
Good luck with your new diet.
It takes half an hour to cook.
It's important for sb to do sth.
第一课时 (The first period)
教学目标:1、To revise old vocabulary and learn new vocabulary about food.(复习旧单词并学习有关食物的新词汇。)
2、To talk about likes and dislikes with regard to food.(讨论喜欢的和不喜欢的食物。)
3、To use adjectives to describe different tastes.(用形容词描述不同的味道。)
词汇 rice, hamburgers, chicken, fish, apples, oranges, vegetables, cakes, coke, chocolate, tea, mooncake, lemon, vinegar, hotpot, sugar, sandwich, sweet, sour, salty, spicy
句型:1、What food do you like?
What food does he/she likes?
2、How does it taste?
It tastes sweet/sour/salty/spicy.
语言功能:Talk about different food.
学习策略:1、To develop students to look at the same thing in many ways.(培养学生对同一事物要有不同看法。)
2、To develop students' ability to classify what they have learned.(培养学生对所学知识分类能力。)
智能培养:Make a chart and talk about it.
1、Talk about food for three meals and snacks.
2、Talk about food for meals one likes and dislikes.
3、Talk about food by the table.
4、Describe different tastes about food.
教学步骤:Task Ⅰ
1、Talk about food for three meals and snacks. This is a fun activity to learn and revise vocabulary and spelling.
2、Of all the food and snacks, get students to work in groups to make a table by asking:
What do you like/dislike?
Name Love Like Dislike
1、Ask Ss to look at different kinds of food in Part A. Go through the words and make sure that they can pronounce them well and understand their meanings.
2、Ask Ss to tick the boxes according to their own likes and dislikes.
3、Ask some students to present their answers and say something about their likes and dislikes.
4、Ask Ss to report their classmates' likes and dislikes according to the table in Part 1.
5、If there is time, ask Ss to talk about their family as well.
Task Ⅲ
1、Try to bring some pictures of different kinds of food with strong tastes. Get Ss to know the meanings of "sweet, sour, spicy and salty".
2、Ask Ss to think of other foods that are salty, sour, spicy or sweet.
3、Look at P59 in the textbook and finish them.
Task Ⅳ Exercises.
第二课时 (The second period)
教学目标:1、To revise and expand vocabulary about food and lifestyles.(复习并扩展有关食物和生活方式的词汇。)
2、To learn about the relationship between diet and overall health.(学习饮食结构与身体健康之间的关系。)
3、To practise the technique of skimming for overall comprehension and scanning for detail. (练习快速阅读了解总体大意,快速浏览查找细节的阅读技巧。)
词汇 before, diet, energy, exercise, fast food, healthy, important, lifestyle, seldom, tired, top, dancer, change, fruit, sweet, often, bread, meet, juice, person
1、Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables.
Now I always eat an apple for breakfast and I often drink some milk.
2、I swim twice a week.
3、I do not eat fast food any more.
学习策略:The technique of skimming.(快速阅读技巧。)
智能培养:Compound healthy food and do some proper activities.(配制健康食物,适时运动。)
教学设计:Food and lifestyles
1、Read the passage for overall comprehension.
2、Know more about Kitty and Daniel's lifestyles.
3、Learn to talk about a healthy lifestyle.
1、Talk about healthy eating for three meals.
2、Ask Ss to turn to Page 56. Read the title of the article and ask what it means.
3、Ask Ss to scan the passage for new words and underline them. Give their explanation.
4、Ask Ss to skim the text in Part B1 for understanding specific detail.
Task Ⅱ
1、Get Ss to read the article again and prepare two summaries.
Kitty ate… before / eats… now.
Daniel ate… before / eats… now.
2、Ask Ss to complete the lists in Part B2.
3、To Part B3,work through the task individually, check answers as a class.
4、Ask Ss to think about more activities that require a lot of energy and describe their own diets.
Task Ⅲ Exercises.
第三课时 (The third period)
教学目标:1、To practise intensive reading and retell the text.(练习精读,理解并复述课文。)
2、To understand and master the new points in the text.(理解掌握课文中的新语言点。)
1、I want to be a dancer.
2、It's important for a dancer to be healthy.
3、Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables.
4、I know that sweet snacks are not good for me.
5、I do not eat sweet snacks between meals any more.
6、After class, I also like playing computer games and chatting with my friends on the Internet.
学习策略:Practise intensive reading.(练习精读。)
智能培养:Compound healthy food and do some proper activities.(配制健康食物,适当运动。)
教学设计:Food and lifestyles
1、Read the text and practise intensive reading.
2、Master the new language points.
1、I want to be a dancer. want to be 想成为…… e.g.
Tom wants to be a basketball player when he grows up.
I want to go to the part this Sunday. want to do something 想要干某事
2、It's important for a dancer to be healthy.
It's+形容词 for sb. to do sth. 做某事对某人来说…… e.g.
It's very easy for me to carry this box.
It's very interesting for me to play with my friends.
3、Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables.
seldom 很少,表动作发生的频度,已学过的这类词还有always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never等。
4、I know that sweet snacks are not good for me.
be good for… 对……有利/有好处 e.g.
Swimming is good for health.
be bad for… 对……有害/有坏处 e.g.
Smoking is bad for your health.
5、I'm 12 years old and a top student at school.
a top student=a best student 一名优秀学生 e.g.
Do you want to be a top student in your school?
She is one of the top singers in China.
6、I don't eat sweet snacks between meals any more.
not…any more=not…any longer =no longer e.g. 不再……
Mr Zhang doesn't live here any more.
=Mr Zhang doesn't live here any longer.
=Mr Zhang no longer lives here.
Task Ⅱ
1、Translate some drills and explain language points.
Task Ⅲ
第四课时 (The fourth period)
教学目标:1、To recognize and use adverbs of frequency.(识别并使用频率副词。)
2、To recognize and use countable and uncountable nouns.(识别并使用可数名词和不可数名词。)
3、To recognize and use the indefinite articles to talk about things that are countable.(识别并使用不定冠词谈论可数名词。)
词汇 ice cream, story, glass, tea, of course, favorite, kilo, salt, tomato, soup, roller skating, noodle, wish, piano, shelf (shelves), knife(knives), carrot, potato, pot, pancake
1、How often do they/you exercise?
How often does he/she go shopping?
2、Simon often/seldom/always/sometimes/usually/never plays football.
3、What do we need to buy?
4、We need some chickens and some potatoes.
5、I want to buy an egg/a book.
语法项目:1、频率副词:never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always
2、可数名词:a table/an apple/two tables/two stories/two watches/photos/tomatoes/knives
不可数名词:bread, water, hair, air, money, rain, tea, chicken, rice, fruit, cheese, milk, salt, sugar, soup, vinegar.
3、不定冠词:a, an
学习策略:Observation, discovery and induction of the grammar rules.(观察,发现,归纳语法规则。)
智能培养:The ability of synthetical use.(综合应用能力。)
1、Adverbs of frequency.
2、Countable and uncountable nouns.
3、The use of "a" and "an".
教法步骤: TaskⅠ
1、Ask Ss how often they play football, badminton, go swimming, dancing, roller-skating, etc.
2、Talk about how often the teacher does certain things, e.g.
I always ride to school.
I often eat fruit and vegetables at lunchtime.
I sometimes eat lunch in a restaurant.
I seldom go swimming.
I never go roller-skating.
3、Explain the meaning of different adverbs of frequency, use the table on Page 60 to illustrate the difference.
4、Ask Ss to complete Part A individually.
5、Go through the context of Part A2. Get Ss to talk about it, using adverbs of frequency.
6、Ask Ss to complete Part A3.
Task Ⅱ
1、Explain the difference between countable and uncountable nouns, and bring some pictures to provide some examples to help Ss understand this concept. Go through the table on Page 62.
2、Ask Ss to read the conversation in Part B2 in pairs, then exchange to read it.
3、Ask Ss to write the nouns in the correct column of the table and add more items to each list.
4、Ask Ss to go over Part B again. Make sure they know how to form the plural forms of countable nouns.
Task Ⅲ
1、Explain the table in Part C and the difference between "a" and "an".
a "u" an "e/l"
a "pear" an "hour"
a "useful book" an "ant room"
Our choice depends on the sound, not the letter.
2、Ask Ss to do the exercise in Part C, and read the sentence aloud.
3、Work in pairs to read out the conversation and then get some pairs to act out the conversation or their own.
Task Ⅳ
Consolidation of three grammar rules.
教学反思: 优点:
第五课时 (The fifth period)
教学目标:1、To revise the grammar items in this Unit.
2、To revise the new words and drills.
3、To do some exercises to consolidate the grammar items and language points.
学习策略:Observation, discovery and induction of the grammar rules.(观察,发现,归纳语法规则。)
智能培养:The ability of synthetical use.(综合应用能力。)
1、Three grammar rules.
2、Some language points.
3、Exercises for consolidation.
教法步骤: TaskⅠ
1、Ask Ss to tell adverbs of frequency and the differences among them.
2、Ask Ss to tell the use of countable and uncountable nouns, give some examples.
3、Ask Ss to tell the use of "a" and "an" and give some examples.
4、To revise some language points in this part.
Task Ⅱ
Do exercises to consolidate the grammars and language points.
教学反思: 优点:
第六课时 (The sixth period)
教学目标:1、To listen for specific details.(听懂具体细节。)
2、To obtain special information about a person's lifestyle.(获得关于某人生活方式的具体信息。)
3、To select information from a questionnaire and listen in order to complete a report on another student's lifestyle.(听录音,从一张调查问卷里选择信息,完成一份关于另一个学生的生活方式的报告。)
词汇less than, not…at all, try, feel, lunch, supermarket, carry, biscuit, total, point, questionnaire, congratulation, partner
语言技能:Reading 看懂调查问卷
Integrated skills

reading listening speaking writing
教学步骤: TaskⅠ
1、Arouse Ss' interest in different lifestyles, food and health issues. Talk about the importance of doing exercise, sleeping and eating fruit and vegetables. Elicit information about the Ss' lifestyles, e.g.
How much TV do they watch?
How much time do they spend playing computer games?
How often do they exercise?
How many snacks do they eat every day?
2、Get Ss to do the questionnaire in Part A1 and A2.
Ss study the questionnaire individually, check for general understanding and confirm the meanings of adverbs of frequency.
3、Play the recording. Ask Ss to listen for specific information about Hu Wen's lifestyle and tick the correct boxes.
4、Ask Ss to enter Hu Wen's score and their own score in the table in Part A3.Then analyze the health scores for Hu Wen and themselves.
Task Ⅱ
1、Ask Ss to read and understand the questions in Part A4.
Then interview their partners.
2、Ask Ss to complete the report in Part A5,using the information obtained from the questions in Part A4.
Ask some Ss to read their reports out.
Task Ⅲ
Language points:1、Less than three times a week.
2、You are not fit at all.
3、Do you feel better?
4、I eat lots of fruit and I feel healthier.
5、What's your favourite fruit?
Task Ⅳ
教学反思: 优点:
第七课时 (The seventh period)
教学目标:1、To express factual information about diets and lifestyles in writing.(将关于饮食和生活方式的实际信息用文章表达出来。)
2、To write an article for a website based on personal information.(根据个人信息为一个网站写篇文章。)
3、To read an article to a classmate and check for mistakes.(读一篇短文给同学听以检查错误。)
词汇 large, take in. mean, fat, stay, healthy, cheese, peanut, slice, beef, pork, vitamin, calorie, amount
1、I am fit and healthy.
2、I think I need(lots of energy).
3、I always/usually/…have…for breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner.
4、This gives sb.…calories to do sth./for sth.
5、I like…because they're/it's good for….
6、I take in…I need vitamins to stay healthy.
7、It's important to do sth.
学习策略:Synthetical use and self comments.(综合应用,自我评价。)
智能培养:Write an article about health and sports.(健康、卫生、体育的逻辑表述。)
教学设计:Food and lifestyles
1、Know about healthy eating
2、Design a diet and write a report
教法步骤: TaskⅠ
1、Arouse Ss why they eat certain types of food and why they should or should not change their diets. Tell Ss to look at the calories and vitamins chart in Part A on page 67.Explain the instructions carefully. Ask Ss to identify the words they do not know. Clarify the meanings of these words with the class.
2、Ss read Millie's article on Page 68.
3、Ask Ss to use Millie's article and substitute the underlined phrases with their own information. Encourage Ss to include additional information or change the model sentences to make their own.
4、Get some Ss to present their articles.
Task Ⅱ
1、This gives me 340 calories to start the day.
give sb. sth. to do 给某人某物做某事
2、That means I take in about 2000 calories every day.
take in 吸收、接受,领会,理解,观看
3、I need vitamins to stay healthy.
need sth. to do sth.
4、So you can drink it without getting fat.
without prep. 意为“无,没有”
Task Ⅲ Exercises.
教学反思: 优点:
第八课时 (The eighth period)
教学目标:1、To talk about food and diet.(谈论食物和饮食结构。)
2、To introduce and consolidate common intonation pattern with“wh—”questions.(介绍和巩固wh—句型的常用语调。)
3、To revise the use of adverbs of frequency and the names of common food items.(复习常用频率副词和常用食物的名称。)
4、To revise the simple present tense.(复习一般现在时。)
教学要点:词汇feel, luck, supermarket, carry, stay, taste
语言技能:Speaking 谈论正确的生活方式,会用wh—句型提问做调查问卷。
Pronunciation 用wh—句型提问时,注意用降调。
学习策略:Revision and consolidation
教学设计:Study skills+Checkout
1、Speaking up: likes and dislikes.
2、Pronunciation: Asking "wh—"questions.
3、Check the use of adverbs of frequency.
4、Revise the names of common food items.
1、By questionnaire, ask several Ss to talk about how he/she keeps healthy.
2、Ask Ss to work in pairs and practise saying Meiling and Ricky's conversation, with fluency, eye, contact and appropriate intonation.
3、Ask Ss to work in pairs and talk about their own diets.
4、Ask some pairs to present their conversation to the class.
Task Ⅱ
1、Ask Ss to listen to the questions on the recording, then repeat after it, and pay attention to falling tone on the last stressed word.
2、Write some sentences on the Bb. Let students practise saying them in pairs.
How many apples do you eat every day?
How often do you go swimming?
When do you chat on ICQ?
What is your favourite food?
Why do you eat hamburgers every day?
Who often eats vegetables.
Task Ⅲ
1、Look at the chart, revise the use of adverbs of frequency.
2、Write a few sentences by the chart, then check them with the whole class.
Task Ⅳ
1、Tell Ss about crossed puzzles. Get Ss to explain the following points: stay healthy, a kind of, they grow, can be, taste sour, need
2、Ask Ss to make up their own crossword puzzle and check with the whole class.
3、Ask Ss to make their own crossword puzzle using different food items.
Task Ⅴ Exercises.
听:1、Guess the meaning of new words by looking at a questionnaire.
2、Develop effective listening skills to extract specific information.
说:1、Formulate questions about diets and respond appropriately.
2、Ask“wh—”questions with the right intonation.
3、Read one's own article to a classmate and check for mistakes.
读:1、Guess general meanings of words from the context.
2、Identify specific meanings.(找出词的特定含义。)
3、Practise intensive reading.(练习精读。)
写:1、Express factual information about diets and lifestyles based on the model article.(以范文为例,表达有关食物和生活方式的实际信息。)
2、Select appropriate vocabulary and sentence constructions to write about personal details.(选择适当的词汇和句式,提供个人的具体信息。)
1、Express likes and dislikes.(表达个人喜恶。) e.g.
I like rice. I dislike hamburgers.
2、Use adverbs of frequency.(使用频率副词。) e.g.
I usually have fish and vegetables.
3、Differentiate between countable and uncountable nouns.(区分可数名词与不可数名词。) e.g.
Some rice, two apples.
4、Understand and use the indefinite articles,“a”and“an”.(理解并使用不定冠词a和an。)
I want to buy a book.
I want to buy an e-dog.
5、词组: a lot of be good/bad for
Mid—Autumn Festival after class/school
a top student play basketball
play computer games a glass of milk
chat with sb. walk to
fast food try to do
not…any more stay healthy
twice a day get fat
need to do not…at all
want to do get tired
more/less than go roller skating
I always eat/have an apple for breakfast.
Once/twice a day.
How often do you exercise?
Good luck with your new diet.
It takes half an hour to cook.
It's important for sb to do sth.
第一课时(The first period)
学习目标:1、To revise old vocabulary and learn new vocabulary about food.(复习旧单词并学习有关食物的新词汇。)
2、To talk about likes and dislikes with regard to food.(讨论喜欢的和不喜欢的食物。)
3、To use adjectives to describe different tastes.(用形容词描述不同的味道。)
词汇rice, hamburgers, chicken, fish, apples, oranges, vegetables, cakes, coke, chocolate, tea, mooncake, lemon, vinegar, hotpot, sugar, sandwich, sweet, sour, salty, spicy
句型:1、What food do you like?
What food does he/she likes?
2、How does it taste?
It tastes sweet/sour/salty/spicy.
Talk about different food.
学习策略:1、To develop students to look at the same thing in many ways.(培养学生对同一事物要有不同看法。)
2、To develop students' ability to classify what they have learned.(培养学生对所学知识分类能力。)
Make a chart and talk about it.
1、I don't like Sichuan .It is too .
(hotpot, spicy)
2、I often use to make salad. It's .
(vinegar, sour)
3、At the Mid—Autumn Festival, we eat .They are .(mooncakes, sweet)
4、He often uses to cook fish. It is .
(salty, soy sauce)
rice, fish, hamburgers, oranges, chicken, cakes, coke, tea, lemon, chocolate, vinegar, dried fish, sugar, sandwich, bananas, eggs, tomatoes, salad, milk.
5、How does chocolate ?It is .
(sweet, taste)
Fast food:
Other food:
第二课时(The second period)
学习目标:1、To revise and expand vocabulary about food and lifestyles.(复习并扩展有关食物和生活方式的词汇。)
2、To learn about the relationship between diet and overall health.(学习饮食结构与身体健康之间的关系。)
3、To practise the technique of skimming for overall comprehension and scanning for detail. (练习快速阅读了解总体大意,快速浏览查找细节的阅读技巧。)
词汇 before, diet, energy, exercise, fast food, healthy, important, lifestyle, seldom, tired, top, dancer, change, fruit, sweet, often, bread, meet, juice, person
1、Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables.
Now I always eat an apple for breakfast and I often drink some milk.
2、I swim twice a week.
3、I do not eat fast food any more.
学习策略:The technique of skimming.(快速阅读技巧。)
智能培养:Compound healthy food and do some proper activities.(配制健康食物,适时运动。)
meat, fish, eggs, beans and nuts, bread, potatoes, rice, milk, cheese, vegetables, fruit, snackssuch as ice cream, biscuits, cakes, chocolate and sweets
第三课时(The third period)
学习目标:1、To practise intensive reading and retell the text.(练习精读,理解并复述课文。)
2、To understand and master the new points in the text.(理解掌握课文中的新语言点。)
1、I want to be a dancer.
2、It's important for a dancer to be healthy.
3、Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables.
4、I know that sweet snacks are not good for me.
5、I do not eat sweet snacks between meals any more.
6、After class, I also like playing computer games and chatting with my friends on the Internet.
学习策略:Practise intensive reading.(练习精读。)
智能培养:Compound healthy food and do some proper activities.(配制健康食物,适当运动。)
1、不再 2、a top student 3、对……有好处
4、play computer games 5、和……聊天
6、on the Internet 7、一天两次 8、fast food
I a singer when I .
in bed is eyes.
It's very important English well.
Li Li study at this school .
They often go out for a walk .
I like my friends the Internet.
I always very after I finish my homework.
What Li Ming often breakfast?
第四课时(The fourth period)
学习目标:1、To recognize and use adverbs of frequency.(识别并使用频率副词。)
2、To recognize and use countable and uncountable nouns.(识别并使用可数名词和不可数名词。)
3、To recognize and use the indefinite articles to talk about things that are countable.
词汇 ice cream, story, glass, tea, of course, favorite, kilo, salt, tomato, soup, roller skating, noodle, wish, piano, shelf (shelves), knife(knives), carrot, potato, pot, pancake
1、How often do they/you exercise?
How often does he/she go shopping?
2、Simon often/seldom/always/sometimes/usually/never plays football.
3、What do we need to buy?
4、We need some chickens and some potatoes.
5、I want to buy an egg/a book.
1、频率副词:never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always
2、可数名词:a table/an apple/two tables/two stories/two watches/photos/tomatoes/knives
不可数名词:bread, water, hair, air, money, rain, tea, chicken, rice, fruit, cheese, milk, salt, sugar, soup, vinegar.
3、不定冠词:a, an
Observation, discovery and induction of the grammar rules.(观察,发现,归纳语法规则。)
The ability of synthetical use.(综合应用能力。)
A、用a, an 填空。
1、There is 'h' and 's' in the word 'fish'.
2、Do you have pen?
3、I want to eat orange?
4、There are 60 minutes in hour.
5、Does your father have useful book?
apple, cup, orange, beef, dish, plate, bowl, egg, pot, bread, hamburger, rice, juice, salt, cheese, meat, tomato, coke, milk, vinegar
Countable nouns:__________________________________________________________
Uncountable nouns:________________________________________________________
1、一公斤鱼 2、一袋大米 3、三篮子花
4、四瓶可乐 5、五杯橙汁 6、六碗面条
第五课时(The fifth period)
1、To revise the grammar items in this Unit.
2、To revise the new words and drills.
3、To do some exercises to consolidate the grammar items and language points.
学习策略:Observation, discovery and induction of the grammar rules.(观察,发现,归纳语法规则。)
智能培养:The ability of synthetical use.(综合应用能力。)
1、I bought three (tomato)for the soup today.
2、Here are four (glass)of (water).
3、The basket is full of (flower).
4、The elephant is eating a (banana).
5、I have an (egg),a cup of (milk)and some (bread)for breakfast.
6、How much (rice)do you want?I'd like two (kilo).
7、He has no or (brother, sister)
8、I like to have some (ice cream)and some (chocolate).
1、There is cup of milk, old glass of water and English fork on the table.
2、He is unusual person. He scored 33 goals in 30 matches.
3、I have orange orange, but my deskmate has yellow orange.
4、There is girl waiting for you at gate of our school. She is wearing cap and pair of sports shoes.
5、Why were you late this morning? Tell me story.
6、Where do you often play basketball? Where do you often play piano?
7、I have old house. Last week I bought new one. Where are they? old one is in Nanjing. new one is here.
8、I often have bowl of rice and plate of vegetables for lunch.
第六课时(The sixth period)
学习目标:1、To listen for specific details.(听懂具体细节。)
2、To obtain special information about a person's lifestyle.(获得关于某人生活方式的具体信息。)
3、To select information from a questionnaire and listen in order to complete a report on another student's lifestyle.(听录音,从一张调查问卷里选择信息,完成一份关于另一个学生的生活方式的报告。)
词汇less than, not…at all, try, feel, lunch, supermarket, carry, biscuit, total, point, questionnaire, congratulation, partner
语言技能:Reading 看懂调查问卷
Writing 写调查报告
Listening 听懂别人的提问和对话
Set up a proper lifestyle according to the interview questionnaire.(通过调查问卷,确立正确的生活方式。)
智能培养:Make a questionnaire and know about healthy issues.(制作调查问卷,了解健康和体育相关知识。)
1、How long are you away from school?
A、Never away from school. B、Less than a week.
C、About two weeks. D、More than two weeks.
2、How often are you ill?
A、Never. B、Sometimes. C、Often. D、Very often.
3、How often do you get to school early?
A、Never. B、Always. C、Sometimes. D、Usually.
4、What time do you go to bed at night?
A、Before 9:30. B、9:30—10:00.
C、10:00—11:00. D、Later than eleven.
5、How many hours of sport do you do every week?
A、Six hours or more. B、About five hours.
C、Three to six hours. D、Less than 3 hours.
6、Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables?
A、Often. B、Usually. C、Sometimes. D、Never.
第七课时(The seventh period)
学习目标:1、To express factual information about diets and lifestyles in writing.(将关于饮食和生活方式的实际信息用文章表达出来。)
2、To write an article for a website based on personal information.(根据个人信息为一个网站写篇文章。)
3、To read an article to a classmate and check for mistakes.(读一篇短文给同学听以检查错误。)
词汇 large, take in. mean, fat, stay, healthy, cheese, peanut, slice, beef, pork, vitamin, calory, amount
1、I am fit and healthy.
2、I think I need(lots of energy).
3、I always/usually/…have…for breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner?
4、This gives sb.…calories to do sth./for sth.
5、I like…because they're/it's good for….
6、I take in…I need vitamins to stay healthy.
7、It's important to do sth.
学习策略:Synthetical use and self comments.(综合应用,自我评价。)
智能培养:Write an article about health and sports.(健康、卫生、体育的逻辑表述。)
Breakfast Lunch Dinner1、 1、 1、2、 2、 2、3、 3、 3、

第八课时(The eighth period)
学习目标:1、To talk about food and diet.(谈论食物和饮食结构。)
2、To introduce and consolidate common intonation pattern with“wh—”questions.(介绍和巩固wh—句型的常用语调。)
3、To revise the use of adverbs of frequency and the names of common food items.(复习常用频率副词和常用食物的名称。)
4、To revise the simple present tense.(复习一般现在时。)
词汇feel, luck, supermarket, carry, stay, taste
语言技能:Speaking 谈论正确的生活方式,会用wh—句型提问做调查问卷。Pronunciation 用wh—句型提问时,注意用降调。
学习策略:Revision and consolidation
1、Are you often late for school?
2、Tom's father works in a car factory.
3、What are you doing over there?
4、Please don't open the door.
5、Do you go to school on foot or by bike?
6、Whose bag is this? Is it yours?
7、Why are you late again?
8、Which do you like better, English or Chinese?
Unit 4 单元测试题
1、You should not eat noodles for supper.
You should eat some other food.
2、I often feel at about 12:00 at noon.
It is time for food.
3、After a day's work, my father gets very .
4、People should wash their hands they have meals.
5、It's to keep healthy.
1、You are not fit, and you should change your (the way you live).
2、Food can give us a lot of (power(力量) to do things).
3、Eddie is very lazy and he never (do sports activities).
4、 (a kind of yellow fruit)taste sour, but mooncakes taste sweet.
5、Do you have a healthy (the food you usually eat)?
1、How long he (read)English every night?
2、I have some (knife).I can lend one to you.
3、My brother often goes to school without (eat)breakfast.
4、Before, Kitty seldom (have)fruit and vegetables.
5、Would you like (buy)fish?
6、I play computer games (two)a week.
7、My teacher says it is very important (sleep)well before an exam(考试).
8、Those need a lot of time every day.(dance)
9、The fish is too (salt).I don't want to eat it.
10、Daniel usually (have)meat and vegetables for dinner now.
( )1、It takes me half hour to do my homework every day.
A、a B、an C、the D、/
( )2、I often get up 8:00 Sundays.
A、in, on B、at, in C、at, on D、in, in
( )3、— does your mother go for a walk?
—Every afternoon.
A、How long B、How much C、How often D、How many
( )4、 is good for our health. It's my favourite sport.
A、Swim B、Swiming C、Swimming D、Swims
( )5、My mother never has noodles breakfast.
A、at B、on C、in D、for
( )6、It takes Mr Wang 20 minutes lunch every day.
A、cook B、to cook C、cooking D、cooks
( )7、I have three sisters. They are all .
A、woman teacher B、woman teachers
C、women teacher D、women teachers
( )8、I can't mend the car your help.
A、of B、with C、without D、for
( )9、You look than before.
A、health B、healthy C、healthiest D、healthier
( )10、Is watching TV too bad your health?
A、much, to B、much, for C、many, to D、many, for
1、Which is your favourite book? Which book you like ?
2、Thanks for your help. Thank you me.
3、Mr Wang doesn't work in this school any longer.
Mr Wang works in this school.
4、Lucy likes Chinese. Lily likes Chinese, too.
Lucy likes Chinese. Lily Chinese.
5、That girl always goes home on foot after school.
That girl always after school.
I have a good friend. His name is Tom. He is a nice boy, but he eats too 1 and doesn't like sports.
He has a big 2 every morning. He has four eggs, 3 of bread and butter and 4 big glass of milk for it. 5 lunch, he eats two hamburgers, a lot of French fries 6 chicken. He drinks a lot of cola or soda, too. For dinner, he likes beef and salad.
He 7 eats beef, chicken, hamburgers, and eggs. He likes ice cream, cola and soda, 8 .
Too much food is not 9 for health. So Tom is very 10 .
1、A、many B、much C、some D、any
2、A、breakfast B、lunch C、dinner D、supper
3、A、much B、many C、lots D、lot
4、A、a B、an C、some D、any
5、A、For B、On C、For D、Of
6、A、for B、and C、of D、but
7、A、often B、never C、seldom D、not
8、A、and B、but C、too D、also
9、A、bad B、good C、important D、hungry
10、A、healthy B、fit C、thin D、fat
A man goes to a fast food restaurant for lunch. "Hi," a worker says, "May I help you?"
"I'd like a hamburger, large fries and a medium Coke." the man says.
"Anything else?" the worker asks.
"No." the man answers, "That's it."
"Is that for here or to go?" the worker asks.
"To go." the man says.
The man pays for his lunch. The worker puts the man's lunch in a bag. The man takes the bag.
1、A man goes . a、in the park
2、He says, . b、a lot of money
3、A worker puts . c、the man's lunch in a bag
4、The man takes the bag d、"I'd like a hamburger, large
and takes a walk . fries and a medium Coke."
5、He opens the bag and e、to a fast—food restaurant for
finds . lunch
Ⅰ、词汇 A、1、always/only 2、hungry 3、tired 4、before
B、1、lifestyle 2、energy 3、exercises 4、lemons 5、diet
1、does, read 2、knives 3、eating 4、had 5、to buy 6、twice
7、to sleep 8、dancer, to dance 9、salty 10、has
1、B 2、C 3、C 4、C 5、D 6、B 7、D 8、C
9、D 10、B
1、do, best 2、for helping 3、no longer 4、also likes 5、walks home
1、B 2、A 3、C 4、A 5、A 6、B 7、A 8、C 9、B 10、D
1、e 2、d 3、c 4、a 5、b
Tom usually has breakfast at home at 6:30.Before,he liked to have fast food. Now, he changed his diet. He often has some milk, bread and eggs for breakfast.At12:00,he has lunch at school. He often has some rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes, he has fish. He often has supper with his family together. Now he is healthier than before.
(阜宁县明达中学 孙会玲 阜宁教研室 卢国华)




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