牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 6

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Teaching and Learning Plan
for Unit 6 of 7A
By Jianhu Experimental Middle School 2005-2-2
Learning Objectives:
1. Introduce names of materials and revise names of clothing, e.g.,leather shoes, a silk scarf
2. Use adjectives to describe clothing, e.g.,colourful trainers, a black skirt
3. Use adjectives to describe people’s opinions about how things look, e.g.,The blue coat is long and it looks smart.
4. Use the simple past tense to talk about things in the past.e.g., Eddie was ill yesterday.
5. Use the simple past tense of the verb “to be”.e.g.,He was at home yesterday.
6. Recognize and use adverbs to order events chronologically e.g.,First, I get up. Then I go to school, Next,---
Teaching plan for Welcome to the unit
1. To learn some basic vocabulary to talk about clothes and materials.
2. To recognize adjectives that describe clothing.
3. To use adjectives to express opinions about how things look.
4. To introduce the main topic of the unit.
Teaching procedures:
Ⅰ. Greetings:
Ⅱ. Welcome to the unit
Part A
Today I’m very happy, because today is my birthday, and I want to have a big birthday party. I’d like to invite some friends to my party. Do you want to know them? First let me introduce two of them to you.
(Showing the two students’ pictures of page 87. )
Look!This is Simon. He looks very smart in the picture. What’s he wearing? Who can tell me?
The students will say:“He’s wearing a shirt ,trousers and shoes.” Then tell the students “He’s wearing a jacket ,a tie and a belt.”
Teach “jacket, tie , belt” Then ask the students to work in pairs, practise according to the model dialogue.
Model Dialogue
A: What color is Simon’s shirt? B. It’s light green.
A: What about his jacket? B. It’s light blue.
A:… B:…
Then talk about the girl’s picture in the same way.
Don’t forget to teach the new word: boot - a pair of boots.
After this, ask the students to open their books at Page 87, and complete part A.
Part B
After finishing Part A, say: My friends are very happy. They want to buy some beautiful presents for me. Please look at them. What’re they? Do you know?
Show the four pictures of part B on Page 87.
Help the students to answer: They’re shoes. / It’s a hat.
It’s a scarf. / They’re shorts.
Ask: Are they beautiful? Help the students to answer: Yes, they are. Say: I like them very much, but I don’t know what they’re made of? Could you help me?
Maybe the students will answer the questions in Chinese. Never mind now help them to answer in English.
Teach: cotton, leather, silk,wool.
According to the students’ own clothes ask them to tell the names of the different materials. Of course you can show them some more pictures from the well known fashion magazines ask them to tell the materials.
Ⅲ. Vocabulary
With the song “ Happy Birthday to You” say. Now we’re having a birthday party. All of my friends are very happy at the party. They’re wearing different clothes. And some of them look very smart and some of them look very modern. Do you know what they’re wearing? Please open your books at page 92. According to the description try to write the correct letters in the boxes.
Ⅳ. Comic Strip
I’m very glad that all of you did very well. I’m sure everyone wants to make himself / herself look more beautiful. They want to wear beautiful clothes, what about you? Of course you do and so do I . But what about dogs? Do they want to wear beautiful clothes, too? Let’s listen to the tape and try to answer the following questions:
Do dogs wear clothes?
Is Eddie a lazy dog? Why?
Ask some students to act out the dialogue if time permits.
Teach the meaning of “ten more minutes” and “ be in bed”.
Ⅴ. Game
a. Show the students some more pictures from some well-known fashion magazines. Divide the students into two groups.
Guess the name and the material of the picture.
b. First show the students a picture about “A man is sleeping with a book open.” Tell the students: The man is sleeping , because the book is boring. Teach “boring” Then ask the students to tell the opposite of the world (interesting). Then show some more pictures, like “a heavy box” ask the students to say “a light box” and so on. If they have some difficulties give them some help.
Ⅵ. Homework
Ask the students to make a survey, try to complete the following table.
Name of classmates Favourite clothes Material Color
Teaching Plan for Reading Ⅰ
1.To locate specific information by scanning the text
2.To predict overall meaning from students’ own background and knowledge
3.To guess the meaning of specific words from the context
4.To read for specific information and to think about related words
Teaching procedures:
Ⅰ. Greetings.
a. First greet the students.
b.Then ask a student: You look very smart today, and your coat is very beautiful. What’s it made of ?
c.Ask a student to come to the front. Point at his coat, shirt ,sweater ……Ask and answer in pairs:
(What’s this? What’re these? What’s it made of? What’re these made of?)
Ⅱ. Reading
After the revision. Show the students a picture of some poor students Say: They’re good students like you ,but they don’t have any beautiful clothes. They have no money. Some of them can’t go to school because they’re too poor. They like studying very much. What can we do for them?
Help them to answer: we can send them some money / some food, books, clothes and so on.
Teacher say: “It’s very kind of you. I’m proud of you” Maybe we can do something for Project Hope like the students at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. Do you know the meaning of “Project Hope” Tell the students the Chinese meaning of it . Then ask what did the students do for Project Hope? Do you want to know? OK. Please open your books at Page 88. Read the passage carefully and ask the students to try to complete the following table.
A Fashion Show
Simon Look colourful; white trousers purple shirt, yellow and red tie
Daniel Look smart and modern; blue and yellow sport clothes;……
Millie ……
Sandy ……
Amy ……
According to the table ask the students to say something about the students’ clothes.
Then ask the students to read the passage again. Then we can have a competition. Divide the students into four groups, ask the students themselves to try to ask questions according to the passage, like: “What do the students at Beijing Secondary School want to do for Project Hope?” Then let the other students answer it like “They want to raise money for Project Hope” If the two students are both right. We can give their groups a red star.
Maybe some students will make some mistakes because they don’t know how to use the simple past tense well. It doesn’t matter. You can give them some help. After the competition. Ask the students to read the passage quickly and ask the students to try to answer the following questions.
1. When did the class (students) give a fashion show? Last Friday.
2. Why did they give a fashion show?
To raise money for Project Hope.
3. Did they wear clothes from different times in the 20th century?
Yes, they did.
4. Who wore clothes from the 1980s? Simon did.
5. Who wore clothes from the 1990s? Sandy did.
6. How did Simon look at the fashion show? He looked colorful.
7. What did Simon wear?
He wore a pair of white trousers, a purple shirt and a yellow and red tie.
8. Did Daniel look smart and modern? Yes, he did.
9. Why do you think so?
Because he wore sports clothes and colorful trainers.
10. Who gave a talk on trainers? Millie.
11. Why did young people in the 1990s like trainers?
Because they’re comfortable.
12. In what style did Sandy wear her hair? In 1990 style.
13. How about Amy? She looked very cool.
14. What did she wear?
She wore a yellow silk blouse with a blue silk scarf and a pair of blue jeans.
15. Do young people like to wear jeans? Yes, they do.
16. Did everyone have fun at the party? Yes.
After asking and answering ,explain some new words and expressions.
①a fashion show ②raise money for…③different times in the 20th century④colorful ⑤smart and modern ⑥give an interesting talk on ⑦the life of a Trainer ⑧be comfortable ⑨wear hair in a 1990s style
If time permits, ask the students to use the words and expressions to make some sentences.
Game: Prepare some pictures of Simon,Daniel Sandy and Millie according to the passage ask the students to color their clothes, of course they shouldn’t look at their books After coloring them ask them to say something about his or her clothes.
Design some clothes you like best and color them.
Teaching plan for ReadingⅡ
1. To read for specific information and to think about related points.
2. To develop and awareness of register and audience.
Teaching procedures:
Ⅰ. Greetings:
a. Free talk
b. Present the dialogue with a student wearing a pair of trainers.
T: You look very smart today.
S: Thank you.
T: Are your trainers new?
S: Yes, they are.
T: Do you like wearing them?
S: Yes, of course.
T: Why do you like to wear them?
S: Because they’re comfortable.
Revise “comfortable” again.
Ⅱ. Game
Ask the students to read the passage again and try to do some exercises,
a. According to the passage. Ask the students to color the students’ clothes.
b. According to the students’ pictures and try to match the right clothes to the students.
Simon Daniel Millie Sandy Amy

a. a yellow silk blouse b. a black skirt
c. a pair of white trousers d. blue and yellow sports clothes
e. a blue silk scarf f. long red boots
g. a purple shirt h. a yellow and red tie
i. a red blouse j. a pair of colorful trainers
k. wear my hair in a 1990s style l. a pair of blue jeans
Ⅲ. Revise the using of the new words and expressions of the passage and then ask them to finish the exercises on Page 90. (B.C)
Ⅳ. Ask the students to read the passage again according to the passage. Let students answer whether the sentence is true or false.
( Before the students read the passage, give them the following questions first )
( ) 1. The students of Class 1 Grade 7 gave a fashion show last Saturday.
( ) 2. Simon wore clothes from the 1990s.
( ) 3. Young people didn’t wear trainers in the 1990s.
( ) 4. Young people like to wear jeans.
( ) 5. Sandy wore a purple blouse and a black skirt.
( ) 6. Amy wore a pair of blue jeans and a blue silk scarf.
If the sentence is wrong, ask the students to correct it.
Ⅴ. A play
Before this class, you can ask three students to prepare a play. Of course, the teacher can give them some help.
One is a journalist (记者).
One is Simon. One is Sandy.
J: Hello. I’m a journalist from JHTV Station. You did very well at the fashion show last Friday.
S&S: Thank you.
J: May I ask you some questions?
S&S: Sure.
J: Excuse me. Sandy. Are these long red boots yours?
Sandy: No, I borrowed them for my mother .
J: Do you like to wear black skirts?
Sandy: No, I don’t like black skirts.
J: Do you like the red blouse?
Sandy: Yes, I like it very much. I think the colour is beautiful.
J: Thank you, Sandy.
Sandy: You’re welcome.
J: Excuse me. Simon. Did you wear the clothes from the 1980s?
Simon: Yes, I did. Do you like the colour of that tie?
J: Yes, I remembered it was red and yellow, right?
Simon: Yes, you’re right. And my trousers are white.
J: Are they yours?
Simon: No, they’re my father’s and my purple shirt is Daniel’s.
J: OK. Thank you, Simon.
Simon: Not at all.
J: Bye-Bye.
S&S: Bye-Bye.
Let the students watch the play twice in class. Then ask them to open their books and finish the exercise on page 91.
Ⅵ. Give the students some key words.Ask the students to try to retell the passage.
Ⅶ. Homework:
Ask the students to design some special costumes for Chinese New Year.
Teaching plan for GrammarⅠ
1. To recognize and use the Simple Past Tense.
2. To recognize typical contexts which use the Simple Past Tense.
Teaching procedures:
Ⅰ. Greetings
Ⅱ. Draw the following time table on the blackboard and tell the students the difference among the Simple Present Tense, the Present Continuous Tense and the Simple Past Tense.
2002 2005 2008

Past Present Future
Teach the usage of the Simple Past Tense.
① Subject + was +…
Subject +were+…
② Subject +v (p.) +…
Teach how to form the simple past tense to regular verbs and irregular verbs.
Most verbs +ed walk-walked
Verbs ending in e +d live-lived
Verbs ending in a consonant +y -y+ied try- tried
Short verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant double the consonant +ed stop-stopped
No changeChange the vowelChange the consonantChange the vowels and the consonants cost-cost, put-putcome-came, ring- rangmake-made, send-sentdo-did, buy-bought
Ⅲ.Teach how to use the Simple Past Tense to make positive and negative sentences.
Ⅳ.Teach how to use the Simple Past Tense to ask and answer questions.
Ⅴ.Use some common time expressions to make some different sentences.
Ⅵ.According to the simple past tense ask the students to try to say something. About what he did yesterday./ last night……?
Ⅶ.Ask the students to finish the exercises on P93, P94 and P95.
Use the Simple Past Tense to write a short passage about “My day”
Teaching Plan for GrammarⅡ
1, To recognize and use the simple past tense.
2, To recognize typical contexts which use the simple past tense.
3, To recognize and use adverbs to order events.
Teaching procedures:
1, Greetings.
2, Briefly review the adverbs like “first, then, next, afterwards and finally ” using the pictures on Page 96 of SB.
Model: First, I went to school. Then I had lessons. Next, I went swimming. Afterwards, I had dinner with my family. Finally, I did my homework.
3, Go through the sentences about what Sandy does in the morning. Ask students to write the letters in the boxes in B1 individually. Help Sandy put the sentences in the correct order.
Answers: e b c a d
4, Ask students to do a presentation about their own day using the adverbs they have learned. Encourage them to give more information. Give some titles for them to choose.
A good day A bad day A funny day An unforgettable day etc.
Show them a sample story:
First I got up at 5 a.m. My alarm clock went off early. I went back to bed and then work up late. Then I went to the bus stop and the bus did not come. Next, I ……
5, Set the context by reminding students about the fashion show described in the unit. Link Simon’s experience to any other events the students may have involved in. Introduce the idea of writing a picture story as a narrative using adverbs and the simple past tense to order events.
6, Review key vocabulary and explain unfamiliar words “catwalk”. Show the five pictures on Page 97 of SB. Ask the following questions:
1, What did Simon do first?
2, What did Simon wear?
3, What did he do next?
4, Who did he talk to?
5, Where did he go afterwards?
7, Ask students to write sentences about Simon’s day using the simple past tense. Then check the answers as a class activity.
8, Task: To tell what you often do on Sunday.
To tell what you did last Sunday.
9, Homework: To write a passage about what your best friend did last Monday.
Teaching Plan for Integrated Skills
1, To listen to a description and identify specific details.
2, To listen to a narrative focusing on adverbs for general understanding.
3, To make inferences from pictures and keywords.
4, To listen for specific meaning and respond by completing part of the story.
5, To ask questions about materials fluently.
6, To describe materials.
Teaching Procedures:
1, Greetings.
2, Review the main items of the last lesson.
3, Talk to the students about their favorite piece of clothing. Ask questions about how that piece of clothing was made and how it might feel. Tell them a story about one of your favorite clothing items.
4, Ask students to look at the different parts of the trainer in Part A1. Play the tape, have students label the parts of the trainer. Divide students into pairs and ask them to compare their answers:
1, tongue 2, stripes 3, shoelace 4, sole
5, Ask students to read Part A2 individually. Identify any words they do not know. Check the meaning of the word “sew”.
Play Part A2 of the recording. Have students compare their answers in pairs and then check for the correct sequence of sentences.
Answers: 3 1 4 6 5 2
6, Ask students to do Part A3 individually as a quick revision activity. Check answers.
Answers:chose, came, cost, finished, gave, looked, stayed, took
7, Tell students to read the second part of the story (Part4). Then play the recording and have students complete the story by listening for the verbs. The tell students to read the story to each other.
8, Ask the students to do the task in Part B.
9, Present the conversation line by line focusing on intonation and the linking of words.
10, Ask more students to add any materials they know to make up the conversations.
Show them a sample conversation as the following:
A: What is the belt made of?
B: It is made of leather.
A: What is the dress made of?
B: I know. It is made of silk.
A: What are these trousers made of?
B: They are made of cotton.
A: OK. What is the scarf made of?
B: Oh, I know that one. It is made of wool.
11, Homework: To write a story with the title of “The life of leather shoes” or “The life of T-shirt”...
Teaching Plan for Main Task
1, To describe different materials and items of clothing.
2, To make a brochure about clothes and fashion.
3, To present a brochure to the class.
Teaching Procedures:
1, Greetings.
2, Before doing the task, ask students who the audience is. Tell the students to read keywords and expressions in the grid on Page 101 of TB. Get the students to identify any words they do not know. Check and clarify the meanings of those words with the class.
3, Explain the instructions of the task carefully. Ask students to read the model article on Page 102 of SB. Ask them to complete the sentences with words from Part A on Page 101 of SB. Encourage students to comment on the model article.
4, Tell students to choose one fashion item. Make them aware of what kind of things their readers might like to read about. Tell the students to change the sentence models if they wish to create their own sentences. Get students to write a rough draft using the given model.
5, In pairs, students read, check and correct their partner’s drafts.
6, Ask students to rewrite their articles on a separate sheet of paper and add illustration particularly pictures of popular fashion items. Ask them to stick their work on large display paper and put it up on display. Encourage them to read each other’s work.
7, Ask students to present their brochures to the class. Ask the class to vote for the best brochure.
8, Task: 1, To tell what materials you need to design some clothes.
2, To write a passage for a “fashion wall”.
9, Homework: To get more information about designing fashionable…
Teaching Plan for Pronunciation
1, To introduce the pronunciation of the endings of the past tense forms of regular verbs.
2, To identify the different sounds of the “-ed” endings.
3, To assess students’ use of the simple past tense forms in context.
4, To assess appropriate choice of vocabulary to complete a conversation describing clothing items.
Teaching Procedures:
1, Greetings.
2, Ask students to listen to the different sounds at the end of the verbs in Part A. Then repeat and pay attention to the different endings.
3, Ask the students to listen to the words and write down the sounds they hear.
4, Introduce the context of the conversation in Part C. Play the recording. Tell the students to pay attention to the different sounds of “-ed” ending.
5, Explain the context and instruction for Part A & B on Page 103 of SB to the students. Give them a time limit.
6, Ask students to pass their books to the row behind them. The last row gives books to the first row of students.
7, Ask one student at a time to read one complete sentence. Ask the rest of the class to say “correct” or “wrong”. If it is wrong, ask the class to identify the reason.
8, Get the students to correct each other’s work and write the score on the “paw”.
9, Dictation:
Last night, I went to the cinema with my friends. It was cold, so I wore my bright green coat and my white silk scarf. I also wore my new leather boots, but they were very uncomfortable.
First, we took the bus to Xidan. Then we ate dinner at a restaurant. Next it started to rain, but I didn’t have an umbrella. On the way to the cinema, I stopped in a shop and bought one. Finally, we arrived at the cinema but we were late. We missed the beginning of the film.
10, Homework: Review Unit 6 to prepare for a test.
Unit6 Fashion
第一课时(Comic strip + Welcome to the unit +Vocabulary)
1、重点词汇和短语:fashion, lazy, tie, cotton, leather, silk, wool, light, heavy, boring, spend ten minutes in bed, be lazy, what to wear, wear a pair of long red boots.
2、复习现在进行时:be+ Ving
What are they wearing? They’re wearing….
1、穿什么 2、花十分钟呆在床上
3、太懒 4、一双红色的长筒靴
5、一场令人厌倦的电影 6、一件浅色的衣服
1. It’s cold today. Please put on your .(夹克衫)。
2. Sandy’s father is wearing a new (衬衫) with a (领带).
3. Mum wants to buy me a (衬衫)、 a (裙子) and also a pair of (靴子) as a birthday party.
4. Both the (裤子) and the (鞋子) are old.
5. She can’t run fast because she’s wearing a (黑) coat.
1. I don’t know what (wear).
2. I can spend ten more (minute) in bed.
3. Millie (give) an interesting talk on “The life of a Trainer”.
4. I have two (pair) of new boots.
5. Daniel is wearing a (colour) sweater.
A: Mum, I don’t know what to w today?
B: It’s cold outside. P on your coat.
A: W coat? The blue o ?
B: Yes, that’s r .
A: OK. Mum. I’d like to wear a s , too.
Unit6 Fashion
第二课时 (Reading I)
1、重点词汇和短语:a fashion show, time, century(centuries), colourful, smart, modern, trainer(s), give a talk, all sb’s life, comfortable, boot(s), style, cool., scarf
Our class gave a fashion show. We wanted to raise money.
3、连系动词+形 look/ taste/ feel+adj.
Daniel looked smart and modern.
He feels happy at his birthday party.
1、举行时装展 2、想要收集资金 _
3、在20世纪 4、看上去时髦
5、作有趣的报告 6、一双色彩艳丽的运动鞋
7、非常舒服 8、把我的头发梳成一种新式样 _
1. The girl and the mother wear the same (尺码) clothes.
2. Does Simon like the (颜色)of these ties?
3. These long red boots aren’t hers. She (借)them from her classmate yesterday.
4. Usually we call sports shoes (运动鞋).
5. Sandy usually goes to (衣服) shops with her mother.
6. Everyone had a lot of (乐趣) at the fashion show.
1. Why did the students give a fashion show?
2. Did anyone give a talk? What did he/she talk on?
3. What did Sandy wear?
4. Did everyone have a good time?
Last Friday, our class (give) a fashion show. We wanted (raise) money for Project Hope. We all (wear) clothes from different (time) in the 20th (century) some students wore clothes from clothes from the 1960s. Simon wore clothes from the 1980s. I wore clothes from the 1990s.
Simon looked (colour). (he) trousers were white. He wore a purple shirt. His tie was yellow and red.
Daniel looked smart and modern. He wore blue and yellow sports clothes. He also wore a pair of colourful (trainer).
Millie gave an (interest) talk on “The Life of a Trainer”. Young (people) in the 1990s liked (wear) trainers.
Trainers are usually very comfortable.
Unit 6 Fashion
第三课时 (Reading II)
1、继续学习并巩固Reading 的内容。
2、继续学习一般过去时 主+V I wore a black skirt.
Everyone had fun at the fashion show.
Millie’s friends were at the show .
Daniel is a pair of .
In different , people different .
She likes dress .
This is to wear.
1. am / is 2. are 3. do
4. have 5. come 6. go
7. find 8. choose 9. study
10. stop 11. try 12. plan
( ) 1. I 50 yuan on those books yesterday.
A. spend B. spending C. spended D. spent
( ) 2. I didn’t know why everyone in my family busy this morning.
A. is B. were C. was D. are
( ) 3. What did you do last weekend? I to a fashion show with my parents.
A. goes, see B. went, saw C. went, see D. go, saw
( ) 4. Jason a red and yellow tie from Daniel?
A. Do, borrow B. Did, borrow C. Does, borrowed D. Did, borrowed
( ) 5. she a pair of leather boots?
A. Does, wears B. Is, wearing C. Did, wore D. Are, wearing
( ) 6. Mr Luck never wine, but yesterday he .
A. drinks, did B. drank, did C. drinks, does D. drank, does
( ) 7. The people in 1960s in America to country music (乡村音乐).
A. like, listen B. liked, listen C. liked, listening D. like, listened
( ) 8. Did you yourself at he party? Yes, I .
A. enjoy, enjoyed B. enjoyed, enjoy C. enjoyed, did D. enjoy, did
( ) 9. My friends often a lot of presents on my birthday.
A. send, me B. sent, I C. send, I D. sent, me
( ) 10. Did you ______yesterday afternoon?
A. go, swimming B. went, swam C. go, swam D. went, swimmed
Mr King goes to a dinner party. He is wearing old clothes. He comes into the room. But people in the room don’t ask him to sit at the table.
Mr King goes home and puts on his good clothes. He goes back to the party. Everyone in the room stands up and smiles at him. They give him very good food to eat. Mr King takes off his clothes, and puts them in the food and says, “Eat, clothes!” The other people ask, “What are you doing?” He answers. “I’m asking my coat to eat food. I am wearing my old clothes. You don’t look at me. You don’t ask me to sit down. Now I’m in these clothes. And you give me very good food. Now I see, you give the food to my clothes, not to me!”
( ) 1. Mr King goes to the dinner party, but the people in the room don’t look at him. Because .
A. he doesn’t come by car B. he is young
C. he is wearing his old clothes D. he is old
( ) 2. Mr King goes home to his clothes.
A. put on, good B. puts on, fine C. take off, good D. wear, old
( ) 3. Mr King goes back to the party, people in the room stand up and smile at him, because .
A. he is wearing his old clothes B. he comes by a good car
C. he is wearing his good clothes D. he is putting on his good clothes
( ) 4. Mr King takes off his good clothes, and them the good food. A. ask, to eat B. asks, to eat C. lets, to eat D. ask, eat
( ) 5. Mr King says the good food is .
A. for me B. for him C. for his old clothes D. for his god clothes
提示:1、上星期日,Mary 过生日,请我参加她的生日聚会。
3、Mary 很高兴收到这件礼物,她说她非常喜欢。
第4课时 Grammar(I)
1. want 2. look 3. like
4. ask 5. play 6. talk
7. borrow 8. help 9. dance
10. cook 11. design 12. walk
13. chat 14. carry 15. join
1. see 2. spend 3. give
4. meet 5. buy 6. go
7. run 8. let 9. begin
10. bring 11. think 12. pay
13. lost 14. hear 15. learn
( ) 1. —When you listen t the CDs? —Three days .
A. did, before B. did, ago C. do, before D. do, ago
( ) 2. Mum often , but she yesterday.
A. cooks us nice food, doesn’t B. cooked us nice food, didn’t
C. cooks nice food for us, didn’t D. cooked nice food for us, doesn’t
( ) 3. My brother usually to school by bike, but this morning he to school
A. go, walks B. went walked C. goes, walked D. goes, walks
( ) 4. Mary her aunt a week ago.
A. Does, met B. Did, meet C. Did, met D. Does, meet
( ) 5. your friend often to you last year?
A. Does, write B. Does, write C. Did, write D. Did, wrote
1. Mother often (cook) nice food for me last year.
2. I (finish) my poster for the Fashion wall at 4:00 p.m. yesterday.
3. We (stay) in Beijing last week and (enjoy) ourselves there.
4. —What Millie (do) yesterday afternoon.
—He (go) to the Reading club with Sandy.
5. We (not see) that interesting film last weekend.
6. Mike (join) my group a few days ago.
7. you (watch) the video film last night?
8. They (go) to London two days ago.
9. Tom (win) the long jump last week.
10. — (you) (go) to the POP concert last Sunday?
—Yes, I (do). I really (like) it.
第5课时 Grammar(II)
2、能熟练使用时间副词first, then, next, afterwards, finally
1. use 2. enjoy 3. be
4. cry 5. need 6. wait
7. say 8. choose 9. feel
10. forget 11. fit 12. have/ has
13. sew 14. shout 15. taste
16. swim 17. send 18. make
一、用be 动词的适当形式填空:
1. —What day it yesterdays? —It Sunday.
2. —Why the boy late for school this morning? —Because he ill.
3. — they at home just now? —No, they .
4. — you in Dalian last month? —Yes, I .
5. —Who not here today?
—Everyone here, but Liu Mei and Rose not here yesterday.
6. — Mr Green at the museum half an hour ago? —No, he .
7. —When you born? —I born in 1989.
8. Jack and I late for school this morning. I very sorry about it.
9. There a lot of people in this city many years ago.
10. My cousin (not ) at the football match at that moment.
1. He finished the fashion design last Sunday.(改否定句)
He the fashion design last Sunday.
2. Sandy enjoyed the fashion show yesterday.
What Sandy yesterday?
3. He spent eighty yuan on the watch. (同义句)
This watch eight yuan.
4. How much are the books. (同义句)
How much the books ?
5. Is he watching TV now? (改写句子)
he TV night.
三、用first, then, next, afterwards, finally重新连接下列句子,以yesterday 为时间.
I have lunch at school, have lessons, go to school, get up, have breakfast
Unit 6 Fashion
第六课时(Integrated skills)
1、重点词汇和短语:shoe (shoelace, shoemaker) , sew(clothes), on the left/ right of… shop(shopping) , act, plant(s), stop, around, be made of
2、Pronunciation ‘ed’
danced/ helped/ talked / shopped / t /
played/ lived/ answered/ carried / d /
acted/ needed/ visited/ shouted / id /
一、 翻译词组
1、一付鞋带 2、一块皮革
3、从棕色改变成白色 4、由布做成
5、把鞋带穿在鞋子上 6、缝制衣服
二、 根据中文填单词
1. My cap is made of (羊毛),what about yours?
2. My teacher is clever and (神气的)。
3.In china people walk on the (右).
4. (世纪) ago,there were no buses.
5.My grandpa (停) and had a look.
6. (最)we raised money for Project Hope.
一、 用所给动词的正确形式填空
1、What is the purple scarf (make)of?
2、Daniel (plan)to go to shanghai by plane last week.
3、They would like (have) the same trousers.
4、We did some (shop)yesterday.
5、The people hope (visit) China.
6、After words, he (sew)some blue stripes.
1. she a pair of leather boots?
A. Do, wear B.Is, wearing C. liked, wearing D. like, wearing
2.He was late for school because he get up early.
A. isn’t B. wasn’t C. doesn’t D. didn’t
3. The teacher gave us a talk “How to learn English ” last Sunday.
A. in B. at C. on D. with
4. your daughter help you the housework every day?
A. Did, with B. Do, with C. Is, at D. Does, with
5. The young people in 1990s jeans.
A. like wear B. liked, wear C. liked, wearing D. like, wearing
1. First, go to school early, choose what to war
2. Then, dress up in white trousers, a blue shirt, a red tie, match well
3. Next, walk to kitty, cool
4. Afterwards, do the show on the catwalk, classmates, laugh
5. Finally, go home by bus, happy
第七课时 Main task
design, look really good, be made of, match the clothes very well
1、我的时装设计 2、一双靴子
3、设计别的衣服 4、看上去真的很好
5、由羊毛制成的 6、很配衣服
7、那多么漂亮的衣服 8、去时装表演
1. The scarf matches her clothes very . (good)
2. All the clothes he designed look (real) good together.
3. You know, Simon wants to be a football (play).
4. It was great (funny) to go to the Reading club at school.
5. Kate the shoes yesterday (sew).
( ) 1. We saw pretty clothes at the shopping mall.
A. very much B. so many C. so much D. very many
( ) 2. Sandy looked in a hairstyle.
A. greatly, 1990’s B. great, 1990’s C. greatly, 1990s D. great, 1990s
( ) 3. The pair of shor boots me ¥200.
A. paid B. spent C. lost D. took
( ) 4. I tired yesterday. So I go shopping with her.
A. am, don’t B. was, am no C. was, didn’t D. am, am not
( ) 5. Where were you ?
A. just now B. now C. go D. before
1. — (do) you go to the cinema last Sunday?
—Yes, I . (do)
2. What about (play) basketball with us?
3. There (be) a lot of people in the shopping mall on Sundays. But last Sunday my mother (not go) shopping. She (visit) my groundparents.
4. Look! Daniel (clean) the classroom. Let’s (go) and (help) him.
5. —Would you like (walk) with me first?
—Sorry. I do my homework first.
Unit 6 Fashion
第八课时 (Study skills Checkout)
1) be was were
2) +ed walked cleaned +d liked lived
辅+yieds tried studied 双写+ed stopped planned
发音 /d/ /t/ /id/
1. win 2. be 3. go
4. take 5. carry 6. give
7. shop 8. cut 9. play
10. see 11. sew 12. eat
1. The school is on the (左边) of the cinema.
2. They came here ten years (以前).
3. He passed the exams (最后).
4. The box isn’t heavy. It’s (轻的).
5. Look, they’re (种) trees.
6. The rain (停) an hour ago.
7. The lion was (在……周围) here at lunchtime.
8. Who (设计) the Nanjing Changjiang River Bridge?
9. Cheng Long is a famous film (明星).
10. We were all born in the twentieth (世纪).
1. I (write) the letter but (forget) to post it.
2. (believe) me. I can (pass) the exam.
3. Mike (join) my group a few days ago.
4. What you (see) around supper time?
I (see) a deer.
5. you (watch) the video film last night.
6. Long long ago, there (be) a king and a queen.
7. We (build) the bridge in 1990.
8. He (study) English very hard. So he is the best boy in the class.
9. Listen! Who (sing) in the room.
10. He (get) up at 6:00 every day. But this morning he (get) up at 8:00.
( ) 1. There no hospitals here three years ago.
A. was B. had C. were D. are
( ) 2. We live in the century now.
A. twenties B. twenty C. twentieth D. 21st century
( ) 3. I love swimming. .
A. Me too B. I also C. I do D. Did you
( ) 4. I it, but I couldn’t it.
A. found, look for B. looked for, find
C. find, looked for D. am looking for, found
( ) 5. Who helped the girl? Mike .
A. was B. does C. played D. did
假如今晚你同学Simon生日,在他家有个生日Party, 你想去之前打扮一下自己,然后再叫同学Sandy一起去选购礼物。使用以下所给词汇:first, then ,next , afterwards, finally, choose, dress up, call sb, meet up, with, shopping mall, teddy, bear, simon’s home
Unit 6 Fashion 单元测试
1. Beckhalm is my favourite football p .
2. When Lily grows up,she wants to be a fashion m .
3. Tom’s shirt is made of cotton and s .
4. Three weeks a ,my father started to study French.
5. Your yellow tie m your suit well.
6. (后来), I put on my coat and went out.
7. Look at the picture. It’s so (色彩鲜艳).
8. There’re so many kinds of sports shoes. Which pair will you 选择)?
9. In the old (时代) most of Chinese farmers couldn’t get enough food and clothes.
10. Shanghai is a (现代的) city. We can see many tall buildings everywhere.
1. Everyone had a good time at Jim’s birthday party.
Everyone at Jim’s birthday party.
2. Lucy wanted to be a member in the fashion show.
Lucy wanted to the fashion show.
3. I was born in 1993.
I was born in .
4. Millie talked about: the life of a trainer “on the fashion show”.
Millie on “the life of a trainer” on the fashion show.
5. Did Amy wear a red blouse?
Amy a red blouse?
( ) 1. Mary went to be shop another table.
A. buying B. buys C. bought D. to buy
( ) 2. Summer clothes are made of the materials below except .
A. silk B. wool C. leather D. cotton
( ) 3. I don’t know it today.
A. what to do B. how to do C. to do what D. to do how
( ) 4. Kitty a lovely blouse yesterday.
A. put on B. dressed C. in D. wore
( ) 5. I tired yesterdays, so I go shopping with her.
A. am, don’t B. was, am not C. was, didn’t D. am, am not
( ) 6. The pair of short boots me ¥200.
A. paid B. spent C. cost D. took
( ) 7. his mother others many years ago?
A. Does, help B. Do, help C. Is, helping D. Did, help
( ) 8. He the coat and went for a walk.
A. is wearing B. wore C. dress up in D. put on
( ) 9. I the number down a piece of paper a moment ago.
A. writed, on B. writed, in C. wrote, on D. wrote, in
( ) 10. Windy often her homework in the evening, but this evening she TV.
A. does, watches B. is doing, watches
C. does, is watching D. is doing, is watching
1. They (get) to know each other many years ago.
2. —When you (join) the league? —In 1999.
3. — the old man (water) the flowers every day?
—Certainly. It (take) him much time (do) the job.
4. Some one (take) away my book.
It (be) here just now.
5. —Who (write) best in your class? —Marry (do).
6. There (be) no good news on the newspaper yesterday.
7. It’s raining hard outside, I don’t know where go.
8. I (not feel) well yesterday, but now I (be) well.
9. Lu Xun (be) a great writer. He (write) many book.
10. I (dress) myself in red when I (be) a little girl.
三、 完成句子:
1. 今天是星期天,可是我不知道做些什么。
Today is Sunday, but I don’t know .
2. 我的夹克衫是棉制的。
My jacket cotton.
3. 穿了一件新运动衫的的马克看上去很酷。
Mark in his new sweater.
4. 我喜欢上世纪末的服装。
I like the clothes .
5. 昨天野营时大家玩得很开心。
Everyone at the picnic yesterday.




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