人教Book2 unit20 Mainly Revision-人教版[原创]

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Unit 20 Mainly Revision
Teaching Plan
Tianjin Experimental High School
天津市实验中学 英语 学科课堂教学素质教育目标
章、节课 题 Unit 20 Mainly revision
教养性目标 基础知识 To master the following new words and phrases: yet, myself, cousin, cousin, engineer, cancer, care, take care of , sad, death, page, palace, the Summer Palace, herself, turn on, while, after a while, turn off, any more, make faces, whole, wonderful, have a cold, once, himself, tooth, kill, etc.
学科能力 To master the following sentences: Your parents must be worried. I can’t leave her by herself. But she looked at me and cried harder and harder. It broke in the wind. He told me not to bring you anything. With these words the tiger jumped into the river.Grammar:Revise the grammatical items in the unit15, unit16, unit17, unit18, unit19.
思想方法 To use the language and fulfill activities of listening, speaking, writing and other exercises in the unit.
教育性目标 德育渗透 1. 通过凌峰的故事培养学生乐于助人的好品质。2. 通过猴子战胜老虎的故事培养学生机智勇敢、不畏强敌的精神。
发展性目标 良好心理素质的培养 1. 通过凌峰想方设法哄孩子的故事,培养学生的挑战性。2. 通过Word Puzzle,Word game培养学生的瞬时记忆能力。3. 通过对以前知识的复习培养学生思维的准确性。
Unit 20 Mainly Revision
I. Teaching Aims and Demands:
1. The Ss revise the words and expressions in the last 5 units and learn to use them.
2. The Ss learn to use the language and fulfill activities of listening, speaking and exercises.
3. Practice the use of modal verbs, the basic 5 sentence types, use of linking verbs and predicative, indefinite pronouns and reflexive pronouns(不定代词与反身代词).
II. Teaching Key Points:
1. The ways of expressing the happy and sad things.
2. Reading the text “A Page From a Student’s Diary” and the text “The Tiger and the Monkey”
3. Revise the use of modal verbs, the basic 5 sentence types, use of linking verbs and predicative, indefinite pronouns and reflexive pronouns.
III. Teaching Difficulties:
1. To consolidate the grammar in the past 5 units.
2. To let the Ss understand the fable moral of the stories learnt in the unit..
3. To use what they have learnt to fulfill the tasks the teacher gives.
IV. Teaching Methods:
Group cooperation, task-based learning, drill and practice.
V. Teaching Media:
Tape, recorder, computer, multi-media sys. courseware.
VI. Time Allocation:
Period 1: Lesson 77 of TB, WB, QTB(《质量监测》).
Period 2: Lesson 78 of TB, WB, QTB(《质量监测》).
Period 3: Lesson 79 of TB, WB, QTB(《质量监测》).
Period 4: Lesson80 of TB, WB, QTB(《质量监测》).
Period 5: Revision on English Weekly and other exercises
Period 6: Revision for the Mid-term Examinations
Period 1 Lesson 77
I. Teaching Aims and Demands:
1. The Ss can read and act out the dialogues.
2. The Ss learn the language to express happy and sad things.
II. Teaching Key Points:
The daily expressions about happy things and sad things.
III. Teaching Difficulties:
To use the language freely when making sentences according to the situations.
IV. Teaching Medias:
Tape, tape recorder, computer, flash-disc, multi-media sys.
V. Teaching Procedures:
Step1. English Song learning (5min)
1. Listen to the “If you are happy” and learn to sing along.
Step2. Revision (10min)
1. Ask one student from each group to recite the rhyme “Wake-up Time”.
2. Do some exercises in class. (slide)
Step3. Read and act(15min)
1. Listen to the first dialogue and finish the listening exercise in QTB(《质量监测》).
2. Answer the questions:
Does Han Mei know how to use it? No, she doesn’t.
What does Han Mei’s cousin do? She is a computer engineer.
3. Language points:
○1 buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. Sth.
e.g. He bought a new shirt for his father. àHe bought his father a new shirt.
Who do you buy them for?
○2 how to use it wh-word + to do复合不定式结构, 可以变成由wh-word引 导的从句。
e.g. Where to go tomorrow is still a question.
à Where we shall go tomorrow is still a question.
My question is how we can get there. à My question is how to get there.
I don’t know how I can write. à I don’t know how to write.
He showed me how I can use the computer.
à He showed me how to use the computer.
○3 yet adv. until now, now (often in questions and negative sentences) 还,尚
e.g. Have you read the book, yet? Not yet.
He is yet a child. It was not yet dark.
○4 learn ...... by oneself = teach oneself
e.g. I learned English by myself when I was a child.
àI taught myself English when I was a child.
He learned to use the computer all by himself.
àHe taught himself to use the computer.
learn/teach to do
swimming, skating , driving等具有技术含义的词已被看作名词,可直接用。但 是如果要说某个特指的动作,则用to do形式。
e.g. He learns swimming by himself. He teaches himself swimming.
Do you learn driving all by yourself? I learned to drive this car by myself.
He taught me to swim in the sea.
○5 learn & study : learn指在人指导下学习,通常指为了获得基础知识或技能,也有 学习精神或教训,或获取信息。study是在导师指导下或自己对某领域的内容进行 学习和研究。
e.g. We have learned/studied English for five years.
Scientists(科学家) are studying the universe(宇宙) these years.
He is learning how to mend the computer.
It’s never too late to learn. You should learn from each other.
I am studying the reasons(原因) for the death of the animals.
I learned from your letter that you were ill again.
4. Listen to the second dialogue and finish the listening exercise in QTB(《质量监测》).
5. Answer the questions:
Why did Paul have to take care of himself and his little brother?
His uncle is ill because he has cancer. So Paul has to take care of his younger brother and do some cooking.
6. Language points:
○1 must be 表示推测语气
e.g. He must be sixty now. You must stay here until 5 o’clock.
○2 take care of = look after / take good care of = look after …. well
e.g. Please take care of your brother. à Please look after your brother.
We must take good care of the young trees.
à We must look after the young trees well .
care [n.] careful [adj.] careless [adj.] carefully [adv.] carelessly [adv.]
e.g. Take care not to get lost. Who cares! 管他呢。
Do you care for a cup of tea? = Would you like a cup of tea?
○3 do the cooking; do the cleaning; do some washing; do some shopping/ reading
○4 * think of , think about, think [vi]
e.g. I think (that) he is good at studying. I don’t think you are right.
She is thinking what to do next. He is thinking about the plan.
I am thinking what to say. I am thinking about my speech.
He is thinking about/of changing his job. He always thinks much of others.
The old photo makes me think of my childhood.
Step4. Write (10min)
Write your answers in the exercise book.
What makes you happy? What makes you sad?
What makes her happy?
What makes her sad? It makes … happy when Yao-ming wins a basketball match.
Think of Mei Yanfang’s death… I felt … when I came back from the space.
Step5. In-class Exercises (5min)
1. Gap filling and language use.
2. Check the exercises in WB:page91-Ex2
Step6. Homework (1min)
Write in the same exercise book a chart like this:
What makes you happy?
What will you do if you are happy?
What makes you sad?
What will you do if you are sad?
Ask other members in your group these questions and make the form.
Each group turn in the exercise book as a group. 每组六张表一起交。
Period 2 Lesson 78
I. Teaching Aims and Demands:
1. The Ss can retell the story and learn the format of writing an English diary..
2. Give the Ss the demands about the mid-term exams.
II. Teaching Key Points:
1. The way to write an English diary.
2. join, leave, talk to, -er+-er, not…ant more/longer, face, whole and all.
III. Teaching Difficulties:
The Ss learn the different use of the same words or different words for the same meaning.
IV. Teaching Medias:
Tape, tape recorder, computer, flash-disc, multi-media sys.
V. Teaching Procedures:
Step1. Enjoy the English Song
“Seasons in the sun”, if they find it difficult to write the lyrics, give them the words as the gap filling.
Step2. Pre-read
1. Learn how to write an English diary.
First, note down the day of the week and the date on the top right hand corner of the page.
Monday April 18th, 2005 (We needn’t write about the weather, but you can write it as your own habit.)
2. What can be written in a diary?
What you did in the daytime, what you think about your schoolmates or classmates, what you learn through the days, or just your feelings about something that happened to other people. Anything as you like will do. It’s your own diary. Often the English-speaking people will mainly use past tense in the dairy and “I” is often omitted.
Today we are going to learn a page from a student’s diary. What did he write about in this page of diary? Listen to the tape and try to answer the questions here.
Step3. Read
1. Listen and answer?
○1 Where did Ling Feng’s classmates go that afternoon? The Summer Palace.
○2 What about Ling Feng ? Why not? He helped Aunt Wang to look after her baby.
○3 How old was the baby? She was about ten months old.
○4 Why did the baby begin to cry when she woke up? Because she didn’t see her mother.
○5 How did Ling Feng make her stop crying at last?
Ling Feng sang songs for her, made faces , jumped like a monkey and did all kinds of funny things to make the baby stop crying.
2. Gap-filling(slides)
3. Using the key words or phrases, try to retell the story.
Step4. Language points
1. join v. to be a member of some people or a group
join in (doing) to do something together with somebody else
e.g. 他们去踢足球了,但我没有合他们一起去。
They went to play football, but I didn’t join them.
你愿意和我们一起去散步吗?Will you join us in a walk?
你什么时候入队的?When did you join the Young Pioneer?
他们把两个城市用一条铁路连接起来。They joined the two big cities by a railway.
Where do the two rivers join? 这两条河在哪里会合?
take part in / attend take part in the school’s sport meet attend Ms Xie’s English class
2. leave (left)one by oneself to let someone stay by himself
e.g. = go away: She is going to leave for England in a week. My uncle left his job yesterday.
She has been away from here for a year.
Never leave the baby by himself. He left the windows open and left.
Some things are better left unsaid.
Don’t touch anything here, just leave them as they are.
His father died and left him a lot of money.
Oh, dear me! I left my bag in the taxi! I forget (to bring) my watch. (* at home)
3. talk to sb. 同某人谈,侧重一方说一方听。 Listen to the teacher, don’t talk to me!
talk with sb. 与某人交谈,双方相互交谈。 May I talk with your boss?
talk about sth./sb. = discuss 谈论 The students are talking about their hobbies.
-Look, Mike is talking with a man.
-The man is his father. He is now talking to Mike.
- They are talking about Mike’s study at school.
4. harder and harder à -er and –er
e.g. The little girl is becoming more and more beautiful.
It’s getting warmer and warmer these days.
He had more and more money. You are growing taller and taller.
The train went faster and faster and soon went far away.
5. not … any more = no more, not … any longer = no longer (延续性动词)
e.g. After that, he came no more. / He didn’t come any more after that.
You are no longer a little boy/ not a little boy any longer. You have grown up now.
6. make faces = make a face
e.g. The two big buildings stand face to face on each side of the street.
Kate has a round face. [c.n.] I don’t have the face to laugh at him.
He came in with a smile on his face. He hit me in the face.
My house faces the south. We are facing a lot of difficulties.
7. all + 定冠词(指示、物主代词)+ 名词,侧重数量之和;可以指未分割或已分割的,既可以修饰可数名词复数,也可修饰不可数名词或物质名词。
定冠词(指示、物主代词)+ whole + 名词,侧重整体;只可以指未分割的事物,不能修饰不可数名词或物质名词,修饰复数名词时前面有数量名词。
e.g. the whole story à all the story ; my/the whole family à all my/the family
all the classes; all the students; all the people; all our books; the whole class/all the class
all the money; five whole days à all five days
Step5. Exercises in class
WB-page 92- Ex2
Step6. Homework
1. Review the diary and try to retell it in your own words.
2. Write a diary in the writing exercise book according to WB-page 3 on page 92.
Step7. Supplementary demands for the study after the Mid-term exams. (print)
1. Adapt the groups and your English names. A new form is going to be done.
2. No.3s gives the scores for the group members for these two weeks. (By the end of this week)
3. After the exams and May-first holidays, we are going to start duty. At least 5 tasks will be given to the group on duty. And the group leader on turn will assign these tasks to different students. One group for one week. We’ll draw lots to decide the group on duty. The students who represents the duty tasks will gain at least 5 points; if they use Aiding PPT courseware, 1 more point; date, the day and the weather report, 1 more point; any games or something that can ask more other students to take part in, 2 more points; the fluency of your spoken English, 1 more point.
The tasks are different from unit to unit. One is unchanged: English song learning. For the week you are on duty, your group must prepare an English Song and give other students the lyric before the class. At the very beginning of the class, teach them sing the song. Other tasks are related to our unit learning, so I will give time for you to represent your duty when I reach the exact part of the unit. Each duty is given 5 minutes to the most. Come to me and ask for tasks of your group when it’s your turn by drawing lots, which takes place a week ahead of the time. And if you have any PPT courseware to link to mine, turn in before I start a new lesson.
4. Copying the new words of each unit: the assistants of English help make the records of the dictation and the new-word-copying.
5. The texts in each lesson must be read 3 times and ask your parents to sign the name on each page of the texts. The group leaders check the signatures of your exchange group on the Friday Morning. The assistants of English or I will check the work from time to time. If anyone doesn’t finish this work and the group leader hasn’t report to me or the assistant of English, both the two will lose points.
Period 3 Lesson 79 & 80
I. Teaching Aims and Demands:
1. The Ss can finish the exercises by themselves and check the answers in group work.
2. Give the Ss the correct answers to the exercises in TB, WB, and QTB.
3. If time available, give the answers to the white papers. (形成性练习)
II. Teaching Key Points:
1. Dialogues about the May 1st holiday and use the target language about planning.
2. Listening text.
III. Teaching Difficulties:
The Ss can practice and review the use of the language learned in the previous units and fulfill the tasks given by the teacher.
IV. Teaching Medias:
Tape, tape recorder, computer, flash-disc, multi-media sys.
V. Teaching Procedures:
Step1. Enjoy the English Song
“Seasons in the sun”, if they find it difficult to write the lyrics, give them the words as the gap filling.
Step2. Read and act
1. Divide the whole class into two groups and read the dialogue for the first time; and ask the boys and the girls read it again as two parts.
2. Explain the following points:
a. “and me”
e.g. You, Linda and I are in the same class.
They will take Tom and me to Shanghai.
b. “find one’s way to a place”
e.g. lose one’s way to make one’s way to
the way to Rome the answer to the question the key to the door the visit to N.Y.
Step3. Listening text
(WB: P94)Listen to the text and check the answers with the class.
Step4. Checking the exercises
1. The Ex2 on page 28, Ex3 on page28, Ex1 on page 29 and give 2 more examples for each type of sentences, Ex3 on page 29 and ask one member to write the answer on the Bb, the Ex 4 on page 29.
2. The Ex2 on page91, Ex2 on page 92, Ex2 on page 2, Ex2, 3 on page 94, Ex 4, 5 and 6 on page 95.
Step5. Group-work
1. Group A-C: Role play the text of “The Tiger and the Monkey”.
2. Group D-F: Role play the story according to Ex3 on page 93.
3. Group G: Read the story of Ex7on page96, one read the story, one act out, and the third write down the unlucky things that happened to Ted.
4. Group H: Give the ending to the 1st story in Ex8 and read the whole story together.
5. Group I: give the ending to the 2nd story in Ex8 and read the whole story together.
I will give the whole class 10 minutes to prepare, if you have finished your own tasks, you may discuss about any exercises of other groups.
Step5. Task report (Time not defined)
Step6. Checking
1. The teacher check up any incorrect points left among the tasks.
2. Check the exercise in QTB.
Step7. Homework
1. Preview the story and finish all the exercises in QTB about Unit20.
2. 完成形成性练习上所有的单选,阅读和带提示语的作文。组长明天检查。
3. 周二、周五早自习对QTB答案,和对形成性答案。




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