人教Book2 unit17 You must be careful

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Unit 17 You must be careful!
Teaching Plan
Tianjin Experimental High School
天津市实验中学 英语 学科课堂教学素质教育目标
章、节课 题 Unit 17 You must be careful!
教养性目标 基础知识 To master the following new words and phrases:hit, make a noise, disturb, passenger, get on, get off, push, stand in line, turn, necessary, waiting room, queue, jumper, patient, at the head of, live, knee, hurt, laugh at, mistake, alone, plastic, throw about, have a good time, change, in fact, at midnight, arrive, complain, quarrel with, surprise, police, voice, enjoy oneself, etc.
care, half-way, Manchester
学科能力 To master the following daily expressions: You’ll have to drive on the left. You mustn’t stand in line and wait for your turn. Do you think it necessary for us to learn to wait? If you don’t go soon, you will be late. You mustn’t eat anything until you see the doctor. When I grow up, I will be a nurse and look after patients. But how many will there be? You must stop making so much noise.Grammar:The usage of must & have to.The adverbial clause of time introduced by “when”, “before”, “after”.The adverbial clause of condition introduced by “if”.
思想方法 To use the language and fulfill activities of listening, speaking and writing about the text.
教育性目标 德育渗透 通过对话和课文的学习,培养学生遵守交通规则和社会公德的意识。
发展性目标 良好心理素质的培养 1. 通过组句练习,培养学生思维的逻辑性和条理性。2. 通过if引导的条件句和must, mustn’t 的教学,引导出不同的做法会导致不同的后果,培养学生思维的深刻性和正义感。
Unit 17 You must be careful!
I. Teaching Aims and Demands:
1. The Ss learn the words and expressions in the texts and learn to use them.
2. The Ss learn to use the language and fulfill activities of listening, speaking and writing about the text.
3. Practice the use of “must” and “have to”, the adverbial clause of time introduced by “when”, “before”, “after”, and the adverbial clause of condition introduced by “if”.
II. Teaching Key Points:
1. The words and expressions about warning of transportation rules and about seeing a patient.
2. Reading the text “The Queue Jumper” and the text “Stop Making So Much Noise!”
3. Practice the language about warning of the transportation and seeing a patient.
III. Teaching Difficulties:
1. To learn the useful expression in the two texts.
2. Use of “must” and “have to”.
3. To use the adverbial clause of time introduced by “when”, “before”, “after”, and the adverbial clause of condition introduced by “if”.
IV. Teaching Methods:
Self-study, group discussion, task-based learning
V. Teaching Media:
tape, recorder, computer, multi-media sys. courseware, flash disc.
VI. Time Allocation:
Period 1: Listening and role practice
Period 2: Reading the text “The Queue Jumper”
Period 3: Reading the text “Stop Making So Much Noise!”
Period 4: Exercise
Period 5: Check up the missing points and quiz.
Period 1
I. Teaching Aims and Demands:
Practice the listening skills through exercises.
The Ss learn the language used in warning and ordering about the transportation.
II. Teaching Key Points: the language used in warning and ordering about the transportation and seeing a patient.
III. Teaching Difficulties: To use the language freely when warning and ordering about the transportation and seeing a patient.
IV. Teaching Medias: tape, tape recorder, computer, flash-disc, multi-media sys.
V. Teaching Procedures:
Step1. English Song listening (10’)
1. Check the lyric of the song “I just call to say I love u.”
2. Listen to the “Summer Wine”
Step2. Listening practice (10’)
1. (《质监》) Text books closed, the Ss do the Ex1 of L65 and L66 in page 30 in the blue book.
2. (《质监》) Do the Ex1 in page 32 and the Ex2 of page34.
3. Open the text book and turn to page 76. Do the Ex2. If you find out any mistake in the tape, please put up your hand and tell me.
For picture 1, the woman only has two children, not three; in picture 2, the bus that is coming is number 12, not 11; in picture 3, the woman is waiting in a train station, not a bus station.
Step3. Text learning (15’)
1. (Textbook) Turn to page 11, ask a pair of students to read and act the dialogue. Ask another pair to read and act the Ex1 in WB—Page73.
Guess the meaning of “hit” and “There is heavy traffic.”
2. Make sentences together.
3. Analysis of the text
○1 must modal verb, 主观“必须”,与be连用表示“想必,一定”,否 定回答“needn’t 不必”和“can’t 不可能”. mustn’t “千万不能”。
have to 客观“必须”,有时态数格变化。
e.g. Student must work hard.
We have to stay on the way because of the rain.
You mustn’t talk in class.
“Must we stay here after class?” “Yes, you must. / No, you needn’t.”
“Who is at the door? ” “It must be Lin Tao.” “No, it can’t be him. He is on business in Shanghai, now.”
She said she had to/must go right now.
○2 careful adj.
care n. take care of carefully adv. careless adj. carelessly adv.
e.g. Be careful! = Take care! = Look/Watch out!
Be more careful with your work. (Not to make mistakes)
Be careful of/take care of your health. (Not to be harmed)
○3 nearly adv. =< almost
e.g. He nearly/almost hit on the wall.
表示感情或思想状况时,通常用almost,修饰no, nothing, none, never等 否定代词或副词时用almost。very, pretty, not后只能用nearly.
e.g. I almost think he is right. (更接近事实)
Almost nothing could stop him.
Almost none of us knew the way.
I almost never see her.
It is not nearly so easy as you think.
The car is very nearly new.
I get almost no help from others.
○4 hit-hit-hit-hitting
e.g. He hit his leg on the wall.
The little boy hit the dog with a stone.
He hit me in the face/on the back/in the stomach.
○5 make a lot of noise
e.g. noise of the machine/traffic
Light goes much faster than sound.
The girl has a beautiful voice and can sing well.
The noise woke me up.
There was a strange sound just now.
He spoke in a low/loud voice.
○6 disturb v.
e.g. Please keep quiet in the reading room. Don’t disturb other people.
○7 get on the bus; get off the bus
get into the car; get out of the car
○8 turn n./ v.
e.g. It’s your turn to wash the dishes today.
wait for one’s turn to do sth.
They came into the classroom in turn.
turn left/right/around/round turn over the page
turn the key in the lock The trees turn green in spring.
turning n.
○9 if conditional adverbial clause
e.g. If I am free, I will go with you. / I’ll go with you if I am free.
We will go to the zoo tomorrow if it doesn’t rain.
If the traffic light is red, you must wait.
Please put up your hands if you want to ask questions.
○10 when, before, after, until, as soon as adv. clauses for time
e.g. You may go home after you finish your homework.
When you cross the road, you must look carefully.
He will be back until it is dark.
I will give it to him as soon as I see him.
When the policeman asks you to stop, you must stop.
! I started to learn English when I was ten.
Where did you live before you moved here?
I told her the news as soon as I saw her this morning.
Step4. Group work (5’)
Discuss about the signs in page73 as well as the pictures on the screen, and talk about what we should do when we see these signs.

Group report: try to use “We must do sth. when we see the sign.” or “We mustn’t do sth. when we see the sign.”
Step5. Homework (5’)
1. Group homework: each group finish one list about five things we must do and five things we mustn’t do at school. [by Wed.]; prepare a short play according to the text in L66. [Represent on Wed.]
2. WB: Pg73-Ex2; Pg74-Ex2&Ex3.(After previewing the text)
Period 2
I. Teaching Aims and Demands:
1. Finish learning Lesson 66 “The Queue Jumper”.
2. Language points in L65 and L66.
II. Teaching Key Points: Language points in L65 and L66.
III. Teaching Difficulties: To discuss about the good behaviors in public.
IV. Teaching Medias: tape, tape recorder, computer, flash-disc, multi-media sys.
V. Teaching Procedures:
Step1. English Song listening (5’)
Listen to the “Summer Wine”
Step2. Language points in L65. (15’)
○2 careful adj.
care n. take care of carefully adv. careless adj. carelessly adv.
e.g. Be careful! = Take care! = Look/Watch out!
Be more careful with your work. (Not to make mistakes)
Be careful of/take care of your health. (Not to be harmed)
○3 nearly adv. =< almost
e.g. He nearly/almost hit on the wall.
表示感情或思想状况时,通常用almost,修饰no, nothing, none, never等 否定代词或副词时用almost。very, pretty, not后只能用nearly.
e.g. I almost think he is right. (更接近事实)
Almost nothing could stop him.
Almost none of us knew the way.
I almost never see her.
It is not nearly so easy as you think.
The car is very nearly new.
I get almost no help from others.
○4 hit-hit-hit-hitting
e.g. He hit his leg on the wall.
The little boy hit the dog with a stone.
He hit me in the face/on the back/in the stomach.
○5 make a lot of noise
e.g. noise of the machine/traffic
Light goes much faster than sound.
The girl has a beautiful voice and can sing well.
The noise woke me up.
There was a strange sound just now.
He spoke in a low/loud voice.
○6 disturb v.
e.g. Please keep quiet in the reading room. Don’t disturb other people.
○7 get on the bus; get off the bus
get into the car; get out of the car
○8 turn n./ v.
e.g. It’s your turn to wash the dishes today.
wait for one’s turn to do sth.
They came into the classroom in turn.
turn left/right/around/round turn over the page
turn the key in the lock The trees turn green in spring.
turning n.
○9 if conditional adverbial clause
e.g. If I am free, I will go with you. / I’ll go with you if I am free.
We will go to the zoo tomorrow if it doesn’t rain.
If the traffic light is red, you must wait.
Please put up your hands if you want to ask questions.
○10 when, before, after, until, as soon as adv. clauses for time
e.g. You may go home after you finish your homework.
When you cross the road, you must look carefully.
He will be back until it is dark.
I will give it to him as soon as I see him.
When the policeman asks you to stop, you must stop.
! I started to learn English when I was ten.
Where did you live before you moved here?
I told her the news as soon as I saw her this morning.
Step3. Make sentences (2’)
Ask the Ss to do the Ex3 in turn.
Step4. Pre-read of lesson 66 (3’)
Ask the Ss the following questions and let a few of them to answer:
a. When you are at a bus stop, do you wait in line for the bus? Why or why not? How about when you are in the dining hall at school? Why or why not?
b. How do you feel if someone doesn’t wait for his/her turn?
c. Do you think it necessary for us to learn to wait?
Learn about the nobility and good manners.
Step5. Language Points in L66 (15’)
○1 Do you think it necessary for us to learn to wait?
“it” is formal object and “necessary” object complement. We can change it into Obj. clause: Do you think it is necessary for us to learn to wait?
○2 A “queue jumper” is a person who doesn’t wait for his turn to do something and get before other people in the queue/line, a line of people waiting for doing something. The verb phrase is “jump the queue”.
○3 waiting room
reading room meeting room dining room
○4 patient n. sick person who is seeing a doctor.
adj. You must be patient and careful. It’s easy to make mistakes when you are copying so many words.
○5 wait for sb. to do sth.
e.g. Mum usually waits for us to have supper together.
wait for sb. wait for the train wait long/a minute
○6 At the head of/end of the queue was an old woman.
inversion of the adverbial for place, usually used together with an VI.
e.g. Here comes the bus!
Behind the house stands an apple tree.
On the hill were many green trees.
In the front of the classroom is a boy.
○7 sick & ill; well & good
e.g. He is ill/sick/well/healthy.
He is a sick/healthy boy.
○8 visitor n. a person who is visiting a place
on a visit [n.] to
e.g. Many foreign people come to China to visit the Great Wall.
He is visiting a sick friend.
She is on a visit to England.
○9 the country opp. of the city
e.g. He likes living in the country more than in the city.
Our country is becoming more and more beautiful.
[adj.] country music country life
○10 her knees hurt badly (hurt-hurt)
[vt] She hurt her leg when she fell off her bike.
Her words hurt me deeply.
[vi] Does your head hurt? Yes, it hurt badly.
○11 first 序数词,一般与the连用,以下情况除外:
a. 已经有形容词性物主代词 e.g. This is our first lesson.
b. 已经有名词所有格 e.g. This is Jim’s first visit to China.
c. 已经有指示代词 e.g. That first building is our school.
d. 表示名次时 e.g. He was second in the long jump.
○12 be before sb. be after sb.
e.g. Li Lei is before me, but Kate is after.
After you.
What are you after? = What do you want for doing so.
○13 laugh at
e.g. Don’t laugh at me if I can’t act well.
They all laughed at Jim’s Joke.
We should laugh at the difficulties and not be afraid of them.
He made everyone laugh. He laughed best, who laughs last.
My mother came back with a smile.
Step6 Homework-checking (5’)
1. WB: Pg73-Ex2; Pg74-Ex2&Ex3.
Step5. Homework
1. Preview L67, and do Ex 3 in Pg13.
2. Do the exercises of L65&66 in 《质监》
3. WB: Ex 2 & 3 in book.
Period 3
I. Teaching Aims and Demands:
1. Reading comprehension and language points in L62.
2. The use of “may” & “can”
II. Teaching Key Points: Reading “What a good, kind girl!” and language points.
III. Teaching Difficulties: Learn to use “may” & “can”.
IV. Teaching Medias: tape, tape recorder, computer, flash-disc, multi-media sys.
V. Teaching Procedures:
(Class11 finished checking Ex1 in Page68; Class12 finished language points in L61.)
Step1. Homework checking
1. TB-Page68. Ex1: check with ppt. and correct with a red pen in the exercise book. (Only Class12 does this)
2. Ex2: listen to the text and do it with the whole class. Check it.
Step2. Analysis of the text
1. at/on the corner --- outside corner, around a turning
in the corner --- inside corner of a room or a box
e.g. The fruit shop is on/at the corner.
There is a ball in the corner of the room.
The boy is sitting in the corner of the classroom.
2. on one’s way to [prep.]
on one’s way to do = be going to do
e.g. My mother is on her way to the shop.
She is on her way to buy a new dress.
3. What’s the matter [n.]? What’ the matter with sb./sth.?
What’s wrong [adj.] with sb./sth.?
matter [v.] 有关系,要紧
e.g. It doesn’t matter if you are late for my class once or twice, but it will really if you are always late.
“Sorry, I broke your cup.” “It doesn’t matter.”/ “Not at all.”
4. sick [adj.] (no comparative or superlative forms), predicative & attr.
ill [adj.] (worse, worst) predicative = sick; attr. = very bad
e.g. He is ill yesterday. Today he is even worse.
She is going to visit a sick man in the hospital.
5. in hospital 表示与地点有关的抽象意义
in the/a hospital 表示某个具体的地点
e.g. He is in hospital. He works in a hospital.
My mother is sick in hospital, and my husband is working in the same hospital.
The students go to school everyday.
She went to the school to see her teacher yesterday.
My mother is sick in bed last night.
There is a book in the bed.
Don’t talk in class. She is the tallest in the class.
6. maybe [adv.]
e.g. Jim may be at school now. = Maybe Jim is at school.
My teacher will be very angry with me, maybe.
My teacher may be very angry with me.
7. here 在句首,名词主语倒装,代词主语不倒装。
e.g. Here is a letter for you.
Here you are. Here it is.
Here comes the teacher. Here she comes.
8. may  (a)征求意见,请求允许,第一人称
e.g. May I go now? Yes, you can/may/please. No, you can’t. ( (b)推测,可能性 e.g. Be careful! You may hurt yourself!
(c)与can相比,can用于谈论一般的、技能性的可能性,may   指具体事例发生的可能性;may not可能不,can not不可能;may正是 场合表许可、建议,can一般场合;can侧重能力,如表示允许,指客观 条件,may指主观允许。
e.g. She may also come to the party. It can be very cold here in winter.
She may not know about the news. But I’m not sure.
She can’t know the news. Nobody ever told her.
You may/can go to my office for advice.
Ok, that’ all for today. You may go now.
If you have a dictionary here, you can use it.
9. take: It takes/took sb. some time to do sth.
cost: (cost, cost)物作主语,花钱,需代价
 spend: (spent,spent)人作主语 sb. spend money/time on sth./(in) doing sth.
pay:(paid,paid)人作主语,花钱 sb. pay money for sth.
e.g. It took us a week to finish the work.
It takes many man to build a house.
The book cost me six yuan. I spent six yuan on the book.
I paid six yuan for the book.
The children spent a whole night watching TV.
He spends two hours on English every morning.
The new TV cost us 2000 yuan.
If you lose it, you must pay for it.
10. far away (from) far [adj.] away [adv.] from [prep.]
e.g. The post office is quite far away. The post office is quite far away from here. The post office is quite far from here.
The hospital is about 200 meters (away) from here. (不用far)
11. late [adj.] be late for later [comparative] later on
e.g. Half an hour later she woke up.
I think it is going to be warmer later on.
He found his pen after 3 days/3 days later(过去时).
Step3. Home work
1. Every num.3&4 in each group are on duty this time. Please prepare a dialogue according to the Ex3 in Page9(Recite) and draw the map on the Bb.
2. Read the text of L62 3 times and ask one of your parents to sign his/her name.
3. Recite the first 3 paragraphs of the text in Ex5 in Page9.
4. Pair-work: (《质监》)Page18, make up a dialogue.




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