新课标初中英语预备课程教学案Uint8 Our things

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Uint8 Our things
一、Aims and demands:
1.Learn the new words:
walkman comic watch radio computer scarf sticker hair clip locker apple pear a pair of sunglasses beside snake can coke trainer pet goldfish duck chicken rabbit yours mine hers theirs ours
(1).Do you have……?
Yes,I do./No, I don’t have any.
(2)Whose ……is this/that?
Is it yours, Nick?
No, It’s not mine. It’s _______.
(3)Whose……are these/those?
Are they yours, Andy?
Yes, they are mine.
3.To master and use 名词性物主代词 correctly.
二、Important and difficult points:
To master the new words and drills
to use the two kinds of pronouns correctly
my your his her its our your their
mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs
4.Writing and drawing
5.Acting as much as possible
The First Period (Listening)
Step1 Revision:
Ask some students to come to the front and act out some dialogues.
Step2 Present: 用实物或图画呈现: ball, scarf ,A pair of glasses, computer, sticker, CD, watch and hair clip 向学生介绍这些实物的英文单词,并将单词写在黑板上。
Step3 Practice:
1.Listen to the tape
2.Let the students read after the tape
3.Ask the students to make dialogues with the things and pictures
S1:What’s this?
S2:It’s a……
S1:What are these?
S2:They are 厖
S1:Is this a?.
S2:Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.
S1:Are they厖?
S2:Yes,they are./No,they aren’t
S1:Do you have a/any厖?
S2:Yes, I do./No,I don’t.but 卙as
Step4Playing games:
Make the students several groups in three or four,
Show the things and pictures, Let students guess what it is. Who can say it out quickly and correctly? Who is the winner? In this way,let the students learn the words easily and quickly.
Step5 Discussion:
Let the students discuss Part B. Using the Pictures and then write down the owners of the things.
Step6 Listening:
1、先提出问题:Who has a ball?然后播放录音,让学生带着问题听。第二遍播放录音,并让学生回答问题:Who has many friends?让学生听第三遍录音,将其余的人物和物品配对,然后讨论并核对配对结果。
2、请学生用自己的语言将Part B的信息进行整合,并表达出来。给一到两分钟的时间准备,之后请几位学生上台陈述。
1.Please memorize all the new words.
2.write a short passage of no less than five sentences to describe things your friends have. Try to use the new words in this lesson.
1. 米莉,2. 你有随身听吗?
Do you ____ ____ Millie?
No, I _____.But ___ ___ Andy ____ one.
Do you have ___ ____, Andy?
Yes. I have ___. They ___ in my school bag.
Lily ___ a beautiful _____.
____ brother ___ a ___ of ____.
The Second Period(Speaking)
1.Go over the words
2.Ask some students to read their compositions
Step2 Present:
拿起自己的书对学生说It is my book .It’s mine.
将这两个句子写在黑板上。再拿起一本学生的书,问这位同学 Is it your book?帮助他回答Yes, it’s mine 而对这位学生再次强调It is yours 将your book 和yours写在黑板上,仍旧拿那位同学的书问另一位学生。Whose book is it?帮助学生回答:It’s his/her book. It’s his/hers 将his book ,his ,her book和 hers 写在黑板上,用同样的方法呈现ours ,yours,和 theirs
2.Let the students look at the blackboard .找出形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词之间的关系。帮助学生找出关系后在my book和mine之间划“=” 、
my your his her its our your their
mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs
Step3 look at some pictures and talk about who are they ? what’s it? What colour is it?
Step4 Listen to the tape and answer the following questions
Whose ball is it?
Whose ball is black?
What colour is Peter’s ball?
Step5 Open the books and practise the dialogues
Step6学生三人一组,用一只棕色球或一支黑钢笔或其他东西,Make up some similar dialogues让几组学生到前面来表演。
Step7 Play a game
S1:Is it yours ?
S2:No it’s not mine .It’s his /hers/ theirs
No , it’s not ours .It’s_____’s
S3:Yes, it’s mine
Step8 Homework
Listen to the tape and recite the dialogue.
1.This is _____(我的) pen. That’s_____(你的)
2.Where are ____(他们的) clothes?
3.This book is not_____(我的) clothes?
4.______(他们) are new students
5.Please look at_____(他们)
6.Let _____(我) have a book.
7._____(谁的)shoes are these?
8._____(我的) bike is black. What about ____(他的)?
9.Are these _____(你的) flowers?
No, they aren’t_____(我的) . They are _____(他的)
10.What’s the name of _____(他们的)teacher?
_____(她的) name is Miss Gao.
The Third Period
Step1 Revision
Go over the drills We learned in the last period .
Excuse me ,is this your pencil-box?
Yes, it’s mine
No, it’s not mine It’s hers/ his /_____’s
Step2 Learn new words
thing , locker , apple , pear , some snacks ,
sun glasses, teddy bear , basketball , a can of coke , trainers
如:Do we have lockers in our school?
Do you like apples.
I like pears very much.
I like pears very much.
What about you?
behind, beside ,on the right of
4.Read the new words and do more speaking
Step3 Listen to the tape and answer questions
1.What school are the students in?
2.Who has some apples in his locker?
3.在黑板上画四个小朋友,分别写上Lily, Millie , Nick 和Peter 的名字,让学生默读后,试将文中提到的物品按人物归类
Step4 Practice:
Ask some students to come to the front, According to the pictures and things, try to retell the text. At the same time, fill in the blanks on the slide shows
In Beijing Sunshine _____school, there are some _____for students. The students can put _____things in the lockers .In Lily’s, there is an ____and some pears .Behind the pears , there are some _____. She also has a pair of_____ in her locker. What about Millie ? What does she _____in her locker? She has a bear in it. On the _____of the bear, there are some CD’s and hair clips. Boys _____have many things in their lockers
Nick has a _____ in his locker .He also has some_____ books. Peter has a tennis racket. There are cans of ______beside it. The boys also have their _____in their lockers
Step5 Homework
(1) Read the text and recite it
(2) Listen to the tape and Do Exs on Page101
The Fourth Period
Step1 Greetings
Step2 Revision
Ask and Answer
1. What do you have in your desk?
I have __________
2. What does Andy have in his /her pencil-box?
He/she has ____________
3. Whose walkman is this?
It’s mine (yours, hers, his)
4. Whose rackets are these?
They’re mine (yours, hers, his )
如:1.Are there any lockers for students in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School?
2.What’s in Lily’s locker?
Step3 Present.
1.Look at the pictures and talk about them
What’s this ? Whose is it ?
What are these ? Whose are they ?
2.Fill in the blanks 用正确的物主代词完成对话 ,让学生说出答案,然后集体订正 ,归纳总结物主代词的用法。
3.Let the students read the dialogue together, one by one ,or in a group of three or four
4.Ask some students to come to the front and act out the dialogue vividly. Some can make up similar dialogues
Step4 Do some exercise on the slide shows.
1.I have a comic book in it. (用the girl 替换主语)
The ____ ____a comic book in it.
1. she has a pair of sunglasses in her locker (对画线部分提问)
What ____ she ____in her locker ?
2. Nick has a computer in his room . (改为一般疑问句)
____Nick ____ a computer in his room?
3. Whose watch is this?(改为复4. 数形式)
Whose___ ___ ___?
5. I have some stickers.(改为否定句)
I ___ ___ ___stickers.
6.Whose flowers are these ?(同义句)
Whose ___ ___ ___ ?
Step5 Homework :
1.Listen to the tape and read the dialogues.
2.Do Exercise in the WB
The Fifth Period
Step1 Greeting
Step2 Revision
Revise the new words and drills
Step3 Have a dictation .
单词 comic watches scarf sticker snake can trainer pet goldfish chicken rabbit beside locker theirs
词组 1.a pair of sunglasses
2. an old watch
3.beside the apples
4.behind your trainers
5.a duck pet
6.two goldfish pets
句子 1.你有一块橡皮吗?不,我没有。但Lily有一块
4.我们的电脑在桌子 上面,你们的在哪呢?
Step4 Pronunciation
Open the books and look at the picture.
[z] [r] [s] [h] [θ萞 [w] [j]Step5 Practise the dialogues on Page 61
What do you often do at the weekend?
I often read books at home.
Do you often visit your friends? Yes,I do
Do you go fishing at the weekend?
No, I don’t.
完成P61的调查表 My classmate’s weekend
Unit 8 单元测试
1. 选择划线部分读音不2. 同3. 的选项(5分)
( ) 1. A. happy B. family
C. what D. can
( ) 2. A. job B. comic
C. doctor D. walkman
( ) 3. A. locker B. hers
C. others D. secondary
( ) 4. A. coke B. door
C. ball D. floor
( ) 5. A. look B. good
C. too D. book
A) 根据句意或首字母填入所缺单词(7分)
1. Do you have any comic b_______? What a______ your sister?
2. Nick’s c_______ has a basketball.
3. Millie doestn’t have any hair c______. But Lily h_____ some.
4. These are their rackets. O______ are in the classroom.
5. What d_____ Li Fen have in her box?
B) 用所给词的适当形式填空(8分)
1. _________(who) model plane is this?
2. -Is this your _______ (brother) photo?
--No, it’s_______(my)
3. What _______ they_______(have) in their lockers?
4. Could you give tow _______(can) of Coke?
5. There are three _______(pair) of trainers . Whose are they?
6. The students don’t have _______(some) pets.
( )1.---they have a basketball?
---No, they don't have _____.
A. Are, one B Are, a
C. Do, one D. Do, a
( ) 2.---Do you have any story books?
---Yes, I have _____.
A. books B. any
C. some D. a
( ) 3.Are these pictures_____?
A. your B. yours
C you D. yours'
( )4.We_____any pets
A. don't have B. have no
C. have not D. aren't have
( ) 5.There _____an apple and some _____on the desk
A. is, watchs B. is ,watches
C. are, watchs D. be, watches
( ) 6.My brother has two _____ in his room.
A. pair of sunglass
B. pairs of sunglass
C. pair of sunglasses
D. pairs of sunglasses
( )7.What_____the girl ____in her box?
A. do , has B. does , have
C. do , have D. does , has
( )8._____the left of the old man , there is a tree.
A. On B. In
C. At D. Beside
( )9.In_____,there are some red hair clips.
A. Lily box B. Lily's box
C. Lilys' box D. the Lily's box
( )10.The purple flowers aren't ______.
They are ______.
A. our , their B. ours , their
C. our , theirs D. ours , theirs
( )11.I _____snacks.
A. have no B. am not have
C. have not D. not have
( )12.These aren’t _____pets. They ‘re_____.
A. he’s , hers B. his , her
C. his , hers D. his , she’s
( )13.______the boy beside the window?
A. Whose is B. Which is
C. Who’s D. Where’s
( )14.---What’s that?
---Let me _____. Oh , it’s a rubber.
A. have look B. see
C. to look D. to see
( )15.---Is this locker_____ or ______?
---It’s Millie’s.
A. Millie匧ily
B. Millie’s匧ily
C. Millie匧ily’s
D. Millie’s匧ily’s
----Nick , is this ______ plane ______?
----No , it isn’t _______.
2. 你们有表吗?
_______you have ______watches?
3. 米莉的储物柜里有什么?
What ______ Millie ______ in her locker ?
4. 在游泳池旁边有为学生准备的柜子。
Beside the _______ pool , there are _____________ students.
1. What’s the Chinese for “VIP”?(改为同2. 意句)
What’s VIP _____ _____ ?
2. This shirt is David’s.(对划线部分提问)
Whose _____ ______ shirt ?
3. The woman in the red blouse is Lucy’s mother .(对划线部分提问)
______ ______ is Lucy’s mother ?
4. I have no hair clips. (改为同意句)
I _____ _____ _____ hair clips.
5. Whose rackets are these? (改为同意句)
Whose______ ______ rackets?
6. These snacks are his . (有Tom 改为选择疑问句)
______ these snacks ______ ______ ______ ?
Tom : Is this pen _____ , Jim?
Jim : Let me have a look . Oh , it isn’t ______ . ______ pen is blue .But Lucy has a pen like this . I think it’s _____ .
Tom : Where is ______?
Jim : She is on the playground .
Tom : Let’s go and find her .
Hi , I am Liu Ying . Do you ____ me? Today I am ____ a green shirt and brown trousers.
This is _____ dog . It _____ two black eyes. I like _____ very much .We often together . That’s my grandfather. _____ is very good .He is wearing black shoes. He looks after his _____everyday. His bird is very beautiful. It’s a black bird .I like my _____ dog, and my grandfather ______ his black bird.
( )1. A. look B. know
C. guess D. listen
( )2.A.wearing B. putting
C. wear D. put on
( ) 3.A.his B. her
C. my D. mine
( )4.A.have B. has
C. are D. there are
( ) 5.A.its B. they
C. it's D. it
( ) 6.A.playing B. play
C. are D. studying
( ) 7.A . He B. She
C. It D. He's
( ) 8.A.dog B. bird
C. goldfish D. rabbit
( ) 9.A.black B. white
C. green D. brown
( ) 10.A.like B. is like
C. likes D. to like
A : I have some clothes here. Whose are they?
Look ,here's a blue sweater .Is this yours , Ann?
B: It's not mine .Mine is black .I think it's his.
C: Yes, it's mine, Mr Smith
A: Here you are, Jim. You must look after your things!
now, this blouse, whose is this white blouse?
D: It's mine, Mr smith.
A: Ok, here you are. Put it on, please. What about these
grey socks? Are they yours, too, Amy?
D: They look like mine, but not. I think they're Mary's.
A: Is that right, Mary?
E:I I think the red ones are mine, the grey ones are
A: Here you are, Bruce! You must look after your things!
Oh!, where is my brown hat?
B: Here it is! On your head!
A: Oh, dear! Thanks a lot. Let's go and play together.
( ) 1.Whose is the blue sweater ?
A. Ann's B. Jim's
C. Amy's D. Mary's
( ) 2.How many children are there in the dialogue(对话)?
A. Four B. Five
C. Six D. Seven
( ) 3.Who is D?
A. Mary B. Jim
C. Bruce D. Amy.
( ) 4.What colour is Mr Smith's hat?
A. Brown B. Grey
C. Blue D. Black
( )5.Where is Mr Smith's hat?
A. It's on the desk
B. It's in his hand
C. It's on his head
D. We don't know.
1。What's colour is your bag?_______
2.these English books are our.______
3.My rackets are on floor.______
4.Who's are these green pencils?_____
5.The girl in a red hat is Li Ming sister.____
L__1__at this picture. The girl i__2__a red blouse is
Wei Ha. She is in NO.15 M_3___ School. There is a m_4___
near her. W_5__ he? He is Wei Hua's father. He is forty.H_6__
mother is behind her.T_7___ look very happy. Wei Hua h___8__
a little cat.I__9__ colour is w__10__ .What a nice picture!




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