人教版 高二Unit 6 Life in the future

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Period 1 Warming up and listening
Period 2 Speaking
Period 3 Reading
Period 4 Language study
Period 5 Integrating skills
Period 1 Warming up and listening
Teaching aims:
1. To encourage the Ss to use their imagination to talk about life in the future.
2. To improve the listening ability.
Teaching important points:
How to use imagination to talk about life.
Teaching difficult points:
How to improve the listening ability.
Teaching methods:
1. Listening-and answering activity to help the students go through the listening material.
2. Individual, pair work to make every student work in class.
Teaching aids:
1. a tape recorder 2.multi-media computer
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Lead in
1. Greetings
2. T: As we know, the 28th Olympic Games were held in Athens this summer. Did you enjoy watching the matches? How I wish I could have watched the exciting games there. What about you?
Qs:①If we have a chance, how can we travel there?(By plane/train …… )
②How will you communicate with the people there? /What language will you use?
③What are the houses and buildings there like?(It is a modern city
with a long history, so there are many tall buildings and
historical sites.)
④When we do some shopping there, what kind of money will we
use? Will you carry a lot of cash? What about some credit
Step 2 Warming up
T: It’s no wonder we are living a very convenient life in modern times. Science and technology is also developing very fast nowadays. Suppose now we have a time machine and we will fly to the year 3004. Can you imagine what our life will be like in the future?
Qs: ①What will humans look like in the future? What will people
eat? Will people still get sick?
②Where will people live at that time? Will people live on some other planets? What will the houses be like?
③What will schools be like in the future? What subjects will people study? Where will people work in the future? What kind of jobs will people have?
④ How will people communicate in the future? What languages will people use at that time? Will they still understand Chinese and English?
⑤How will people do business in the future? What kind of money will people use?
⑥How will people travel in the future? Where will people go and why?
Let the Ss discuss the previous questions in groups first, then report the discussion.
Step 3 Listening
1. T: Now we’ve got many great and interesting ideas about the life in the future and today we will have such a friend who has a similar life many years later. Shall we make friends with her? Well, her name is Mekanika.
Listen and find out the answers to the following questions:
Part1.①What year is she living in?
②Where does she live?
③What happened to the people on the earth?
④Why is she writing this letter?
Part2. How is Mekanika’s life different from ours?
time food school transportation
Mekanika’s life
Our life
Homework: Write to Mekanika and tell her about the things she wants to know.
Period 2 Speaking
Teaching aims:
To improve the students’ oral English by talking about human life in the future.
Teaching important and difficult points:
How to finish the task of speaking.
Teaching methods:
Individual, group work to make every student work in the activities.
Learning aids:
multi-media computer
Teaching procedures:
Step 1: Lead-in
2.T: In the last period, we predicted our future life. I think all of your imagination is very wonderful. I hope your dream can come true. And we also listened to a passage about Mekanika’s life on Mars. Do you still remember the information about her?
Time: Food:
School: Transportation:
T: Good. You have done a good job. But do you want to live such kind of life? Do you want to have a school like this? Is there anyone who prefers no schools in the future? (As we all know today’s school is very boring . We don’t like it. )
Good. I prefer no schools in future, but how about if people want to learn something? What will they do?
Step 2: Warming up.
1. Teacher shows Ss a video about how people will learn in the future.
Qs: Do you like this kind of learning? Or do you prefer learning directly from a computer or being planted with a microchip in your brain?
T: Yes, new technology may bring us many new things, but sometimes we have to choose the one which is much better for us.
2.T: Have you ever encountered this kind of situation? That is, for example you are learning at school, but at the same time there is also a wonderful movie being on, and you want to see it very much. Then what will you do? Can you do both at the same time? Maybe the answer is yes in the future. Look at these two girls. Are there any differences between them? Then look at the two boys in your speaking part. What are they doing? Can you find any differences between them?
T: No, actually one of them is cloned. With the development of technology, scientists will be able to clone human beings as well as animals. Suppose in the year 2089 , scientists have discovered how to make “doubles” , exact copies of a person that can do everything the original can do . Will you accept that? Why?
Step 3: Discussion /group work
Discuss this topic in groups of three to see whether you will accept human cloning.
Model dialogue given:
A: I think it would be great /wonderful to have a double, because ……
B: I don’t agree, no one can predict what /when ……
C: I’d like to have a double. Just imagine if ……
B: It would be bad for …….if ……so having a double might be dangerous.
D: Having doubles would make people confused, because no one would know who the double really was and how to treat it. For example ……
Step 4 : Pair work .
T: Now about the other things in the future? For example, last term we learned something about teleportation. We can transfer parts of human body to other place by new technology so that we don’t need any cars and there will be less pollution. What do you think about this invention? Or just as we saw, we can learn from a well-known computer instead of a school teacher, but can we just plant a silicon chip that contains much knowledge into our brain? You see the laser beam can cure all the pains and cuts for us. Will you accept it?
Accept Not accept

Step five: Prediction
Now we have talked a lot about future. Can you predict your classmates’ future? First, I’ll give you a few minutes to think about what kind of future your partner will have. Then please ask each other about what they think your future will be like.
1.Preview reading
2.Draw a picture about the future life according to your own imagination.




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