人教版 高三 Unit 11 整个单元教案

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Unit 11 key to success
Teaching aims and demands:
1. Get the Ss to read the two passages , knowing something about the key to success and improving their reading ability.
2. Get the Ss to know some important words ,phrases and sentences.
Teaching difficult points:
phrases: stick with through thick and thin for the sake of attach to
live up to sty hands-on …
1. Especially at school, it sometimes feels as if we are being asked to work in teams for the sake of just that.
2. Each offers gifts and processes that complement the others, contributing in a unique way to the qualitative functioning of the whole, whether the ‘whole’ is a team, a class, a family or a society. …
Time allocations: 3 periods
Period 1 Reading
Step I lead in
T: I want to move this desk to the 4th floor. But I can’t do it by myself. Who can help me? ( a student comes) we two did this job together. and what we can call the job?
-----it is team work.
T: where else do we need team work?
-----football, basketball, rugby, working…
Step 2 fast-reading what is team work? ( Para. 2)
Step 3 careful- reading
what kinds of team do the writer write? try to compare them.
Rugby team Project team
Similarities team work: individual people brought together, common goal , has a clear role, cooperate
Differences 1. made up of a certain number
2. goal---to win a match
3. members have different skills
4. coach
5. atmosphere
6. members should respect, help and support each other 1. members: people of different personalities and abilities (Para. 7)
2. take into account how each individual member works best
Step 4. summary ask students to divide the passage into 3 parts.
part 1: Para 1-2 general introduction of team work
part 2: Para 3-6 sports teams ( rugby teams)
part 3: Para 7-10 project teams
Step 5. further understanding
Para. 1: 1. Especially at school, it sometimes feels as if we are being asked to work in teams for the sake of just that. 特别是在学校里,有时我们感觉好象是为了团体活动而组织团体活动。
Para. 3: 2. It is important that all members of the team feel that each of them makes an equal contribution and that they help and support each other.
Para. 6: 3. As with sports teams, group work can …when group members respect…, while the work division…at the right level in the role that is …
Para. 7: 4. 整个段落用了三种不同的表达方式表达类似的意思
people who… people…are the ones… some are…
Step 5. record after teaching
Period 2 language points
Warming up:
1. stick with继续支持; 保持联系; 和……在一起
Stick with me, the best is to come.
Stick with him until you get out of the crowd.
2. through thick and thin不顾艰难; 同甘共苦; 祸福与共
She remained/ sticked with her husband through thick and thin.
3. pull out of out of
1) 丧失, 放弃
His family are living a poor life for his father has been out of work for months.
2) 超出…之外 My watch is out of order.
拓展 out of kindness/joy/shame/friendship/pity
out of water out of danger/date/order out of one’s reach
Reading Para. 1
4. what if…?
常用来引导问句, 表示 “倘若…将怎么样? 即使…又有什么要紧?
what if he doesn’t come?
What if they don’t agree with us?
5. for the sake of 由于; 为了…的利益; 看在某人的份上
for one’s/sth’s sake 为了…, 看在…的份上
He bought a house in the country for the sake of his wife’s health.
For goodness’ sake, will you stop that noise?
It is entirely for your own sake that I am speaking.
Para. 4 6. attach to
1) attach sth. to sth. 将某物系在另一物上 将某物与另一物相联系
Attached (to this letter) you will find…
Do you attach any importance to what he said?
Para. 6 7. division n. 分割;划分;分配;分歧;除(法);部门
They couldn’t agree upon the division of their family farm.
division of labour a sharp division of opinion
a division of the company
Thirty divided by three is a simple division.
Para. 7 8. keep an eye on照料;照管;密切注意
Keep an eye on the stove in case the coffee boils.
Please keep an eye on my clothes while I’m swimming in the river.
Para. 8 9. take into account= take account of
I’d his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.
A. take into account B. account for C. make up for D. make out
Para 9 10. embarrass vt. 使尴尬;使为难;使窘迫(常用被动)
He is embarrassed with debts.
I am just embarrassed what to say.
embarrassing adj. 令人为难的 embarrassment n.
be/feel embarrassed
integrating skills
Para. 2 11. congratulate congratulation(s) 复数,表叹词:恭喜
1) congratulate sb. on/upon (doing) sth
congratulate sb. on one’s marriage/ new job/ good exam results
2) congratulate oneself on/upon (doing) sth认为自己幸运或成功
You can congratulate yourself on having done a good job.
12. As the years went by
13. put the money to good use.
Para. 3 14.tend to
I tend to go to bed earlier during the winter.
Women tend to live longer than men.
15. live up to sth依照某事物行事;表现出符合某事物的标准
fail to live up to his parents’ expectations
16. shame 羞耻,惭愧
What a shame!遗憾的事,可惜 shameful可耻的 shameless不要脸的
ashamed羞耻,惭愧 I’m ashamed to do sty 不好意思做某事
Para 7 17. hands-on: practical亲身实践的,实习的
have hands-on experience
18. accommodate sth to sth 适应,迁就,迎合
Period 3 Ticket to Success
Step 1 Lead in
Most of us are studying here aimed at going to universities. Is it the only way to succeed?
Step 2 Fast reading
Q1: Li yonghong made two important decisions in her life. What are they? (Para.1、2)
1. Left school and took a one-year training course to become a hairdresser.
2. Learnt how to do make-up.
Step 3 careful reading
Q2: In order to become successful, what must you do? ( Para. 4、5、6)
1. explore your talents and get to know yourself so as to find out where your real interests lie.
2. follow what feels right.
3. we must make the most of our special talents and interests.
Q3: What are the different learning styles:( Para. 7)
1. schools and universities
2. to try, experiment and find their way through hands-on experience
Step 4 Summary and explain some language points.
difficult sentence: Each offers gifts and processes that complement the others, contributing in a unique way to the qualitative functioning of the whole, whether the ‘whole’ is a team, a class, a family or a society.每一种个性都有其才能和做事方法,对于其他个性有互补作用,以一种独特的方式提高整体运作的质量,不管这个‘整体’是一个团队、一个班级、一个家庭还是一个社会。




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