译林牛津 初一7B Unit 2 备课笔记

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7B Unit 2词组、句型及语法提纲
1 点一些食物 order some food
2 犯了一个错误 make a mistake
3 用钱买… buy…with money
4 比…少 less…than…
5 告诉某人关于某事 tell sb.about sth.
6 京剧 Beijing Opera
7 这样的一幢高楼 such a tall building=so tall a building
8 去散步 go walking=go for a walk
9 我们中的人多数 most of us
10 与…靠近 be close to
11 乘地铁 by underground(介词短语)
take an underground(动词短语)
12 空气污染 air pollution
13 玩得开心 have a good/great/nice time=enjoy oneself
=have(lots of) fun
14 国画 Chinese paintings
15 某人在作业方面需要帮助want/need help with one's homework
16 体育运动中心 sports centre
青少年活动中心 youth centre
17 举行一场晚会 hold a party=have a party
18 一组…;一群… a group of
19 给某人发一封电子邮件 send an e-mail to sb.
20 英国学生中的一个 one of the British/English students
21 艺术品 works of art
22 制定计划 make a plan
23 骑自行车 ride a bike(动词短语)
on a/the/one's bike=by bike(介词短语)
24 穿好色T恤衫的男孩 the boy in a red T-shirt
25 进行球类运动 play ball games
26 没关系;不要紧。 Never mind.=It doesn’t matter.=That's OK.
=That’s all right.
27 别的什么 what else=what other things
28 让我猜猜 let me guess
29 向某人道谢 say thank you to sb.
向某人问好 say hello to sb.
30 乐一整天/享受一整天 enjoy a full day
31 世界上最好的游戏 the best game in the world
32 带某人参观某地 show sb.around sw.
33 到达最近的城镇 get to the nearest town
34 带某人去某地 take sb. to sw.
35 想起、考虑 think of
36 许多要做的事 lots of things to do
37 住在像这样的地方 live in places like this
38 不必 don’t have to=needn’t
39 直到晚十点 until ten o’clock at night
40 在北京市中心 in the centre of Beijing
41 (来)对了地方 (be)in the right place
42 选择任何你喜欢的食物 choose any food you like
43 许多西方的餐馆 lots of western restaurants
44 教某人某事 teach sb.sth.
教某人做某事 teach sb.to do sth.
45 当地剧院 local theatre
46 一个给人们看戏或表演的地方 a place for people to watch plays and shows
47 将A与B匹配 match A with B
48 说普通话 speak Putonghua
49 种蔬菜和花 grow vegetables and flowers
1. There's no dog food. =There isn't any dog food.. 没有狗食了。
2. How many tins of dog food can we buy with that?我们可以用它来买多少罐狗食呢?
3. Maybe we can order a pizza. 也许我们可以去订个比萨饼。
4. Let's take them to the sports center. 让我们把他们带到运动中心去吧。
5. There’s less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.
6. Most of us live in places like this.=Most of us live in such a place.
7. You can shop until 10 o'clock at night. 你可以购物到晚上+点。
8. If so, you are in the right place! 如果这样的话,你就来对地方啦!
9. You can choose any food you like in Sunshine Town.
10. That is because you think football is the best game in the world!
11. Don't miss the great exhibitions.可别错过这些精彩的展览。
12. Would you like to go to the Palace Museum tomorrow?你想明天去故宫吗?
13. What time shall we meet in the morning?我们上午什么时候见面?
14. We shall be there at 9 a.m.to enjoy a full day there.
15. I'm going to show you around my hometown.我将带你四处看看我的家乡。
16. It takes about twenty minutes to get to the nearest town.
17. I'm going into town on my bicycle.我将骑自行车进城。
18. I think it is a wonderful place to live(in).我认为它是个很好的居住的地方。
19. The party was really great, wasn't it?这次晚会真的很棒,不是吗?
20. I really like the boy in the red T-shirt. 我真的喜欢那个穿红色T恤衫的男孩。
21. I'm afraid to be late.我怕迟到。
22. I sometimes go swimming in summer when it's warm and sunny.
23. How much does a bottle of orange juice cost? 一瓶橘子汁多少钱啊?
24. Let's take the exchange students to the Congqing restaurant instead!
25. I sent an e-mail to Mr Wu to say thank you because he helped us a lot.
26. That sounds great.
27. Why don't you go visit our local theatre with us?
= Why not go visit our local theatre with us?
= What about going our local theatre with us?
28. There are lots of fun and interesting things to see and to do.
29. I think thirtv of each will be enough.
30. There is nothing (=not anything) on the table now.
1)熟练掌握how much与how many的区别及用法
2) 熟练掌握no和none的用法与区别
4) 掌握冠词a, an,the及零冠词的用法。

7B Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town
Comic Strip
1. Teaching aims and demands:
2. Make suggestions about visiting places and doing activities
e.g. Let's go swimming.
3. Use "How much" and "How many", "no" and "none" to express quantities .
Warm-up activities
1. Ask students to read Comic Strip. And answer my question "How much money does Eddie have?"
2. Read the dialogue again , then ask them to act it out .
3. Language points
(1).There is no dog food, Eddie!
No=not any
e.g. I have no coats like this .=I don' t have any coats like these.
(2).How many tins of dog food can we buy with that?
【辨析】no one, none都表示否定,用法有所不同。
1) none可用来表示人或物,表示“(三个以上)一个也没有”,none常接of,当它做主语时,谓语动词既可用单数也可用复数。当它后接不可数名词的时候,谓语动词只能用单数。
None of us have/has been to the Great Wall. 我们中没有一个人到过长城。
None of the money is Mary's but her twin sister's.
none单独使用时,是用来代替文中提到的特定的人和物,no one和nothing并不指文中提到的人和物。
All of the exchange students were invited,but none(=not any girl) arrived.
宴请了所有的交流学生,但一个也没来。(如果用no one则意思是不仅交流学生没有来,连其他的人也没有来)
I would like to have some milk. But there is none left in the fridge.
2) no one一般指的是:“没有人”=nobody.一般不接of短语,做主语时候,谓语动词用单数。
No one knows what will happen tomorrow.没有人知道明天会发生什么事情。
用what, who提问的句子要分别用nothing, on one (nobody)来回答。
用how many, how much提问的句子用none来回答。
一What's in your schoolbag, Millie?一Nothing.
一Who’s in the classroom? There is still a light lighting in it.
一Nobody. Maybe the student on duty forgot to turn it off.
e.g. We write with pens.
(3).Maybe we can order a pizza.(P20)
【辨析】maybe和may be一分一合,但含义和用法却截然不同。
1) maybe是副词,意思是“也许、可能”,在句中做状语,相当于perhaps,常位于句首。
2)在may be中may是情态动词,be是动词原形,两者构成完整的谓语形式。意思是:“也许是,可能是”。
Why doesn’t the little girl like to go to the zoo? Maybe she is afraid of animals.
Why doesn’t the little girl like to go to the zoo?She may be afraid of animals.
Where is Mr. Brown? Maybe he is in the office.
Where is Mr. Brown? He may be in the office.
Welcome to the unit
Teaching aims and demands:
New words: badminton
Teaching aims:
1. To revise vocabulary about activities and places in new situations
2. To make suggestions about visiting different places
Teaching procedures:
1. Ask students to do Part A and B on their own using the information provided in the pictures prompts
2. Ask students about what they can do in their local areas. Then ask them to write four sentences about what they like and could do in their areas.

Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town
Teaching aims and demands:
New words: underground, air, pollution, area, country, lake, building, such, place, like, close, far, hey, until, souvenir, so, western, local, theatre, teach, dirty, take, less
Teaching methods: task-based approach
Teaching task:
1. To read and learn about something about Sunshine Town.
2. To grasp the main idea of each paragraph..
3. Ask students to write an article to introduce their own home town, using the context as a model.
Teaching aids: tape recorder, pictures
Teaching procedures:
1. Ask some students some questions "Are there any tall buildings in your home town?" "What can you do in your town?" , etc…
2. Presentation
(1). Use the pictures to teach the new words.
underground air pollution lake building theatre
(2) Now let's listen to the tape and say "T" or "F" according to the text.
Check the answers with the whole class.
① It takes 40 minutes to walk to the center of Beijing from Sunshine Town.
② There is less air pollution in Sunshine Town.
③ Many students live in tall buildings.
④ There are only two shopping malls in Sunshine Town.
⑤ You can eat Beijing Duck in Sunshine Town.
⑥ You can enjoy Beijing Opera at the theatre.
(3) Ask students to read the text after the tape.
(4)Language points:
① It is only 40 minutes from the center of Beijing by underground.
= It takes 40 minutes to go to Sunshine Town from the center of Beijing by underground.
② There is less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.
less是little的比较级,表示“更少的”意思,用来修饰不可数名词(air pollution)。
Less ... than--→more ... than...
e.g. An elephant is heavier than a horse.大象比马重。
There is less water in this glass than in that one.
I have more books than he.
③ Here is such a tall building. such+a/an+adj.+n.(single)
Look,here is such a tall building.=here is so tall a building.(P22)
[辨析] so,such都可表示程度,意思是“如此、这样”。
1) so是副词,用来修饰形容词和副词。
He is so excited that he can't say a word.他兴奋得说不出话来。
I have never seen such an interesting book before.我从没有看过如此有趣的书。
2) 在用于单数名词前是,such,so位置不同。
such + a/an +形容词+单数名词; so十形容词十a/an+单数名词。
e.g. such a beautiful garden; such an interesting story
It is such an amazing thing=It is so amazing a thing
It was such bad weather.天气这么糟糕。
I don't know such things.我不晓得这样的事情。
4)如果不可数名词被much, little,复数名词被many, few等表示量的形容词修饰,只用so,不用such。
He has so many books, his bookshelves are full.他有这么多的书,书架都满了。
a: 如果主语是名词,动词在名词前。Here comes the bus.公共汽车来了。
b: 如果主语是代词,则动词放在代词的后面。There he goes.他走了。
④ be close to =be near→ be far from
⑤ We do not have to go far if we want help with our homework
If...... +clause...…,…clause… 如果……,……
[辨析】have to,must都是情态动词,表示“必须”。
have to强调是客观因素要求“不得不,只好”去做,可以用于多种时态(一般不用于进行时),而且有人称和数的变化。用do,does,did等助动词构成疑问和否定式。
一般现在时 一般现在时(三单) 一般过去时 一般将来时
have to has to had to will have to
My mother was ill last Saturday,so I stayed at home and looked after her.
We must study hard because the future of China belongs to us.
Must we finish writing the composition this week? No,you needn't.
He must be in the classroom,I saw him clean the blackboard just now.
⑥ You can shop until ten o'clock at night in Star Shopping Mall.(P23)
Until the last minute of the match we tried our best.
2 )not…until直到……才……
I didn't go to bed until/till I finished my homework yesterday.
误:We walked till/until the end of the forest.
正:We walked to the end of the forest.
⑦ We can take you to other shopping malls.(P23)
[辨析] another,the other,others,the others
I don't want this coat. Please show me another.
the other①特指两个中的另一个
He has two sons. One is a worker, the other is a doctor.
Tom likes swimming,and the other boys in his class like swimming,too.
He often helps others.他经常帮助他人。
Some are playing basketball, others are playing football.
the others特指确定范围内剩下的全部人或物。
There are fifty students in our class.Twenty of them are girls,the others are boys.
⑧ You can choose any food you like in Sunshine Town.
Any: 任何 you like修饰前面的food
⑨ If so,you are in the right place.
If so=If you would like to eat Chinese food.
e.g. Tom is a good boy. Do you think so?
⑩ Why don't you visit our local theater with us?
Why don't you do=Why not do
e.g. Why don't you go swimming?
Why not come with me?
○11 Everyone in Sunshine town speaks Putonghua.(P24)
[辨析] every one, everyone虽然词形相同,但词性和意义不尽相同。
every one表示“每一个,人人”时,等同于everyone,,
every one还可以表示“每一个(东西,事情)”,one是代词。
注意:我们可以说every one of them,不可以说everyone of them,
I know every one of them well.我非常了解他们中的每一个人。
He was very hungry,he ate every one of the cakes.他太饿了,把蛋糕都吃光了。
【辨析] every,each都有“每个”的意思。
Every child likes playing games.每个孩子都喜欢玩游戏。
Each student was asked to try again.每一个学生都被要求再试一次。
Each of them has a nice skirt.他们每个人都有件漂亮的裙子。
(5) Sum-up
Go through the new words and language points.
Finish the Ex of Page 24 and 25.

Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town
Vocabulary & Grammar
Teaching aims and demands:
New words: waiter, shopper, cashier, sick, hospital, ham, clip, beef, fork, plate, each, loaf, packet, carton, Coke, either, right, thirsty, finger, hold, week, group, exchange
Teaching methods: task-based approach
Teaching task:
1. To develop an understanding of names of occupations and names of related places
2. To use names of places to describe their functions
3. To use "How much" and "How many" to talk about quantities.
4. To use "no" and "none" in the context of quantity.
5. To recognize and use the definite article.
Teaching aids: tape recorder
Teaching procedures:
I . Warm-up
Ask the students to talk about what their parents/uncles...... do
II . Vocabulary
1. Revise the names of occupations and names of related places.
2. Learn new vocabulary and spelling
waiter cook teacher student doctor nurse shopper cashier
restaurant school hospital supermarket
III. Grammar
1. Revise the key vocabulary about food items
Ask students to identify countable and uncountable nouns of food.
2 . Complete the sentences
How many +countable nouns(pl.)
How much + uncountable nouns
e.g. How many apples do you need?
How many eggs do you have?
How much Coke do you need?
3. What else do we need?(P28)
else做形容词用在疑问代词who, what和不定代词something, anything, nothing, nobody, anybody后做定语,else做副词用在疑问副词when, where后面做状语。
I love this park very much. When else shall we come again?
other做形容词常用在名词或代词one,,one s的前面做定语。
I can't answer your question. You'd better ask some other people.
I prefer this film to the other one.两部电影相比较我更喜欢这部。
4. Complete the conversation with "no" or "none"
(1) no =not any no +noun.
e.g. She has no friends.
No ones knows.
There is no water in the glass at all.
(2) none prep.没有人或没有东西
e.g. None of them are listening to you.
Is there any time left? No, none at all.
5. The article "a" , "an" , "the"
My father is a driver.
Do you like an apple or a pear?
An elephant is bigger than a horse
A monkey can climb trees.
A student from Class Two runs fastest.
A man is calling now.
There is a book on the desk.
A panda has a mouth,a nose and two eggs.
half an hour, a lot of, have a rest, a moment ago
I have a new pen. The pen is a present from my dad.
(7)世界上独一无二的事物 the sun,the moon
(8)序数词前,表示方位的名词前,形容词最高级前the first, in the south, the best
(9)乐器名词前 play the piano
The Browns(=the Brown family) are going to Shanghai for a holiday.
(11)一些形容词前表示一类人the rich,the old
the Great Wall, by the way, in the morning
①节日,星期.月份,季节,年,学科前 in summer, in August, on Sunday
China, Grade Two,Mr. Li, Dr. Liu
③表示颜色,语种和国家前in purple, Japanese, England
have breakfast, play football
Language Points:
C2 : The party was really great,wasn't it?(P31)
一The twins won’t go to the Summer Palace the day after tomorrow,will they?
一Yes,they will.一No,they won't.
构成反意疑问句的前一部分的陈述句要同后一部分的简短疑问句的主谓语在时、体、人称和数上都要保持一致。The film is very exciting,isn’t it.
1.如果陈述部分包含有否定形容词no, little, few,否定副词no, seldom, never,否定代词few, little,none,no one,nobody,nothing时,疑问部分用其肯定形式。
My grandpa has never been abroad,has he?
Few people know the accident,do they?
There is no meat in the fridge,is there?
3.当陈述部分的主句是I think,I believe等结构时,附加疑问部分则与that一分句中的主语和谓语动词保持对应关系,但要注意否定的转移。
I think Tom runs fastest of all,doesn’t he?
I don't think John is a good student,is he?
4.祈使句的反意疑问句往往在陈述部分之后加will you:
Don’t shout at others,will you?
Let's go home now, shall we?我们现在回家吧,好吗?
Let us go home now, will you?让我们回家,行吗?
IV. Discussion (task)
Have a discussion and find out the use of the article.
V. Homework
1. Review the contents of this lesson.
2. Do the Ex of the workbook.

Unit 2 Welcome To Sunshine Town
Integrated skills and Study skills:
Integrated skills:
Teaching aims and demands:
1. To listen for detail and abstract information about making arrangements.
2. To order information from a tour guide's introduction.
Teaching procedures:
I . Bring some pictures about famous local places to class. Ask a few very general questions. "Do you like the place?" "Have you visited there?" .
II . Go through some key vocabulary items in Part A 1 &A2: exhibitions, golden, thrones, pottery
III. Tell students to fill in the table in Part A2 carefully, then check the answers.
IV. Notes
Baohe Palace---works of art
e.g. I like reading the works of Shakespeare.
At last I found work in the city.
V. Explain to students that they will listen to a tour guide's introduction.
Listen to the recording. Ask them to do the task on their own first., then check answers.
VI. Ask students to read Simon's notes in Part A4. Play the recording again and ask students to complete Part A4. Check answers as a class.
Part B
I. Read after the tape.
II. Two students in a pair and role-play the conversation
III. Ask students to make a new dialogue. Using the dialogue in Part B as a model.
IV. Talk to students about making arrangements.
e.g. visiting friends, going to cinema, going to a restaurant.
I .Teaching aims
To recognize the number of syllables in a word from listening and reading.
II. Teaching the new material
1. Talk to students about the sound and intonation of English.
2. Say a few simple words which students know well. Ask students how many beats they can hear.
girl, boy, dog, home
tea.cher, bro.ther, sis.ter, stu.dent,
to.mor.row, yes.ter.day, cin.e.ma
3. Go through the examples in Part A
4. Listen to the tape and write the number of syllables they hear for the words in Part B.
5. Check answers.
6. Ask students to do the puzzle in Part C.
7. Play the recording for Part D. After checking the answers, ask more able students to write the number of syllables they hear

Unit 2 Welcome To Sunshine Town
Main task & Checkout
Teaching aims and demands:
Teaching methods: task-based approach
Teaching task:
1. To become familiar with a new text-script.
2. To organize language and descriptions to achieve interest.
3. To read a video script to the class.
4. To assess recognition of things we can find in a town.
Teaching procedures:
I . Warm-up
Ask the student to have a free talk.
II . Main task (Part A)
1. Talk to students about the purpose of writing a video script. It is important to engage students' interest at this stage as free writing takes a lot of courage.
2. Encourage them to bring in pictures, and make sketches and drawings to go with their texts.
3. Tell students that they need to organize pictures and text. They can use the planning notes on Page 35 as a guide.
4. Go through the notes under "Town" and ask students to choose 2 or 3 items.
5. Ask students to describe some items on the "things to do" list, e.g.
where they can do things and how they feel about it.
6. Ask students to write about their home town. Ask students to focus on writing for a specific audience, the British exchange students.
7. Then ask students to work on their own to number the items in the order of how much they like each item. Next, ask them to write down on the right side of the paper some reasons.
III. Main task (Part B)
1. Ask students to work in pairs. Have them read John' s video script in Part B 1 and discuss his home town. Then invite comments, e.g. Do you and your partner like John's home town? Why?/Why not? Would you and your partner like to visit it? Why?/Why not?
2. Ask students to plan their own video script using the questions in Part B2 as a reference.
3. students rewrite their video scripts on a separate sheet of paper and add illustrations.
Language Points:
B1: I hope you can come and visit soon.(P36)
【辨析】 hope,wish
He hopes to be a doctor.我希望成为医生。
I hope she will be well again.我希望她会痊愈。
注意:“希望某人做某事”,英语习惯上不说hope sb. to do sth.
误:I hope you to come back early. 正:I hope you will come back early•
We wish you to be happy.我们希望你幸福。
I wish I could fly to the moon in a spaceship one day.
Let's wish you a long life.祝你长寿。
IV: Checkout (Part A)
1. Ask students to write down the key language items they learned in this unit. Ask some of them to write on the blackboard.
2. Ask students to read the gapped conversation first before completing the sentences. It's important for them to have a general understanding of text and the context.
3. Set a time limit. To encourage students to read the conversation before writing.
4. Check the answers.
V. Checkout (Part B)
1. Tell students about word-search puzzles if they are unfamiliar with them.
2. Set a time limit of 5-10 minutes.
3. Ask more able students to make a word snake of their own.




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