人教版 高三unit8-9词汇解析 |
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新教材高三整个学年单词详解(Unit8&9) Unit8 motivation n. 1.) 动力,动机 the motivation for learning 学习的动力 2.) 积极性;干劲 She insists her success is due to motivation rather than brilliance. 她坚称自己取得的成就靠的是干劲,而不是才智。 stick vt. 1.) 刺;戮;刺死 stick a pig 宰猪 2.) 钉住;插牢 stick a butterfly钉制蝴蝶标本 3.) 粘贴;张贴 They stuck the notice on the wall. 他们把通知贴在墙上。 4.) 【口】放置 Her younger sister helped her stick a flower in her hair. 她妹妹帮她把一朵花插在头发上。 5.) 伸,伸出 Don’t stick your head out of the train window. 不要把头伸出火车窗外面。 6.) 使停止;阻塞 The ship has been stuck here for a week by bad weather. 由于天气恶劣,船只被阻在此已经一周。 vi. 1.) 粘住;钉住 This stamp won’t stick. 这张邮票贴不上。 2.) 陷住;梗塞;被困住 A fish-bone stuck in his throat. 他喉咙里卡了一根鱼刺。 acquire vt. 1.) 取得,获得 The museum has just acquired a famous painting by Pablo Picasso. 该美术馆刚刚获得一幅毕加索的名画。 Gradually we acquired experience in how to do the work. 我们逐步获得了做这工作的经验。 2.) 学到;养成 She has mastered English grammar and acquired a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher. 她在没有老师指导的情况下,掌握了英语语法,学到了大量词汇。 acquisition n. 1.) 获得,取得[U] He devotes his time to the acquisition of knowledge. 他把时间用在获取知识上。 2. 获得物;增添的人(或物)[C] This dress is Amy’s new acquisition. 这衣服是艾米新添置的。 instruct vt. 1.) 指示,命令,吩咐 He instructed me to deliver it to a customer. 他吩咐我把东西送去给顾客。 2.) 教授;训练;指导[(+in)] My job is to instruct her in English. 我的工作是教她英语。 3.) 通知,告知 My agent has instructed me that you still owe me $150. 我的代理人告诉我你还欠我一百五十美元。 anxious adj. 1.) 焦虑的,挂念的[(+about/at/for)] I’m anxious about her safety. 我对她的安全担心。 2.) 令人焦虑的 The week of the flood was an anxious time for all of us. 闹水灾的那一星期是使我们大家都焦虑不安的日子。 3.) 渴望的[F][(+for)][+to-v][+that] We’re anxious for your safe return. 我们盼望你平安归来。 We were anxious that there be no misunderstanding. 我们极愿没有误解。 I could see that she was anxious for Laura to go. 我看得出她巴望劳拉去。 I’m really anxious to see him. secure adj. 1.) 安全的,无危险的[(+from/against)] Now my house is secure against burglary. 现在我的房子无被盗窃之危险。 2.) 安心的,无忧虑的[(+about)] You have made me feel secure. 你使我觉得放心。 3.) 有把握的,确定无疑的[(+of)] Our success is secure. 我们的成功是有把握的。 adopt vt. 1.) 采取;采纳;吸收 After much deliberation, the president decided to adopt her suggestion. 总经理再三考虑之后,决定采纳她的建议。 2.) 过继,收养[(+as)] Mr. Kern adopted the orphan as his own son. 克恩先生将那孤儿收养为自己的儿子。 3.) 正式通过,接受 The agenda was adopted after some discussion. 经过讨论,议事日程获得通过。 level n. 1.) 水平线;水平面[C] The village is 1,000 meters above sea level. 这村子海拔一千米。 2.) 高,高度[C][U] The flood rose to a level of 50 feet. 洪水涨到五十英尺高。 3.) (文化等的)水平,程度,标准[C][U] These students have not reached an advanced level yet. 这些学生尚未达到高级班的程度。 4.) 级别;地位[C] They are holding a conference at ministerial level. 他们正在举行部长级会议。 association n. 1.) 协会,公会,社团[C] Have you joined the teachers’ association? 你加入教师协会了吗? 2.) 联合,结合;交往[U][(+with)] I benefited much from my association with him. 我跟他的交往中获益匪浅。 3.) 联想,联想物[C][U] What association do you have with the color green? 绿色会使你产生什么联想? appropriate adj. 适当的,恰当的,相称的[(+to/for)] She picked up a dress appropriate for the occasion 她挑了一件适合该场合穿的衣服。 Unit 9 abuse vt. 1.) 滥用,妄用 He abused his power while in office. 他在职时滥用权力。 2.) 辱骂;毁谤 You are always abusing and offending people. 你总是出言不逊得罪人。 3.) 虐待,伤害 Those captives were physically abused. 那些俘虏遭受了肉体上的摧残。 n. 1.) 滥用,妄用[C][U] There is no freedom that is not open to abuse. 任何自由都可能被滥用。 2.) 辱骂[U] She greeted me with a stream of abuse. 她一见我就吐出一连串的污言秽语。 3.) 虐待;伤害[U] Child abuse is widespread in this country. 这个国家虐待孩子的情况很普遍。 insurance n. 1.) 保险;保险契约[U] 保险业[U] I found a job selling insurance. 我找到一份推销保险的工作。 She works in insurance. 她从事保险业。 2.) 保险金额;赔偿金[U][(+on)] He has $100,000 life insurance, which his wife will receive if he dies first. 他有十万美元的人寿保险,如果他先去世,他的妻子将得到这笔钱。 3.) 预防措施;安全保证[U][S1][(+against)] I bought some new locks as an additional insurance against burglary. 我买了一些新锁具以进一步防止盗窃。 4.) 保险费[U] The insurance on my house is very high. 我的房屋保险费很高。 allowance n. 1.) 津贴,补贴;零用钱[C] The child has a weekly allowance of five dollars. 这孩子每星期有五元零用钱。 2.) 分配额;允许额[C] His allowance for food is $100. 他拨出一百美元用于购买食物。 3.) 承认;允许[U] the allowance of a claim 对要求权的允准 4.) 认可;容忍[C][U] the allowance of segregation 对种族隔离的容忍 pressure n. 1.) 压;按;挤;榨[U] The small box was flattened by the pressure of the heavy book on it. 小盒子被这本厚厚的书压扁了。 2.) 压力;压迫;紧迫;催促[U][C] He works well under pressure. 他在有压力的情况下工作很出色。 3.) 困扰;艰难[U] These old people are unaccustomed to the pressure of modern life. 这些老人不习惯现代生活的紧张压力。 consult vt. 1.) 与...商量 I’ll do nothing without consulting you. 我采取行动之前一定和你商量。 2.) 找(医生)看病;请教 He went to town to consult his doctor. 他进城去看医生。 3.) 查阅(词典、参考书等) He consulted his notebook repeatedly during his speech. vi. 1.) 商议,磋商[(+with)] We will consult together about her education. 我们将一起商议她的教育事宜。 2.) 当顾问[(+for)] The retired executive consults for several large companies. 那位退休的总裁在好几家大公司当顾问。 fee n. 1.) (付给律师、医生等的)酬金,服务费[C] I’m afraid I can’t afford the doctor’s fee. 恐怕我付不起给医生的酬金。 2.) 费(如学费、会费、入场费等)[C] They charge a small registration fee. 他们收一点注册费。 3.) 赏金,小帐[C] vt. 付费(或小帐)给 She feed the waiter. 她付给侍者小费。 significance n. 1.) 重要性, 重要[U] The proposals they put forward at the meeting were of little significance. 他们在会上提出的建议无足轻重。 2.) 意义, 含义; 意思[U][S] He did not understand the significance of my wink. 他没有领会我眨眼的意思。 devotion n. 1.) 献身;奉献[U][(+to)] We appreciated his devotion of time and money to the project. 我们感谢他为这一项目花费的时间和金钱。 His devotion to science is well known. 他对科学的献身精神为人熟知。 2.) 忠诚;挚爱,热爱[U][(+to/for)] devotion to music 热爱音乐 |
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